Valkyrie Chronicles 4 & 5 Bundle

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Valkyrie Chronicles 4 & 5 Bundle Page 1

by Erik Schubach

  The Valkyrie Chronicles: Seventy Two Hours

  By Erik Schubach

  Copyright © 2014 by Erik Schubach

  Self publishing

  P.O. Box 523

  Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026

  Cover Photo © 2014 3000ad / Zoom Team / license

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, blog, or broadcast.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Manufactured in the United States of America


  ISBN 978-0-9911072-5-4

  Prologue – Blaze of Glory

  My footsteps clanged and echoed on the grated decks of the Ragnarok generational spaceship as I ran through the corridors. Alarms were screeching and klaxons were blaring in a cacophony of sound and discord. Control panels and access tubes were exploding all around me as I ran through the smoke and sparks. My nano-lattice was flaring brightly across my skin as it absorbed energy and deflected shrapnel from the explosions.

  I could just make out father on coms over the deafening chaos around me. “Kara? Daught... ...ituation report. Are y... ...incoming...” Then static screeched as the coms went dead. I growled, took it out of my ear, and threw it to the ground as I ran on. I shook my head sadly. I knew this was a one way mission when I volunteered for it, but there was no way I was letting Kat attempt this.

  An explosion from a wall panel threw me violently into the opposite corridor wall. My lattice absorbed most of the impact that would have crushed someone not protected with one. Even so, I felt a rib snap. My nanites started attacking the damage instantly as I jumped back to my feet and continued to run while they healed the injury.

  Lights flickered with the power fluctuations, gravity was unstable between sections. The vessel heaved and I lost gravity altogether, my momentum kept me moving forward in free fall, until I smashed back down roughly onto the grating when I hit a high gravity pocket. I forced myself to my feet, it had to be two or more standard Ragnarok gravities. I forced myself forward a step at a time until I hit a normal, one gravity section and took a deep breath then started running again.

  I turned a corner and then I saw the huge Ragnarok commander, Intark, in his EVA suit just ahead of me, with his helmet sealed. I poured on the speed to catch him. I saw the last escape pod at the far end of the corridor.

  Time seemed to slow down and I swear to the Tree of Ages that I saw the energy blast bloom from the Frost Giant vessel off our port side through a viewport. I leapt at the commander and just barely snagged the handle at the back of his helmet and yanked him back, as the end of the corridor and the escape pod ceased to exist in the torrent of energy that tore through the vessel. I was already taking a deep breath, knowing what was coming next.

  My lattice flared to twice its normal maximum, hardening my skin as the atmosphere rushed out of the ship with explosive decompression, sweeping me and Intark out into space, he hit his head on the bulkhead on his way out. My shoulder slammed into the opening as I was torn out into the harsh environment beyond, but I managed to hold on to the commander's now limp body. I could feel my nanites straining as they screamed in my head with the effort. All sound had ceased. We were battered by the debris that was blown out of the hull breach with us.

  I pulled the unconscious Ragnarok to me as I tried to pull up a shield as mother, Kat, and Arina could, to deflect the larger chunks. The shield I could generate was pathetic, I'm better suited for brute force and destruction, so I switched to the power of Thor to destroy the deadlier chunks as lightning lanced from my free hand. It had the desired effect as the pieces were torn asunder and passed on either side of us... but the counter force just sent us into an uncontrollable spin.

  We ricocheted off of a huge hull fragment floating past, with me cushioning Intark's body. I felt another rib snap. I gained my bearings and shot Thor's power blindly in the opposite direction of our spin, countering the force of our rapid, weightless spin. The compressed magnetic force lightning discharge slowed us to a gentle spiral.

  As we tumbled slowly in space, I saw the gaping hole in the Frost Giant ship that we had enlarged after Kenatar's suicide run had breached their hull at an engine pod. That engine was dark now... dead, and the other two were damaged.

  My lips curled into a sneering smile as I saw the five mile long vessel heaving as its damaged engines fought unsuccessfully to keep it from falling into the gravity well of the planet. I knew I was already dead, but I took extreme satisfaction knowing that we took the enemy with us.

  I sent a thought out to the universe... Know this Frost Giants, while the other women of Valhalla still stand, you will do no harm to the innocents of this galaxy or any other. I was but one, my sisters are many! I Kara the Wild One, Daughter of Odin, Daughter of Geiravor, was your death. I AM VALKYRIE!

  I shielded my eyes as the antimatter containment bottles on the smaller, mile long Ragnarok ship failed. It was consumed in a great fireball in the silence of the vacuum of space, dealing more damage to the now unshielded engines of the Frost Giant vessel. I wrapped my small body around the commander's seven foot form the best I could as the energy shockwave hit us.

  I silently screamed as the energy slammed into me, burning my flesh, even through the nano-lattice, causing me to lose the last of the oxygen in my lungs. We were flung down toward the planet, Folkvangr, at breakneck speeds as I started gasping for non-existent air and my lungs felt as if they were on fire with need. My nanites and their nano-lattice were valiantly preventing the unforgiving vacuum of space from ravaging my body and lungs. I had nothing but pride for their valor.

