Leading the Way

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Leading the Way Page 5

by Constance Masters

  “I fell,” she wailed.

  “Oh no,” Erin said, immediately going to see how bad it was. She had grazed her knee pretty badly.

  Zach was there by then and he scooped his daughter up. “I have this, honey, you finish your cooking.”

  “Are you sure you’re ok?” Erin asked.

  Jordan nodded.

  “Mom there’s smoke coming out of the pan,” Avvy said, having followed her sister home.

  “Oh no,” Erin said, rushing back and pulling the pan from the stove.

  “Daddy will fix you, Jordan,” she said, peering in at the now less smoky mess.

  “Can I help?” Avvy asked.

  “Not this time, hon. You can go and watch television.”

  “Thanks!” Avvy jumped off her stool and disappeared in a flash.

  Erin looked into the pot. It didn’t look that bad. It was a little darker around the edges than it maybe should have been but it was brown butter sauce. She could hide that anyway with the other stuff. She continued with the few last ingredients, all the time stirring over a low heat, determined not to burn the end result.

  “Dinner is served,” Erin said proudly as she laid the platter with her impressive fish next to the bowls of mashed potatoes and green beans. The girls clapped and Zach looked on with wide grin.

  “That looks spectacular, honey.”

  It did look spectacular, even if she did say so herself. She’d poured the sauce all over the entire dish and it positively gleamed. “Would you like to serve?” she asked Zach.

  He stood up and scooped portions on to everyone’s plate. The family said grace and they started. Erin watched everyone’s faces expectantly. Zach’s face was stoic as he chewed carefully. Avvy said nothing but she wasn’t even chewing. She just held the food in her mouth. Jordan was the first one to give her honest opinion. She spat her offending mouthful back on to the plate.

  “That is so gross,” she said, dry retching for full effect.

  Erin’s eyes filled with tears and popped her fork full in to her mouth to see what was wrong with the food. She carefully picked up her napkin and emptied the contents of her mouth. “Don’t eat it,” was all she said, standing and taking the platter with her.

  “I can call a pizza,” Zach said.

  “Do what you have to, to feed your children.”

  “Honey, I’m sure there was just a small mistake with the recipe.”

  The girls were wide-eyed. “I’m sorry I said it was gross, Mommy,” Jordan said. “It just tasted a bit like medicine.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, honey, but you were right the first time, it was gross. Why don’t you two go play while you wait for the pizza to come.”

  “Nice one, Jordan. You almost made Momma cry.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  The voices disappeared into one of the bedrooms and Erin burst into tears. “I have wasted the entire day on this! I spent a lot of my food budget on the ingredients and did everything the recipe said!”

  “It’s okay, Erin, you tried.”

  “Well I can’t serve ‘trying’ up to a bunch of people on Friday, can I?” She thumped her foot down on the trash can foot lever to open the lid and it bounced, just as she heaved the contents from the platter into it. It landed on the closed lid with splashes of the poison sauce going everywhere. “Oh for fuck sake!” she shouted into the cabinet door as she banged it open and shut in frustration before bending to wipe the cabinet door. Zach was behind her in a second and the giant wooden spoon clapped off her bottom.

  “I never want to hear that word in this house again. Do you hear me?”

  The spoon bounced off the target Erin had put right in front of Zach. She regretted sorely having had to bend to clean off the counters. “I’m sorry! It just slipped out.”

  “Then make sure it doesn’t slip out again. You need to calm down.”

  Zach fixed her with a firm glare and she sighed. She’d certainly made a mess of things. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know,” Zach said in a softer tone. “I want us to enjoy having friends over. I don’t want it to make more stress for you.”

  “I’ll calm down. Once I figure out what I’m going to cook, I’ll be fine.” She rubbed her bottom. “I hate that thing.”

  Zach chuckled and flicked her bottom with it gently one more time. “It loves you, I think. Consider that your first warning. If you don’t calm down, you’re going to get yourself in to real trouble.”

