Evan's Alphas

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Evan's Alphas Page 4

by D. J. Heart

  “Can you...” Evan starts to ask something, but doesn’t finish.

  “Can we what?” Peter asks.

  “Can you both? At the same time?” Evan asks, blushing beet red. Peter grins, and Chad looks positively delighted.

  “You want us to take you at the same time? Both of us?”

  Evan nods, licking his lips and looking up at Peter like he’s some kind of angel fallen from heaven. It’s moments like this that Peter is glad that they have an omega.

  Well, that’s not really accurate. Peter is always glad they have Evan. It’s moments like this that make his cock happy that they have an omega.

  “We’d be happy to. Just let us know if it gets to be too much, okay?”

  Evan nods, a pleased little smile curling his lips.

  “Fuck yeah,” Chad growls, reaching into his pants and freeing his cock. He’s just as hard as Peter, though his shaft is dry where Peter’s is glistening with spit.

  Peter carries Evan into the bedroom, instructing Chad to lie down on the bed and for Evan to straddle him.

  “Fuck yourself on his cock, Evan. Take it all,” Peter commands, watching Chad’s cock twitch as it pushes up between the cheeks of Evan’s ass.

  Evan moans in pleasure as he takes Chad to the hilt, already loose from being fucked earlier in the night, not a hint of hesitation as he slides down the huge pole.

  “Good boy,” Peter purrs, crawling up behind Evan and pushing him flat down on Chad’s chest. Chad wraps his arms around Evan’s upper body, holding him tight.

  Peter holds his cock by the base, the throbbing length greedy for Evan’s ass, lining himself up with Chad’s member and shoving it in. He sinks into Evan’s tight heat, inch by slow inch.

  Evan grits his teeth in pain, body going tense, and Peter waits until he’s relaxed before pushing in further. It’s so tight, it takes all of Peter’s concentration not to shoot his load on the spot.

  “How are you doing?” Peter asks when he’s about three quarters of the way in. He’s sweating, cock throbbing as he works it in next to Chad’s rod.

  “Good,” Evan says, sounding breathless and hot. “Feels so full. I love it.”

  Peter grins, baring his teeth, and thrusts in the rest of the way. Evan screams, ecstasy mixed with pain, combining to produce pure pleasure.

  “Are you ready to get fucked?” Peter growls, grabbing Evan by the hips. He’s going to fuck him hard.

  “Yes. Fuck yes,” Evan says, sounding high.

  Peter doesn’t hesitate. He pulls out and slams back in, starting up a punishing rhythm designed to have him coming fast. Evan screams, biting down on Chad’s shoulder and making the younger alpha grunt in pain.

  “Fuck, Peter!” Chad says, making Peter grin.

  “Look at that, he’s claimed you,” Peter says, making Chad smile wide.

  “Yeah,” Chad moans, sounding pleased. Not one to be outdone, Peter leans down, still fucking Evan as hard and as fast as he can, and bites the other side of Chad’s neck.

  “Fuck!” Chad cries, pupils blown wide, looking wrecked.

  “You’re mine,” Peter growls. It sends Chad over the edge. He can feel Chad’s cock throb, and the next thing he knows Evan’s ass is overflowing with come. Chad’s knot expands quickly, pushing against Peter’s shaft, and Peter needs to come now if he wants them to knot Evan together.

  The fact that being claimed by Peter made Chad come is more than enough to send Peter over the edge. He comes hard, their combined loads filling Evan to overflowing.

  “Ow ow ow,” Evan chants, squirming.

  “You can take it,” Peter soothes, letting Evan take his weight as he collapses down on the omega’s back. “You’re okay. You can take it.”

  Once Peter and Chad’s knot have expanded all the way, the two of them filling Evan’s hole to bursting, Evan calms down. The omega is still breathing hard, but there are no more pained whimpers.

  “You okay?” Chad asks, stroking Evan’s flank.

  “Big,” Evan answers. When it becomes clear he doesn’t have anything more to say, Chad laughs. It’s a pleased sound, coming from deep within his chest, and it makes Evan smile.

  Pushing up on his elbows so that Evan can breathe easy, Peter couldn’t be happier.

  Whatever trouble Chad’s omega rights calling brings Peter, it’s worth it to get to have this.


  Chad looks at his watch, grimacing when he sees that he’s a full hour early to his meeting with Logan Barnes, the head of the regional Omega Rights Advocacy group. Taking a seat on a bench outside the building, Chad pulls his phone out and starts checking his emails. It should eat up a little time, at least.

  It’s a nice day, the air cool and crisp, and Chad is glad he opted for one of his heavier leather coats when he headed out that morning. Zipping it up all the way to his throat, hands protected by cashmere-lined leather gloves, Chad is more than comfortable.

  As he sits there, enjoying the fresh air, he can admit to himself that he’s a little nervous. He’s new to the omega rights movement, and once he’s found good alphas for all the omegas, he has no idea how to proceed.

  “Mr. Brand?”

