The Broken Lake (The Pace Series, Book 2)

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The Broken Lake (The Pace Series, Book 2) Page 12

by Shelena Shorts

  He let out a long sigh, probably realizing his plan to get me to ignore the connection hadn’t worked. “Sophie, calm down.”

  “What? The girl you used to make me jealous after you broke up with me just called your phone?”

  I was getting so mad, but not mad at him. Mad at her for enjoying it too much while walking with him on campus. And putting her hands all over Wes to make me think he wasn’t into me was one thing, but calling him up, all bubbly, was another.

  “Sophie, please. You’re being so silly right now. If you don’t know I’m not about anyone but you, then…”

  I shook my head. “No. This is not about you and me. I trust you. One hundred percent. Really. It’s her I don’t trust.”

  I didn’t think for one second she wasn’t interested in Wes. She was way too convincing with him on that path. She had enjoyed leaning into his tall, hard, lean body way too much. I saw it. I remembered. She was evil. She wanted to hurt my feelings.

  “When is the party?” I asked.

  “Tomorrow night. Why?”

  “Because I want to go.”

  “No, you don’t. You hate parties as much as I do.”

  “So? We’re going. It’s your friend’s birthday, and Blondie needs to know there’s a new sheriff in town.”

  He laughed out loud. “You’re not a sheriff.”

  “No, I’m your girlfriend, and you hurt my feelings by walking with her and letting her touch you. She needs to know you’re taken. For good.”

  “Taken?” He was looking at the ceiling of the Rover now, considering the word. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’d like to consider you mine. For me only. Forever.”

  Smiling slightly, he whispered, “So I’m taken then.” He leaned over to kiss me, pulling me to him by the back of my neck. He kissed me, holding back a smile, and in between kisses, he added, “Do you want me to wear a sign?”

  I kissed him like I normally would and then I pulled back. “No. Just taking me to the party would be good.”

  “There’s no need.” He tried to kiss me again.

  Oh, yes there is. I had cried for almost a half hour, sitting in my Jeep at this very spot, after I saw her “pretend” to be his new girlfriend. His attempt to change my future by separating us and making me think he was dating someone else had been hurtful. I wanted closure. If she had no interest in him and was all about Steve, then our going to the party together wouldn’t be a big deal. Either way, one thing was sure, we were going, and he didn’t argue.

  The next morning, I woke up with a mission. It started with my calling Dawn to hash out some things about work. I mainly wanted to ask her why she kept calling in sick so much. She had no real answer.

  “Dawn,” I told her, “you can not keep leaving me with Chase.” She laughed, but I was serious. “It’s not funny. He ruins my whole day.”

  “Oh, stop it, Sophie. He’s harmless. You have to just ignore him. I do.”

  “I don’t want to have to ignore him. I just want to work in peace.”

  I wasn’t all that convinced that she was paying attention, or had any intentions of working when she was supposed to, so I let it drop. This was something I had no control over.

  When I had finished the conversation, I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. In the kitchen, I saw a man in a white utility shirt and navy pants. I blinked and took a step back.

  My mom came up behind me. “Oh, hi, honey. It’s okay. You can go in. He’s just here for the alarm.”


  She brushed past me and went over to the coffeemaker, looking back with an excited smile. “Yeah. He’s installing the alarm. Remember?”

  “On the window?”

  “Yes. He’s installing them on every door and window. We’ll be secure for sure.”

  She was stirring in her cream and sugar now. My shoulders drooped as I walked over to the pantry to get my cereal. Trying not to sound too bummed, I asked, “So does that mean I’m locked in?”

  She laughed and went over to the table to sit. “No, silly. It means strangers are locked out.”

  Wes wasn’t a stranger, but the alarm would mean he’d be locked out. This was not cool. No way could I sleep with him locked out. I had gotten so used to him being next to me. This was horrible. Filled with thoughts of loneliness, I immediately began to consider ways to get around it. Nothing came to mind, but I knew I’d have to figure something out. I was not about to go endless nights with us across town from each other. This was an issue that needed to be addressed, but I had more important things to get through first.