  “Okay, I get it.”

  “Now I’ll order this pizza and then we’ll clean up together.”


  Obviously she was hard of hearing or slow to understand what he meant because here she was again, in trouble. He’d only come home for lunch with the pure intention of spanking her once before, when she’d neglected to tell him that the girls school fees check had bounced. It wasn’t on purpose, she just hadn’t noticed. I guess it would be embarrassing though for one of the teachers at the school to miss a fee payment. It had been a quick spanking but one that had stayed with her for a couple of days. She had to wonder what he had in store this time.

  Erin started cleaning. That was a job she had to do, anyway, for visitors and it took her mind off what was coming. Before she knew it, it was ten to one. She went in to the bedroom and showered, not bothering to wear anything else but a short t-shirt. She pulled open the dresser drawer and removed the paddle. It was a small wooden paddle that Zach had made himself. It had a high shine and it stung like the dickens. Zach had spent a lot of time on that paddle. The first time he’d used it, it hadn’t been varnished. Sanded well, but not varnished. It hurt, but it hurt more after. That had made Zach very enthusiastic about getting a high shine on it. He left each coat of varnish to dry thoroughly for days before sanding and coating it again, until he was finally happy with the finished product. She wasn’t so keen. Just the feel of it in the palm of her hand, made her tummy sink with dread.

  There wasn’t much time to ponder her fate, though. She took herself out to the living room. It wasn’t often they used this room for punishment; mainly because the children were in the house. When they weren’t however, when they knew they couldn’t come back at any time, this was Zach’s room of choice.

  She heard the car on the driveway and her face flamed. Butterflies tickled her insides and she could feel the familiar thump in her chest. It wasn’t fear or excitement, it was a strange mixture of the two. Even though her husband was going to bring that paddle down on her rear with speed and enthusiasm, both she and Zach knew it would give her peace. Not to mention that it was also a mighty fine reminder for her to curb her stinky attitude. This was an act of love from Zach. He’d give up his lunch time, and he’d have to rush back to work after, probably without eating, to a class full of kids that needed him. He was taking the time out of his day to give her what she needed and she loved him for it. But, she wasn’t a saint. It was gonna hurt like hell and she had to force herself to lie over the sofa just before he came through the door.


  Zach didn’t bother clicking the alarm. This was a safe neighborhood and the kids were all in school. That was the only reason he bothered at all to lock the car was for safety reasons. He opened the front door with his key, hoping to see Erin in place. He wasn’t disappointed. Bent over his favorite chair was his wife in submissive mode. She was stark naked, her legs were slightly apart, and she was resting barely on her toes. Beside her was their paddle; the one he’d made for her a few years ago.

  “Good girl,” he whispered. He picked up the paddle and ran it over the palm of his hand. It felt cool and smooth. He circled both of her cheeks with the highly polished wood. She whimpered and Zach set a hand on her lower back to settle her. “Sh. I’ll make it quick,” he said. He brought the paddle down with a firm thwack across both cheeks.

  “Ow!” she tried squeezing her legs back together a little.

  He tapped the inside of her thigh. “Open them,” he said and then smac
ked her bottom again, this time several times in a row.

  She drummed the tips of her toes against the sofa. “It hurts,” she said breathily.

  “Hold still, Erin,” he said. “I do not want to see you waste any more food.”

  She panted as he whacked the lower part of her cheeks smartly.

  “You need to calm down and plan a menu that is within your means.” He smacked the paddle across the center of both her cheeks again. “Do you hear?”

  “Yes, Zach.”

  “Something that will allow you to enjoy your party instead of driving you and everyone else in the house to distraction.” He brought the paddle down across both pink cheeks several times in a row.

  “I will, I promise, please stop, it hurts so much.”

