Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4) Page 14

by Crystal Spears

  Luce squats down, puts two fingers up to his neck, and feels his pulse. “All right, he’s dyin’. Can we go now?” she asks.

  I stand and hand her knife back to her. “Yeah, and Luce?” I say as she straightens up from her crouch.

  “Yeah?” she replies.

  “Thanks. Piper will appreciate your help,” I say sincerely.

  “It was nothing,” she growls. “Wait until we find the other motherfuckers. I’ll teach ‘em to ever fuck a woman without her permission ever again.

  I wrap my arm around my friend and walk towards my brothers. My blood boils as I watch Pyro limp in front of us. He is always the one that gets shot. That shit is fucked up.


  Chapter Twenty Five


  Sitting here waiting for Sniper to return is fucking torture. I don’t want him out of my sight right now. I miss him already and we just now got together. Some strange feelings loom inside of me. I want him so bad, and I am glad my tearing is minimal because I don’t know how long I can go without being with him. Us being final has me yearning for him. And, in the back of my mind, I want, no, I need his touch to erase what was done to me and I know it can. It has before. Sniper is the only male I have been with since my first kidnapping.

  “Hey babe, forgot to tell you what Winter and Braxxon are havin’,” Storm says as she sits beside me and hands me my nasty shake.

  I gesture for her to go on because I can’t talk for at least another day or so. The bruising to my muscles and the crack to my jawbone make it too risky to use my voice.

  “They’re having a girl. Can you believe it!”

  I try to smile around my straw but it still hurts. I am happy for them. They have known for a while what the sex of the baby is, but they have been keeping it a secret. I think they feared if they got too excited about it, something bad might happen. I am glad Winter is okay and the birth isn’t far away. We need happy in our world and this baby of theirs is exactly that. Happiness.

  “Braxxon is gonna go nuts. She is gonna have Winter’s beauty and attitude and Braxxon’s bad assery. Good god, can you imagine?”

  I shake my head. I watch as she dazes off to stare at the wall. I know she wants a baby, hell, I even do in the future, but to get pregnant and lose one shortly after finding out is sad. She deserves her happy, too.

  I look at the old cuckoo clock on Sniper’s wall and sigh. He should be getting back. I hope to hell I don’t become one of those clingy girlfriends.

  Storm’s phone rings and draws her attention from her thoughts. She looks at it and then at me, and her smile is blinding. “It’s your new man,” she teases as she answers.

  “Hello.” She giggles and I know she does it to irritate me. I hate gigglers. I only do it every so often and it isn’t an uncalled for, like the ones where I want to scream and say why the fuck are you tittering at something not funny? Yeah, those are the ones I hate, and hell if I don’t want to poke her with my straw. “She’s fine.”

  She keeps her eyes on me as she listens to him talk. “I’ll tell her. Yeah, okay. Later.” And she hangs up the phone. “He’s on his way. He said to tell my girl I’m on my way home. He also said me and Phish better be ready to clear the fuck out when he gets here.”

  If I was a squealer, I’d be doing that and jumping up and down.

  I hurry to suck my lunch through my straw the best I can, and Storm helps me clean up, brush my hair, and change out of my sweats before he gets home. By the time she puts my socks on my feet, he is walking in the door.

  “Darlin’,” he calls out.

  Storm and I look at one another. “God, he’s sweet, isn’t he?” she asks.

  I don’t answer her. Sniper has always been this way with me. Joking and caring. This is us, just with a new twist to our us.

  “Guess it is time for me to clear out,” she says as she pulls me into a gentle hug, careful not to squeeze my ribs.

  “Storm, you, ZZ, and Phish are gonna run and get me some stuff, yeah?” Sniper says as he walks over to me, bends down, and kisses me softly on the lips before bringing his gray eyes to my green. “Miss me?” he whispers against my lips as he stares at me. I nod my head and tilt my eyes back down to his lips, wanting another small, soft kiss. He chuckles and gives in. When he lifts away from my lips, he says, “Me too, darling, me fuckin’ too.”

