Agatha Raisin and a Spoonful of Poison

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Agatha Raisin and a Spoonful of Poison Page 1

by Beaton, M. C.

  The Agatha Raisin series

  (listed in order)

  Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death

  Agatha Raisin and the Vicious Vet

  Agatha Raisin and the Potted Gardener

  Agatha Raisin and the Walkers of Dembley

  Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage

  Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist

  Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death

  Agatha Raisin and the Wizard of Evesham

  Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden

  Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam

  Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell

  Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came

  Agatha Raisin and the Curious Curate

  Agatha Raisin and the Haunted House

  Agatha Raisin and the Deadly Dance

  Agatha Raisin and the Perfect Paragon

  Agatha Raisin and Love, Lies and Liquor

  Agatha Raisin and Kissing Christmas Goodbye

  Agatha Raisin and a Spoonful of Poison

  Agatha Raisin: There Goes the Bride

  An Agatha Raisin Costworld murder-mystery

  M. C. Beaton



  Constable & Robinson Ltd

  3 The Lanchesters

  162 Fulham Palace Road

  London W6 9ER

  First published in the USA 2008 by St Martin’s Press

  175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010

  First UK edition published by Constable,

  an imprint of Constable & Robinson Ltd 2008

  This paperback edition published by Robinson,

  an imprint of Constable & Robinson Ltd 2009

  Copyright © 2008, 2009 M. C. Beaton

  The right of M. C. Beaton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  A copy of the British Library Cataloguing in Publication data is available from the British Library

  ISBN: 978-1-84529-893-7 (pbk)

  ISBN: 978-1-84529-647-6 (hbk)

  Printed and bound in the EU

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  This book is dedicated to my three bookselling

  angels at the Cotswold Bookstore,

  Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire – Tony Keats,

  David Whitehead and Nina Smith.


  Agatha Raisin was born in a tower block slum in Birmingham and christened Agatha Styles. No middle names. Agatha had often longed for at least two middle names such as Caroline or Olivia. Her parents, Joseph and Margaret Styles, were both unemployed and both drunks. They lived on benefits and the occasional bout of shoplifting.

  Agatha attended the local comprehensive as a rather shy and sensitive child but quickly developed a bullying, aggressive manner so that the other pupils would steer clear of her.

  At the age of fifteen, her parents decided it was time she earned her keep and her mother found her work in a biscuit factory, checking packets of biscuits on a conveyer belt for any faults.

  As soon as Agatha had squirreled away enough money, she ran off to London and found work as a waitress and studied computing at evening classes. But she fell in love with a customer at the restaurant, Jimmy Raisin. Jimmy had curly black hair and bright blue eyes and a great deal of charm. He seemed to have plenty of money to throw around. He wanted an affair, but besotted as she was, Agatha held out for marriage.

  They moved into one room in a lodging house in Finsbury Park where Jimmy’s money soon ran out (he would never say where it came from in the first place). And he drank. Agatha found she had escaped the frying pan into the fire.

  She was fiercely ambitious. One night, when she came home and found Jimmy stretched out on the bed dead drunk, she packed her things and escaped.

  She found work as a secretary at a public relations firm and soon moved into doing public relations herself. Her mixture of bullying and cajoling brought her success. She saved and saved until she could start her own business.

  But Agatha had always been a dreamer. Years back when she had been a child her parents had taken her on one glorious holiday. They had rented a cottage in the Cotswolds for a week. Agatha never forgot that golden holiday or the beauty of the countryside.

  So as soon as she had amassed a great deal of money, she took early retirement and bought a cottage in the village of Carsely in the Cotswolds.

  Her first attempt at detective work came after she cheated at a village quiche baking competition by putting a shop bought quiche in as her own. The judge died of poisoning and shamed Agatha had to find the real killer. Her adventures there are covered in the first Agatha Raisin mystery, The Quiche of Death, and in the series of novels that follow. As successful as she is in detecting, she constantly remains unlucky in love. Will she ever find happiness with the man of her dreams? Watch this space!

