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Rescued by the Viscount's Ring

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by Carol Arens

  An unexpected proposal...

  For the runaway heiress!

  After escaping to avoid an arranged marriage, American heiress Madeline Macooish stows away aboard a ship bound for England. She’s rescued by Rees Dalton and spends the night in his cabin. Knowing her reputation is compromised, she accepts Rees’s offer of a temporary marriage. Drawn to his honest heart, Madeline begins to imagine wearing his ring forever. Until she learns her new husband has a secret identity!

  “Madeline, from the first time I saw you through the spyglass, I—honestly—I liked you, very much.”

  “I...” she took a small step toward him; Rees leaned an inch toward her “...think...”

  With a short leap she was back in his arms. She tipped her face up to him. With a smile she cupped her cold fingers on his cheeks and drew his head down.

  “I like you, too, very much.”

  Her kiss was sweet, and it was steamy and ardent. It was his undoing. He was completely captured. How could a woman melt against him like that and not be his for all time?

  She could not.

  When she would have drawn away, he held her tighter. He felt it when she gave herself back to him and to the unrestrained fever that bound them to the moment.

  Author Note

  Thank you so much for picking up a copy of Rescued by the Viscount's Ring. It really does mean a great deal to me that you have chosen to spend time with Madeline Macooish and Rees Dalton.

  If you read The Earl’s American Heiress you will recall that Madeline ran away with a stranger. As you probably guessed, things did not end the way she expected them to. What she had thought would happen was that she would marry the man she chose, not the earl her grandfather had appointed her to wed.

  Rather than finding love and independence, she finds herself boarding a ship bound for Great Britain, alone, penniless and in search of her family.

  Her great act of independence leads smack into wedlock with a stranger. All she gains by running away is a guilty conscience...and of course Rees Dalton, eleventh earl of Glenbrook.

  It does not take long for them to care deeply for each other. Making a lifetime commitment takes a bit longer.

  This story deals with forgiveness, both needed and granted. Haven’t we all been in the position of either needing it or granting it?

  How much can be forgiven?

  I’m certain you’s quite a lot when love is at the heart of things.

  I hope you enjoy Madeline and Rees’s journey to find it.


  Rescued by the Viscount’s Ring

  Carol Arens delights in tossing fictional characters into hot water, watching them steam and then giving them a happily-ever-after. When she is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, beach camping or lounging about a mountain cabin. At home, she enjoys playing with her grandchildren and gardening. During rare spare moments, you will find her snuggled up with a good book. Carol enjoys hearing from readers at or on Facebook.

  Books by Carol Arens

  Harlequin Historical

  Dreaming of a Western Christmas

  “Snowbound with the Cowboy”

  Western Christmas Proposals

  “The Sheriff’s Christmas Proposal”

  The Cowboy’s Cinderella

  Western Christmas Brides

  “A Kiss from the Cowboy”

  The Rancher’s Inconvenient Bride

  A Ranch to Call Home

  A Texas Christmas Reunion

  The Earl’s American Heiress

  Rescued by the Viscount's Ring

  Visit the Author Profile page

  at for more titles.

  For Avery Michelle De Cuir,

  Your nurturing spirit and generous nature are a blessing to all who love you...and there are a lot of us, my sweet granddaughter.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Excerpt from Uncovering the Merchant’s Secret by Elisabeth Hobbes

  Chapter One

  New York Harbour—December 1889

  Madeline Macooish was not one to use ugly language, even under her breath. Which did not mean she did not think of colourful words on occasion—on this occasion, to be precise.

  No matter how she tried to outwit Bertrand Fenster, she could not. He trailed her like a pesky fly or a bad odour. Like a bout of hiccups that returned time after time.

  Like a suitor intent on acquiring her grandfather’s fortune, which, of course, was exactly what he was. She ought to have known better than to be led astray—far astray—by the deceitful smile of a scoundrel.

  Feeling his greedy gaze on her back, she spun about, glare at the ready.

  All she saw were masts bobbing at anchor, along with red funnels spewing smoke and steam towards the mass of grey clouds stretching from the mouth of the Hudson to the eastern horizon.

  Oh, but he was here. She’d felt his lurking presence on and off ever since she parted company with him in Chicago a few months ago.

  She ought to be used to it by now, to not feel threatened by his secretive pursuit, but she would feel more at ease with an ocean between them.

  Truly, what sort of false-hearted cad continued to trail his prey even when she had informed him, from the very beginning, no less, that she was no longer entitled to a fortune? Indeed, she had made it clear that in running off with him she had forfeited any money Grandfather would have given her.

  And not because he would cut her off. No—he would never do that—but because she had betrayed him by running away and did not deserve one cent from that dear man.

  Sadly, for all that she considered herself to be an excellent judge of character, she had fallen under the spell of the hoodwinker’s charm, had believed him to be sincere when he vowed his eternal devotion.

