REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2) Page 17

by Piper Frost

  I look at Leena, liking that idea, but not saying shit until she says it’s okay.

  “You want to build a house? For me? Us? For us?” Her mouth drops open as she stares at him with huge eyes.

  “For you, yeah. And Sutton’s little girl. He can live with Paige still if he wants.” The guy likes me, but he just won’t admit it.

  “I think I’ll stick with where ever Leena’s going.” I wrap my arm over her shoulder and grin at her uncle.

  “Then you’ll help.” He stares at me before looking at his wife.

  “Holy shit,” Leena blurts, then rushes him and wraps her arms around him. “Thank you,” she mutters. “Thank you.”

  “I love ya.” He kisses the top of her head.

  “This was all your uncle’s idea, but I think it’s a great one.” Kinlee says, hugging onto Leena when she lunges for her and laughing.

  “What the hell’s all this hugging for?” Leena's dad asks, walking back over with a beer in his hand.

  “Dad, Uncle Bo’s building me a house!” Leena screeches. “A fucking house!” Her face is bright red and she can’t stop smiling which makes me smile even wider. Her dad’s eyebrows shoot up and he looks over at Bo.

  “A house, man?” he laughs, blinking at him. “A house, house? Like one to live in?”

  “I’m not building a fucking house Leena,” her uncle snaps at her. “Just a house. Why? Did you want them moving in with you?” He grins at Brandt.

  “I...” he makes a face. “I didn’t know she wanted to move out.” He looks at Leena then looks over at me before nodding. “Yeah. I’ve raised my kids. Y’all can raise yours somewhere else.”

  Leena grins.

  “You’re gonna be a grandpa,” she says, giggling. “Aww, you're old!”

  Bo laughs and slaps Brandt on the back before wandering away.

  “Uncle Bo!” Griffen runs up. “Will you build me a house?”

  “You just got a four wheeler!”

  “But it’s not a house! Why does Leena get a house? She got a four wheeler from you on her sixteenth birthday and crashed it into the pig pen!”

  I look at Leena with wide eyes, not having heard that story.

  “Because I like Leena more. She doesn’t bother me as much as you do,” Bo jokes and shoves him, but Griffen is a persistent kid, he’s not giving up. “Sutton, we’ll talk this over later,” Bo yells out, raising his arm but is still walking away with Griffen at his side trying to convince him to build him a house.

  “Sounds good,” I call to him before he gets too far cause I’m not letting this opportunity go. I look over at Leena and she’s still smiling.

  “We’re getting a house, babe,” she whispers, ignoring everyone else around us as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me hard. “A house!” she shrieks.

  “Alright,” her dad blurts. “Leena, go tell your sister...something.” He steps over to us and looks at me as she passes, pulling away.

  Leena looks between the two of us and something passes in the look her dad gives her and she nods, smiling and skipping away towards her sisters.

  “Take a walk with me, Sutton.”

  I think about running. Either he’s going to threaten my life, or promise to threaten it in the future. Me talking to a guy like Brandt Kenshaw only gets me in trouble. He tolerates a lot of my shit. But I don’t run, ‘cause one day I’m going to marry his daughter.

  “You know I was about your age when I met Jo.” He starts walking away from the party and out towards the barn. A barn that’s probably filled with plenty of devices he could use to skin me alive. “Our parents thought we were absolutely insane.” He chuckles.

  “I believe it.” I nod. “No offense, Mr. K, but I’ve pictured you as this dude, the hard working old cowboy dude, even when you were young. And Mrs. K, she seems more like Leena. Wild A F.”

  He barks out a laugh and takes a drink of his beer. So far so good. He’s not threatening me, at least.

  “She was somethin’.” He pauses. “Still is.” Nodding, he stares at the barn like he’s got something else on his mind before shaking his head. “Leena ever tell you how we met?”

  “Something about Jo’s mom being a country star. Met your dad and they introduced you. Was your dad like a fanboy or something, then you went and snatched up her daughter. All over for them.” I laugh, wondering if Jo’s mom was like Leena too. All I know is Brandt got that ranch from his dad and he turned it into something huge.

