Discovering Me (Breakneck #4)

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Discovering Me (Breakneck #4) Page 16

by Crystal Spears

  The dating site promised complete confidentiality, and the website stated all charges were billed under a dummy company called The Pipe Cleaners. No way would Russo figure out her plans, and besides, weeks would pass before he saw the charge on her Visa statement. Though he reconciled her monthly bills, this purchase would definitely fall under the ‘personal’ heading, and she would be able to escape his questions.

  The more pages she scrolled through, the more her frustration grew as she glanced over the profiles.

  “Blond, surfer boy. So nineties. Next!”

  “Hmm, the shaved head is nice, but I want something to grab. Next!”

  She was glad no one could hear her talking to herself as her fingers clicked one profile after another.

  “Too short.”

  “Too young.”

  “Too, just, UGGHHH!!!! Too everything.”

  Samantha looked at her vibrator in disgust. Tired of the damn thing didn’t even come close to her true feelings. So much time had passed since she’d had sex with a real, live man that her usual fantasies took longer to get her juices flowing. To make matters worse, she was certain her ex was being fucked on a regular basis. After all, he married his personal trainer the same day their divorce papers hit the courthouse.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt the magic friction of a cock stretching and pounding away at her, and she felt certain cobwebs had grown over her pussy. She hadn’t had sex in over two years, but memories of Jasper’s complaints about her less than stellar performance still haunted and taunted her. Years of his abusive verbal vomit had eroded her once vibrant personality, and now, she’d become a hollow shell.

  At thirty-seven, it scared Samantha that she’d had sex with only one man in her life. Left bitter and broken, she struggled to put any effort into building another relationship. She felt too old and out of shape to compete with skinny twenty-somethings in a club or bar. She enjoyed quiet wine tastings and dinners, and keg parties were far from fun unless she wanted to fuck frat boys. Samantha didn’t.

  Seriously, the internet and phone call were a whole lot easier than the bar scene. At least this way, she knew that the man she chose would be disease free because the site guaranteed it. And she would get to skip the whole dance floor, grope each other, and then stumble away for a drunken wham-bam, thank you, ma’am.

  No thanks. I’ll pass.

  She did know that she wanted her brains fucked out by a living, breathing man before she died from sexual frustration and worn out batteries, but it didn’t look like that was going to come from this site.

  And then it happened. A profile caught her attention.

  Jaxx. Twenty-four years old. Six feet, seven inches tall. Two hundred seventy pounds of muscle. Tattoos, oh, that definitely goes in the plus column.

  He was breathtaking, and painfully so. Of all the choices, she knew this was the man for her.

  Oh. My. God. He’s a younger version of Sebastiano Russo! Sex on a stick. Yum. I can finally pretend I have my dreams in my hands.

  His olive skin tone, dark, wavy hair, and deep, green eyes caught her attention, but the outline of the long, thick cock in his pants promised that her years of fantasies would be brought to life. She wanted nothing more than to climb under the covers with her dreams and never crawl out again.

  The imagine in her mind caused her pulse to race, and imagining his dick, she slid a finger under the elastic band of her undies, down between her soft folds, and firmly rubbed her clit. Her panties caught the first drops of cum as her pussy began to weep. She skimmed a finger deep inside, rubbing her walls, and when that caused more frustration than satisfaction, she grabbed her rabbit. With the vibrator moving in and out of her pussy and its ears circling her clit, her free hand reached under and massaged her flowing juices into her ass. After her tiny bud was well lubed, she pushed a finger past the tight ring of muscles and imagined his stiff tongue rimming her. The dart of sinful pleasure had her back bowing and her knees spreading wider to give her better access. Soon, a second finger joined the first in her forbidden channel, and the thrust of the rabbit increased in speed. Picturing his deep green eyes worked magic, and she moaned long and loud with her orgasm.

  As her breathing evened out, she finalized her decision to order her date. One simple phone call completed the transaction with no hard work or effort on her part. And for two thousand dollars, a weekend of all the pleasure and fulfillment she could stand would be hers. Samantha felt certain that this would be good for several orgasms, and if her luck held, maybe even two in a row. Though she’d often heard her friends brag about a mythical creature called the Double O, it had always proven itself to be a rumor as far as she knew, but she was more than willing to try, and try again, if any hope of bragging rights were within her reach.

