Wolf Spell

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Wolf Spell Page 9

by M. R. Polish

  She drew her lips together before nodding her head and reaching up to take my hand. Her hand felt so perfect in mine. What was I thinking? I couldn’t fall for her. She was just supposed to be someone I protected. Besides, I wasn’t nearly good enough for her.

  I wanted to reach out and brush her hair away from her eyes, but I stopped myself. Every time I was around her, she stirred a deep feeling inside of me, and I wanted, needed, to be closer to her. My body ached to be with her at all times; just being in the same house didn’t cut it. I never expected to feel this close to her, this fast.

  I led her to the stairs, placing my hand at the small of her back. God, she smelled good. At least I could be there for her, and I’d protect her at every cost. I could do that. I would be her Guardian until I died protecting her.

  – Esmerelda –

  I stopped at the doorway and scanned Meadow’s room. Trevor and Ree both sat in the corner with their eyes closed as if they meditated, summoning the strength to accomplish the task, I supposed.

  Victor sat beside the bed, resting his elbows on the soft mattress, his face buried in his hands. I wondered at what pain he went through, his face contorted in agonizing scrunches.

  The curtains were open, filling the room with yellow streaks of the morning sunlight. I could feel a hand on my lower back, leading me further into the room. It comforted me to know Jarak was with me, my personal bodyguard. I let him guide me to where Meadow lay near death. I gave my best try at a smile, seeing that her eyes were open and centered on me.

  “I’m so happy.” The weakness in her voice made me cringe. My heart ached over seeing her this way. Black and purple welts covered her face from the accident. Her sunk-in chest rose slowly with jagged effects, showing how labored her breathing was. Tears welled in my eyes. I picked up her hand, keeping my touch and grasp light so I wouldn’t hurt her.

  “I’m happy too,” I lied.

  I glanced over at Victor. He still sat motionless, as if he prayed. I reached out in my mind for his energy that connected us as he taught me earlier, but it was blocked.

  Ree was at my side before I knew she’d moved from her seat in the corner. Her hand rested on my shoulder. “Are you sure you can help her?”

  I nodded, biting my lips to keep from screaming, ‘No!’

  Another blur and Trevor stood beside Victor, on the other side of the bed.

  The arm around my waist tightened. I turned my head to see Jarak staring at me, concern etched in his eyes.

  My heart raced as the anticipation rose, and it felt as if it sucked all the oxygen from the bedroom. “I’ll be fine,” I whispered. Another lie.

  Somewhere in my mind, I looked for how Meadow turning into a vampire was justifiable. Where’s the justice in that? My soul churned. I was sick over how she thought that she needed to choose this.

  Somewhere I could feel Victor’s presence inside my mind. It is time, he said, without actually speaking at all, creeping me out.

  Trevor leaned over my mom, whispering next to her cheek. “Alma Bella, recordarán este dolor no más.” He rose up and with his lips grazing her skin, placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “Beautiful soul, you will remember this pain no more.” Jarak’s hot breath whispered the translation into my ear.

  I was so far past being strong. Those words broke the well that housed all my tears. Jarak pulled me to him. His strong arms encircled around me. I was grateful he held me because my legs were weak and I had a hard time keeping myself up. Streams of hot tears flowed from my eyes as I buried my face in his shoulder.

  The sound of a scream made me turn around. Ree held Meadow’s wrist to her mouth, devouring her blood. The coppery smell filled the room and I covered my mouth to still my own cries of protest. I couldn’t see Trevor’s face. He buried it in the crook of her neck. A trickle of red streamed down her collarbone.

  Ree growled, and her eyes furrowed as she sucked. She lifted her mouth and pushed herself away—fast, hitting the wall by the door in her haste to get away. Her chin dripped with the crimson liquid. I spun back to the safety of Jarak’s supporting arms and squeezed my eyes shut, burying my face deeper into his chest.

  A slight moan came from the bed. I braced myself against Jarak, grasping his shirt in my fists and looked. Trevor pulled back from Meadow’s neck with his jaw clenched. He used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood, but it only smeared across his face. He held on to the edge of the bed, clutching it with white knuckles. “Su sangre es ferte.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Lo que nos convoca,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  I shook my head, pleading with Trevor for an explanation. “I don’t understand.”

