Wolf Spell

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Wolf Spell Page 25

by M. R. Polish

  We were about an hour or so away from Bradyville, on the outskirts of Nashville. Butterflies flew around in my stomach knowing my time alone with Ian would end soon. Would I be able to act normal around Jarak? My feelings confused me so much that I could only hope to sort them out quickly.

  “Has Jarak called?” I needed to remind him that in some small way, I still thought of his brother. Oh man, that sounded even worse. I had feelings for two brothers, what a sick woman I turned out to be.

  “No, I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Hum, I thought he’d check on me more.” I rested my head back in the seat and flipped the visor down blocking the morning sun. Why I had to runaway without my bag was beyond me. I could magic my stuff to me, but my mom could grab it just as easily. I could handle not having a phone for a while—right? At least I had my debit card in the back pocket of my jeans. Thankfully, my parents had set up an account for me with a large sum that they transferred into it. I just hated using it. It was still strange to have access to money like that. I hadn’t even asked how they acquired that amount of money, and didn’t intend to any time soon.

  “I’m sure he will be there when we get there.” Ian slid his dark shades down over his eyes making him look mysterious and oh so hot. Stop it Es! I chided myself.

  “I hope so,” I said more under my breath than actually speaking and let out an exasperated sigh.

  – Ian –

  I tried not to look her way, but it was hard. She had fallen asleep. We were close to Bradyville, and I would need her to find the tomb location. This time alone with her made me realize that I would fight for her. I would no longer sit off to the side and just let Jarak have her. He didn’t deserve her. She didn’t even know his past.

  I pulled the car off the road and parked. She roused and wiped her mouth quickly, looking around. “Where are we?” Her voice was still groggy.

  “Bradyville, well at least I think. You need to tell me where to go.”

  She stretched as she yawned. Her hand brushed across my shoulder. “Oh sorry.” She blushed and dropped her hands to her lap. I loved the pink color her cheeks turned.

  I took the moment and made it mine. Grasping her hand, I brought it to my lips, kissing it softly. Her skin was so soft, like a rose petal meshed with silk. Oh Lord, she smelled so good. I leaned in closer. Her lips were almost under mine, and I could feel the heat of her breath. I wanted this so bad, but did she? She wasn’t moving away or saying no.

  At first, I gently pressed my lips to hers, but I couldn’t resist any longer and pulled her closer to me, deepening the kiss. I heard a moan, but I couldn’t quite figure out if it came from her or me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I about lost all reality. She kissed me back with as much as I could’ve hoped for.

  I ran my hand up her back, and she rested her hand on my chest. I had dreamed of this, but it hadn’t ever been this good. I knew for sure I’d never let her go. She was mine. I pulled back first— regrettably.

  We both worked on catching our breath. “Esmerelda…”

  Her finger came to my mouth. “Don’t. Please don’t ruin the moment.”

  I nodded. There would be other times to tell her that she was who I have dreamed about since I was a young boy, and there would be another time to tell her of the past Jarak kept hidden. That time would be here sooner than she knew.

  She rubbed her hands together. “Okay, so find the tomb.” Rolling her head as if to loosen her muscles, she closed her eyes and relaxed.

  A deep groan came from her, and her eyes flew open. She looked at me. “Did you bring hiking boots?”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  “No, it’s up the side of the mountain. Drive up there a ways and there should be a red mailbox, we need to turn there.”

  “Red mailbox? That’s all you saw? Jeesh, what kind of a witch you are.”

  “Oh shut up and drive. Besides, it’s not me, remember. I’m a witch not a seer. I see what Ailaina shows me.”

  I reached over and took her hand in mine. “Fine, but you better use your witchy powers to save us from Bigfoot.” I tried to make her smile and lighten the thoughts I knew must be forming in her mind. We were getting close and didn’t know what to expect, or who would be there.

  “Bigfoot I can handle, it’s someone else who scares me.” She squeezed my hand, but didn’t let go.

