The Rancher’s Bride Arrangement (Brides 0f Inspiration Book 1)

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The Rancher’s Bride Arrangement (Brides 0f Inspiration Book 1) Page 6

by Maya Stirling

  Every one of the Buchanan brothers needed wives. Johanna had picked that much up from the conversation in the sitting room.

  But, why it was such an urgent necessity, Johanna couldn’t figure out. Sophie had confirmed as much to her on the return trip back to Inspiration.

  Marriage was in the air back at the Buchanan ranch.

  Right now, she couldn’t imagine being married to any of the Buchanan men. Even as she entertained that thought, it struck her as somehow ridiculous. Today’s experience had been awkward in the extreme. Every one of the Buchanan brothers were fine, young men of decent character. That much had been obvious.

  But, Johanna had felt as if, somehow, she had been on show. She’d felt almost like a candidate being put up for consideration. And it hadn’t exactly been comfortable. Maybe things were different out here, after all, she told herself. Marriage was a serious business in a place like Inspiration.

  Unlike back East, where engagements could last a long time, when a man wanted a wife out here in Montana, it seemed as if hasty arrangements were normal. It was the way things were done out here. And she knew she had better get used to it. Otherwise she was in for a tough time.

  Johanna thought about the way all of the brothers had been examining her as she’d sat on the chair next to the fireplace. There had been an eagerness about the way they’d all attended to her.

  But, there had been one exception, she reminded herself.

  Zane Buchanan.

  The entire time she’d been there, he’d seemed uncertain and hesitant. Even suspicious of her. She’d seen it in his eyes and heard it in his voice. And when he’d sat next to her on the seat in the garden, she’d sensed tension in his manner. He hadn’t been unfriendly toward Johanna. Just withdrawn. And she wondered why.

  The short time she’d spent in the house with the whole Buchanan family had shown Johanna that, if nothing else, all the Buchanan men had impeccable manners. They’d been respectful and treated Johanna as an honored guest.

  But, Zane seemed somehow different. Maybe, being the eldest, he felt he had to prove a point. That, somehow, it was his duty to be more skeptical than the others. However, she couldn’t help thinking that there was more to Zane Buchanan than met the eye.

  Johanna had seen Sophie and Zane talking on the porch before leaving the ranch. She wondered what they had been talking about. And, when she’d asked Sophie as they’d ridden away from the ranch, Sophie had remained tight-lipped, saying they’d just been chatting.

  The buckboard was about halfway up the street now.

  “That’s odd,” Johanna heard Sophie say.

  “What is it?” Johanna replied.

  Sophie peered on their left in the direction of the jailhouse. Johanna looked and saw Sophie’s husband, Nathan, standing outside the open door to the jailhouse. He was facing a tall man, dressed in a dark suit and dark hat. Both men seemed to be exchanging harsh words. Their sharp tones drifted across the wide street. Johanna couldn’t make out what was being said, but it sure didn’t sound friendly.

  “I better go see what’s happening,” Sophie said, steering the buckboard in the direction of the jailhouse.

  Sophie drew the buckboard to a halt in front of the steps leading up to the jailhouse door. When Nathan turned and saw Sophie, his face eyes widened. He glanced quickly toward the man facing him.

  For his part, the other man, who was much older than Nathan, fixed his dark gaze on the occupants of the buckboard. Johanna felt nerves clutch tight in her middle as the swarthily featured man peered straight at her. He was heavy set, his belly bulging inside his dark waistcoat.

  “Mr Calhoun,” Sophie called out. “How are you this evening?” Johanna saw Sophie and Nathan exchange looks. For a moment it looked as if Nathan was none too pleased that Sophie had taken upon herself to halt in front of the jailhouse.

  Calhoun’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  Johanna recognized the name. She’d heard the man’s name mentioned earlier up at the ranch. And the way it had been uttered by Caleb Buchanan, it was clear that Mr Calhoun, whoever he was, did not find favor with the owner of the Buchanan ranch.

  “Mrs Cameron,” Calhoun said. “I was just talking with your fine husband here. Seems he felt obliged to detain one of my men this afternoon.”

  “Your man was drunk in the saloon and causing trouble,” Nathan explained. “Don’t see that you have any right coming here and asking me to let him out of the cell where he is currently snoring his head off. He ain’t going nowhere.”

  Calhoun nodded slowly. “Cyrus has been working too hard these days. He was probably just blowing off some steam.” Calhoun shrugged. “I’m sure you understand that Sheriff.”

  Nathan shook his head. “You know my rules, Calhoun. I’m not about to let this town become any worse than it has to. This is a good town with good people. And I aim to keep it that way.”