  “Soon,” he said, “but I decide when.” He rubbed the cool wood in circles around her burning cheeks. Zach held his wife still while he started the last set of rapid fire spanks. The spanks weren’t hard at all but they were fast with no break in between. One coming directly after the other, giving her no time at to process the pain. Within minutes she burst into tears and he stopped, dropping the paddle and laying over his wife to comfort her. He pressed his lips against the back of her neck, kissing her gently as he whispered soothing words in her ear.

  “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “It’s just...”

  She was crying hard again and couldn’t get the words out. “Tell me baby,” he whispered. “Tell me what’s wrong.” He knew already but he wanted her to say the words for her own sake.

  “I’m sca...red,” she stuttered. “S...o scared. What if they don’t like me?”

  He helped her up and hugged her tight. “That won’t happen, baby.” It dawned on Zach how much alike Avvy and Erin really were. Both scared of being judged my others, but both their own worst critic.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know these people and they’re nice.” He kissed his wife’s lips, puffy from crying. “And I know you. How could anybody not like you? You’re adorable and I love the food you make for us.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Now I have to go back to work. My kids will be waiting. I asked one of the other teachers to watch my class if I was late.”

  “No!” Erin said. “You didn’t tell him why?”

  “Erin, you do know where we live. This guy owed me a favor for the very same reason. Everyone in this town either gets spanked or spanks their partners. Your pride is safe here.”


  The counter was so clean that Erin could see her face in it. She stared into it blindly for nearly a half an hour. What did she make that her family really loved? The mousse cake had been a disaster as had the cheesecake that had come out of the oven with a giant crater down the center of it. The flan had curdled and the pineapple upside down cake was a mess; the sweet glaze stuff had stuck to the pan and the rest had fallen into a pathetic pile of crumbs when she tried to turn in on to a plate. Maybe Zach was right. Maybe it was time to try some things she knew how to make. The plate of cupcakes she’d made the kids caught her eye. Maybe. They could be made to look more adult and fancy. And lasagne was a family favorite and she could do that on her head. A few different salads. Done, she’d decided.

  Chapter 5

  “You look fine,” Zach said, admiring the fourth outfit that Erin appeared in. “This is a casual evening, honey. Relax.”

  “I’m trying, I really am trying. Did you talk to Jordan?”

  “I talked to both the girls. There will be no arguing, no telling of family secrets and no bad table manners. Everything will be just fine.”

  “Okay,” Erin said, taking a few deep breaths. “They’ll be here in a few minutes. I’m going to check on the lasagne and the table.”

  Erin admired her work, their work. Even the girls had helped. They had been very excited that people were coming. It made her feel good that she’d actually made the effort. She knew that Zach was mostly doing this for her, but she could tell he was really happy about this as well. She gave the kitchen table the once over and decided it was fine and then moved on to the dining table, examining it closely for the sixth time that day.

  Zach had let out the leaves in the extendable dining table in the large living room and she’d set it with her best table linens and glasses. The dinnerware, she’d stacked in the kitchen where she was going to get people to put the food. She and the girls had made a centerpiece for the table that she’d seen in a magazine.

  She wiped invisible smudges and held the glasses up to the light. They were still sparkling. The napkins were just sitting there next to the plates looking boring. “Should I try some origami or something with these napkins?” she called out.

  “No!” Zach came into the room, looking handsome in his jeans and button down shirt. “No more changes. Everything is fine.”

  “Maybe we should have done place cards.”

  “Are you serious? How would we know who wants to sit next to who? I think it’s better to let everyone sit where they want.”

  “I guess. Are the girls ready?”

  “I am,” Jordan said. “When are people coming?”

  “Very soon,” Erin said. “Where is your sister?”

  Jordan shrugged. “Gettin herself ready.”

  “Getting,” Zach corrected.

  “Isn’t she dressed? I told you both to get dressed an hour ago.”

  “She’s dressed.”

  “Is her hair done?”

  Jordan shrugged non-committedly.