  It was her own fault that she was in this situation. Had she been more level-headed she would not have run off, but married the man Grandfather had intended her to. That union would not have been the love match she had always dreamed of, but neither would she have been missing her family as desperately as she did now.

  She had to conclude that love was blind, as the saying went. However, looking back on things, she now realised it had not been love she had felt, but rather infatuation.

  Luckily she had come to learn that Bertrand was a bit dim in spite of his winning facade and handsome face.

  The deep bellow of a ship’s horn thrummed over the harbour. Another answered.

  Straightening her shoulders, Madeline gathered her smile and approached the ticket office. It was time to sail for Liverpool.

  She had worked hard at odd jobs to earn the fare and had exactly enough money for a steerage ticket, but no more.

  ‘Good day,’ she said to the ticket master standing behind the window. ‘I’d like to book passage on the first ship going to Liverpool.’

  ‘That would be the Edwina, at dock right there across the road.’ He nodded towards the large, modern-looking vessel. ‘She’s sailing on the hour.’

  Truly, that was rather perfect. It was unlikely that Bertrand would have time to follow her even if he d
id have the funds to do so.

  ‘Oh, that will do nicely.’

  ‘Will that be steerage, miss?’

  Her plain but clean gown should have made that obvious. In the past when she had travelled with Grandfather her frilly gowns made it clear that she travelled first class, no matter the mode of transportation. This was bound to be a far different trip than any she had taken before.

  She nodded, smiling. She was going to find Grandfather, to beg his forgiveness for what she had done to him. If need be, she would cross the ocean, sleeping on the deck. She missed him more than she could ever have imagined.

  ‘That will be thirty dollars.’

  That much? Madeline gulped past the tight button on her collar. She withdrew the money from her purse, counted it out to the ticket master, knowing it would be two dollars short.

  ‘Oh, dear.’ She blinked at him, pressed her lips into a tight circle. ‘I must have lost... Oh, I was certain I had the full fare only an hour ago.’

  ‘There’s the Sea Minnow sailing next week. She’s a smaller vessel, but seaworthy. Her fare is only twenty-five.’

  ‘Oh, but my situation is urgent.’ She glanced over her shoulder, spotted Bertrand emerging from behind a stack of crates. ‘Is there perhaps something cheaper than steerage on the Edwina?’

  ‘I’m sorry, miss.’ He shook his head. She believed he did regret having to turn her away. He had a kind face and rather reminded her of Grandfather.

  ‘Sir, I can’t look back, but is there a tall, slim gentleman approaching?’

  ‘A dashing-looking fellow with a bit of a swagger to his walk?’

  ‘He’s not a bit dashing, but, yes, that is him. His attentions towards me are not welcome.’ Oh, good. The ticket master was frowning past her shoulder. ‘I must get to my grandfather.’

  ‘I don’t know how I can help you other than to summon a police officer.’

  ‘I can work off the two dollars once I’m on the ship.’ How close was Bertrand now? Any moment she expected to feel his skinny-fingered hand clamp about her elbow. ‘And my only luggage is this valise. I won’t need anything stored.’

  ‘Now that I see him closer, the fellow does look like a charlatan.’

  ‘Oh, he is—and how much closer?’

  Swiftly, he wrote out a ticket and slid it towards her. ‘I’ve got a couple of dollars in my pocket.’

  ‘You are too kind, sir.’ She would have kissed his cheek, but there were bars across the window. Instead, she pressed her lips to her fingertips, then reached past the barrier and touched them to his cheek. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Hurry now,’ he urged. ‘I’ll tell him you are taking the Sea Minnow.’

  In spinning about she noticed that his name was Fenwick Stewart. She tucked the name in her memory because, somehow, she would repay the kind gentleman ten times over.

  Now, she need only board the ship without having her rejected suitor know it.

  All of a sudden, a gust of cold wind hit her back. It blew her skirts about and propelled her forward. She tucked her small valise securely into the crook of her arm. It would not do to lose the few possessions she had left in this world.

  She dared a glance over her shoulder. Bertrand was at the ticket window. With his eyes off her for an instant, she ducked behind a stack of wood crates and crouched into a shadow. From here it would be a quick dash up the gangplank.

  Footsteps tapped rapidly on the dock, coming in her direction. All at once, a young girl rounded the corner of her hiding place and crouched down. The poor child was crying, her face buried in her knees.

  ‘Hello,’ Madeline said because she could hardly ignore her presence. ‘Are you hiding, too? This is a rather nice spot for it.’

  ‘Please don’t give me away, miss.’

  ‘I’ll try not to, but who are you hiding from?’


  This was tricky business. She could not keep the child’s whereabouts a secret from her parent.

  ‘I see. I’m hiding from a fortune hunter, just until I can get on the Edwina.’

  As she suspected, that bit of information caught the child’s attention. Hopefully the fact that they were both hiding would form a bond between them and give Madeline some indication of how to proceed with this turn of events.

  ‘I’m supposed to get on the ship, too.’