  He laughs and leans back against the barn. “More like my dad and her mom were married when I was young. Jo had been missing for a few years and when they brought her in, fresh from rehab, I fell in love with her. My step sister. At nineteen.” He looks at me and watches for my reaction while casually sipping his beer. “Most of our kids don’t know the whole story, Sutton. Not really somethin’ you want your kids knowing, but I feel like it’s different with you. You see us as this perfect entity that could do no wrong somehow, even though trust me, we’ve all done some shit in our day. But I know what it’s like to feel like everything’s against you when you’re young. Our parents didn’t take too well to the news that...well...” he laughs. “You get it.”

  Mr. K fucked his step sister.

  I nod. ‘Cause what the fuck else am I supposed to do. That’s some kinky shit right there.

  “Fuck,” I quietly breathe out and wince a little.

  “Right.” He laughs. “So while I think you and Leena have a lot of life yet to figure out, I’m not going to fight whatever you two have. You’re young, but I like to think I raised a girl with a good head on her shoulders.” He pushes off the barn. “So let’s skip that whole me threatening to murder you thing if you hurt my daughter, because you’re smart enough to know that girl you’ve got will be doing a world of hurt to you if you ever jack up your relationship, okay?”

  I grin. Mr. K fucked his step sister! I can’t get over this. They’re not the cowboy Brady Bunch. They’re fucked up and perfect for each other. Like me and Leena.

  “She’s my ride or die, Mr. K.” I slap my hand onto his shoulder. “Just like Jo’s yours. But you two got us beat in the crazy department. I’m just sayin’, man. Your step sister?” I blurt.

  “Alright,” he laughs, walking back over to the party. “Now shut the hell up before Garrison hears you. Still gotta break the news to the poor kid before he gets to high school.” He huffs and chuckles.

  “Yeah. A lot of shit is talked in that school. Probably better coming from you. His uncle dad.” I slap his shoulder again and laugh until he glares at me.

  “Got it all out?” He’s not laughing this time.

  “Depends on if I’m working toward an ass beating or not. ‘Cause if not, I got jokes for days.”

  “You’re about an inch away,” he almost growls.

  “Then yep. It’s all out.” I smirk at him. “So, about that gift I got for Leena. You never gave me an answer.”

  He sighs and pulls his hat off his head, rubbing his hair.

  “Yeah,” he huffs. “I talked to her mom and it’s fine with us. I mean, you’re both adults about to have a kid living with you. I think the trip’s the least of our worries.”

  “Yeah, true that. Mia needs a brother or sister soon.” On that note, I jog away from him ‘cause I like to push it, but not too hard. “Babe.” I grab her hand, interrupting her from talking to her aunts. Pulling out the envelope that has a really long sappy card in it that’ll annoy her to death, I hand it to her. Cause once she gets past the card, there’s two tickets to Turks and Caicos. My girl in a bikini with miles of ocean and an all you can drink resort, sounds fucking awesome.

  She pulls the card out and starts reading and I watch her expression. What starts off as a grin, moves to one of annoyance because it’s a card filled with all the reasons she’s awesome and why I love her. But then she starts to smile softly as she finishes reading it.

  “Wow,” she whispers. “I’ve never read anything so nice.” She laughs at me. “This
is adorable, Sutton.”

  “Yeah. That shit’s all true, but get to the good part,” I urge and her aunt chuckles.

  She grins and reaches back into the envelope and pulls out the tickets. Her brows furrow as she reads it. Then she looks at me before looking at the tickets again. Then she turns, looks at her mom and looks back at me before looking back at the tickets. She’s going to get whiplash like that.

  “Sutton,” she blurts. “What the hell is this?” She’s smiling wide and her hands are trembling.

  Where I’m gonna ask her to be with me forever.

  “A trip, babe.” I laugh.

  “A trip?” She laughs harder. “A trip!” She jumps on me, wrapping her arms around me. “Holy shit! It's a fancy trip! To...” she pulls back and reads it again. “I have no clue where that is, but I bet it’s really fucking awesome!” She laughs hard and wraps her arms around me again tight.