  God, I’m in love. Fuck, who knew I was truly in love with him?

  “You guys need to clear out,” he growls playfully at all of them watching the two of us together. “I need to clean up, and I want my girl to watch. Go get the shit I asked for, please.”

  I push away from him, scribble on my paper, and hand him my note.

  “I am making them go get you some decent fucking food. The softest fuckin’ chocolate cake they can find so I can blend it with some vanilla ice cream.” He chuckles as he tosses the paper on the coffee table, and then with ease, lifts me into his arms and carries me to the bathroom.

  Sniper kicks the door shut, and with gentle care, sits me down on the closed toilet lid, and begins to strip. Oh dear god, he is trying to kill me.

  When his cut hits the floor, I gulp and continue to watch my man tease me. When his arms flex as he drags his shirt off, I want to lick every inch of his muscled, eight pack chest. Give each and every bulge the love it deserves. He twists his shirt in his hands and teasingly snaps me in the leg with it but gently. Could he be even more perfect?

  When his shirt drops to the floor and I hear the zipper of his jeans, my eyes follow it downwards. I slump and sigh as his cock comes into view. It is such a large, beautiful dick, and it is standing straight up. Hell if I don’t want to touch it. He must read it in my eyes because he says no with a tsk sound and shuffles out of his jeans after kicking off his boots and socks. Goddamn, if he got any hotter, I would melt right here in the bathroom on this toilet seat.

  He leans over the tub and starts the water, but he doesn’t climb into the shower. He stands there, wraps one hand around his cock, and leans against the wall.

  Is he seriously doing this to me?

  “Watch me stroke my cock for you, darlin’,” he says with a silky tone.

  Oh, I am watching. How the hell could I not?

  He brings one hand up to his mouth, spits in his palm, and drops it down to wet his dick. His movements become faster and harder with each stroke. Precum leaks from the head, and I want so very badly to lick it off him. When his breathing picks up, mine does, too. I could get off just watching this man make himself cum.

  He grunts, grips it so tight it turns bright red, and his cum shoots out, but his hand doesn’t stop. It keeps going until each drop releases from his beautiful cock.

  “It takes me seconds just by lookin’ at you,” he huffs, trying to catch his breath. “Fuckin’seconds.”

  He always knows how to make me feel better. His words are not something others might find endearing, but they are to me. When Sniper knows I am satisfied with his quick show, he leans down, kisses my forehead, and climbs into the shower and I slump against the back of the toilet.

  I am in so deep. So deep, that even if I wanted, I couldn’t escape to the surface if I tried.


  Chapter Twenty Six


  One week later

  We’ve been scouting out Petra’s place, watching how many men enter and leave. It is fucking exhausting, this wait to exact my revenge and end the pain and the suffering they caused Piper and Jinx. It is also torture to watch my girl walk around in barely there clothes and not be able to fuck her. Speaking of my girl, where the fuck did she go? I hate when she disappears and she knows this. I start searching the house. When she isn’t in the kitchen, living room, or hallway bathroom, I make my way to our bedroom. I open the door slowly because sounds seem to still spook her, and what I find is unfuckingbelievable. Candles are lit all over our fucking bedroom.

  “Darlin’,” I say with a crook when I see her on the bed with not an inch of c
lothing on her beautiful body. “What’s goin’ on?” I choke out.

  She can’t do this shit to me. I’m a caged fucking animal, and it has taken everything in me not to fucking pounce on her, as it is.

  “Sniper,” she whispers low.

  Oh fuck me, she is speaking. I shake my head no and start to back away. She isn’t ready for sex yet, and she shouldn’t be talking. This shit isn’t fair to either of us.

  “Stop,” she orders with another whisper. “I can talk, just not a lot, okay? And you just have to be careful, is all.”

  “You’re not ready. It’s too soon, Pipe. Too fuckin’ soon,” I whisper with a hoarse voice.

  “You’re my one and only. The only man I have ever allowed to have me.” She sighs. “Do you get that? The only man allowed. I want you, and only you. We just need to be careful, all right? Please, for me?”

