Mommy’s Top Drawer

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Mommy’s Top Drawer Page 6

by Tina Moore

  “You can sit there and think about how you should be behaving,” Steff said as she put Loren back on her lap and cuddled her in front of him making him pout and frown jealously. Loren buried her head into Steff’s model like neck and tried to relax. Her heart was racing, and Steff felt it against her chest. Patting Loren on her back and rocking her soothingly Steff felt her begin to melt into her. Smiling wickedly at Phil, Steff snapped her fingers to her feet where Phil quickly crawled to.

  “Are you going to be a good boy now, or do I need to belt your little arse again?” Steff asked, putting a calm Loren down on the floor.

  “I’ll be good; I’m sorry Steff,” Phil replied as a knock came from the front door. Loren looked excitedly to the door, making Steff laugh.

  “I don’t think it’s Mommy Loren,” she said, getting up and going to the door, paying the delivery guy and coming back with her order. Steff laid the food out on the table and began eating as Phil and Loren drew pictures and played with his train set.

  “Can bunny play?” Loren asked, hopefully. Phil looked at her and then looked at the bunny. Hearing Steff clear her throat he reluctantly agreed and put Loren’s bunny on top of a train letting her push it around the tracks.

  By 11:30, Loren had been put to bed by Steff. Steff watched as Loren fell asleep admiring how sweet she was as she held her bunny and sucked her thumb. Phil and Steff began to watch a movie and Steff let Phil rest his head on her lap as she stroked him to sleep. At 1:30, a knock came from the door, and Steff carefully put Phil’s head on the floor as she opened the door for Nancy.

  “Hi, sorry it’s so late,” Nancy said as she came inside, greeting Steff in a warm embrace.

  “How was your night?” Steff asked, shutting the door behind her.

  “Long, my staff got put through the wringer. How was Loren?” Nancy asked as she looked around the living room for her.

  “She was perfect; she’s asleep. Phil got so jealous. He threw Loren’s bunny up the hallway and back chatted me. I belted him in front of Loren; I think she’ll be OK, I cuddled her afterward until she calmed down again. Easily scared. I think she was worried I’d spank her next,” Steff said, offering Nancy a beer. Nancy laughed she had thought Phil would get jealous; she knew Loren would be jealous if her attention were on someone else.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine. Oh! I needed that,” Nancy said as she downed half the beer.

  “Mommy?” Loren said as she sleepily rubbed her eyes, crawling out of Steff’s room.

  “Hi baby girl,” Nancy said, turning around and walking over to pick her up.

  “Where you a good girl for Steff?” Nancy asked, holding Loren with one arm and drinking the rest of her beer. Loren looked at Steff and smiled sweetly.

  “I think so,” she replied. Nancy began to rub Loren’s padded bottom, enjoying how soft and think it was and making a mental note to buy more diaper covers in this material.

  “You think so?” Nancy teased, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, I didn’t get spanked like Phil,” Loren explained. Steff laughed as she walked over to Phil and pulled his pants down, revealing his still red arse. Nancy followed and chuckled when she saw.

  “I’d hope you wouldn’t need to be spanked like that. Should we try to see what happens?” Nancy asked, playfully.

  “No, Mommy!” Loren replied, shocked that Nancy would suggest such a thing.

  “Oh come on, it’ll be fun to have Mommy spanking that pretty little bottom of yours,” Nancy said, rubbing Loren’s padded pussy, making her involuntarily push against her hand.

  “I think you want it,” Nancy whispered in Loren’s ear. Putting Loren on the floor, Nancy pulled down the cover and undid her diaper. Sitting her up, Steff moved behind her and Nancy pushed Loren back against Steff.

  “Let’s see how excited you are,” Nancy said as she put a finger in Loren’s mouth making her suck it before sliding it up and down her pussy slit. Pushing through her lips, Loren bucked her hips, wanting Nancy inside of her.

  “Mommy hasn’t fucked you in weeks, isn’t that right baby?” Nancy asked. Steff stroked Loren’s hair and kissed her cheek as a wave of pleasure rolled over Loren making her breathless.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Loren said as she closed her eyes and bit her lip. Nancy played with Loren’s clit and slid one finger into her tight wet pussy, making her moan loudly, waking Phil up. He looked around and was shocked to find Steff holding Loren in place while Nancy slowly fucked her.