  My nanites, my friends, my protectors, my Verr, refused to give up, even though I could feel that they knew it was futile. I stopped gasping, I knew that they were shutting down my system to try to preserve my body as long as they could. I started to feel the heat on my back as we began to hit the atmosphere of the planet.

  My Verr were consoling me in my mind, sending me their love as flames started building up around my slowly failing lattice while we plummeted to the planet below as a meteor. I don't know why I kept protecting the commander with my body. It's not like I could save him. He was lucky he was unconscious so he wouldn't feel our fiery death.

  I reached out with my nanite link to my mate and my family. Kat, Arina, Inatra, and the children. I could barely feel them in my head as my body slowly died. In a calm tone, I sent out to them, “I love you. I'm sorry.”

  Then I screamed silently in pain as my lattice failed just as I was losing consciousness. It was the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced as my body started to burn up in the atmosphere.

  I smiled as the world went black when my heart stopped beating, knowing that I had died with honor, with great valor... protecting the innocents of the galaxy. I, Kara the Wild One, would pass to the ages in a blaze of glory!

  Chapter 1 – Seventy Two Hours Earlier

  Odin nodded at me as I stood in front of the shimmering wall of the event horizon on the quantum entanglement tunnel that Loki, Odin, and Arina had developed over the past eighty years since we had transitioned to Folkvangr. He smiled and prodded, “Now Kara.”

Loki had brought up the idea that if we could build a quantum entanglement system for near-realtime interstellar communication, then it stood to reason we could build a gateway of sorts to send matter between Saellifor, Valhalla, and Heildfine. Less than a year ago this bridge that father named the Bifrost, or Rainbow Bridge because of the colorful fluctuations in the energy field, was activated.

  Imagine the excitement of actually seeing through it to Saellifor on Earth! Endless tests have been performed since, and a month ago we sent the first matter through. There was an odd bending and delay as part of the monitoring equipment appeared on the other side of the event horizon. It was like our two second communication delay.

  We were unsuccessful sending biological matter. The magnetic force compression burns, damaged the cell structure. It made sense; unlike a normal magnetic compression burn that was on the surface, this was on the molecular level.

  But Arina had theorized that a lattice hardened sample could survive. By the “lattice hardened sample”, they meant me. It was quite humorous really. When she had said it out loud, all eyes swung to me. I would not show hesitation, I was not afraid, I am Valkyrie! I had said, “Fine you unruly lot, I volunteer.” For the past two weeks, scientists on both ends have prepared for the test.

  I nodded in excitement and father added unnecessarily. “Remember daughter, just your finger. If it is too damaged, your nanites can repair it and we will know it is not possible at this juncture. I do not want you at risk.”

  It was silent in the Bifrost control room as I stepped up to the shimmering gateway. Kate stepped up with me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, in public! Kroth woman! I did not need to be distracted by arousal! I grinned at Loki, Thor, and Geiravor on the other side of the bridge. After a delay, they smiled back as I took a deep breath and activated my nano-lattice at full strength, bathing the room in a blue light.

  The anticipation in the room was almost palpable as I slowly extended my hand and pushed a finger of my non-dominant, left hand into the event horizon. I could feel the extreme cold and a burning sensation and two seconds later we could see the tip of my finger coming out the other end of the bridge. My lattice quickly burned off a bit of frost and ice covering my finger.

  It looked to be severely cold compression burned, but not damaged, though it felt tender. I wiggled my finger as Loki and Thor were frantically taking readings while my nanites healed the surface damage. After a delay, we saw my finger wiggle.

  My little brother, Thor, looked up and said, “Other than the expected cold burns, her tissues are normal!” Cheers erupted on both sides.

  Odin boomed out in enthusiasm, “Kroth! It IS possible! We need to do extensive testing and come up with some way to power a shielded sample container to determine...”

  I shook my head at father and Arina as they were pouring over the data that was now coming from Saellifor. By the Tree of Ages, it would take them months to decide to send an Asgard across the divide. I almost chuckled and said, “You scientist types and your endless testing!” Then almost as one, everyone in the Bifrost control room was quickly stepping toward me to stop me when they saw my evil grin. Too slow everyone! I stepped through the event horizon.

  It had to be the oddest sensation of my life, there was a folding pressure and some minor pain, but the overwhelming feeling was bitter cold as I stepped across worlds into the Bifrost control room in Saellifor on Earth!

  I stumbled and Geiravor caught me. I was covered in cold compression burns and there was a layer of ice over my lattice that turned to steam as my lattice burned it off. I stood and deactivated my lattice as my nanites internally chastised me for being so foolish. I looked at my wrist console to confirm it, and the word “foolish” then “charge” then “fire soul” scrolled across the readout from my nanites.

  I smiled inwardly. These past few years we had discovered a means to actually speak with our evolved nanites. We have found that they are surprisingly more self aware than we had ever thought. They view us as their charges, their responsibility to protect, just as the Valkyrie protected the innocents. They had bestowed a title upon me, Fire Soul. I tried to send the impression back to them in a sarcastic manner, “I love you too.” I swear I could hear them laughing in my head.

