The Slayer

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The Slayer Page 17

by Darren Hultberg Jr

  “We’ll get out of here, Hil. Don’t worry.” I said reassuringly, as much to her as to myself.

  “I hope so.” She replied, though her words didn’t carry any confidence. “This all just seems so crazy… slay Vazryn. End the game…. How do we know this will work? That it’s what needs to be done?”

  I shrugged. “What other choices do we have?”

  She nodded, then resigned her head to my shoulder and remained silent. Damnit all, she was right though… were we really making the right choice?

  We stood in silence as the fog began to thin. Soon it would clear, and we could reunite with the others. Then, perhaps with Hilda’s strange acclimation to the windsteeds, we could ride out for Airrigar.

  “Emily.” Hilda said, breaking the silence that had settled over the area.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “My name… my real name is Emily. I want you to know… In case I forget.”

  I turned to meet her eyes. “I won’t let you forget, Emily. I promise.”

  She smiled, then opened her mouth to respond. That is, before a strange noise stole her attention. To our left, an odd scraping sound could be heard, a sound that grew closer by the second. It unnerved the windsteeds, causing them to end their frolicking and retreat several yards in the other direction. The imitator sprite frowned, then dove into the pond, dissipating into a shimmer of light.

  Razyr perched himself atop my shoulder and hissed. “This thing approaching… is unnatural.”

  I nodded, then reached out my hand, summoning nevermore into my grasp. Damnit all, I was low on health and mana… hopefully this thing wasn’t too much to deal with.

  A creature emerged from the fog, slowing walking in our direction. No, not a creature… another player.


  Lvl 13 Berserker

  The man moved with more of a shuffle than a walk, inching his way closer to Hilda and myself. He wore a darkened hide armor that stretched across his muscled form. In his hand he gripped the handle of a massive axe, the blade carelessly dragging across the ground as he moved. Something was off about this man, and not just the way he walked. His face wore a pained expression accompanied by thick veins that pulsed up the side of his bald head. His right eye twitched uncontrollably, the milky white of his eye now a glaring reddish color. He mumbled, more to himself then to either of us, though his voice was too soft to distinguish any of the words.

  I immediately noticed a red indicator above the man’s head. He had killed before. “Hey there. We don’t want any trouble.” I said, raising my free hand defensively. The man didn’t seem to register my words, though he continued to approach with that awkward shuffle of his.

  I briefly turned to Hilda, but she remained quite still in the pool, eyes transfixed on the man.

  I tried to reason with the man one last time. “Hey, eh, listen. we don’t have,”

  The man’s head snapped up as his mismatched eyes transfixed on me. His mouth began to move, spewing words unnaturally fast. “I know it. I know the truth. The truth, the truth, the truth!” The man let out an unnerving cackle. “A game, no. No, no, no, no! Not a game, a gambit!”

  Suddenly, the man lunged forward heaving the heavy axe over his head. I grimaced then stepped forward, ready to meet the man despite my weakened state. Surprisingly, a hand jutted out, stopping my approach… Hilda’s hand!

  “I’ve got this.” She said, her eyes focused and resolute.

  I peered at the berserker dashing towards our location, then back to her. “Hilda, no.” I protested. “You don’t even have your armor.”

  She dropped her hand and began approaching the charging berserker. She paused in the middle of the pool, then briefly met my gaze. “I don’t need it.” She said, her words oozing with confidence. “It was just weighing me down anyways.”

  The guardian raised her hand into the air as the Aether stones beneath the water began to glow. A soft blue energy rippled over the water’s surface before climbing up her body and pooling in the palm of her hand. The energy stretched and brightened before solidifying in her grip.

  The crazed berserker was nearly upon her, but she remained resolute. Despite her lack of armor, Hilda was no longer unarmed.

  Something in that pool had lent her its power, had given her access to the Aether lurking below. In the guardian’s hand was a brilliant glowing short sword, its edge glistening with stored power, its hilt allotted with a trio of sapphire gems. Hilda lowered the blade as she assumed her fighting stance, poised and ready to strike.