  My grip tightened, and I looked up at Jarak. “Please, I don’t understand.” Panic filled me. Did something go wrong?

  Jarak moved his eyes away from me. “Her blood is so strong that it’s calling to them. They’re having a hard time finishing the job without killing her.”

  “No!” I tried to move out of his hold. I looked at Ree. She doubled over with her arms wrapped around her middle and heaved with deep breathes.

  “Every ounce of blood—that we take—we must replace with our venom.” Ree coughed and gasped in between her words as she worked to slow her breathing.

  I looked around to everyone. “I don’t understand. I thought you just had to bite her.”

  Ree stood up straight and ambled toward the bed once again. “We have to bite and draw blood. Then find a clean opening and without sucking any, release our venom into her blood stream.”

  Lights went off in my head. I understood what the problem was. They already had a hard time leaving the first bite without sucking her dry. How would they bite and taste her blood without sucking any at all, as they released their venom.

  Trevor nodded and stared at Ree with his eyes softening. “Creamos solo suficiente veneno para cada onza de sangre que tomamos.”

  “What does that mean?” I grasped Jarak’s shirt tighter.

  Ree panted, “I’m having a hard time and I’m not sure I can do this. He reminded me that we can only create enough venom for each ounce of blood we take. In other words, he can’t help her without me. I’ve already taken her blood, and it needs to be replaced.” She licked her lips, some of the blood already drying in the cracks.

  I gulped. Meadow wouldn’t make it after all. Instead, I might as well have signed the death certificate myself, agreeing to watch her ending. I gagged on the bile rising in my throat.

  Red tears flowed from Ree’s copper eyes. “I promise I’ll do my best.”

  Victor raised his head for a short moment. His eyes narrowed in on Ree. “You better.” He stared for another second before lowering his head back to his hands and concentrated again.

  Ree fidgeted with her hands and nodded, inching her way closer to the bed.

  Trevor held Meadow’s arm, raising it to his mouth, letting his fangs hover above her skin before clamping down. His eyes squeezed shut. Pain etched his face as he held his end of the promise, pushing his venom into her body. He laid her arm back down then left the room, moving so quick that he was nothing more than a blur.

  I watched as Ree’s eyes widened. The new bite wound drizzled fresh blood onto the bedspread. She gulped and leaned over, grasping Meadow’s bare shoulder and clamping her mouth down on her neck.

  Ree, cried out against the skin, her hands dug into Meadow’s shoulder deep enough to draw more blood. She jerked back, trying to pry herself away. Then, she vanished from the room as fast as Trevor had.

  My mouth dropped open. “Is Ree okay?” Victor continued to hold my mom’s hand with his eyes squeezed shut. I knew he concentrated on helping her through the turning. It was soon going to be my turn to help.

  Jarak nodded his head. “Until she turns, they will probably stay hidden. Meadow’s blood is exceptionally strong.”

  “What do you mean her blood is strong? Somebody tell me what’s going on!”

  Jarak squeezed me tighter. “Wit
ches and Warlocks are like the sweetest candy to a vampire. You carry all the perfect ingredients for the most delectable dinner. Vampires are the ones to create crossbreeds, not witches. Because of the difficulties, I can't think of another witch who turned successfully into a crossbreed. Either way, magical blood is worth killing over.”

  I wrapped my hands around my neck to cover it.

  “Don’t worry Es, they won’t hurt you. In fact, you can do more damage to them than they can to you.” He smiled down at me.

  “Esmerelda, she needs your help.” Victor sounded strained. I turned to see him cringing.

  I nodded and dropped to the floor on my knees. I grasped her hand, closing my eyes. There was a tug stronger than what I’d experienced when practicing with Victor. I knew at once this was her. She called out to me. She needed me.