  “Of course you do, Sheriff,” Calhoun said. Johanna thought there was a sarcastic tone to Calhoun’s voice.

  Once again, Johanna saw Calhoun glance inquiringly toward her. She saw his eyes narrow thoughtfully.

  Calhoun took a few steps on the boardwalk, coming toward the buckboard. He halted at the edge of the wooden steps and peered down at Johanna. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of making this fine young lady’s acquaintance,” he said lifting his hat and revealing a full head of shiny, black hair. “Are you a newcomer, ma’am?”

  Johanna made to reply, but Sophie stood up on the buckboard and faced Calhoun. “She is indeed,” Sophie declared firmly. “And I’d appreciate it if you would mind your manners, Mr Calhoun. Introductions have not been made. And they aren’t going to be. Not today.”

  Calhoun’s eyes flashed with sudden annoyance. He glanced at Sophie and seemed intent on responding, but he forced a smile across his face.

  Nathan moved toward Calhoun and made it clear that he didn’t want the man even looking at his wife and Johanna. Calhoun and Nathan’s eyes met in a steady face off for a few long moments.

  Calhoun smiled. As he did so, Johanna felt a cold sensation creep down the length of her spine. She didn’t like the way Calhoun had looked at her. Not one bit.

  Johanna felt the impulse to say something to the man, but she held her lips shut tight. She figured that Sophie wouldn’t appreciate it if Johanna said even one word to a man she so clearly disliked.

  Nathan lifted a hand toward Calhoun’s chest, barring his way from going any closer to the buckboard. Calhoun’s gaze dropped to Nathan’s hand and then up to Nathan’s face. “I get your drift, Sheriff. Seems I’m not welcome.”

  Nathan shook his head. “You’re not.”

  Calhoun glanced toward the open door of the jailhouse. “And Cyrus?”

  “Try tomorrow morning,” Nathan replied. He smiled at Calhoun. “That’s assuming he behaves himself.”

  Calhoun peered at Nathan for a long moment and then nodded. Calhoun bowed his head slightly. “Ladies,” he said and then headed slowly off down the boardwalk.

  Johanna saw Nathan and Sophie watch Calhoun as he walked away. When he was far enough away, Nathan turned to Sophie and frowned. “What have I told you about coming near the jailhouse when I’m working,” he snapped.

  Sophie shook her head. “You know how much I dislike that man. I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.”

  Nathan sighed heavily. “That’s for me to deal with, Sophie. You know that.”

  “But,” Sophie started to say, however Nathan interrupted her.

  “You two heading home?” he asked, glancing at Johanna.

  Sophie nodded.

  “How did things go at the ranch?” Nathan asked.

  Sophie crinkled her nose at her husband. “I’m not talking about that in front of the jailhouse, Nathan Cameron,” she said. Johanna thought it was funny when Sophie and Nathan were enjoying their little domestic clashes.

  Sophie flopped back down on the seat, cast a quick glance at Johanna, flicked on the reins and sta
rted to turn the horse back out into the middle of the street. As she did so Nathan called out. “What’s for dinner tonight?”

  Sophie turned and looked at him and shook her head, saying nothing. Johanna saw Nathan shrug with resignation. Johanna knew their disagreement hadn’t been anything serious. But, it was obvious that Nathan was protective of Sophie. If he didn’t want her anywhere near the jailhouse, then Johanna could understand that. Especially when someone like Calhoun was trying to cause trouble.

  The buckboard rolled up the dusty street. Stores were still open and Johanna could hear rowdy noises coming from inside the saloon as they passed it. She wondered what Inspiration would be like after darkness fell. Would it turn into something less sweet and pleasant? Was there a dark side to the town?

  Sophie’s husband seemed more than capable of handling trouble. But, looking around the town at this moment, it was hard to believe evil could find a foothold in such a calm and pleasant place.

  “Who was that?” Johanna asked as the buckboard made its way up the street toward the Cameron house which she could see in the distance.

  “It’s probably best not to know,” Sophie replied.

  “If I’m going to live in Inspiration, then I figure I should know the town troublemaker. Don’t you think?” Johanna retorted.

  Sophie laughed slightly and nodded. “I guess so,” she said. “It’s just that Brett Calhoun isn’t someone any upstanding young woman should even talk to,” Sophie said.

  Johanna thought for a moment, liking the way Sophie had described her as upstanding. Then Johanna said: “He looks like the kind who’s used to getting his way.”

  “How do you mean?” Sophie asked.

  “Who does he think he is that he can just go to the town sheriff and demand that someone be set free?” Johanna said.

  “He’s the kind of person who thinks he owns this town, that’s who,” Sophie replied.

  “What do mean? How can someone own a place like Inspiration?” Johanna asked.