  – Esmerelda –

  Ian parked the car in a small clearing next to a cabin, but it didn’t look as if anyone was home. Where we needed to go was past it anyway, so it was just as well that no one saw us. I didn’t want any innocent humans caught and sacrificed in something they had no clue about.

  I got out and closed the door. Spinning around, I loved the winter colors that surrounded us. Many trees had lost all their leaves, but it still remained stunning. A few green cedars sprinkled the woods, giving me a taste of the colors that spring would bring.

  Ian came up behind me, placing his hand at the small of my back. Butterflies flapped their wings, desperately beating me from the inside. I wasn’t sure why I had such a strong reaction to him, but it was very enjoyable. I let out a deep breath. I had other problems to worry about right now, so I needed to concentrate.

  Pointing up the hill past the house. “We need to go up that way.” I took off not waiting for his response.

  I was grateful I had on my boots. I swatted at a low branch that had spider webs on it. Spitting and cursing, I pushed forward but stopped. I could feel something different.

  “What is it?”

  I held my hand up. “Shhhh.” I reached out with my powers and called to Luna. It didn’t feel right. Luna and Dregan appeared at the same time. I was more comfortable with them there.

  I leaned closer to Ian. “Do you feel that? It’s cold.”

  “No.” He scanned the woods, but didn’t see anything—or anyone. “Stay close.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I proceeded to climb the hidden trail. Dead vines covered the path and crunched under our feet. I put up a protective shield around us and precariously moved forward.

  “Do you see anything Luna?” I had an unnerving feeling that I couldn’t shake.

  “I searched before you called me. I haven’t seen or heard anything.”

  It was afternoon, and I realized that not only had we not found the tomb, but we never called my parents or Jarak to let them know we were there.

  “It’s okay, we can send Dregan or Luna to Hela.”

  That’s true, why didn’t I think of that? Oh well, at least they’d know where we were. I began to give up and think I led us up the wrong mountain when I spotted a stone wall. This had to be it!

  “Ian, look…” I grabbed his arm and pointed to the wall excitedly.

  He rushed past me, and I hurried to keep up. I gasped. It was just as I saw it in Ailaina’s vision. Maybe it was the witch in me, but in an odd, creepy sort of way, I thought it was beautiful. Completely hidden from view with thick branches and vines that covered it. We dug, pushed and broke the limbs away from the entrance.

  I stood back and admired it. It was about three feet taller than I was and wide enough to park two semi trucks. The carved flowers that followed the top were amazing. I couldn’t believe we’d found it.

  I gave Luna directions and told her to tell Hela. It would be about another day before Jarak got here, Luna said something about them getting side tracked. I looked around. We'd have to stay the night here, and it was already getting to be late afternoon. I placed a spell on the owners of the cabin to stay away so we could use their home to sleep in. It would be too cold to stay outside all night long, and I couldn’t risk their innocent lives by being with us.

  Ian stood staring at the tomb. “I can’t believe it’s here, and all five of them are inside.”

  “I know, right. I can’t imagine awakening them from death after all these years.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

  “You’ll do great.”

  “Thanks.” I shiv
ered, not from cold, but I think my nerves were just finished. My life had become nothing but witches, wolves, vampires and all things mythical. Why couldn’t I have a normal life? I was almost nineteen and my life has almost ended more than once.

  Ian came and wrapped his arms around me. Enveloping me in his warmth and heavenly scent. It sent my senses into overdrive. This was going to be a long night.

  “Esmerelda…” I opened my eyes and saw them. All five beautiful witches stood before me. I recognized Moriah and ran to her. She embraced me back.

  “Esmerelda…” Their voices were ghost-like, fading in and out; there but not there.

  “To awaken us, you must start a fire that brings wind, and then force the water to cover the earth. Only then can our spirits awaken.”

  I didn’t understand, and my face must have shown it.

