Wolf Spell

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Wolf Spell Page 17

by M. R. Polish

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” He grinned as he shook out the newspaper.

  I leaned back and Ailaina came in carrying two cups of piping hot chocolate. She handed one to me then sat down on the other couch, curling her legs up under her.

  I studied Jarak as he scanned the pages. He closed the paper fast and looked at the front page intently. “Is this paper real?”

  I twitched my mouth. “What? As far as I know. I just magicked one from Stanley. I doubt they’ll miss one. Why?”

  “Look.” He pointed at an article on the bottom left hand corner.

  “So what?” I shrugged.

  “Look at the date they went missing. It was the same day we noticed that vamp running around outside.”

  Ailaina sat up straighter as he mentioned that day. “What’s it say?”

  I took the paper from him and read the article out loud for her.

  “On Saturday, November twelfth, five passengers aboard a local charter bus never re-boarded after making a pit stop in Stanley, Idaho. The sixty-eight passengers of the bus belonged to a group of winners selected for a three–day vacation to Sun Valley for a ski getaway. Before the bus departed from the local Sinclair gas station, other travelers noticed that five of their traveling companions were not aboard the bus.

  After a search through the gas station and surrounding businesses, the driver of the bus called local authorities. No one in or around the businesses saw anything out of the ordinary. An ongoing search is under way for the missing passengers. The police identified them as Stephanie Ray thirty-four, Joseph Ray thirty-five, Rose Morgan twenty-two, Wyatt Jefferson twenty-eight, and Izabella Paige twenty-six. If you saw or know anything about the disappearance of these people, the Stanley police department urges you to call immediately.”

  I lowered the paper staring at Ailaina. All color drained from her face, making her usually tanned skin look pasty white.

  I hadn’t realized I held my breath until I released it slowly. Those poor people, I wonder what happened. “That’s sad.” I handed the paper back to him. “They were all still pretty young.”

  “Sad? You don’t get it do you.”

  “Get what?” I shook my head.

  Ailaina sat her cup down on the little side table beside the couch. “People go missing all the time, and everyone thinks they are unsolved mysteries, but most of the time when no one is found—it’s Nicholas.” I stared at her with wide eyes. When did she get so smart?

  Jarak nodded. “Yeah, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence five strangers on their way to a free vacation just happened to get lost in Stanley.”

  I shivered at the thought of what they went through, or what they were about to go through. “Do you think he’s already had them turned?”

  “I don’t know, but my bet is yes, which means there will be extremely hungry vampires running through these mountains. It also means he could be close, or he could have just sent one of his loyal vamps to start the turning process and scare you.”

  Ugh, could nothing in life be easy? Now I needed to worry about more bloodthirsty vampires. I almost wished Trevor was here. He seemed like the most all–knowing vampire and maybe he could help with the newbies like he did with Meadow and Ree.

  I cringed again for another reason. It was my blood they were thirsty for. I was the only one here with magical blood, and if he turned them into crossbreeds, they would need me to stay alive. What was that other antidote? I needed to figure it out and fast. I knew from Ailaina’s dream that it had something to do with magical blood—but what?

  I thought more on that then stopped. “Wait a minute. How exactly is Nicholas creating vampires? I thought he was a warlock.”

  Jarak dipped his head. “He has many loyal vampires who work for him and support his cause.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little weird that Meadow, Victor, Trevor and Ree are the only ones who seem to know anything about Nicholas? I might be a little off here, but hear me out.” I couldn’t believe what I was about to say. My heart beat faster, and I twisted on the couch to see him better, lowering the newspaper from his sight.

  “What if the plan to turn Meadow wasn’t an accident? I mean, you grew up with your grandfather, and he never mentioned any of this. What if they tricked you into helping Nicholas find me? Look at the airport, somebody tipped them off that I’d be there.”