  Chapter One

  Mrs Bloxby, wife of the vicar of Carsely, looked nervously at her visitor. ‘Yes, Mrs Raisin is a friend of mine, a very dear friend, but she is now very busy running her detective agency and does not have spare time for –’

  ‘But this is such a good cause,’ interrupted Arthur Chance, vicar of Saint Odo The Severe in the village of Comfrey Magna. ‘The services of an expert public relations officer to bring the crowds to our annual fête would be most welcome. Proceeds will go to restore the church roof and to various charities.’

  ‘Yes, but –’

  ‘It would do no harm to just ask, now would it? It is your Christian duty.’

  ‘I hardly need to be reminded of my duty,’ said Mrs Bloxby wearily, thinking of all the parish visits, the mothers’ meetings and the Carsely Ladies’ Society. Really, she thought, surveying the vicar, for such a mild, inoffensive-looking man he is terribly pushy. Arthur Chance was a small man with thick glasses and grey hair which stuck out in tufts like horns on either side of his creased and wrinkled face. He had married a woman twenty years his junior, Mrs Bloxby remembered. He probably bullied her into it, she thought.

  ‘Look! I will do what I can, but I cannot promise anything. When is the fête?’

  ‘It is a week on Saturday.’

  ‘Only about a week away. You are not giving Mrs Raisin any time.’

  ‘God will help her,’ said Mr Chance.

  Agatha Raisin, a middle-aged woman who had sold up her successful public relations business to take early retirement in a cottage in the Cotswolds, had found that inactivity did not suit her and so had started up her own private detective agency. Now that it was successful, however, she wished she had more time to relax. Also, the cases which poured into the detective agency all concerned messy divorces, missing children, missing cats and dogs, and only the occasional case of industrial espionage. She had begun to close the agency at weekends, feeling she was losing quality time, forgetting that when she had plenty of quality time, she didn’t know wha
t to do with it.

  For a woman in her early fifties, she still looked well. Her hair, although tinted, was glossy and her legs were good. Although she had small eyes, she had very few wrinkles. She had a generous bosom and a rather thick waist, which was her despair.

  On Friday evening, when she arrived home, she fussed over her two cats, Hodge and Boswell, kicked off her shoes, mixed herself a generous gin and tonic, lit a cigarette, and lay back on the sofa with a sigh of relief.

  She wondered idly where her ex-husband, James Lacey, was. He lived next door to her but worked as a travel writer and was often abroad. She rummaged around in her brain as usual, searching for that old obsession, that old longing for him, but it seemed to have gone forever. Agatha, without an obsession, was left with herself; and she forgot about all the pain and misery that obsession for her ex had brought and remembered only the brief bursts of elation.

  The doorbell shrilled. Agatha swung her legs off the sofa and went to answer the door. Her face lit up when she saw Mrs Bloxby standing there. ‘Come in,’ she cried. ‘I’m just having a G and T. Want one?’

  ‘No, but I’d like a sherry.’

  Sometimes Agatha, often too aware of her slum upbringing, wondered what it would be like to be a lady inside and out like Mrs Bloxby. The vicar’s wife was wearing a rather baggy tweed skirt and a rose-pink blouse which had seen better days. Her grey hair was escaping from a bun at the back of her neck, but she had her usual air of kindness and dignity.

  The pair of them, as was the fashion in the Carsely Ladies’ Society, always called each other by their second names.

  Agatha poured Mrs Bloxby a sherry. ‘I haven’t seen you for a while,’ said Agatha. ‘It’s been so busy.’

  A brief flicker of guilt crossed Mrs Bloxby’s grey eyes. ‘Have you still got that young detective with you, Toni Gilmour?’

  ‘Yes, thank goodness. Excellent worker. But I think we will need to start turning down cases. I really don’t want to take on more staff.’