  The berserker barreled in, eyes wide and filled with madness. His axe blade came down as he heaved the mighty weapon through the air.

  Hilda did not flinch.

  The guardian set her feet as she activated her battle stance: Stalwart, then raised her short sword to parry the mighty blow. Her muscles strained as their weapons clashed but to the berserker’s surprise, her defenses held true.

  Hilda growled then placed a firm kick into the berserker’s chest, creating some space between her and the man. She chose not to follow the attack up. Instead, she reset herself in the shallow pool, activating a skill that I had never seen before.

  Battle Stance: Imperious

  The Guardian assumes an aggressive stance, allowing them to exert there will over their opponent. (+5 strength +5 Dexterity)

  Hilda’s very demeanor changed before my eyes. She shifted to a sideways stance, bringing her feet closer together. Her free hand hovered out in front of her while her other held her sword at eye level. Her eyes locked onto the berserker, giving the man one of the most unnerving stares I’d ever seen in my life. She looked frightening.

  Unphased, the berserker regained his balance and prepared a second assault. He heaved his axe into the air… and Hilda was already on top of him.

  The imperious guardian moved with deadly efficiency, lunging forward and activating crushing blow. The skill was meant for bludgeoning weapons, but she improvised, slamming the flat of her blade against the berserker’s nose.

  The man stumbled back, grabbing at his damaged face though Hilda did not relent. She came at the man, slashing his midsection then back across his arm, shaving chunks of his HP away. The man attempted to block with his axe, but Hilda merely grabbed the axe haft and yanked the weapon out of the way. She continued her assault, dominating the man, slicing away at his exposed torso before finally bringing him down with an unlockable titan strike.

  The berserker dropped to a knee, his body beaten and bloodied, his HP merely a sliver of what it once was. His head remained bowed… perhaps he was ashamed to have been bested in such dominating fashion.

  Hilda, on the other hand, remained poised. She loomed over the man, blood splattered across her torn shirt and simple trousers. Her blade glistened in her hand despite how much use it had just seen. The sight was truly impressive.

  “Yield.” She said to the man, noting that he still had quite the grip on his axe. The man responded with a soft grunt, then another. Perhaps it was due to his injuries, or maybe…

  It was then that I noticed the man’s free hand tucked into his waist. In his grip he was wielding a small knife that he pressed into his own flesh, twisting the blade in a rather gruesome fashion. But why?

  “Hilda, be careful.” I warned, eliciting from her a slight nod. She reached towards the berserker, but he rolled away, then quickly plunged the remainder of his blade into his gut. The last of his health bar depleted… he should have fallen dead.

  Instead, he rose to his feet.

  The man’s empty health bar began to blink a dark crimson. His pupils dilated as veins popped and muscles expanded. The man locked eyes with Hilda once more, then let out a monstrous, blood-curdling roar.

  Undying Rage

  The berserker defies the throes of death, launching himself into an uncontrollable rage for 1 minute

  Hilda steeled herself, dropping into her stalwart stance as the man charged her with reckless abandon. She rai
sed her blade to meet the first axe strike, parrying the blow to the right. The berserker growled then punched out with his free hand, smashing into the guardian’s cheek and sending her staggering.

  I crouched and prepared to lunge in. Like hell would I just stand there and watch her get battered. “No.” Razyr urged, digging his claws into my armored shoulder. “Hold, Zander.”

  “What do mean?” I growled through clenched teeth. “We need to hel-”

  “This is her trial.” Razyr interrupted. “She is forming… a bond.”

  Damnit all, he wanted me to just sit back and let this happen… I growled in frustration. Then, despite my better judgement… lowered my blade. “Hilda, you better handle this.”

  Hilda steadied herself as the berserker charged in. The man was relentless, swinging his blade through the air like a madman. He sliced at her with a sidelong strike, forcing her to duck low, then brought the axe back with a furious reverse strike. Hilda barely got her sword up in time to block, though the force of the blow knocked her off her feet and underneath the water.

