Felicity Stripped Bare

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Felicity Stripped Bare Page 4

by Vanessa Jaye

  Or maybe he was just describing what he’d stepped in.

  While Daniel waited for the big guy to clear the evidence from his shoe, his cell rang.

  “Have you looked into getting that thing welded to your ear?”

  “Operation’s scheduled for next week.” Daniel checked the caller ID and swore under his breath, but he was contractually obligated to finalizing the Maple deal for the law firm, so he took the call.

  “Daniel here.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “Hi, Dad, I’m fine, how are you?”

  “Never mind being a smart-ass. Fred Klein just called; he wants to meet over dinner. Some place called Lizzie’s Sizzlin’ Steak n’ Shrimp.”

  Daniel clenched the phone tighter. It was just his luck to get the last living eccentric billionaire in the western hemisphere as a client. “Why does Fred have to conduct business over a plate of chili-fries at some greasy spoon?”

  He could practically hear the old man grinding his teeth. “I don’t give a damn if Fred wants to eat stewed brains with some near-extinct tribe. You’ll accommodate him. Ask your assistant for the directions.” Michael Mackenzie hung up.

  Daniel flipped the phone shut with a string of curses. “Let’s roll.” He set off at a hard pace, and thankfully Rob let him blow off the steam without complaint.

  The last quarter hour of their run passed in silence. When they got to Yonge Street, Rob headed north towards his loft in an old converted building several streets away, or more than likely to the nearest subway station, Daniel would bet.

  Not that he should be pointing fingers, he conceded as he slowed to a walk the last few blocks to his lakefront condo. His lungs were on fire, his ribs hurt and his legs felt like rubber. Yet even after that hard run, he could feel the tension still coursing through his system.

  Daniel pushed open the heavy glass doors to his building, nodding to the concierge as he crossed the marble foyer to the elevators. He jabbed at the button with pent-up frustration. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with Fred Klein or Michael Mackenzie. If it were up to him, he’d work from the condo today. He wasn’t in the mood for anybody’s company.

  Even as he thought it, Daniel realized the lie. There was one person’s company he wanted. One person he wanted period, flat on her back and naked beneath him. But remembering Felicity’s searching look and the way she’d closed herself off after their kiss, he knew that sex wouldn’t be enough for her.

  Still…in the minutes that had followed, holding her close, feeling their heartbeats slow to one synchronized beat, there had been a quiet fulfillment in that. It was unexpected, and that was warning enough to stay the hell away, but the memory of her little sighs and the way her body fit against his, teased at Daniel and he knew he wouldn’t.

  Which was how he ended up driving to Home Depot with her two days later. When he’d shown up at her door, her body language had been a billboard of rejection. He’d reexamined the showerhead and looked for signs of water damage in the immediate area then checked the pipes in the other units.

  She’d kept her distance and her silence, curled up on that ratty sofa in the main room of the flat, her head buried in a book.

  Finally he’d walked up to her, ignoring the hostility that rolled off her as she slapped the book shut and hugged it to her chest.

  “Was it so bad?” he’d asked. “When we kissed? Was it so damn bad?”

  He watched her blush deepen and his need grew, to hear her say the kiss had affected her also. That the memory, the hunger for more, also kept her up late at night.

  She’d stared back at him with those large gray eyes, her thoughts well hidden beneath their silvery depths. He wanted to know those secrets she kept hidden away.

  “It was just a kiss.”

  He shook his head. “It was more than that. Could be more. Sometimes life gives us opportunities, Felicity. Why not take them?” Now if that wasn’t the lamest speech he’d ever uttered. A couple nights of tossing and turning, and stroking himself to release, this is what he came up with?

  Yet what else he could have said? Certainly not anything that might even hint at the feelings congealed in his throat. Not that there was emotion involved here except attraction.

  He watched as she gave his words some thought, then a slow, tentative smile came across her face, and she hugged the book closer. That smile curled up in his chest. Nested there. Daniel had a sudden urge to sprint for the door.