  Sophie sighed. “It’s complicated. Let’s say he has influential friends. There isn’t much in this town that Brett Calhoun doesn’t have some kind of a hand in.”

  “That sounds ominous. Should I be worried about him?”

  Sophie shook her head emphatically. “If I see him anywhere near you, don’t you worry. I’ll see to him in the only way he understands.”

  Johanna smiled at Sophie. “That bad, eh?”

  Sophie nodded. “Worse than you can imagine. I dream of the day he decides to leave. He’s a snake in our little Eden,” Sophie concluded.

  “Nathan handled him pretty well,” Johanna observed.

  “He did, didn’t he,” Sophie agreed and smiled proudly. “It’ll take more than the likes of Calhoun to get the better of my husband.”

  “I heard Calhoun’s name up at the ranch,” Johanna said.

  “You did?”

  Johanna nodded. “It didn’t sound like he’s the kind who’d be welcome at the ranch.”

  “Caleb Buchanan and Calhoun don’t see eye to eye,” Sophie said. She rolled her eyes. “That’s putting it mildly.”


  Sophie sighed and pulled the buckboard to a halt in front of her house. “It’s a long story.” She tied up the reins and jumped down off the board.

  Johanna shrugged. “I’ve got plenty of time.”

  Sophie shook her head. “You’ve had a long day, Johanna. You need a home-cooked meal and then a good night’s sleep. I’ll tell you more about Brett Calhoun some other time. You’ve got other things to look forward to.”

  “What do you mean?” Johanna asked.

  Sophie turned and faced Johanna. “I arranged a little luncheon tomorrow.”

  “Who for?” Johanna asked.

  “You and Zane Buchanan.”

  Johanna was sure the color drained right out of her face. For a long moment she was completely lost for words. Finally, her mind cleared enough for her to stammer through a tight throat: “Me and Zane?”

  Sophie nodded and smiled innocently. “You two seemed to get on real well today.”

  “You think so?” Johanna asked incredulously.

  Sophie nodded. “And Zane told me he really likes you.”

  Johanna got down off the buckboard and stretched her body, feeling the ache in her muscles. “He said that?” Johanna asked, hardly believing it was possible.

  Zane had been so cold with her out in the garden. Johanna figured Sophie must have done something special to persuade Zane to agree to a further meeting.

  Sophie nodded. “Can’t say I blame him.” Sophie lifted a brow. “Maybe its your sophisticated Eastern manners that have caught his eye.”

  Now Johanna really did feel the color on her cheeks flush hot. Had she really succeeded in giving the impression that she was some kind of society girl? If that was the case, then how come a rancher like Zane would find that even the slightest bit appealing. There had to be something more going on, Johanna concluded. But, as she walked beside a clearly pleased Sophie, she knew she wasn’t going to get a sensible answer out of the woman who had welcomed her so warmly to this town.

  Sophie was right. It had been a long day since her connection on the railroad’s spur line, earlier that morning, had brought her to Inspiration.

  Maybe it was time to let things settle a while.

  However, as she made her way up to her room, she couldn’t help wondering what tomorrow would bring. She was only just getting to know her new home.

  And only beginning to get to know Zane Buchanan.


  Zane made sure he arrived on time, the next day.

  Twelve o’clock sharp, Saturday, was what Sophie had told him yesterday at the ranch. It had been an order, rather than a request.

  Zane rode into town just before twelve. He’d spent the morning out with the herd. And that had meant that when he’d returned to the ranch, there had been plenty of cleaning up to do. Personal cleansing.

  He didn’t think that Miss Johanna Henderson would appreciate him turning up for a lunch at the Cameron house with him stinking of a morning’s work.

  Now, he sat astride his favorite mount, a beautiful palomino. He tipped his hat to some of the folks who bothered to acknowledge his presence. The Buchanans weren’t universally liked in Inspiration. His father’s famously determined character had made a few enemies over the years. But, on the whole, most folk liked the Buchanans.

  His family had brought work to the town, and they were involved as much as they could be in trying to make sure that the town ran as smoothly as possible. His mother was a member of the Inspiration Ladies Club which was constantly busy with one thing or another keeping order in the town. Although, with the likes of Brett Calhoun constantly sticking his nose in where it wasn’t welcome, that wasn’t always an easy job.

  Zane thought about the lunch appointment to which he’d agreed. His insides were turning somersaults at the prospect of sitting across the table from the fine young woman from Pennsylvania and trying to hold down a sensible conversation. Table talk wasn’t one of Zane’s strong points, and he knew it.

  Just thinking about that made him draw in a deep, calming breath. His heart began to pound faster. But, curiously, that seemed to happen every time he was around Johanna.


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