  At least this way, Samantha was in control. And this time, she was doing the using instead of being used. So what if she was paying for it. This time, she knew exactly what she was getting for her money.

  Too excited to sleep, she jumped out of bed to pack for her weekend away with her boy toy. A sense of shame washed over her as she threw her bathing suit and cover-up in the suitcase on her bed. This move was definitely out of her comfort zone.

  What will people think if they find out what I’ve done? Does this make me a whore for buying a man for the weekend?

  This whole idea was so unlike her. She had always thought of herself as private, proper, and sensible. She always said and did the right thing. She made sure, even in the worst of situations, people only saw her best, and never did she discuss any of her problems.

  Just the very thought of her proper, sensible nature brought a smirk to her face and pushed her to pack faster. When she finished, her clothes were jumbled together inside her luggage, and from what she could tell, there wasn’t one complete outfit, only lots of separate pieces. The unusable, unwearable mess on her bed made her laugh.

  Fuck it.

  She grabbed a tote bag and threw sunscreen, makeup, a bikini, and toiletries inside, and then Samantha dumped the pile of clothes on the floor of her closet. She’d sort the mess when she got home. Anything she needed while she was there, she would just buy. After all, this weekend was about indulging herself. It had been a while since she’d been spoiled, and now was the time to change that.


  “What the hell does that woman think she’s doing? I swear she’s trying to kill me.”

  Sebastiano Russo ran his hands over his face. Exhaustion seeped through his bones. After another sleepless night, he had given up the tossing and turning, and had come downstairs to check over Samantha’s account. He blinked his eyes several times, and then focused on his monitor again. Nope, I didn’t read that wrong. The words on his screen knocked him for a loop, but not in a good way. Fongool! He wondered what in the hell kind of game Samantha was playing. As soon as he saw The Pipe Cleaners on her credit card statement, he knew what sort of plumbing services she had ordered. He’d seen similar charges on too many other clients’ accounts, and after wanting her for so long, he would be putting an immediate stop to her half-baked plans.

  When he first met her, his accounting agency was in a period of strong, steady growth, and because he refused to trust his clients’ money matters to other people, he’d kept a tight rein on each account handled by his firm. This ensured his clients received the quality they deserved and gave him the control that he needed. The only two reasons he took Samantha on as a client was because one of his best accounts had asked it of him as a favor, and at that time, the size of her finances amounted to only a small fraction of what it was today, requiring minimal commitment on his part. Of course, after the international success of several of her novels and one series, TV and movie executives took notice, and her growth then evolved her portfolio into what became one of his largest accounts.

  The first time she walked into his office, he saw that she was beautiful, but he had no idea of the genius that lived in her brain. He envisioned h
er thick cascade of black curls wrapped tight in his fist and imagined the silky smoothness of her creamy skin against his tongue. Her petite frame matched her quiet spirit, but Sebastiano felt certain she harbored a storm behind all that calm. He knew she had fire buried inside her, and her frustration was bringing it to the surface. His cock had hardened at the thought of tasting her as she burned. His hands longed to skim her curves.

  The moment her beautiful hazel eyes met his, he was a lost cause, until he realized the man behind her was her husband. He respected the fact that she was married. Okay, that was a lie. He knew her husband was a sanctimonious prick who preyed on women when Samantha wasn’t looking, but who was Sebastiano to tell her the truth about her spouse.

  At that first meeting, her husband followed her around like a puppy, but he couldn’t be bothered to open the door for her or pull a chair out for her before he sat. As Samantha organized her papers, her husband had stared at the secretary’s ass until Sebastiano had finally shut his office door to block the view. One thing he knew for sure was, if her husband’s eyes wandered while she was there, his hand would follow when she wasn’t in the room.

  The thing that irritated Sebastiano the most was how oblivious Samantha seemed to be of her spouse’s shortcomings. At least she was willing to take Sebastiano’s financial advice to heart, and for that simple reason, he was able to help her assets and money grow until her economic situation left her more than comfortable.