  He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ve never thought of this before, but you’re right. It might be a set up, but why would Meadow use you? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “What’s in it for them?” Ailaina asked.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  A scream echoed outside the house and the sound of running footsteps on the porch. Whoever it was, pounded on the door. “Let me in—help!”

  I lifted my hands toward the door, ready to use whatever magic I held to defend us. Jarak was on his feet, brushing past me and opened the door before I could blink.

  A girl with blood running down her neck fell inside onto the floor.

  I gasped.

  Ailaina jumped from the couch and rushed over to where the girl lay, then leaned over and searched for a pulse. “It’s weak, but it still beats.”

  Jarak picked her up and moved her out of the way so we could shut the door. “I think the vampire tried turning her and brought her up the mountain for a reason. Unfortunately, I think he let her escape on purpose. What are the odds she’d find us?”

  “I’ll be right back.” I walked around the inside of the house, in every room, around every wall. I used the outside energy to block the house and made a protection spell. Why hadn’t I thought of doing this before? My pulse quickened in my neck making me sick. How could I have been so stupid as to leave the house unprotected?

  We couldn’t afford to be off guard with an intruding vampire. I ran back downstairs to where Jarak laid the poor girl on the floor next to the fireplace, the warmest place in the house.

  “Is she okay?” I cringed as I saw her wound clearer. A set of fangs had made a deep gnash on the side of her neck.

  “I’m not sure yet, all we can do is wait.” Ailaina sat back on her knees. It was weird seeing how calm and collected she was. It was as if she knew what to do in every situation.

  “Does she have ID?” I asked.

  Ailaina patted her down, searching for anything on her. She reached inside her coat pocket and pulled out a small clutch wallet then handed it to me.

  I was afraid to open it—afraid to find out who it belonged to. My hands shook as I opened it. Stephanie—I spotted the first name and thought I would throw up. She had to be one of the missing travelers from the paper. It mentioned a Stephanie in the list of missing names.

  “Do you think she got away before they were able to give her their venom?” I remembered how Ree and Trevor had to give Meadow the same amount of venom as the blood they took.

  Jarak shook his head. “I don’t think so. Her wounds would’ve healed by now, or at least started to.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. That was good. I didn’t want to see her become something she had no choice in, and I didn’t want to have to kill her for being a vampire. I truly hated those creatures. I didn’t want to be like some Vampire Slayer, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

  “I think it’s time,” I whispered.

  Jarak looked up at me. “Time for what?” His eyes gave away lines of worry as he watched me. I could see how concerned he was for me, but killing them was our only option.

  “We need to find them before they hurt any more innocent people.” My eyes watered, making it hard to see clearly.

  He stood up and walked to me. “Are you strong enough?”

  “I’m fine.” I waved him off. “Besides, I’m more worried about you than myself. I have magic. You don’t.”

  “Dark magic, like the kind Nicholas uses doesn’t affect me, remember.”

  I leaned down closer to Stephanie, ignoring him. My heart ached for her.<
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  I strained to see any movement from her. My heart raced. “I don’t see her chest moving.” Careful not to press too hard, I placed my fingers on the other side of her neck from her wound. Nothing.

  I jumped back, away from her body. Jarak bent down and rechecked for her pulse. His tightened his jaw and closed his eyes. “She didn’t have a chance.”

  Tears fell from my eyes. Ailaina hugged me, crying too. I was sorry for the young woman, to have to die scared like that. I vowed with her death that I would kill every vampire I came across. If every vampire were dead, there would be none left to turn innocent humans, but that proposed a new problem—Meadow.

  A Poisoned Knife

  – Jarak –

  I slumped to the ground as exhaustion took over my body. The wet, cold leaves under my fingers numbed my skin down to the bones.

  I hoped the girls were okay. We’d been searching all day, but decided to separate. Es could feel the dead energy and insisted we look for the vampire before he found us. I let out a sigh. I needed to relax. Luna and Ailaina were with her. I knew more than she did the power of the wolf. She was safe.