  “It’s a beach, babe. And you in a bikini. All that matters.” I yank her against me and kiss her.

  She kisses me hard before pulling back and screaming.

  “Paige!” She yells, running across the field to her sister to rub it in her face.

  No one knows I plan on proposing, and no one will know because I already know all the shit we’ll get. We’re perfectly fucked up for each other and I don’t plan on that changing.


  Our vacation was one of the most amazing things I’ve done and I’m glad it was with Leena. We’re young and dumb, we like to have fun and fuck, but we’re crazy for each other and it’s not going to change. So when I proposed she said yes, then we agreed to keep it to ourselves for a while. We’re not rushing to get married, but I wanted her to know how serious I am about us. When she said she wanted to wait a couple years to actually get married, I got pissed, but it makes sense and will be a hell of a lot easier on us if we do this slow. She promises if I want to run to a courthouse tomorrow, she’ll do it, just say the word, but I don’t. That’s not how I want to do things and when the time’s right, we’ll have a big wedding. My...our little girl will be there, and that’s what we’re working on now.

  Getting custody of my daughter. It’s been a two year battle with the state since we graduated and I started fighting for custody, and with every valid reason they have to not allow me custody, I’ve got fifteen or more why I should be allowed. And they’re in this courtroom with us now. It’s a courtroom full of Kenshaws and extended family and I’m nervous as hell. My track record sucks, bad, but all their support means everything to me. We own our own business now. Own our own house, on her uncle’s property that we built with our own hands, but it’s ours. We pay taxes, keep our yard maintained, and even follow the law where it comes to our business. I tried not filing licenses with the state, I didn’t really think this would take off, and it wouldn’t have without Leena at my side. My girl handles all that and makes sure we’re on the straight and narrow, and now she’s ready and tired of waiting for us to get Mia. I am too, and with such a strong woman by my side, I’ve never been more eager to raise my girl. It’s no secret that for a while I thought Mia would probably be better off in foster care, but that was a few years ago, before Leena. My little girl deserves a mother. She deserves Leena.

  I look at Brandt and he looks sorry for me. I probably look pitiful, but he’s been the most solid father figure I’ve had my whole life.

  “Don’t look so nervous, the judge will eat you alive,” he whispers and laughs trying to lighten my mood.

  “We’ve been doing this too long.” I pull at my tie. “She’s four, and if I get denied again, I won’t get to try until she’s six. I want my daughter, Brandt,” I say like it’s him keeping her from me, but I just need someone to tell me it’s going to be okay. Someone other than Leena because she’s the only one who believes in me.

  “You see this courtroom full of family?” He glances around. “Every person in here knows what’s happening today. You’re not getting denied, Sutton. You're getting your daughter. You’re showing them the man you’ve become is nothing like the kid you were when you stupidly made mistakes. And every single one of us in here are behind you one hundred percent.” He pats my back as the judge calls my case.

  “Sutton Sterling?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yes, sir.” This sir shit is hard, but Brandt told me to man up and suck it up, for my daughter.

  “And...Ms. Leena Kenshaw?” he asks after reading his paper then looks up at her.

  Not only is custody trying to be obtained, but the right for Leena to adopt Mia as her own is on the line.

  “Yes, your honor.” Leena looks much more put together than I feel right now, but I know it’s all a show. She managed to spill coffee on two different outfits this morning before we even left the house because she’s so nervous.

  “It’s been two years--” He’s interrupted when the court doors open and Mia walks into the room. He smiles at my little girl as she prances in wearing cowboy boots and a dress Leena bought her. Seeing her makes my heart race.

  She’s never been present in the past. Does that mean...

  “Daddy!” Mia screams and runs right for me, but before she jumps into my arms, she spots Leena. “Leena!

  Leena scoops her into her arms and smiles bright.

  “Hey, my girl.” God, she looks so happy right now. They both do. “Go say hi to Daddy then can you hang out in the chairs while we talk?”