  “You can call upon Mother Nature to help. We have seen you do this and know that you can free us. Let the wind blow and do not stop it. We must be consumed in fire before the water can cleanse us.”

  I sure hope my mom could make sense of this because riddles for spells were not my forte.

  “Each of us will help with the element we gave to you.” Moriah spoke, pointing to a woman with dark hair. “Tamlynn will help with the wind, she has the gift of air.” She bowed her head and smiled. A chilly breeze whispered past us, and I could feel her spirit inside of me.

  She moved to the next woman with shoulder length golden hair. She was slender with a beautiful porcelain complexion. “This is Julie, and she will help with fire.”

  A smaller woman with short, choppy brown hair stepped forward to meet Moriah. “Valis has the gift of earth.” Her features mesmerized me. Bronze brown eyes seemed as if they carried the spirit of every living thing.

  “And Gabriella has water.” She had gorgeous blonde hair that curled all the way down her back. Her eyes were crystal blue, shining brightly as if they were pools of liquid.

  All of them entranced and filled me with an urgency to lift them from their deaths.

  “We will see you soon…”

  I jerked up and opened my eyes. I tried to adjust my sight and recognize where I was. It was still pitch dark outside the window. It had been a dream, or vision, which one I wasn’t sure. A blanket still rested over both Ian and myself, my side a little more disturbed, but other than that, everything looked normal.

  Ian awakened and wrapped his arm around me. “What is it? Are you okay?” His eyes sleepily scanned the room.

  “Yeah, I just had vision thing. I met the witches. All five of them.” I wasn’t sure how much I should say. I still wasn’t sure if it were real. I sat there in his arms, staring out into the darkness in a daze.

  “Just relax and try to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.” He pulled me back and I lay on his chest. His heartbeat relaxed me. I snuggled closer to him, and stopped shivering with my body pressed to his, relishing his body heat. “Hey Princess… I’m glad it was me who found you.”

  I smiled sleepily. “Me too.” I said before drifting back off into sleep.

  I was able to sleep well the rest of the night. No more visions or nightmares plagued me. The morning sun filtered down on us through the window, and I could already feel the warmth of the day.

  I pushed myself up off Ian and tried running my hand through my hair before giving up and just using my magic to comb it out. Within seconds, I was presentable, complete with makeup.

  I braided my hair and secured it with a rubber band I conjured. I walked out of the small bedroom and went down the stairs outside. Ian followed close behind me. I needed to make a protective barrier, good enough to stop crossbreeds.

  “Ugh, what I’d give for my sunglasses right now.” I groaned as I walked around the perimeter of where I placed the spell.

  “Why don’t you just magic them?” Ian of course was right.

  I glared at him for thinking about it that way. I didn’t want that right now. He always gets cocky when he’s right. Besides, I tried to avoid doing that, but I guess the time had come. I flicked my hand, and my shades and cell landed in my palm. He eyed the phone and shrugged. “There’s no service up here.”

  “If I have to run from zombies or Bigfoot, I will run to service.”

  “I thought you said you could take on Bigfoot?” He laughed and came closer.

  “Yeah, if I trip you, I won’t have to take care of him, now would I?” I flashed him a devilish smile and turned back around.

  “True, but you’d have to be faster than me to trip me.”

  Footsteps broke up our banter. He held his finger to his mouth and turned to leave back toward the tomb. I followed close behind him.

  “Es!” I could hear Jarak before I actually saw him.

  I ran to meet him and he lifted me in his arms, twirling me around. He pressed his lips down on mine, reclaiming what was his. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but I relaxed and kissed him back. My heart sped up, and I blushed when I realized the others could see us.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you. Then we found Victor—“

  I cut him off, “Victor?” Oh my gosh.

  “Yes, he’s here with us, just to warn you.”