  Later that evening, I needed to get dressed for the party. While not being a person who’s concerned with her wardrobe, I have to admit that I stared at my closet for a long time. My outfit of choice suddenly became the most important outfit in the world. More important than what I wore on my first date with Wes.

  I felt petty, but at the same time, I couldn’t shake the motivation to look my best. I would be a high-school girl among a bunch of college girls, and I was sure I’d be with the finest guy at the party.

  Ugh. I knew Wes loved me, and that what we shared was stronger than what anyone in that room would probably ever experience, but I also feared their hawklike gazes staring at me, trying to figure out who I was. So my outfit was not something to take lightly.

  I weeded through a zillion shirts and jeans. What color? Black was too dark, brown was too bland, pink too innocent. Purple too immature. Yellow too happy. Blue too pure. That left green. I scanned the hangers until I found a sea green tunic and then moved onto the jeans.

  I had nice jeans, but I didn’t want to look too put together, so I settled on a pair of skinny jeans that were faded, with a vintage feel. I left my hair down. Somehow, I felt more protected that way, almost like it would shield me from the eyes I feared.

  Wes came to pick me up at 8:00. He wasn’t smiling as usual and I knew it was because he didn’t like my motivation behind this.

  “Would you relax?” I said, climbing into his SUV.

  “I just think this is petty, Sophie. It’s really not necessary.”

  I pouted, wondering if I was really that out of line. Then I started doubting why he was so set on not wanting to go. Maybe he was protecting Blondie, and that idea made me angry.

  He glanced over at me, realizing I was starting to get mad. “Okay, we’ll go. I just don’t think we need to be drawing attention to ourselves.”

  Considering his reply, I ran through the potential chain of events and nothing of concern stood out.

  “It’s just a party, Wes. A bunch of college kids.”

  He breathed in deeply and exhaled, put his hand on my thigh, and started driving.

  We arrived at a single-story house near the campus. There were a lot of kids spilling out onto the lawn and into the street. Wes crept through them, being careful not to run over anyone, and we found a parking spot about two blocks away. Even houses that far down had students lingering on the front porches.

  “Are these fraternity houses?”

  He nodded and walked around to my side and opened the door. I hesitated. I think I was starting to regret the whole idea. Only my stubbornness caused me to get out of the car instead of suggesting we go.

  He took my hand, interlocking our fingers and led me toward the party. I could hear the house boom-boom-powing from around the block.

  He ignored it, leaning in toward my ear. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  I blushed and looked down. My hair fell forward, covering my eyes.

  He reached over and moved the bangs behind my ear. “You know you’re going to be the center of attention here, don’t you?”

  “Why is that?” I asked, confused and fearful all of a sudden.

  Maybe I didn’t realize how popular he was. Maybe I didn’t realize how many people would probably crowd around him, wondering who he was with. Wondering who that girl is. Oh, crap. I felt my stomach tighten with an awful feeling of nervousness and c

  He pulled on my arm until I was pressed against his side and then he wrapped his arm around me. Leaning down, he whispered, “Because you will, hands down, be the prettiest girl here.” I smiled at his compliment, although still nervous. “I might have to keep the guys off of you. What did you call it? Sheriff? Yeah, I think I might need a badge tonight.”

  I had my arm around him now and squeezed, realizing how insecure and immature I had been for wanting to come here. What we shared was more powerful and more unique than anything at this party. Right then, I wanted to leave. To be alone with him. That’s all I needed.

  I was about to speak up when a tan, dark-haired guy, who looked about Wes’ age, walked up to us with his hand out. He was dressed more casually than Wes usually was. Faded jeans that were frayed at the bottom, flip-flops, and a T-shirt, but by the wide smile he wore, I knew he was a friend.

  “What’s up, man?”