  “Stay,” Steff commanded, clicking her fingers when she saw Phil wake up. She smiled as she saw his cock becoming harder as he watched Loren.

  “You can play little boy,” Steff said, making Phil smile as he reached into his pants and began stroking his cock. Nancy took her finger out of Loren, scooped her up with one arm and flung her over her knee in a smooth motion. Spank, spank, spank. Nancy rubbed Loren’s arse after each spanking just enough to keep her on the edge of her pain threshold.

  “You’ll be a good girl and take this baby. Mommy wants to see your arse go red,” Nancy said as she pushed down on Loren’s back while her other hand spanked Loren over and over.

  “Mommy,” Loren begged as she stopped squirming and took the spanking.

  “That’s right. Mommy is going to spank you a little longer tonight. You’ve been such a good girl. I’m spanking you because I want to, not because you’ve been bad,” Nancy explained, picking up that Loren thought she was in trouble.

  “Oh, baby, you’re turning Mommy on. Let me spank you a few more times,” Nancy said, enjoying letting her more sadistic side out. She had been waiting to be able to slightly brutalize Loren. As the sting of each spanking began to be too much for Loren, Nancy spat on her hand and rubbed Loren’s pussy, circling her clit and continued to spank her. Nancy could feel Loren’s heartbeat on her thigh and felt her pussy begin to drip cum; Nancy shoved two fingers into Loren’s pussy, making her scream. As Loren was roughly fucked, Nancy continued to spank her, moving down to the tops of her thighs and squeezing her tightly after each hit. Loren came hard as her pussy gushed cum over Nancy’s hand and fell limb over Nancy’s leg, beginning to whimper. Nancy forced herself to stop just as her juices began to flow and cuddled Loren. Aware Loren had been pushed past her limit.

  “It’s over baby. Mommy has stopped. You did so well, sweetheart,” Nancy said as she kissed Loren’s tears away. Loren pushed Nancy back against the couch defiantly and pinned her there, pouting, frowning and panting.

  “You’re OK, sweetie. We just pushed to a new level. Mommy wouldn’t hurt you, we just went further than we have before, but you’re OK,” Nancy said reassuringly, letting Loren have some control. Loren turned around to see Phil being pegged by Steff who was reaching around and jerking him off at the same time. Nancy pulled Loren back to her and held her hands behind her back, making Loren squirm with fear. Nancy let her hands go and smiled in relief as Loren wrapped them around her neck and snuggled into her cleavage. Nancy picked her up and took her to Steff’s room to collect her things.

  “Mommy, can I please have these,” Loren said as she groped Nancy’s full breasts. Nancy slowly unbuttoned her blouse and took off her bra, exposing her large nipples for Loren.

  “Yes baby,” Nancy replied as she positioned Loren for nursing, holding her breast to Loren’s mouth and rubbing her nipple over her lips until she opened her mouth and began to nurse while they waited for Steff and Phil to finish.

  Chapter 10

  Loren’s head was a mess. After the night at Steff’s, nothing made sense. She had seen a side of Nancy she had never seen in the whole time she had known her. It had been like something had taken over her, and the Nancy she knew had gone for an hour. Loren knew she had been distant towards Nancy since that night, but she didn’t know how to go back to the blissful vulnerability she had shown her before. She just changed, Loren thought to herself as she watched Nancy make waffles.

  It was Saturday, and after their waffles, Loren had gone to the beach. Not particular
ly enjoying it, but wanting to be alone, moreover, wanting to be away from Nancy. How can I even trust her? How will I know if she’s going to change-up like that? Loren thought as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun. Nancy had felt Loren’s distance as well.

  “Seeing her so ready for the taking made me wild,” she said to Steff over the phone.

  “Yeah, you did take her pretty hard. Was she able to walk after you slammed her pussy like that?” Steff replied as she used Phil as a footstool.

  “Barely. Steff, I wanted to hurt her. I was getting off on it. That’s only happened a handful of times, and it’s never worked out afterward,” Nancy explained as she paced back and forth in the living room.