  I’d been running on pure adrenaline, but even that was almost gone, leaving me drained—emotionally and physically. I slammed my fist onto the forest floor. Maztic waited at the base of a tall pine tree.

  “We’ll get him.” Maztic’s low growl rumbled through the earth and up into my head.

  “I hope so.” I clenched my jaw together. I knew Nicholas would pay—and so would his followers. It was Es’s almost lifeless memory that haunted me from when he poisoned her, which fired my soul up, ready to kill. I pushed myself up off the ground. I couldn’t stop now, not when she needed me. Maztic materialized by my side, standing proud and ready to continue the hunt.

  A long howl filled the air from the distance. My head snapped in the direction. “Luna.” I took off at a full run, using Maztic’s strength and speed as his energy filled me. He never left my side, running through the forest.

  Attempting to dodge pine branches and bushes proved fruitless as my jeans scraped against them. I darted my eyes through the foliage, searching for my prey. I heard another howl. With wolf speed, I ran to where Luna called out again.

  Stopping and spinning around, I searched. A branch teetered on the trunk of a tree, catching my attention. A dark shadow dashed through my line of sight.

  I took off in that direction, Maztic still beside me, our footfalls silenced in the fallen leaves on the ground. I stopped to take a short break. A putrid stench mixed with the fresh air infuriated me. It was sick, smelling like a burnt, rancid puke. I coughed, trying to fight the stomach acid that rose in the back of my throat.

  A twig snapped, and I twirled around to the sound that echoed behind me. My shoulders squared as I held my head high in confidence. The ugly vampire’s wicked face stared into mine. His skin was translucent, and I was able to see through to his almost black veins. He had the signs of being a crossbreed who was on the verge of death.

  “You think it’s this easy?” he sneered. His once blue eyes were bloodshot, with only a hint of jade left in the iris.

  “It is this easy.” My muscles were taut, and I was ready to spring. Maztic emerged from the bushes lithely beside me, baring his razor sharp teeth, ready to sink them into flesh. A deep growl rumbled in his throat.

  “Good luck,” he mocked, tipping his head in laughter. “I could send you spiraling into the night, but I think leaving you alive to know you couldn’t protect her, sounds better. I wonder how it will feel to live with that. Oh wait, you already live with that. Don’t you? A memory of someone else you couldn’t save. Nicholas told me all about you.”

  I lunged forward, just to move right through him as if I moved through his spirit. Tendrils of his form wisped away into the night air. His sinister laugh rumbled, and echoed into the dead of night. “I have a limited amount of magic now, but that will change once I get Esmeralda, she can finish the change and keep me alive, and more powerful than her with the best of both worlds.”

  Maztic lunged forward after him, but fell through him too as he disappeared into the air.

  “No!” I cried out. The internal anguish was too much. I couldn’t fail again.

  “Jarak.” Es’s voice drifted through the trees.

  “Over here.” Maztic spoke out in our minds. His fur still stood on end.

  Es and Luna emerged through the trees. Luna’s grey coat shimmered under the moonlight.

  “Did you see him?” Es stood tall, barely a hint of exhaustion in her breathing. Ailaina emerged close behind her, but was bent over and trying to catch her breath.

  “Yeah.” I nodded, running my fingers through my hair. “He was like a ghost, here but not here. I don’t understand. It’s like when you said old energy.” I kicked a rock. “I’ll never catch him without magic.”

  “It’s okay. He’ll be back.” She walked to me and wrapped her arms around my middle.

  I rested my cheek on top of her head and held her. “I know.” Unfortunately, that was true. I worried about what he said, about me not protecting her, about not protecting my past, the memories… I prayed they wouldn’t repeat themselves.

  – Esmerelda –

  The hot water from the shower pelted down, massaging my aching muscles. We’d been out searching for almost two more days since the vampire appeared. What was taking him so long to attack? The anxiety of the wait was almost too much, causing tension in the house. It was even harder for Jarak to understand. He was moody, not quite himself since he encountered him.