  During the drive Felicity was silent, content to stare out the window at the old buildings that lined St. Clair Ave. West. She loved the vibrancy of the neighborhood with its mix of trendy bars, boutiques and old-fashioned fruit stands and butcher shops. It was home. She’d put down roots here. Finally.

  Besides, window-shopping gave her something to do, since Daniel didn’t seem inclined to make conversation over the music spilling from the radio. Instead he nodded his head and tapped the steering wheel to the selection of songs, while singing snatches off-key. And under his breath, thankfully.

  She was supposedly tagging along to pick out a showerhead of preference. But it felt like a date. Felicity started nibbling on her hangnail collection. “Why not?” he’d asked. And her belly had slithered down to her ankles and wrapped itself around them, while her next heartbeat played hide and seek.

  He was the candy in the jar that had been moved down to eye-level and he was telling her to reach right in and grab a handful…of his licorice.

  Felicity had never grabbed for anything in her life. It had always been a struggle just to keep up. Yet things had changed in the last year—she’d finally found the strength to leave Stuart and then the tutoring had come through. So…

  She glanced sideways at Daniel’s profile, softened by the sensuality of his mouth and thick sweep of lashes and thought, why not, indeed?

  Then she started thinking about his gumballs.

  When they arrived at Home Depot, Daniel parked the truck before hopping out and quickly making his way to her side of the cab to see her out. Felicity took his hand and was rewarded with a current of awareness that shot up her spine and smacked her in the back of her head.

  After that, she kept some distance between them as they walked towards the store. So much for gumballs. Jawbreakers was more like it.

  Once inside the store, she looked around the cavernous warehouse with avid curiosity. She was probably the only person on the face of the planet who hadn’t set foot in a Home Depot, but there was never any need to before.

  She followed Daniel down the aisle, past displays of every gadget, tool and material needed to build, fix, decorate or destroy, and a jumble of ideas raced through her mind.

  Excitement slowed her step as she took it all in, then she took a deep breath of the lumber-scented air…and fell in love. Now this, this was a candy store.

  Felicity hurried to catch up as Daniel disappeared around a corner. Luckily his tall, broad-shouldered physique made him stand out amongst the Saturday-morning crowd milling around.

  As she came up beside him, she tugged on his sleeve. “Can we see what they’re doing over there?”

  Daniel glanced over at the demonstration taking place. “Sure.” Indulgence curved his mouth and she felt an answering warmth flutter in her stomach.

  Felicity turned away from that look, that smile, but she couldn’t get away from his hand that landed lightly on her back, guiding her forward. Heat radiated from his touch, spreading outward along her limbs.

  It was almost impossible to concentrate on the expert’s instructions with Daniel standing behind her. She moved slightly to the right, his hand moved to her hip. She stepped forward, his hand came to rest on her shoulder.

  She kept fidgeting until Daniel leaned forward and spoke low in her ear, “If you’re really interested in this, we’re doing some tile work at one of the job sites. I could pick you up one day and bring you by.”

  Felicity swung her head around. This close to him, she noticed the gold-dusted tip
s of his darker lashes. “Really?”


  She watched his lips, inches from her own, shape the word and felt his breath like a kiss.

  Abruptly, Felicity faced front again and took a deep calming breath. But images of a bare-chested, tool-belted Daniel kept dancing through her head.

  Will you get real! Felicity could almost hear Cheryl’s no-nonsense voice. She blinked, and the vision of some fat guy with plumber’s bum—oily pimples, hairs and all—lumbered into her imagination. Her pulse slowed some.

  “That would be great, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Do I look like a guy who’s looking for trouble?” he asked dryly. To her relief he straightened and moved back to guide her through the crush of bodies. “Let’s go find that showerhead.”

  They came to the selection of bathroom accessories and Daniel picked a box from the shelf.