  I let my energy flow through that connection, following it to her pain. Intense fiery throbbing threatened to engulf every inch of my body as my mind traipsed closer to the venom. I cried out as I held my place, allowing the searing pain to attach to me—absorbing it into my inner core. I could feel empty spots—the gaps that the venom missed in her DNA. I pushed out as I did earlier, trying to fill them with whatever energy that seemed to fit like a puzzle.

  I could feel Jarak drop to his knees with me, wrapping his arms around me, giving me his strength. “Breathe, Es, just breathe.”

  Somewhere I heard Jarak’s voice deep in my mind, calling to me. I wanted nothing more than to leave this pain and find his calm voice. Blackness consumed me, surrounding me. I welcomed the black void because I couldn’t feel the pain in the darkness.

  “Don’t give in to it Esmerelda.” Victor’s voice demanded from somewhere beyond the void.

  I couldn’t hold on any longer, but I couldn’t leave either. The blackness sucked me in until I was useless, even against my own body. My hope was that by still being there, I was still helping Meadow before I died myself.

  A cool feeling overwhelmed me after being in the inferno. I no longer felt like myself, as if my body detached from reality. Somehow, I knew that was bad, something went wrong.

  Blood Red Tears

  – Esmerelda –

  A light fog surrounded me. I walked through it, looking for something, but I couldn’t remember what it was. Wisps of grey and white smoke drifted away, and I walked through the middle of it.

  I stopped to listen, hoping for a clue as to why I was here. Garbled voices floated around me, making it hard to hear anything legible.

  My shoulders slumped. Where was I? I tried to remember, but nothing came to my mind. Everything was gone.

  “Esmerelda, I knew I’d find you here. I could feel your spirit calling out.” I spun around looking for the familiar voice. My heart raced.

  A dark figure emerged from the fog. I gasped as I ran and embraced him. “Dad.”

  Was this real? I knew he wasn’t my biological dad, but I didn’t care. I was so happy to see him. I hugged him tight, not wanting to let him go.

  “Yes and no to answer your question. Yes, this is real. It’s a witch’s torment to be here. You’ve pushed yourself too far. What would make you push yourself over the edge?” He held his hands out and grabbed my shoulders. He still wore the black suit from Meadow’s funeral. “I don’t have a lot of time... I can already feel the pull taking me away… I have to tell you something, but I can’t. It can only mean she’s still alive. I did it for you. Just remember that.”

  As quickly as he came to me, he disappeared, dematerializing into the fog that surrounded me. I squeezed my eyes closed. I wasn’t truly here; this was all in my head. This is what Victor told me would happen if I didn’t back off when I reached my limit. Bry was just a vision in my mind, brought on from the pain.

  I gritted my teeth. I was strong enough. The pain wouldn’t push me over again.

  I cried out, hoping Meadow would hear me through an inward connection. “I’m here, I won’t leave again. I promise.”

  “Esmerelda! Help. You’re so much stronger than me…” Her voice sounded grave, her strength was all but gone. I knew no one else heard her, only me.

  “Victor, she needs strength, or she won’t make it.” The brush of his inward energy shot past me, faster than even Ree could move. It went straight into the fiery wall of pain.

  “Yes Esmerelda, use your powers.” I could hear Victor in my head.

  My breathing labored, and my mind burned with pain.

  I no longer needed my eyes closed. It was as if I could feel what I needed to do. I fanned my hands out, revealing my palms, facing them toward Meadow. I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was right, but I needed to try something and this felt right. Second nature. Isn’t that what Victor said it would be? I concentrated and sensed a stirring inside my soul. My hands glowed like they did before, and before I knew what happened, streaks of energy, or what I guessed was energy, shot from my hands. Blue and green flashes mixed, and singed the gaping holes of her newly formed tissues together. I relaxed, my shoulders slumping. My job was finished.

  Meadow’s face showed a minimal amount of discomfort as I gazed over her. The bite on her wrist faded. Her body was turning into the dark immortal creature she agreed to be.

  Warmth enveloped me, and I realized Jarak still held me in his arms. I raised my eyes to meet his then rested my head against his chest.

  “I didn’t think you were coming back. You went limp, and I yelled at you, trying to wake you, but you didn’t even flinch,” he whispered against my cheek.