  “Maybe you’re just crueler than you have allowed yourself to be. Maybe you need someone more masochistic than Loren,” Steff replied.

  “No, I don’t think that’s it. It just when I see Loren so sleepy and vulnerable just makes me want to use her until she is broken. I guess that’s what everyone else sees in her as well. I’m happy I was able to stop, she’s got such pull power,” Nancy said before Loren walked through the door.

  “I’ll call you later, I have to go,” she quickly added seeing Loren and hanging up the phone.

  “Hi baby,” Nancy said, walking over and embracing Loren.

  “Hey Mommy,” Loren replied absently as she stood still and let Nancy hold her. Breaking the embrace, Loren walked to the kitchen and made herself a coffee.

  “You want?” Loren asked Nancy, who shook her head.

  “Can we talk about this?” Nancy asked as Loren sat at the kitchen bench after a week of walking on egg-shells.

  “Talk about what?” Loren replied, pretending everything was fine. Nancy lifted her hand to stroke Loren’s hair, and Loren flinched defensively.

  “Talk about that,” Nancy stated, pointing out the distance between them. Loren looked into her coffee cup and wished she knew the words to say.

  “You go first,” she said. Nancy cracked her neck and sat down next to Loren.

  “OK. Since that night, I can see it, I can feel it, you aren’t giving your whole self to me, and it sucks,” Nancy started. Loren looked at her and continued to listen.

  “I guess I just enjoy a rougher side and if you don’t then,” Nancy said, cutting herself off.

  “Then what?” Loren said aggressively, her eyes burning a hole into Nancy.

  “You don’t get just to walk away from this because I got scared, Mommy,” Loren said, adding Mommy in the hope she would be forgiven for speaking so out of turn. Nancy smiled, looking down to the floor.

  “Baby,” Nancy began to say, stopping herself. Loren looked up at her expectantly.

  “No, you know what it might be good for us to have that time apart,” Loren said quietly.

  “There’s a work thing I need to go to, I’ll be out of town for four nights next week,” Loren said plainly.

  “Why,” Nancy replied, hurt that Loren wanted to be away from her.

  “Because,” Loren stated getting up and going to the living room.

  “No,” Nancy commanded as she followed Loren, “We have to speak about this,” she added, sitting down next to Loren.

  “Speak about what?!” Loren spat back at her.

  “That I’m just your fucktoy like I was for everyone else?” Loren added with tears in her eyes. Shocked, Nancy reached her for, but Loren pushed her hand away.

  “Don’t touch me,” Loren aggressively stated. Nancy could feel her heart being to break as she saw the girl she so dearly loved pulling away from her.

  “You are not my fucktoy Loren!” Nancy exclaimed hurt that Loren thought so.

  “Then why would you use me like that?” Loren said as she began to weep. Nancy looked at Loren who had brought her knees to her chest and cried into herself.

  “I never said it was OK to have Steff hold me down; I never said it was OK to spank me while Phil jerked off watching. You were the one who said there wouldn’t be anything sexual that night and it was bloody fucking sexual Nancy!” Loren practically yelled as she got up and stood over Nancy who remained on the couch. Nancy raised an eyebrow hearing Loren say her name with such venom.

  “I don’t give a fuck!” Loren stated reading Nancy’s face, being very aware she was breaking multiple rules by talking in such a manner.

  “I didn’t realize I’d hurt you so much,” Nancy said, deciding to hear what Loren was telling her instead of focusing on the rules she was breaking. Loren stopped pacing around the living room and looked at Nancy.

  “You did,” Loren replied, forgetting she was meant to be angry.

  “How can I even trust you now? She added, misery escaping her voice. Loren sat down next to Nancy in silence.

  “I don’t trust you anymore,” Loren quietly said after some time. She got up and walked to Nancy’s bedroom and slammed the door shut. Nancy remained on the couch as tears began to well in her eyes.

  Loren had packed her bags the night of the fight and had gone to stay at Jen’s. The following morning she had boarded the plane and gone to the conference, without saying another word to Nancy. At the meeting, Loren heard from artist after artist talk about their works and their inspiration. In the evenings, she had stayed in alone. The people she was at the conference with had invited her out two nights in a row, but she had declined both times making excuses for her lack of partying interest. On the third day of the conference, an artist she had listened to an hour earlier spotted Loren during the lunch break.