  Mrs Bloxby took a sip of sherry and said distractedly, ‘I knew you would be too busy. That’s what I told him.’

  ‘Told who?’

  ‘Mr Arthur Chance. The vicar of Saint Odo The Severe.’

  ‘The what?’

  ‘An Anglo-Saxon saint. I forget what he did. There are so many of them.’

  ‘So how did my name come up in your discussion with Mr Chance?’

  ‘He lives in Comfrey Magna –’

  ‘Never been there.’

  ‘Few people have. It’s off the tourist route. Anyway, they are having their annual village fête a week tomorrow and Mr Chance wanted me to beg you to publicize the event for them.’

  ‘Is there anything special about this vicar? Any reason why I should?’

  ‘Only because it’s for charity. And he is rather pushy.’

  Agatha smiled. ‘You look like a woman who has just been bullied. Tell you what, we’ll drive over there tomorrow morning and I will tell him one resounding no and he won’t bother you again.’

  ‘That is so good of you, Mrs Raisin. I am not very strong when it comes to saying no to good works.’

  In the winter days, when the rain dripped down and thick wet fog covered the hills, Agatha sometimes wondered what she was doing buried under the thatch of her cottage in the Cotswolds.

  But as she drove off with Mrs Bloxby the following morning, the countryside was enjoying a really warm spring. Blackthorn starred the hedgerows, wisteria and clematis hung on garden walls, bluebells shook in the lightest of breezes, and a large blue sky arched overhead.

  Mrs Bloxby guided Agatha through a maze of country lanes. ‘Here we are at last,’ she said finally. ‘Just park in front of the church.’

  Agatha thought Comfrey Magna was an odd, secretive-looking village. There were no new houses to mar the straggling line of ancient cottages on either side of the road. She could see no one on the main street or in the gardens or even at the windows.

  ‘Awfully quiet,’ she commented.

  ‘Few young people, that’s the problem,’ said Mrs Bloxby. ‘No first-time buyers, only last-time buyers.’

  ‘Shouldn’t think houses would be all that expensive in a dead hole like this,’ said Agatha, parking the car.

  ‘Houses all over are dreadfully expensive.’

  They got out of the car. ‘That’s the vicarage over there,’ said Mrs Bloxby. ‘We’ll cut through the churchyard.’

  The vicarage was an old grey building with a sloping roof of old Cotswold tiles, the kind that cost a fortune but that the local council would never allow anyone to sell, unless they were going to be replaced with exactly the same thing which, of course, defeated the purpose.

  As they entered the churchyard, Agatha saw a man straightening up from one of the graves where he had been laying flowers. He turned and saw them and smiled.

  Agatha blinked rapidly. He was tall, with fair hair, a lightly tanned handsome face, and green eyes. His eyes were really green, thought Agatha, not a fleck of brown in them. He was wearing a tweed sports jacket and cavalry-twill trousers.

  ‘Good morning,’ said Mrs Bloxby pleasantly, but giving Agatha’s arm a nudge because that lady seemed to have become rooted to the spot.

  ‘Good morning,’ he replied.

  ‘Who was that?’ whispered Agatha as they approached the door of the vicarage.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  Mrs Bloxby rang the bell. The door was opened by a tall woman wearing a leotard and nothing else. Her hair was tinted aubergine and worn long and straight. She had rather mean features – a narrow, thin mouth and long narrow eyes. Her nose was thin with an odd bump in the middle, as if it had once been broken and then badly reset. Pushing forty, thought Agatha.

  ‘You’ve interrupted my Pilates exercises,’ she said.

  ‘We’ve come to see Mr Chance,’ said Mrs Bloxby.

  ‘You must be the PR people. You’ll find him in the study. I’m Trixie Chance.’

  Oh dear, thought Mrs Bloxby. She often thought that trendy vicars’ wives did as much to reduce a church congregation as a trendy vicar. Mrs Chance was of a type familiar to her: always desperately trying to be ‘cool’, following the latest fads and quoting the names of the latest pop groups.