  I kiss her head and set her on the ground, looking for Mary Anne but she’s not in here so Paige takes her hand and has her sit. I look at the judge and the look on his face tells me what I need to know.

  “Mr. Sterling. Ms. Kenshaw, I hereby grant you full parental custody of Mia Sterling. Ms. Kenshaw, you are now her adopted mother.” He stands and nods, then walks out. No lecture like I’ve gotten in the past. No lingering doubt that I can parent my little girl. This is the same hardass that denied me two years ago, but not anymore.

  I almost blurt the word fuck but catch myself and hurdle the chair to get to Mia. Scooping her up, I turn to yank Leena against me. “I love you,” I kiss her.

  “I love you, too,” she whispers, batting away tears. Kissing Mia's head, she hugs both of us. “I love you, too, Mia.” Leena’s eyes hit mine and there aren’t enough words for this feeling. This feeling of being whole. Complete. “Hey, you ready to go see your new room?” Leena asks Mia, unable to stop fussing with her hair.

  I hand Mia over to her and turn to Brandt, hugging him for the first time, but this wouldn’t have happened without him, or the rest of her family and my brother.

  Because of Leena, I got what was coming to me. Revenge is still at the back of my mind, but that’s where it’ll stay, because I have two women in my life to take care of in a way my dad never taught me. But Leena did.

  Six Months Later

  “I’m going to throw up,” my sister Paige says for the seventh time today. I bring her another glass of water and pull a chair over. We’ve got twenty minutes until showtime and I need her to make it.

  “It’s your wedding day,” I laugh. “This isn’t a bad thing. It’s a good thing that should have happened years ago.”

  I get why they wanted to wait because Sutton and I are doing the same thing, but my sister’s wanted to get married her entire life. Marriage wasn’t even in my vocabulary until my life with Sutton started. It makes sense for us to wait.

  Paige spends the morning fussing with her hair and nails and makeup. I know she’s nervous but it’s amping up my nerves watching her. Maybe Sutton and I should just go to the courthouse. At least then I won’t have to put on a show for people.

  The morning crawls by and when it’s time for the wedding party to line up, I give Paige a quick squeeze.

  “You’re going to be amazing,” I say, feeling stupid for even saying those words. Like she needs encouragement to go out there and marry the guy she’s madly in love with.

  “It’s not nearly as bad as you’re thinking it is,” my older sister Annie says,
smiling at her. “Just don’t puke and you’ll be fine.” She hugs Paige and grabs the flowers for her. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” Paige huffs then smiles. “So ready.”

  I get in line and Sutton walks up unable to take his eyes off me, looking like he wants to eat me alive.

  “You look nice,” I say, leaning in for a kiss. “Really nice.” I’ve only seen him dressed up a couple times before, but even then it was nothing like it is now.

  “You’re sexy as fuck,” he whispers so only I can hear. “I can’t wait to play the quiet game later.” He winks with a smirk. His version of the quiet game has changed since living with a kid in the house, but just the promise of it has me ready.

  “Promise?” I whisper then grip onto his hand tight as the music changes, cueing us. “Here we go!” I smile at Mia as she grips her flower basket and she follows us down the aisle dropping petals one at a time, almost in a perfect line down the center of the aisle. It takes her way longer than planned, but she’s so precise about it I can’t stop her. She’s so proud of her job and it’s adorable.

  When we make it down the aisle, Sutton scoops her up then pulls me to stand at his side. My sister wasn’t picky about standing like robots in specific spots and I’m glad my little family gets to stand together while we watch something long overdue happen.

  Mia gasps when Paige steps into sight and everyone laughs when she screams, “A princess!”

  She does look like a princess, too. “You're right,” I whisper to Mia. “Your aunt’s a princess.” I giggle with her quietly and watch the look on Fenton’s face as he tries to hold back the emotions. These two should have done this years ago, but they’ve both been so busy making sure everyone else around here had what they needed that it just got pushed to the back.

  I watch the entire ceremony with Sutton’s hand tight in mine, knowing one day it’ll be us up there and knowing without a doubt that the love I feel for him today will just be stronger by the time that day gets here.


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