  Chad looks up. A tall beta in a slim fitted suit, dark hair combed back from an angular face, hovers a few feet away. He looks nervous. Chad smiles, his most affable grin, and stands up.

  “That’s me,” he says, picking his backpack up from the bench and slinging it over his shoulder. When the beta just looks at him, eyes wide and reeking of nervous sweat, Chad prompts him. “I have an appointment with Logan Barnes at four? I’m a little early, so I figured I’d get some work done instead of barging in.”

  The beta smiles and nods, though he’s still nervous. Chad pretends not to notice, but it is a little weird. Chad can be intimidating when he wants to be, but Peter is usually the one who gets reactions like this when he isn’t even trying.

  “Well, I’m Logan. It’s fine that you’re a little early. No problem. Would you like to come inside?” Logan steps back, reaching for the door behind him, waiting for Chad to answer before pulling it open.

  “Sure. If it’s not a problem,” Chad says, trying to put the smaller man at ease. Chad is big and wide, tall and muscled even for an alpha, though he can’t remember ever affecting anyone quite like this. The poor beta looks like he expects Chad to attack him at any minute.

  “Oh, no. Not at all. Everyone else has already gone home. I was just waiting for you,” Logan says, blanching like he’s said something offensive. “Not that I’m not happy to meet with you. I am. Anything I can do to help.”

  Chad keeps smiling, a little nonplussed. “Well, thank you. I appreciate it,” he says, walking into the building as Logan holds the door open for him.

  The inside of the office is not much warmer than the air outside, though Chad pulls off his gloves to be polite and stuffs them in his pocket. How Logan isn’t freezing in his thin suit, Chad has no idea.

  “If you’d just step this way,” Logan says, inching past Chad and hurrying across the small office. Looking around, Chad isn’t impressed. It’s tiny, just a few desks scattered around, and everything is old and worn. The computers look like something from another century, and the furniture is one good kick away from crumbling.

  It’s a far cry from the Omega Research Center Chad visited the day before.

  “Right in here,” Logan says, pushing the door to his office open and stepping inside, leaving it open for Chad. He hurries behind his desk, sitting down and gesturing for Chad to pull up one of the plastic chairs lining the wall.

  “Thanks,” Chad says, taking one of the chairs and sliding it in front of Logan’s desk. His body is far too big for the small seat. It makes him feel like a little kid, but he doesn’t say anything. He’s coming to Barnes asking for a favor. The last thing he wants is to insult the man.

  “So…” Logan says, licking his lips, eyes darting from Chad to the door. “What can I help you with?”

  Chad blinks, shi
fting in his seat, wondering how to phrase his request.

  “I need a list of alphas that have donated to your organization,” he says at last. Logan’s face shuts down.

  Not quite how Chad had meant that to sound.

  “I’m sorry,” Logan says. “We can’t give you that. Our donor lists are confidential. It would be illegal for us to give out that information.”

  Logan’s voice is firm, but there is sweat beading on his brow.

  “I’m not saying this right,” Chad says, smiling ruefully. Logan pulls back like he’s being threatened, and Chad doesn’t know how to put him at ease. “I’m not sure if you’ve heard about the recent challenge between Richard Cruz and my mate, Peter Tank?”

  “I understand he stole your omega,” Logan says, voice carefully neutral. Chad grimaces, the memory of Evan’s ordeal still making him feel like a failure. He doesn’t like thinking about it.

  “And so Peter snapped his neck,” Chad says, the satisfaction in his voice evident. “Are you familiar with the legalities of a challenge like that?”

  “Just the basics,” Logan says, still tense and weary. He must think that Chad has some nefarious purpose in mind for his visit.

  When Barnes doesn’t say anything else, Chad frowns, then forces himself to smile. Logan Barnes is not nearly as pleasant or accommodating as Chad is used to from a beta.

  It throws him.

  It occurs to Chad that Logan might have sent everyone home early in anticipation of Chad’s visit. He should have realized that Logan might not think having Chad ask for an appointment was a good thing.

  “Well, Peter inherited all of Richard Cruz’s omega houses. Since Peter and I have no interest being in the omega business, Peter has put me and one of his team leaders in charge of figuring out what to do with the them.”

  Logan just blinks. “Figure out what to do with… the omegas?” he asks after a second, looking wary.

  Chad grins, but Logan doesn’t respond to the smile. Chad relaxes his face. “Yes. We want to rehabilitate them, but we’re having some trouble locating suitable alphas.”

  Logan doesn’t say anything. He just stares like he’s trying to make sense of Chad’s words, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “You want to rehabilitate the omegas?” he asks after a lengthy pause, the words incredulous.

  Chad should have explained more. He should have started by telling Barnes exactly what he and Dawn were attempting to do.

  “Of the omegas Peter inherited, thirty-six are still alive. My mate has agreed to pay for the treatment they need to bond with new alphas. What I need are good alphas that would be willing to take in an omega, and who won’t abuse them or try to sell them once they’ve been rehabilitated. I was really hoping you could help us find some.”