  “Mind if I sit?” the artist said, standing over the top of Loren who ate her lunch alone as an eight seater table.

  “Oh, this table is full sorry,” Loren replied, making a joke for the first time in four days. The artist laughed and sat next to her.

  “Vanessa, right?” Loren asked inquisitively.

  “Yeah, Loren?” Vanessa replied. Loren nodded her head.

  “Where are you from?” Vanessa asked. Loren looked at her for the first time. She had crimson color hair and looked like a cover girl from a 90’s magazine. She wore flowing, whimsical clothing, and Loren wondered why she had wanted to sit next to her when they were so very different.

  “Look, you seem lovely, but I’m not into small talk. I’m not into any small talk right now,” Loren replied apologetically.

  “That’s OK; we don’t need to talk, I can feel you’re hurting,” Vanessa replied. Loren looked at her disbelievingly.

  “You can feel I’m hurting?” She stated, almost mockingly. Vanessa just nodded to which Loren rolled her eyes, making Vanessa laugh out loud.

  “You don’t believe me?” Vanessa asked.

  “I don’t know what to believe,” Loren muttered. Vanessa held out her hand to Loren, who looked at her puzzlingly.

  “Give me your hand,” Vanessa insisted. Loren sighed and placed her hand on top of Vanessa’s, who held it gently.

  “Well, someone broke your heart,” Vanessa said knowingly.

  “You could have just looked at my face and reached the same conclusion,” Loren stated bluntly pulling her hand away.

  “But at least this time you aren’t using sex as a coping method,” Vanessa retorted, piquing Loren’s curiosity.

  “See, not so dumb after all,” Vanessa said in a matter of fact manner that made Loren laugh and relax.

  “Fair enough,” Loren submitted.

  “What now?” She added, looking at Vanessa.

  “Tell me what happened,” Vanessa suggested.

  “Nope,” Loren replied quickly as she finished her lunch.

  “Loren, other people can’t see what I can, you can't-fool me, I know you aren’t always a big girl,” Vanessa whispered making Loren sit back and looked at her in shock and horror.

  “Are you Nancy’s friend?” Loren asked as fear escaped her voice.

  “No, but as I said, I can feel things, and seeing things. What happened? Let me help you,” Vanessa kindly replied.

  “You can’t help me,” Loren stated sadly.

  “Not if you don’t let me,” Vanessa replied. Loren looked around; they were the only people in the lunch room.

  “There was a miss-interpretation of a contract, and now it all just feels too scary,” Loren honestly explained.

  “Maybe I’m just too dumb to understand what I’m doing, or maybe she just found a loophole, but I can’t imagine she would knowingly hurt me. She stopped when she was mid-orgasm when I couldn’t take anymore. I don’t know how to place any of this,” she added as she began to tear up. Vanessa closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

  “She didn’t mean to hurt you. She thought you would enjoy it and when she realized she was hurting you, it stopped being enjoyable for her. She couldn’t bring herself to keep going when she learned you were not enjoying it. She thought that because you had had sex like that with each other in the past that it was still a green zone,” Vanessa said in a way which made Loren wonder if it was her or Nancy talking. Vanessa opened her eyes to see Loren running from the lunch room.

  Chapter 11

  Am I stupid, believing in what some stranger has said, Loren thought as she packed her belongings in the Hotel room. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Nancy had messaged her every day, only to be left on read. Dialing her number, Loren waited impatiently for her to pick up.

  “Hello Nancy’s phone,” Steff said, answering. Loren knew Steff would have seen her photo come up and knew very well who was ringing Nancy.

  “Hi Steff, it’s Loren, is…Mommy there?” Loren said, feeling her heart pound in her chest.

  “No, she’s not Loren. She’s gone out with some friends and left her phone here. She’s been staying with me since you left,” Steff replied, clearly mad a Loren. Loren felt her stomach lurch. Steff is such a cunt; she thought to herself. As Loren was about to speak, she heard Nancy’s voice asking who it was on the phone.


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