  Me, be careful, after thinking I lost her and now knowing that I fucking love her? She wants me to be careful? And, I’m it for her? No pressure there at fucking all. None.

  Fuck, I want to throw her against a wall and pound us through the sheetrock. How the fuck is that in any way careful? Especially after hearing those sweet words from my girl.

  “No, baby, I’ll hurt you,” I say, holding up my hands and closing my eyes to shield my vision from her naked form. I want to strangle my girl right now. I can’t believe she is doing this to me. This shit is unfair.

  “Please,” she begs lightly. “I only want to feel you.”

  My eyes fling open. What does she mean she wants to feel me? What the fuck? Is she still thinking about what they did to her? I growl, look behind me, and contemplate an exit, but when I turn back towards her, the look on her face almost takes me to my knees.

  “I won’t last long, darlin’, not with you lookin’ at me like that,” I choke out as I strip from my clothes.

  “That’s okay, neither will I,” she replies sweetly.

  Fuck if it is okay. “No, no, it isn’t. You deserve forever.”

  She does her best to sit up with her hurt ribs and cocks her finger at me, and when I am shuffled out of my clothes, I slowly make my way over to her.

  How the fuck am I going to be gentle with her doe eyes looking at me like I am the man of her fucking dreams? Shit is fucked up.

  I get up on our bed and crawl over her on my knees, place one arm behind her back, and gently lay her back down. I know I will have to take care with her, and it will take all my strength to be slow and not to hurt her.

  “God, Pipe, you sure, baby?”

  She says not one word, but her smile lights up her face, and I take that as my go ahead. I spread her legs and take in her sweet cunt staring at me. How in the hell am I supposed to go gentle with her when her pussy is already glistening and her pierced tits are bared for me to see? This is sweet torture and I am being punished.

  “Any day now,” she whispers.

  I take a deep breath and move between her delicious thighs. I exhale as I enter her, and as soon as her wet walls suck at my cock, it takes every ounce of willpower I have inside of myself not to pound into her.

  “Slow, Perseus, slow,” she coaxes.

  And she had to use my name. Fuck, I am so fucked! I grunt and move in and out so slowly that my own dick wants to tear itself off and start ramming itself inside of her.

  “Piper, fuck baby, I can’t,” I choke.

  Shit. Fuck. Jesus all mighty!


  She wants me to stop talking but I can’t. I move in and out with ease and grunt when she starts making the sweetest fucking sounds I have ever heard come from a woman. She keeps getting better and better and she’s mine. All. Fucking. Mine.

  “Darlin’,” I whisper as I softly thrust inside of her, and she smiles at me. “I’m so in love with you, to the point to where there is no one else.”

  Tears form in her eyes as she smiles and says the words I have been searching my whole life to hear. “I’m so in love with you, too.”

  And just like that. I’m gone. I’m done. There is no one else for me. Ever.

  She. Is. It.

  I lay my body over hers without hurting her ribs and kiss her lips softly, and we both cum together. It is the most fucking satisfying feeling I have ever felt. We’re panting and breathing in one another’s air as we recover from our release.

  “It was right there,” she whispers.

  I pull my head out of the crook of her shoulder and look into her eyes when I have caught my breath. “What was?”

  She sighs happily. “Our love.”

  I look at her, like really look at my girl, and I respond. “We only had to discover it.”

  She smiles. “Yeah.”

  “Yeah,” I grin back at her. “I discovered you, darlin’, and you discovered me. We discovered each other.”


  Chapter Twenty Seven


  “What? You thought I was gonna let your dumbass get away with kidnappin’ my girl and raping her?” I growl and punch the drug lord in the jaw, slinging blood across the room. “You fucked with the wrong man’s girl, you stupid fuck!”

  My pop hands me a chain, and I wrap it around the motherfucker’s stomach as my brother and ZZ hold him to the chair. Lucy undoes the fuckers pants as I bind the chain tight enough to where the motherfucker can’t move.