  The burns on my skin faded as the nanites did repairs. I grinned cheesily at Geiravor and said, “Well met mother.”

  She started laughing in mirth at me as Loki and Thor were running diagnostic paddles over me. Loki rolled her eyes and muttered, “Krothing impulsive Valkyrie, all action and no thinking, but history is made as history is shared. The gears are turning for the Uniting. Can you feel it approaching Wild One? The Uniting... It is relentless. It approaches without slowing. The drums thunder once again.” As always, Loki's half mad ramblings struck a nerve with me. I have indeed felt something big, something ominous approaching as the incoming Ragnarok vessel approached Folkvangr. I have often wondered if I were not going as mad as Loki... I COULD hear the drums.

  Mother's eyes twinkled, snapping me out of my thoughts as she said, “Well met daughter. Still as impetus as always I see. But that is why you are the Wild One.”

  We shared a chuckle and I greeted her, Thor, and Loki appropriately with the back of my hand to each of their cheeks. I looked at mother and responded, “I just missed you is all, with these intellectual types it would have been months before I could do this.” I smiled around and said plainly, “I missed you all.”

  I turned and looked back through the gateway. Everyone was shaking their heads incredulously at me. I grinned back at them. The look on Kate's face told me that my mate was not amused. I could still feel our link through our nanites though it felt sluggish.

  I mouthed, “I love you.” Then after a delay her look softened and she grinned and said, “Damn you woman. I'm trying to be krothing mad at you here.” I almost snorted when I saw any concern disappear from father and Arina's faces when data from Saellifor started streaming in to them, kicking them into their world where nothing but science existed. They were like a couple kids in a candy store. They would transition back to us soon.

  Then the endless questions began. Did I feel anything during transit? Was there associated pain? Was I disoriented? After about an hour, I was cleared to visit with mother and everyone I missed here on Earth. Before I left, Arina said something to Odin and he nodded. She stepped up to the Bifrost and her shield bubble bloomed around her then she stuck her hand into the event horizon. Kroth! If Inatra had been there, she would have killed Arina for attempting such! What was the little one thinking? I am just a blunt tool of the Asgard, expendable, she has genuine worth.

  A moment later part of her shield bloomed into the room on our side and her undamaged, un-cold-burned hand came through and she wiggled her fingers then after Loki took some readings, withdrew it. After a slight delay, she blurted out, “I felt nothing! It is possible father! We can most likely build a transport vessel using a portable shield generator!”

  I grinned at the Little One. The power of her personal shield never ceases to amaze me. I did snort this time when I saw her turn around excitedly just to come face to face with an angry Kate. Arina looked down like a chastised child and squeaked, “I'm sorry Kat.”

  I grinned, I knew Kate was giving her a tongue lashing through our nanite link. But then Kate broke out into a grin and laid the back of her hand on Arina's cheek and said, “Do not scare me like that Little One. I worry about you too much. What would Inatra say?”

  Arina blushed and we all chuckled. Then father spoke, “Kara, the Ragnarok transmission will come through in approximately three hours, the ship should reach orbit in six hours as they are only traveling at point five of light speed in their damaged state.”

  I nodded with a frown and said, “I shall return before then father.” Then I turned to Kate and let her know that was a promise to her as well.

  She smiled sexily and said over our nanite link, “You better. I'm going to have to punish you in some manner tonig
ht for being so impulsive.”

  I smiled back and thought back to her, “I thought you liked that about me.”

  Then after a delay she snorted and said aloud, “Damn it woman. I'm still trying to be mad at you her, but kroth, you're right.”

  I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to the other members of my family that I have missed these past eighty years.

  We retired to Geiravor's quarters and feasted. The meal was predominantly Earth dishes punctuated with Asgard vegetables. The mead was strong so I drank heartily as we all spoke. I know we speak every day through the quantum entanglement communication channel, but that pales when actually in their company.

  We laughed and shared tales. Mother and I shared stories of valor and how odd it was to be at peace with the Ragnarok throughout the galaxy with the startling news of the annihilation of the Ragnarok race on their homeworld, by a race called the Frost Giants. By the sounds of it, it occurred just after our last transition to Ragnarok.

  We Valkyrie felt useless now, we had no purpose if not to stop the Ragnarok. If there was no threat, what good were us women who's only value was committing violence upon those who would harm our people? But there were those pounding drums in my head that warned me of the Frost Giants. Perhaps the might of the Valkyrie would be called upon once again to defend the innocent.

  Now there was an unsteady peace as the Ragnarok decided what to do, as they were now an endangered species. By their own estimates, there were fewer than three million Ragnarok left in the generational spaceships spread across the galaxy. The slow process of bringing them all together again to start their civilization, on the Outcast's moon, Europa, would take thousands of years with the interstellar divides between the populated planets.

  We were hoping to learn more about it when the damaged Ragnarok vessel arrived at Folkvangr in the next few hours. They have only been able to transmit and not receive these past fifty years that we have detected their weak, repeating signal.


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