  I winced as the man heaved his axe over his head, winding up for a killing blow. Suddenly, Hilda burst from the pool! She swung her sword with vicious force at the man’s exposed arm, activating titan strike. The blade passed through flesh and bone, severing the man’s hand off at the wrist! The hand plopped into the water, still gripping the heavy battle axe. It was a blow strong enough to put anyone down… though apparently not a berserker.

  With precious seconds left in his undying rage, the man ignored the call of death and dove at the surprised guardian. He swung at her with his bloodied stump, catching her off guard and landing a critical hit on her temple.

  Hilda staggered as the word stunned appeared next to her health reticle. The berserker lunged forward with his remaining hand, slapping away her blade before snatching her up by the throat. He then began to squeeze.

  “That’s it, I’m going in!” I said, tightening my grip on nevermore. It was just too much… I wouldn’t stand there and watch Hilda get beaten down!

  Suddenly, the woman twitched back to life as her stunned status faded. She raised her left arm and activated…. Shield slam?

  Hilda’s arm began to glow as the skill took its effect. She didn’t have a shield equipped so damnit she would use what she had.

  Hilda smashed her forearm into the berserker’s face, stunning him and forcing the grip on her neck to loosen. She winced in pain as the glow of her arm faded. Judging by the reduction in her hit points, the blow must’ve hurt her as well. And yet, she fought on.

  Hilda switched back to imperious stance then plunged her hand into the pool. When it emerged, it was once again wielding that fine sapphire blade. She stepped forward, leveling the blade at the stunned berserker… then plunged it through his chest.


  The guardian uses the remainder of her mana to execute a killing blow. Foes that are not felled by this attack will be left with a grievous wound

  The man’s health bar grew dim as his undying rage faded. His face, once full of passion and anger now bore an expression of confusion.

  “Why?” He said, clutching at Hilda’s shoulder with his remaining hand. “Why us? Our souls, our lives…. It’s not just a game! It’s not…”. The man’s words trailed off as his final hit point dwindled. Hilda, visibly shaken, lowered his body into the pool and carefully removed her blade. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She muttered, before turning to meet my gaze.

  I could see the pain in her eyes…. this hadn’t been easy for her. Killing creatures in the game was one thing, but killing other players...

  “That was amazing, Hil.” I said, offering her my hand. I wanted to say something to ease her pain, but I had no idea where to start.

  Hilda smiled at me all the same as I helped her out of the water. It wasn’t a real smile, but more of a signal, a way of telling me that she would be ok.

  “Thanks.” She replied. “Though I didn’t do it alone.” Razyr appeared almost giddy at the statement.

  “No?” I asked.

  Hilda shook her head, then lifted her sapphire short sword into the air. The blade melted into a ball of light that sat in the palm of her hand. Soon, the light began to stretch and grow, manipulating until it solidified into its newest form.

  Perched in her palm was an avian creature with brilliant blue feathers. The beast had a torso similar to that of a man, though it’s feet were adorned with bird-like talons. Two arms crossed its chest, followed by wings that were draped on its shoulders like a cloak. The beast’s head resembled that of an eagle, save for its blue feathers ruffled around its neck. The creature emanated an aura of quiet superiority, though for some reason its appearance had left Razyr giddy.

  “Ivan!” Razyr squeaked, apparently excited to see the creature. Had he known this beast before?

  Ivan retorted with a long, hard stare at Razyr before turning his attention to Hilda. “I apologize that I had to forgo proper introductions. I’m here to aid you, my lady guardian.” He said, his voice regal and proper.

  “Here to… aid me?” Hilda replied with an incredulous tone.

  “Indeed.” Ivan continued, cocking his beak into the air. “You’re in the presence of Ivanellios, last remaining familiar of the first wardens of Aetheria. Now if you would, please clean yourself up. We have a world that needs saving.”