  Trixie had disappeared. By pushing open a couple of doors off the hall, they found the study. Arthur Chance was sitting behind a large Victorian desk piled high with papers.

  He rushed round the desk to meet them, his pale eyes shining behind thick glasses. He seized Agatha’s hands. ‘Dear lady, I knew you would come. How splendid of you to help us!’

  Agatha disengaged her hands. ‘I have come here,’ she began, ‘to say –’

  There was a trill of laughter from outside, and through the window Agatha could see Trixie talking to that handsome man.

  ‘Who is that man?’ she demanded, pointing at the window.

  Arthur swung round in surprise. ‘Oh, that is one of my parishioners, Mr George Selby. So tragic, his wife dying like that! He has been a source of strength helping me with the organization of the fête, ordering the marquees in case it rains. So important in our fickle English climate, don’t you think, Mrs Raisin?’

  ‘Certainly,’ gushed Agatha. ‘Perhaps, if you could call Mr Selby in, we could discuss the publicity together?’

  ‘Certainly certainly.’ Arthur bustled off. Mrs Bloxby stifled a sigh. She knew her friend was now dead set on another romantic pursuit. She wished, not for the first time, that Agatha would grow up.

  George Selby entered the study behind the vicar. He smiled at Agatha. ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ he asked. ‘Mr Chance can be very persuasive.’

  ‘It’s no trouble at all,’ said Agatha, thinking she should have worn a pair of heels instead of the dowdy flat sandals she was wearing.

  But Agatha’s heart sank as the events were described to her. There was to be entertainment by the village band and dancing by a local group of morris men. The rest consisted of competit
ions to see who had created the best cake, bread, pickles and relishes. The main event was the home-made jam tasting.

  She sat in silence after the vicar had finished outlining the events. She caught a sympathetic look from George’s beautiful green eyes and a great idea leaped into her mind.

  ‘Yes, I can do this,’ she said. ‘You haven’t given me much time. Leave it to me.’ She turned to George. ‘Perhaps we could have dinner sometime in the coming week to discuss progress?’

  He hesitated slightly. ‘Splendid idea,’ said the vicar. ‘Plan of campaign. There is a very good restaurant at Mircester. Trixie, my wife, is particularly fond of it. La Belle Cuisine. Why don’t we all meet there for dinner on Wednesday? Eight o’clock.’

  ‘Fine,’ said Agatha gloomily.

  ‘I suppose so,’ said George with a marked lack of enthusiasm.

  Agatha’s staff, consisting of detectives Phil Marshall, Patrick Mulligan, young Toni Gilmour and secretary Mrs Freedman, found that the usual Monday morning conference was cancelled. ‘Just get on with whatever you’re on with,’ said Agatha. ‘I’ve got a church fête to sell.’

  Toni felt low. She had been given another divorce case and she hated divorce cases. But she lingered in the office, fascinated to hear Agatha Raisin in full bullying mode on the phone. ‘Yes, I think you should send a reporter. We’re running a real food campaign here. Good local home-made produce and no supermarket rubbish. And I can promise you a surprise. Yes, it is Agatha Raisin here. No, no murder, hah, hah. Just send a reporter.’

  Next call. ‘I want to speak to Betsy Wilson.’

  Toni stood frozen. Betsy Wilson was a famous pop singer. ‘Tell her it’s Agatha Raisin. Hello, Betsy, dear, remember me? I want you to open a village fête next Saturday. I know you have a busy schedule, but I also happen to know you are between gigs. The press will all be there. Good for your image. Lady-of-the-manor bit. Large hat, floaty dress, gracious – come on, girl, by the time I’m finished with you I’ll have you engaged to Prince William. Yes, you come along and I’ll see if I can get the Prince.’ Agatha then charged on to tell Betsy to arrive at two o’clock and to give her directions to Comfrey Magna.


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