  Madeline scooted closer. ‘We are both in a bit of a pickle, it seems. Why don’t you want to go with your father?’

  She hadn’t said so—quite—but it seemed clear that she did not want to.

  ‘I do.’ She turned red-rimmed eyes up at her, dabbed her nose on her sleeve. ‘But Mama isn’t going to Liverpool and I want to stay here with her.’

  That was understandable. Had Madeline been lucky enough to have a mother, she would have done anything to remain with her. While Grandfather had done a loving job of raising both her and her cousin, Clementine, she had always longed for her mother. It didn’t matter that she had no clear memory of her.

  ‘Why isn’t your mother going with you?’

  ‘There wasn’t enough money for her ticket. Papa is going to send for her once he starts his new job in London. But I want to stay with Mama.’

  ‘Clara Lee Adelbackmore!’ a man’s voice shouted.

  ‘Clara!’ a woman’s voice echoed, but it sounded worried rather than stern.

  ‘You must be Clara?’

  ‘Yes, miss.’

  ‘Your parents are frightened. They don’t know you are only feet away. Surely they must be fearing all manner of horrid things to have happened to you.’

  The same as Grandfather must be fearing for her. Shame for what she had done to that wonderful man made Madeline want to weep right along with Clara.

  It would have been right and good to send Grandfather a wire letting him know she was safe, but she was not quite sure where to send it. He was no longer in Los Angeles, she did know that. London was where he might be. She could only guess that Clementine had been forced to marry the Earl of Fencroft in Madeline’s place. As desperately as she needed Grandfather’s forgiveness, she needed her cousin’s, as well.

  In this case, a wire would not do. The magnitude of her misdeed called for an apology in the flesh. Had the prodigal son sent a note to his father, well, it would not have been right.

  ‘I’ll come out of hiding after Papa sails with my brothers.’

  ‘I doubt they will go, not with you missing. You should go along with what your father and mother planned. They purchased a ticket for you. You must use it.’

  ‘I won’t go without Mama.’

  Of course, they could all make the trip together. And Madeline had a perfectly valid ticket gripped in her fist.

  She could give it to the girl’s mother. It would mean remaining in New York until she earned enough money for another fare. It might take a very long time since she hadn’t many skills and she would also need funds to live on.

  She desperately needed this ticket and should not part with it. But standing by when a child and her mother were about to be separated and knowing she could prevent it—that was a bit too much guilt to carry.

  Madeline’s heart was far too heavy with regret as it was.

  ‘Come along.’ She stood up and reached her hand down to Clara. ‘Your parents are growing quite frantic. In a moment it will be the police looking for you.’

  She shook her head. Her hat slipped off her mop of dark-brown curls.

  ‘It’s all right,’ she said with a smile which would appear sincere even though Madeline felt like weeping. ‘Your mother can have my ticket.’

  ‘But the fortune hunter!’ She sprang to her feet. ‘Won’t he catch you?’

  ‘No.’ She straightened the girl’s hat, adjusted the ribbons under the small, trembling chin. ‘I’m a good bit smarter than he is.’

  * *

  Rees Dalton stood beside the Captain of the Edwina, smelling like coal, soot and sweat while silently observing passengers coming aboard over the wide gangplank.

  ‘Is there anything more specific you can tell me about what would constitute lax behaviour in the fire room, Captain Collier?’ All activity aboard the ship he had recently purchased was of vital importance to him, but the furnace area was critical when it came to the safety of everyone on board. ‘Anything at all that you might have forgotten to mention?’

  ‘No, my lord.’ The Captain rocked back slightly on the heels of his boots. ‘Your attention down there is paramount. As I said before, if the work is done incorrectly it could cause an explosion. I’ve heard of such things happening.’

  ‘While we are on board the ship, please remember to call me Rees, or Mr Dalton. I can hardly observe operations if my identity is discovered. I fear no one will act naturally in my presence.’

  ‘Not to be presumptuous, sir—Rees, that is—but might you not have hired a man to see to the job? It is hardly suitable for a man of your position.’

  Rees shook his head while watching a family across the dock near the ticket office. There were six of them holding on to each other and looking distressed.

  ‘No. I cannot remain at my estate while the safety of passengers and crew aboard my ship is at issue. There are certain things a man must see to himself.’ But, in fact, he had hired a few men to secretly inspect the less-urgent areas of the ship’s operation. ‘May I borrow your spyglass, Captain?’

  Rees took the offered telescope and focused the lens on the family. A girl of about twelve years was crying inconsolably and her parents and siblings were not faring much better.

  ‘It’s a common sight, Mr Dalton.’ The Captain tugged on his coat. The twin rows of polished brass buttons would be sparkling in the morning sunshine had there been any. ‘Often it’s too costly for all the family to make the crossing at one time. The father will go, then send for the rest when he is settled.’

  ‘I see,’ Rees muttered while scanning the dock for anything that might be out of place. ‘Is there not a family fare to prevent such a thing?’


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