  “You can’t rehabilitate an abandoned omega, Mr. Brand,” Logan responds. He’s stopped looking at Chad like Chad is the devil, his expression sympathetic. “Once an omega is separated from their alpha, that’s it for them. They can’t be rehabilitated.”

  Chad is a little surprised that Logan doesn’t know about the ORC’s research, but then maybe he shouldn’t be. The ORC is the last place an omega rights group would go for help.

  “Are you familiar with a drug called y66?” Chad asks, leaning back in his tiny chair. It wobbles, and for a minute Chad is worried he’s going to topple over. It doesn’t happen.

  “No, should I be?” Logan asks, biting his lip.

  “It’s a drug developed by the ORC. They were looking for a way to pause an omega’s heat, and y66 was their last attempt before giving up on the project. The drug was meant to be given in intervals, allowing commercially owned omegas to rest and heal from the stress of being in heat, ultimately making them last longer,” Chad explains, Logan's mouth curling down in distaste.

  “That’s horrible. Do you know how badly an omega in heat suffers? It’s people like that who—”

  “Yes, I know. It’s terrible,” Chad interrupts, making Logan scowl. “I mean that. It’s terrible the way they treat omegas. But in this case it works to our benefit. The drug was a failure. It caused irreversible liver damage if used for more than one treatment, and fifty-nine percent of the test subjects died the second time the drug was administered. Not a single omega survived the third dose. The whole project was declared a failure and put on the shelf.”

  “How is that to our benefit? God knows how many omegas died, and for what? So that alphas like you could get their rocks off?”

  Chad ignores the harsh words, forcing himself to be calm. Never has he let a beta speak to him like this. Taking a deep breath, Logan rears back like he realizes he’s overstepped, and Chad explains:

  “It works to our benefit because we only have to administer one dose to stop their heats long enough to get them new alphas. After that, we don’t have to administer it a second time. Their alphas will prevent them from going into heat.”

  Logan looks dubious. “And this will work? How do I know that this isn’t just some scheme to get our donor lists? You and your mate don’t exactly have a history of championing omega rights, Mr. Brand. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

  “That was before we got an omega of our own,” Chad says, deliberately not taking offense. “And we already have your donor lists. Your computers have laughable security.”

  Logan’s eyes widen, only to narrow in fury. “You stole our donor list? How dare you? If you think—”

  Chad has had enough. Before he can stop himself he snarls, baring his teeth in a growl. Logan shuts up, going white in the face.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any—”

  Chad interrupts: “Mr. Barnes. I want to work with you and do right by these omegas, but if you talk to me like that again I will rip your throat out. Do you understand?”

  Logan nods, still looking scared.

  “Good,” Chad says, no longer angry. Logan has been put in his place, leaving Chad feeling like a typical alpha asshole.

  “Can I ask a question?” Logan asks, still pale as a ghost. Chad nods. “If you already have our lists, why even come here and talk to me?”

  “I just quit my job with Tank Security a while ago, and I want to become a full-time omega rights activist. I figured coming down here and making a good impression couldn’t hurt. Not that it worked out quite like I intended…” Chad smiles ruefully, Logan looking at him with an incredulous expression.

  “You don’t really seem like the equal rights type,” Logan says, swallowing.

  “I’m not. I think it’s an omega’s role to submit,” Chad says, as Logan is unable to hide what he thinks about that. “But I also think that an alpha has to be worthy of that submission. Omega houses, brothels, the whole system… it’s an insult to the natural order of things. An alpha that doesn’t protect and take care of his omega? It’s obscene.”

  Logan doesn’t seem to know quite what to do with what Chad is telling him.

  “I can’t give you permission to use our donor lists. It would be illegal. But I hope you succeed in helping your omegas. If it does work, I would be very grateful if you shared what you know about y66 with my organization.”

  Chad waits, but that is apparently everything Logan is going to say.

  “Well. Thank you for seeing me. I’ll send over my files on y66 and anything we learn about it.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chad stands, looking around the small office before taking his leave. He can feel Logan’s eyes on the back of his skull, the beta’s eagerness to have him out of his space a palpable thing.

  It’s a relief to get outside. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sees that he’s got a new message. It’s from Dawn, reading simply:

  Shipment has arrived.


  They’re drawing the human body, and the model is going to be nude. Evan stares at Professor Knope, an older woman with thin silver hair, his mouth open in shock. She can’t mean that the model will be completely naked, can she?

  Evan has never
seen anyone but his alphas and a few omegas from the center naked before. He wonders what the model will look like down there. He knows betas don’t have knots, but their junk can’t be just like an omega’s. Can it?

  “Remember to always treat the model with the utmost respect. Never touch him, and don’t be overly familiar…” Professor Knope keeps on talking, all common sense things, Evan nodding along and feeling excited.

  “I have to call Peter and get him to okay this,” Mark says, suddenly standing right behind Evan’s shoulder and talking into his ear.

  Evan frowns, but he doesn’t object as Mark leads him out of the studio and into the hall. Professor Knope gives them a concerned look, but he smiles at her to let her know everything is okay.


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