  There was a twinkle in her younger daughter’s eye that worried Erin no end. She was just about to go and see for herself what was going on when simultaneously the doorbell rang and Avvy appeared, wearing a full face of makeup and a dress she’d worn a year before when the girls were flower girls at Zach’s sister’s wedding. Her aunt had chosen the dress and her taste was questionable. It clearly wasn’t big enough anymore.

  “They’re here,” the excited little girl squealed.

  Erin’s mouth dropped open. There wasn’t even a hint of worry on Avvy’s face, no sense of danger like a child who was about to get into trouble, nothing. It was like it was an everyday occurrence for her to look like a clown. On a normal day she would have just taken it as kids play, but their neighbors were about to arrive. A new wave of panic filled Erin. Zach was by her side in a second, he raised her hand and kissed her knuckle.

  “You wash her face and ditch the dress,” he said. “I’ll get the door.”

  She nodded and hustled her daughter back in to her room.

  “We’ll be talking about this, Avvy,” Zach hissed.

  “Jordan said you said I could,” Avvy said desperately to her Mom.

  “Did she now?” Erin said. She didn’t doubt it for a second. She’d known that child was up to something.

  Jordan winced at her Daddy’s withering look. “It was a joke?”

  “So, so very not funny,” Zach said, shaking his head as he opened the door. “We will be talking about this, as well, Miss.”

  “Hi!” Diana said, bustling in with a casserole dish in her arms.

  Rick was behind her with a cooler. “We brought drinks and ice,” he said.

  “Thanks, guys,” Zach said with a smile. “Welcome.”

  “Where’s Erin?” Diana asked.

  “She’s just helping Avery with a wardrobe malfunction.”


  “Long story,” Zach said. “She’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Sorry, Di,” Erin said a few minutes later. Avvy was beside her, looking fresh-faced and embarrassed, wearing an outfit appropriate for the occasion.

  “I was just telling Zach there are extra drinks and ice in the cooler if you need them,” Rick said.

  “Thanks, Rick,” Erin said, almost shyly. It felt a bit odd, entertaining a man who gave your husband advice on a regular basis about how best to bust your ass.

  “I hope it’s ok that I put that on the table in the kitchen,” Diana said. “I
t’s only just come out of the oven so it should stay warm for a while.”

  “Of course it is,” Erin said. “Did you get a drink?”

  “I’m fine. I can help myself. There’s the door. You go and greet your guests with Zach,” Diana said.

  Erin had her heart in her mouth again as she walked to the door where her husband was already greeting their first real guest. “Hi Jonathon,” she said holding her hand out in greeting. ‘Thanks for coming. It’s a shame Benjamin’s away, I would like to meet him.”

  “I’m sure he would have loved to come. We’ll set something up one weekend when he’s home. Thanks for asking me, anyway. Where would you like me to put this?” He held a large flat foil covered bowl. He took her outstretched hand and pulled her closer to peck her on the cheek.

  Erin flushed. It was a simple friendly gesture and it immediately put her at ease. “Hot or cold?”

  “Cold,” he said with a smile. “It’s an Asian chicken salad with crispy Ramon noodles.”

  “Yum!” Erin said, peeking under the foil.

  “That sounds great,” Zach said.

  “Sure does,” Diana said. “I’ll take it if you like Jonathon.”

  “I don’t mind taking it. You could show me where though, Di,” he said, kissing the woman’s cheek.

  “I’ll show you,” Jordan said, suddenly appearing. “I’m Jordan.”

  “Well, hello, Jordan, I’m Jonathon. That’s very nice of you.”

  “Sure thing, follow me.”

  “Come sit with me, Avery, I need someone to talk to,” Di said.

  “Okay,” Avvy said.

  “You’re not excited about the party?” Di asked.

  Avvy smiled. “I am. I was. I hate my sister. She tried to get me in trouble.”

  “No, I didn’t,” Jordan said, coming into the room with Jonathon at her side. “It was a joke. I thought they’d laugh.”

  “They didn’t. Now we’re both gonna get in trouble.”


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