  Sebastiano made an extra effort to control himself around her. He never pushed himself on her in any way, even though every time they met, he always ended up excusing himself mid-meeting to slip into his office bathroom to relieve his urges. She left such a deep mark on him that all it took was the sound of her voice to make him hard. He knew his gruff behavior and ill-tempered attitude often left her confused and thinking that he didn’t like her, but he was afraid if he was nice to her, she would realize that he was so completely lost in her. He didn’t want her to feel pressured, and he knew from her quiet manner that she wasn’t ready to put herself out there yet.

  Sebastiano watched her wither away and withdraw from the world around her until he worried she would never recover from the damage that he saw in her eyes. Sure, she remained kind and sweet on the outside, but the fact remained that anyone who encountered her could tell that his abuse left deep cuts in her soul.

  For far too many years, he waited, worried that she might run if she knew the directions his feeling had gone. Over time, what started as lust for her had evolved into so much more, and if the depths of his feelings shocked him, he could only imagine Samantha’s reactions. He kept his desire, his need for her, locked tight inside, because she was just as closed off today as she was the day that bastard served her divorce papers.

  Sebastiano wanted so much more than sex. He wanted the whole package: her in his bed, her in his house, her in his life as his wife. And he had no doubt that what he desired was similar to what she was looking for in her own life. She should feel the sensation of a child moving in her belly or have the chance to spoon feed oatmeal to a toddler. But the sad fact was, she was alone, all by herself, and none of these things would happen for them if Sebastiano didn’t place himself in her big picture.

  It was time to make his move.

  He was tired of waiting for her to see him as the man who could fulfill her every want, every need, every desire. She deserved to be loved, and he was more than willing to show her how things should be. When he saw the charge on her credit card for an escort service, he decided that he would make sure that she understood that they were meant to be together. Sebastiano would make sure that she had no doubt he was the man she had waited for all her life. After years of watching from afar and waiting for her to get rid of that jackass of a husband, he was ready to reveal himself to the woman of his dreams.

  La Dolce Vita!

  His obsession with her had grown painful, and he refused to feel guilty for interfering with her plans. One quick call to the fraud department accomplished just what he hoped it would. Her Visa was frozen until the matter was resolved. With that minor task completed, he raced upstairs to his room, threw random clothing and toiletries in a bag, and then rushed out to his car. Seemed someone would be getting a visit this morning.


  About Crystal Spears

  Crystal Spears has always had a passion for literature. She fell in love with reading at an early age. After spending a decade in business management, she began blogging and book reviewing, only to find that that didn't satisfy her craving. So, she began to write. Like any Indie out there, she had goals and dreams. She wrote Talania - a trip down memory lane, a beautiful, contemporary romance novel. It almost made it to the top, just almost. Someone told Crystal to write what she knew. She gave serious thought to that advice.

  For many years, her father had been CEO of a well-known gun and surplus store in Texas. He then bought a tattoo shop where Crystal found herself surrounded by bikers. Hardcore bikers. The Bestselling Breakneck Series was born when Crystal decided to write what she knows. Don't get the wrong idea. Her Breakneck series is completely fictional, but based on things seen and heard, she now had a place to start writing from that knowledge. Seize Me was hardcore, and Crystal became the writer known as the chick with no boundaries. She took the critics the wrong way and made her next bestseller Withstanding Me a little tamer. Readers were quick to point out that they did not like that and demanded that Crystal return to gritty writing. When asked if she would write gritty from now on, her only answer was... "I'll write what my readers want me to write, and I'll also write what I feel."

  Crystal resides in Indiana with her soon-to-be husband and their two children. They have a pit named Dozer, two fish, and one fancy rat. They enjoy the outdoors, and camp, fish, and go boating as much as possible. But, while the soon-to-be husband is out hunting this winter, Crystal will be writing three novels and planning her wedding.

  Crystal is a perfect example of never giving up on a dream or a goal. Her goal was to publish a book; her dream was to become a bestseller. She did both of these, and now, she feels that she'll never regret leaving business management to become a writer. She stays humble, loves meeting new people, and is extremely excited to be a part of so many signings in 2014 with some top notch Authors.

  A special thanks to my readers for naming some of my characters.

  Heather Wynne for Jinx

  Sandy Borrero for Everlee

  And stay tuned in Damaged me for a pop-up character from Jennifer Watkins. I fell in love with the character so much, she will be a series regular in Club Sated.




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