  Wes smiled and greeted his outstretched hand with a low high-five that moved around a bit into some sort of shake before they lightly bumped shoulders together.

  “Nothing much,” Wes answered. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks. I can’t believe you came. We never see you off campus.”

  The guy looked shocked; then his gaze moved to me.

  Wes took the cue. “Steve, this is Sophie. Sophie, this is Steve.”

  Steve raised one brow and nodded his head in approval. “Nice to meet you, Sophie. She’s even prettier than I imagined.” He looked back at Wes with a sly smile. “Come on, man. Come inside. Everybody is here.”

  Wes still had his arm around me as we followed. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour about how much I wished I’d spoke up about leaving just a minute sooner. But it was too late. We were there and his friend was way too happy to see him for us to leave then. I sucked up my regret and my heart started racing. I tried to slow its beat, but it only pounded faster and harder. I think Wes could hear it, because he pressed me even closer as we approached the open door.

  It helped, but not enough. As soon as we got inside, people started greeting him. He worked the crowd like a professional. Smiling, introducing me, never letting me go. It wasn’t so bad. Everyone was really nice. Everyone. Even Blondie.

  She bounced out of the kitchen like a cheerleader. “Wes! You came. I’m so glad.” She was so hyper she could easily be heard over the music.

  I tensed at first. I thought she was going to hug him, but she stopped before she got too close.

  “Is this Sophie?” I’m not sure who else she thought I might be, but I supposed it was the normal thing to say. He nodded.

  “Sophie, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. We never see Wes anymore. He’s obsessed with you.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I just smiled.

  “Anyway,” she said, “drinks are over there and cake’s in the kitchen. See ya, guys.” And she was off, on her way to mingle with the crowd.

  Wes leaned down smugly. “So, Sheriff Slone, will you be arresting anyone tonight?”

  I nudged his chest with my cast. “Shut up.”

  He laughed. “Want a drink?” he asked. I paused. “Water or soda, of course,” he corrected.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  He cleared the path toward where Brandie, I decided to use her name now, had pointed earlier. We reached the table and had eaten a couple of chips with dip and were about to get some soda when I felt his back stiffen. His hold on me tightened, he raised his head, and his eyebrows moved together a little.

  I tensed too. I’m not sure why, but feeling his change made me uneasy. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  He pulled me to his chest like we were about to slow dance. It was an odd hold since the thump of the blasting music didn’t exactly constitute a slow dance, but I wrapped my arms around his waist anyway. I looked up and watched him look around the room.

  “I don’t know,” he said. He was still looking around. “Something’s off.”

  Confused, I tried to pull back to get a better look but he didn’t let go. I was about to insist that he tell me what was happening when I heard a voice.

  “Don’t I know you two?”

  Wes turned around to reveal Chase standing behind him, looking smug.

  I rolled my eyes. “Chase? What are you doing here?”

  He had on a white long-sleeved, fitted T-shirt with black jeans. I also noticed he was wearing dog tags and had a bottle of beer in his hand. Not making a move to shake hands, he stood still as a statue with his gaze on Wes. Noticeably shorter, he tilted his chin up to highlight the fact that he was watching Wes.

  He smiled slightly. “I go here, you know. Or at least, I used to. And I like parties, so I’m enjoying the festivities.”

  My thoughts ranged from annoyance to wondering why Wes was so tensed up. Then I remembered what Wes had said about feeling hatred flowing out of Chase. But what was there to hate? Neither one of them was speaking, so I tried to pave the way for our exit.

  “Oh, that’s nice. Well, we were just leaving.”

  At that point Chase looked at me. He tilted his head and leaned in closer. “Wow, Sophie. That shirt looks really nice on you. I like the way it brings out those eyes.” He smirked.

  I hated this guy. He was such a pest, and he was purposely trying to irritate Wes.

  “Thanks.” I said pulling Wes to the side. He obliged, but Chase stepped into our path.