  “Here’s the thing. You played with somethin’ that wasn’t yours to play with, and now it’s time you have somethin’ of yours played with as well,” I growl as I lean down to his ear and lower my voice. “Your life.”

  I take the bolt lock Smokey hands me and snap it in place so the chain won’t move in inch while I let Lucy do what she is about to do. She has been angry since she saw the aftermath of Piper and Jinx, and she is hell bent on making the last motherfucker pay. My revenge will be watching another female take something from him. Something that doesn’t belong to us, but he didn’t give a shit when he took something that did belong to us.

  When his pants are around his ankles, I cackle and all of us brothers step back as our pop checks to make sure the drug lord won’t be able to jerk free while Lucy tortures him.

  “Guys like you make me fuckin’ sick, ya know,” she seethes through her teeth. “You take what isn’t yours, and you don’t give a fuck about the cost of it.”

  I dig out my phone and start recording so Piper can see firsthand what happens to someone when they fuck with her.

  She circles around him as if he is her prey and drags her blade around his neck, but the fucker isn’t getting off so lucky. He will wish he was in a few more seconds though.

  “Better wrap this up. My wife went into labor early,” Braxxon hollers out.

  “Look at that,” I hiss. “A man not worthy of breath is leavin’ this world as a child is born. One less motherfucker we have to worry about hurtin’ one of our own. Get this shit over with, Luce.”

  She sticks the knife between her legs, jerks on two pairs of plastic gloves, and leans over. “You’re about to leave this world without your manhood,” she growls and sticks the knife in the base of his dick and slices upwards, splitting it right in half. The screams coming from this man are hilarious. He deserves the pain he is feeling. “Look at that. You still have your balls… but not for much longer,” she snarls as she drops to her knees and cuts into them as if trimming the fat off the edge of a steak. The blood pouring from him is unfucking real, but fucking deserved. When Lucy severs off one of his balls, she tosses it behind her shoulder as if she does this every goddamn day and starts to work on the other one as the drug lord passes out from blood loss. She grunts as she slashes through the last piece of skin and throws the other one over her shoulder before standing. But she isn’t done. She knows I have my gloves on for a reason. She places the knife in my free hand, takes her gloves off, and puts them in the bag Phish holds out to her. When her hands are empty, she takes the phone and records the rest.

  I step over his right hand man’s body, move behind
the bleeding out fool, bend down, and look directly into the camera on my phone. “This is how deep my love is for you,” I growl as I rip the blade across his throat. “No one will ever love you like I fuckin’ do,” I hiss.

  Luce turns off the phone and shakes her head when I try to hand her back the knife. She nods to the bag Phish holds, and I dump it in there along with my bloody gloves.

  “Now, let’s go get my girl and go watch my niece be born, yeah.” I wrap an arm around Braxxon’s shoulders. “I do have a question though, brother,” I say as we walk out of the building, which, by coincidence, is the same building where Winter exacted her revenge.

  “What’s that, brother?” Braxx replies as we reach our bikes.

  “What’re we gonna do about the pipelines?” I ask.

  My brother flashes a sadistic smile and responds. “They’re ours now. Fuck this shit. I’m done fuckin’ with people. It’s time we own every goddamn, motherfuckin’ thing.”



  “How’s she doin’?” Sniper asks as he hands me a coke with a straw in it. My jaw is still a little sore, and he is taking care of me the best way he knows.

  “She was pushin’ right after you left,” I answer and take a sip.

  Sniper wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer on the sofa in the hospital waiting room. Any sane person would have run if they saw the video that I saw, but not me. I have a man that will kill anyone who dares lay a finger on me. I no longer have to hide in the shadows or be scared that someone from my past will show up and take me away. I have Sniper, and he is all I will ever want nor need.

  “How about you, babe?” he asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

  Hmm… I say to myself and turn to look at him.

  “You want kids one day?” He throws me that crooked smile I love.

  Kids? Is he for real? The look on his beautiful, squared jawed face says he is. I take a deep breath in and speak the truth.


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