  I recalled being in a fog and hearing garbled voices. “So that was you? I heard someone but couldn’t make it out. It was so weird. I saw my dad… well… Bry.”

  “What happened?”

  “We’ll talk later, right now I just want to make sure Meadow’s okay.” I twisted to look over at her. Her face no longer looked contorted in pain.

  “She’ll be okay. Victor’s known as one of the better warlocks still alive. He’ll stay with her.”

  I believed him.

  I nodded and rubbed my eyes with my hands, realizing how tired I was. “I think I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.” I lifted myself from his hold, standing with the help of the corner post of the bed. I held my head as the dizziness came from the quick motion. “I need to absorb some energy I guess.” My legs were like rubber, making me a little unsteady as I walked toward the door.

  Jarak came up behind me. “I’ll help you.”

  Grateful, I leaned on him for support. The hallway was dark. Only a small light from the pool lit up the back windows. I blinked trying to grasp the time change. I couldn’t believe I fought with Meadow’s turning for more than eight hours. It felt as if only minutes passed. No wonder I was exhausted.

  Bright sunlight filtered through the white curtains onto my face. I moaned, and I realized how raw my throat was. A tickle in the back of my mouth made me cough, making the soreness worse.

  “Drink this.” It was Ree’s soft voice. My eyes fluttered open catching sight of her black hair.

  A cold glass pressed against my lips, spilling out an icy liquid. I gulped greedily even though the action made my throat throb. I held my hand to the glass, stopping the water from drowning me.

  Ree pulled it away and set it on the nightstand. “I’m sorry about yesterday, you know, about leaving so fast.”

  “It’s okay, I understand.” My voice was raspy. Yesterday? That meant I’d slept through the whole night.

  Ree licked her lips. “We didn’t know how hard that would be. We weren’t prepared.” She slumped on the bed next to me.

  I sat up in bed a little too fast, regretting the action as the pounding in my head exploded in my ears and behind my eyes.

  “Oh sorry.” Ree jumped from the bed shutting the blackout curtains behind the lace ones, blocking out the excessive light then sat down with me.

  “Thanks.” I massaged my temples, relishing the new darkness. “I don’t understand, you both fed first, that’s why we needed to wait unti
l yesterday before you turned her,” I whispered, due to the jackhammer in my head. “You’ve turned people before.”

  “Yes, we’ve turned many people before, but that’s just it, they were people, not witches. We did feed, but it wasn’t the same this time. ”

  “Wait, you mean you’ve never turned a witch before?” I didn’t need more of a headache, but I swore it just gave into another depth of pain.

  “No, in fact, your mom is the first witch to ever turn—in our entire history. Nicholas can’t even turn a witch because the vampire turning them would kill them. There are rumors he’s tried and failed many times.”

  “What!” I cried out, even with the risk of worsening my headache. “You couldn’t tell me this before.”

  “We didn’t think it would be that hard.”

  “So, what, my mom was just a guinea pig to you guys?”

  Ree ran her fingers through her hair. “No. Esmerelda you have to understand, you’re essential to our cause. She is important to Victor and you. We vowed to try.”

  “I don’t care how valuable I am. This is all insane! What did you know about turning a witch?”

  “We had some ideas; we talked to some of the older vampires about how it could be done. They told us that it would be one of the most difficult things to do. It would be harder than when we turned ourselves.” She lowered her eyes, avoiding mine.

  “And you still chose to do it?” I couldn’t wrap that around my mind just yet. I saw the looks on their faces as they tried to detach themselves from her. Even visually, I saw it was painful for them.

  Ree kept her face downward. “I would do anything to help you. At first, it was because of who you are, but now, it’s because you’re my friend. I haven’t had a non-vampire friend in years. I necessarily don’t trust myself, but I don’t want to lose your friendship either.”

  She shifted on the bed, but it was enough for me to see her face. I could see blood red tears trickle out. I reached to wipe them away from her cheek. My fingers stained with the thick crimson fluid. “Your tears…” My voice trailed off as I stared at my hand.


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