  “I bet people tell you that all the time.” He was leaning in, trying to get closer to me, but Wes shifted me behind him.

  “Uh, sometimes,” I said trying to step around.

  He looked at Wes. “You know, you should put a leash on her because someone just might steal her away and make a pet out of her. A pretty-eyed pet.”

  I saw Wes’ jaw flex, but he maintained his composure and effortlessly moved Chase out of our way with a slow but firm swipe of his arm.

  “He’s just trying to mess with you, Wes. He gets off on the attention. Ignore him.”

  “I am. Let’s go.” He started moving toward the door. We were almost there when I heard a thud. I wasn’t sure where it had come from, but Wes turned around. Chase had tried to sucker shove him from behind, but it ended up just sounding like a hard slap instead.

  Chase looked a little stunned that Wes hadn’t been propelled forward but refused to let up. He hustled up to Wes and got right in his face. I was stunned, but Wes’ face was stoic. I couldn’t tell if he was mad, surprised, or scared.

  Then he calmly said, “Chase, I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m taking Sophie out of here, and I’m going to act like you didn’t just try to make a fool of yourself. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

  Chase just laughed and stepped even closer.

  Wes lifted his arm from around me. “Sophie, go outside.”

  “What? No!”


  “We’re leaving together,” I said.

  I glanced at Chase and saw a look in his eyes similar to what I’d seen that night at the fight club. I knew right then that this was not going to end well.

  “Come on, Wes,” I urged. I looked at Chase and squeezed between them. “Don’t be stupid, Chase. Leave us alone. I’ll stop being mean at the bookstore. I’m sorry, okay?”

  He smirked again, still looking at Wes. In a firm voice, he said, “You think this is about the bookstore? No. This is bigger than that. I know scum when I see it.” By then a crowd had gathered.

  “Sophie,” Wes said. His voice was firm now. “Go outside, please.”

  “No, I’m leaving with you. Now let’s go.” Now my voice was firm.

  I pressed against Wes’ chest, trying to back him toward the exit. He started backpedaling, which made me glad. But then I felt my hair being pulled. Chase had grabbed a handful and yanked me to the side. The force was so strong that I stumbled. A bystander grabbed my arms and I instantly heard scuffling. My heart flipped around inside my chest.

  I turn
ed back to see Wes grab Chase by the throat, shoving him back swiftly. Within seconds, Chase’s back hit the wall with such force that two large pictures fell, crashing to the floor.

  Wes lifted him off the floor and pinned him against the wall. Chase was unable to speak, but he was flexing every muscle as he tried to pry Wes’ hands off his throat. After a moment, he started kicking like he was running in place, but the more he kicked, the harder Wes squeezed.

  Chase’s grunts ceased and his fiery stare turned to shock when he realized he couldn’t budge Wes one centimeter.

  Wes leaned into his face and spoke slowly, making each word clear. “You are a little boy, with little aspirations. I suggest you find something else to do besides pick on girls and start fights you can’t finish.”

  Chase was turning red. Wes lowered him so his feet were on the ground, but held tight to his neck. “I’m going to walk out of here, like I planned, and if you try to stop me or lay your hands on Sophie ever again, I’ll have no choice but to finish what you started.”

  Chase was starting to fade, his eyes closed, so Wes finally let him go. He crumpled to the floor and grabbed his neck. Everyone in the room stood wide-eyed and quiet. Wes walked over and put his arm around me, guiding me to the door. We passed a few people, including Steve.

  Wes spoke up. “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know what his problem is. I tried to leave.”

  Steve, still a little shocked, patted his shoulder. “Are you kidding? I would’ve done the same thing.”

  I looked back to see people close the open space we had created and start dancing to the music again, still wearing looks of shock.

  Chapter 12


  Wes walked me to the car without saying anything and worry began to build with every step. I began stressing about how I’d dragged him here. None of this would’ve happened had I’d listened to him. But, once again, I had drawn attention to us.

  He opened my door, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Are you mad at me?”


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