  I twirled around. Victor was right behind my parents. I wondered how my mother had kept from killing him this whole time. I ran to my mom and hugged her tightly, grateful to see her, then my dad. In a short time, he’d become a hero to me. Their story was a true love story, like one you’d see in the movies.

  I spotted Victor stopping a short ways away.

  “Come on.” My dad gestured him to come closer, but he didn’t budge.

  I spoke up, “He can’t. I placed a shield around the area. Nobody but us can get through.”

  “That works for me.” My mom raised her upper lip in a smirk. “He should stay outside the protective circle. Hopefully he’ll get eaten.”

  Okay so she might not have killed him, but she obviously thought about it.

  “Adonia that is enough. We might need him.” My dad’s voice was loud.

  “I know you must hate me.” Victor moved toward my mom.

  She rushed to the perimeter with her fists clenched tightly. “You know nothing. You had my daughter kidnapped from me, had her raised by someone else, and withheld her rightful powers. Then, you kidnapped her yet again. You haven't seen hate yet.” Her voice was so loud that it scratched.

  I went up behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders. “Mom I'm here now, it's okay.”

  She turned to me with tear streaks running down her face. “They took you away from me. I can’t just sit back, it's too hard.”

  I twisted toward my dad, my eyes scrunched. “How did he get up here this far without mom killing him?”

  “I made him take a separate vehicle with Jarak. After about a mile in the same one I realized it wouldn’t work.” He barely tipped his head and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Thank God too, cause I was gonna shoot them both. I had to sit in the middle between them!” Ailaina picked her foot up and stepped over a fallen tree.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I whispered as I hugged her.

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  My dad stopped walking and looked around. “I hate him just as much and would like nothing more than to see your mom incinerate him, but I also know we might need him if Nicholas shows up. He’s willing to fight for you if you choose to help him.”

  “Help him?” Did he forget everything Victor put me through?

  “His sister is Katrina, and she needs your help. Nicholas turned her into a crossbreed years ago, but she was a witch who turned into a vampire, so it’s different from the innocent humans who are turned into vampires. Except, she is on the verge of dying. He wants you to break the curse over her.”

  I understood the need to want to help family. It wasn’t that long ago when I thought Meadow was my mom, and I helped turn her into a crossed-vampire just so she could live. I shivered as I glanced Victors way.
  I folded my arms over my chest and shifted my weight onto one leg. “Fine.”

  My mom turned back to Victor. “If you so much as pluck one hair off her head I will finish my threat and turn it into a promise.”

  “I’m not here for her, well not in that aspect anyway. I don’t want to hurt her. I never have. I may not have the same emotions toward her as you do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.”

  Ailaina elbowed me in the side to get my attention. “I think he’s telling the truth. She did a truth spell on him back in Chattanooga.”

  The Awakening

  – Esmerelda –

  November 21, 2012

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” My mom asked as she bent over, placing the last of the five candles that encircled the tomb. We were right in front of the entrance, and I could almost feel the excitement bursting from the spirits within.

  I did my best at a grin and nodded. “Yeah.” I couldn’t wait to see Moriah. I’d only met her twice in spirit form, but I could feel a deep connection with her the most.

  “This has never been done before. I am the oldest witch alive, and I can’t even remember my parents telling me about this being accomplished.” My mom shook her head and stared at her folded hands.

  I knelt down with her. “They didn’t have me. We can do this, together.”

  She grasped my hands. “Yes. We can.”

  The crunch of snapping twigs caused me to turn around. Ian walked toward us. “Can I talk to you?”

  I pointed to my chest. “Me?”


  I stood up and gave my mom a look that told her I’d be right back. He took my hand as soon as I was close enough and I didn’t pull away. It felt so right. I just hoped Jarak wasn’t there to see. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, and until I did, I didn’t want to cause any unneeded drama.

  He led me away from the tomb. The top of the cabin’s roof came into view down below us. I immediately placed a shield over us as we ventured past the ward barrier. I wasn’t going to take any chances.


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