  I didn’t want to fight the vampire as a ghost. I shuddered despite the warm water. It was just like when Moriah visited me while I was captive underground; she was there but not there. “That’s it!” I yelled from the shower, quickly turning the water off and wrapping a towel around me.

  I could hear Jarak’s boots thumping up the stairs. “What’s wrong?” He looked panicked as he flung open the bathroom door.

  I laughed and hurled myself at him. “I know how he’s doing it! I understand.” Remembering I had on no more than a towel, I blushed and backed up, checking to make sure it stayed secured around me.

  “Oh Lord, Es, you scared me.” Relief flashed in his eyes.

  I scampered away to the closet and grabbed my clothes. “Cover your eyes.” I didn’t need an audience as I dressed. Besides, he hasn’t seen me naked. I blushed at the thought and rushed to put my underclothes on. With his moods, I wasn’t sure if we were even together.

  I dried off fast with the towel and shrugged my jeans on over my damp legs and hips. Flinging my shirt over my head, I yelled out to him, “Okay, done.”

  He uncovered his eyes and as far as I know, he was a complete gentleman the whole time I dressed. I'm not sure what kind of lady I would’ve been if we reversed the roles.

  “I could have helped you know.” He chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.

  Rolling my eyes, I waved him off and rubbed the towel through my hair. “I totally get it. He’s using a spell like the one Moriah did. A spirit spell.”

  His face lit up. “You are so smart.”

  I slumped down on the bed. “I know.” I gave him my best smile. “So how do we destroy the spell and find him in the flesh?”

  “How exactly do you create a spirit spell? That might tell us how to kill one.”

  “I’m not sure. Moriah never said how she did it. It might take me a little bit to think about what incantations or energies to use.”

  “What gift was from Moriah? I know it wasn’t the fire element.”

  “The gift of Spirit. Why?” I didn’t ask how he knew it wasn’t fire and not any of the others.

  He smiled. “That’s it. It’s spirit energy. Your own spirit energy to be precise. It has to be.”

  I let out an exasperated breath and fell back on the bed.

  “Come on Es, let’s get some fresh air.” He reached down and grabbed my hands, pulling me up. “Ailaina’s taking a nap on the couch
. We’ll let her rest. She needs it more. She’s not bound to a spirit wolf she can resource energy from.” He winked at me, but he was right, she looked exhausted trying to keep up with us.

  I followed him downstairs. “Where we going?”

  He grinned. “For a walk.”

  He handed me my black leather coat and led me outside by the hand. I would never get tired of his hand holding mine. It was always touch and go, so I took whatever touch he gave.

  The air was brisk and numbed my nose almost instantly. I looked up. I loved the sway of the treetops in the slight breeze. It made me feel as if Mother Nature watched over me. I could feel the energy surrounding us in the air.

  We walked in silence, enjoying each other’s company. It was nice. No tracking, no running, no bloodsuckers—yet. I didn’t let my guard down, just as I knew Jarak didn’t either. I reached out around us with my energy, but nobody was around that I could feel.

  “Wait here.” He stopped. “Close your eyes.”

  I smiled. What was he up to? I closed my eyes and breathed in the deep scent of the forest.

  “Keep your eyes closed, I’ll lead you. Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.” That was the truth. At least I was sure of that.

  I walked confidently as Jarak led me. I wasn’t afraid.

  He stopped, so I did too. “Open your eyes.”

  I couldn’t believe the scene I opened my eyes to. I didn’t see it long because my eyes filled with tears blurring everything out. “Oh my gosh.” I covered my mouth with my hands.

  He had led me to our special spot by the creek. A blanket stretched out over the ground with a white long stem rose lying in the middle. Red petals from other roses scattered around the white one, a couple floated away with the breeze. I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him. He was so sweet to do this for me.

  He reached around me, bringing me closer, running his hand up my back and entangling it in my hair. Leaning in, his lips touched mine. I reached up higher on my tippy toes, needing more.


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