  “Master Stroke 2000, flexible spray nozzle, three-way adjustable head.” He paused, looking up with a decidedly wicked glint in his eyes. “How about it, you interested in a three way?”

  “No thank you.” Blushing, she pointed to another model. “This one looks fine.”

  He moved closer and the faint scent of citrus that emanated from him became stronger. “Hmmm…adjustable spray prohibits calcium buildup.” He shook his head. “Naw”, then his interest shifted to a different package. “Maybe…The Invigorator?”

  Bending forward he noted the various features. “‘You never dreamed water could do this before. Enjoy the total satisfaction of phenomenal power at work.’” He glanced at her and her nipples power-constricted into two tingling vortexes of phenomenal pleasure. Felicity mouth-breathed as Daniel continued.

  “‘Your body will be revitalized by the warm, sensual, pulsating spray—’”

  “I don’t need my body revitalized, thank you. Just clean. Here, I’ll take this one.” She grabbed another model. It didn’t matter which one. Daniel didn’t even touch the box.

  “‘Eco-friendly, low-flow ceramic valving’,” he read the specs off in a monotone. “Borrring.”

  “Look, I like boring, and energy efficient and-and…”

  “Liar.” His voice dipped. “You don’t like boring. Not with that mouth,” he said baldly, barbecuing her on the spot with the heat in his gaze.

  Before she could catch her breath he switched gears on her again, his mouth curling in mischief. “So you wouldn’t—” he looked down at the package he held, “‘—enjoy a deep, throbbing, fully satisfying massage to all the key areas of your body’?”

  “Throbbing?” she sputtered, very aware of the parts of her that fit that description right now.

  He raised his eyebrows innocently.

  “The head is extra large.”

  “Okay, fine! I’ll take it!” Felicity shoved the package into his arms. He was obviously determined to continue along this vein.

  As they went around to pick up a few other items, she found herself smiling. She liked his teasing, almost as much as she liked him intense and bent on seduction.

  Although “like” seemed a wishy-washy way to describe what she felt when he focused his molten green gaze on her. Her smile disappeared.

  Suddenly she was crazy with awareness of his large presence beside her, brushing against her with every other step and the peek-a-boo whiffs of his cologne that tantalized her. She had to get away.

  As they neared the cash registers the rich aroma of coffee wafting through the air offered her perfect excuse.

  “I’ll be back in a second.” She didn’t wait for his answer before beating a hasty retreat for the snack bar.

  While Daniel paid for the purchases, she bought two coffees, then met up with him at the exit. She offered him one of the cups. “Black?”

  “Thanks. How did you know?”

  “I didn’t.” She pulled some sugar packets and creamers from her pocket with an impish grin.

  Deep down inside, though, she had a glow of satisfaction. How could she explain the odd times she’d found herself thinking he would like a certain type of food, or music or that his favorite color was— “Blue?”


  “Your favorite color. You look like a blue type of guy.”

  His smiled hitched her heartbeat. “That’s my second favorite.” He started walking.

  Feeling a little disappointed and foolish, she couldn’t help asking, “So what is your first?”

  “Gray. Silvery, like lake-water on a cloudy day.”

  She made a face. Color me shades of depression. Oh please.

  The drive back home was a repeat of the drive over, only this time with Billie Holiday singing variations on his second favorite color all the way.

  They turned onto Southview Blvd. As they drove under the leafy canopy of mature trees a sense of security softly cloaked her. That it was all the sweeter because she was with Daniel didn’t bear closer inspection.

  He pulled into the driveway, parked, then reached into the back seat. Without thinking, she turned also, coffee in hand.

  He swung around again with the shopping bag.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Pure reflex made her jerk back against the door, extending her arm as far away from her own body as possible.

  Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the vicinity of right-smack-damn over Daniel’s body.

  The cup came to life in her hand, bouncing off each finger in mid-air, then coffee——black, two sugars——splashed down in a steaming waterfall.