  “Where the hell have you been?” Helena growled at Hilda as she and the others emerged from the fading fog, her face painted with a look of annoyance. “I mean, you just leap onto the back of a horse and ride off into…”. Helena’s voice trailed off as she noticed Hilda’s blood-spattered clothing and the body that floated at her side. “You ok?” She asked, her voice softening.

  “The lady guardian is quite alright, thank you!” Ivan interjected, turning his beak to the warlock.

  Helena cocked an eyebrow, inspecting the guardians newly acquired familiar. “Is that so, bird?”

  Ivan ruffled his shiny blue feathers in protest. “I am no bird, wench! I am Ivanellios, last remaining familiar of the firs-“

  “Yeah, whatever” Helena remarked, waving the proud sprite off as she leaned down to inspect the berserker’s corpse. Helena’s familiar Doomswell floated by, snickering at Ivan as he landed on her shoulder. Ivan squawked.

  “Did… did you do this?” Helena asked, bewilderment in her voice as she inspected the berserker’s body.

  “We did.” Hilda responded, nodding to Ivan who remained proudly perched on her shoulder. Together, the two of them seemed supremely confident, standing tall and straight-backed despite the ordeal they’d just suffered through.

  Helena nodded. “Not bad.” She said as she rose to her feet and gave Hilda congratulatory slap on the back. Hilda rolled her eyes.

  Several moments passed as the five of us (not including our familiars) regrouped. Brenton gave the corpse a quick look over, curious of the man’s alleged madness. Indeed, the berserker did rattle off some strange rantings before death, though it was impossible to tell if his madness came from something within the game… or just his own broken mind. Either way, his pain had ended.

  With the battle at an end, the windsteeds returned to their whimsical nature, prancing about us as they jostled each other in the breeze. The others appeared to mull around, slowly gathering their things as we prepared to set out.

  “We ought to be going.” I said, doing my best to pull the group together. Fatigue had become a very real thing since the start of our trek… a familiar feeling that could make scaling the tiniest of foothills feel like climbing a mountain. That, coupled with the recent mind control we’d suffered through had left our bodies feeling completely drained. Nonetheless, we had to set out if we were ever going to make it to Airrigar.

  “What of these damned steeds?” Helena said as she folded her arms across her chest. “They only seem to favor Hilda.”

  The guardian shrugged. “It’s a passive class skill uniq
ue to guardians… knight and Steed. It gives us an affinity to taming horses and similar mounts… a necessity for mounted combat.”

  I reached towards one of the beasts and it veered away from my touch. “What about us? Do we all just pile on with you?” The windsteed nearest me huffed, then stamped away as if it were deeply offended.

  Brenton approached the steed, tracing a small green glyph in the air with two fingers. “That may not be necessary.” Using the utmost care, the runecaster offered one of his hand to the windsteed, using the other to cast a rune of healing on the beast. Miraculously, the creature stamped happily and nuzzled his side.

  My jaw dropped. “What did you just do?”

  Brenton shot me a sly grin. “I’ve noticed that my healing runes provoke feelings of serenity when they are applied to the wounded. Through multiple uses, I was able to deduce that this feeling is in fact a side effect of the runespell. Therefore, I merely cast the healing rune on the steed you see here, calming his mood and bringing a liking to me.” The steed licked his cheek. “It appears he likes it quite a bit.”

  I watched in disbelief as Brenton casually climbed atop the windsteed’s back, all the while his grin stretching even wider than it had been before. He pulled out a piece of parchment and scribed another pair of healing runes, then handed them one to Helena. She mimicked his actions and in moments she was on a steed of her own.

  Brenton beamed as he admired his handiwork. “You know, the longer we find ourselves stuck in this world, the more applications I’m finding for these skills of ours. I believe that with a bit of ingenuity, the sky truly is the limit.” He paused his boasting to lean over and hand me a healing rune. I waved him off.

  Ingenuity…. I could do ingenuity.

  I locked eyes with the fourth and final windsteed, the one that found so much joy in bucking me off earlier.


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