  “Son of a bitch!” Daniel reared back, dropping the bag, hands in the air. “Awh, fuck!”

  She watched in horror as the dark brown stains blossomed on his shirt and khakis.

  “Daniel, I’m so sorry.”

  Felicity fumbled in her pocket for some napkins she’d taken from the coffee kiosk. The two crumpled specimens she pulled out were pathetic, but she attempted to sop up some of the damage anyway.

  Daniel clamped her wrist in an iron grip. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  She froze under his glare. “The coffee stain—I was just trying to help.”

  “Don’t. Help.” He shifted gingerly in his seat, grimacing. “Jesus,” he said in an almost tortured whisper.

  Felicity looked down at his lap and comprehension dawned.


  Chapter Four

  Daniel let go of her and held his hand over his groin in a protective hover.

  “Maybe we can put some ice on it?”

  That earned her another withering glance.

  “Look, let’s get you upstairs. I think a cold shower or an ice pack or something would help.”

  More glowering.

  Was that really such a dumb suggestion? As bad as she felt—and yeah, it wasn’t bad as he felt—it was an accident. At least she was trying to do something about it. She met his stubborn expression with one of her own.

  It was a glare-off.

  “Fine,” he grumbled.

  Felicity climbed out of the cab. She rolled her eyes. Men. Big babies with shaving kits. She went ahead a few paces, then turned to see how he was making out.

  Head held high, Daniel walked with the stiff gait of a man desperately holding on to the tattered shreds of his dignity. His steps were careful with legs slightly bent and toes pointed outwards. He looked like a drunken ballerina on steroids.

  It wasn’t funny.

  The man was in pain.

  She pressed her lips together tightly and turned around.

  “Not funny,” Daniel yelled.

  That did it. She burst out laughing.

  “I’m so, so sorry. I know it’s not funny.” She bit down on her lip to stifle another eruption when he stopped to experimentally shake a leg. She moved quickly to his side.

  “Yes, I can tell how not funny you think it is.”

  He draped an arm around her shoulders while Felicity slipped hers around his waist for extra support. She matched her step to his, their hips s
winging in rhythm as they crossed from driveway to garden path. With some tricky navigation they made it up the stairs to the porch, then conquered the ones to the second floor. When they got into her flat, Daniel removed his arm from her shoulders, which caused Felicity to self-consciously drop her own arm from around him.

  “Can you do me a favor?” He pulled a set of keys from his pocket and held them out to Felicity. “I have a pair of work pants in the back of the truck, could you get them? I need to get these off.” He plucked at the material of his trousers, in obvious discomfort.

  “Sure.” She eyed the wet spot. “Just go into the bedroom and get off—” Felicity cleared her throat.

  “A-and as soon as you get those pants off,” she stressed the last three words, “I’ll be ready. I mean, I’ll be ready for your parts. I mean your pants. With them. To pass them to you. From the truck. Once I get them from the truck…”

  Daniel’s expression went through several changes as the words continued to flop out of her mouth like fish off a hook.

  “Okay, I’m going now.” She got out of there fast. Oh God, what an idiot! But the minute she shut the door behind her, she let out another groan and squeezed her eyes closed.

  After a second there was a click, followed by the soft squeek of the door opening. She opened her eyes and met Daniel’s amused gaze. He held up the keys.

  “Thank you.” She took them.

  “It’s the black pickup. Parked in the driveway. You can’t miss it.” His mouth twitched.

  Felicity gave him a tight-lipped smile.

  She walked quickly down the hall, but as soon as she turned the corner and went down a couple of stairs, her steps slowed. Too bad she couldn’t say the same for her pulse rate. The man definitely had an effect on her, she couldn’t help that. But she would stomp this attraction into the ground with a pair of Doc Martens before she made a fool of herself. Okay, a bigger fool.

  The jeans and a pair of work boots were in the rear of the cab on the floor. She grabbed the denims and the shopping bag from the front seat, locked up the truck and returned to the flat.


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