ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series)

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ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) Page 25

by Jackson, Brenda

  “Make love to me, Tyler.” She heard the words pour softly from her lips and when he took a step, coming closer to the bed and back to her, she reached out and caressed him, unable to keep her hands from wandering all over him, touching his chest, stomach and particularly that part of him she wanted.

  “I need to put a condom on, Megan,” he said, huskily, before going about doing the task. “We’ll do things right and start making babies after we’re married.”

  She nodded, not sure she could open her mouth to emit any sound other than a purr.

  When he joined her back in bed, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her again, and when he pulled away he began kissing her neck and shoulders while telling her over and over that he loved her. The whisper of his heated breath on her skin as well as his tongue tracing a slow path downward made a rush of sensations zing through her. This is what she had waited twenty-nine years to experience, and only with this man.

  Tyler heard his name escape as a moan from Megan’s lips. The tiny whimpers that followed sounded like music playing in his head. He knew just where he wanted to go next and slowly continued his trek downward. He felt her body tense up when he kissed the area around her naval and knew the type of lovemaking he was about to do was something new for her, a first that he wanted her to experience with him.

  When he saw she was pulling her legs together and trying to push him away he raised his head, met her gaze and whispered. “It’s okay for me to taste you here. Please let me.”

  And she did.

  Sensations Megan had never experienced before in her life ripped through her with this special brand of intimacy Tyler was giving her. It seemed that hard forces of sensations were hitting her at once, from every angle, in magnitudes of degrees, sharpening every erotic zone on her body with excruciating intensity. And she had to let go, or die from so much pleasure. She felt her body shatter into a thousand pieces yet he didn’t let up as he continued to carry her to unbelievable heights as every cell in her body became electrified.

  It was then, and only then that he eased up her body, moved in place over her. She could feel the heat from his skin and saw how his pulse throbbed through the arteries in his neck. Then she knew what the past couple of weeks had cost him. How much control he had endured.

  Knowing what he had sacrificed to make sure she understood the depth of his love touched her. She reached up and traced the lines around his forehead, feeling how tense he was. Then she slowly traced the lines around his eyes and lips. She twined her legs with his, needing the contact. Their gazes locked and she whispered as she slid her hands down his back and buttocks. “Come inside me, Tyler. Make love to me. Now!”

  She felt his muscles clench under her palms. She felt him ease downward slowly inside of her and this time unlike before she intended for them to complete what they started here. Boldly arching her body and lifting her hips, she met him as he pushed forward and when he met with resistance she saw the lines of his forehead deepened and how sweat dampened his brow.

  “It’s okay, Tyler. The pain will be worth it. Do it. Please make me yours.”

  And he did.

  She gasped at the feel of the sharp pain but it eased with the feel of him bedded deep inside of her. She smiled. They were a perfect fit. Then she felt as he began to move in and out, deep, steady, thrusting over and over.

  She felt a renewing of sensations and when she felt him stiffen and saw him throw his head back while the corded muscles in his neck tensed into tight bands, she screamed when a turbulent wave of pleasure shot through her with a force stronger than before. And the only thing she could focus on was how Tyler was making her feel while the world was spinning out of control.


  Tyler continued to mate with her and when he felt the last of her shudder subside he drove himself inside of her for one deep final thrust and exploded in a way he had never done before while expelling the breath he’d been holding. He knew that Megan James was his and that’s how things had always intended to be. He continued to hold on to her as they collapsed together in the most luscious and sensuous oblivion any two persons could ever experience.

  It had been the perfect seduction.


  “You’re something else, Tyler Savoy.”

  Even in the dimly lit room Megan could see the lines of his smile that appeared as a result of her compliment.

  “There’s nothing like the woman who has a man’s heart saying words to stir his blood.”

  She leaned up over him. “And do I have your heart?”

  He chuckled. “Baby, you have my heart so tight it hurts and I know of only one way of easing the pain.”

  He pulled her closer into his arms and kissed her forehead. “Marry me. Will you marry me, Megan?”

  Megan’s throat tightened and then tears came into her eyes. “Oh, Tyler, I would love to marry you.”

  He smiled as he wiped away a tear that was slowly making its way down her cheek. “Is that a yes?”

  She chuckled as elation soared through her body. “Yes, that’s a yes.”

  “Good. I didn’t want to think about running the ranch all by myself.”

  She lifted a brow. “What ranch?”

  The smile he had deepened. “The ranch I officially purchased today; the old Palmer Place.”

  She pulled back far enough to be able to look at him, to make sure she had heard correctly. “The Palmer Place? You bought the Palmer Place?” she asked amazed. The Palmer’s ranch was one of the largest in the area, almost as large as her stepfather’s spread. “Why do you need such a huge place?”

  He laughed as he pulled her back to him. “For my wife, our babies, my office and the animal hospital and clinic I plan to open. What do you think?”

  She smiled down at him while thinking about all those things. “I think it’s a wonderful idea and I’d love to be a part of your dream.”

  A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re more than my dream, Megan, you are my reality.”

  And then he proceeded to show her just how much.


  Two months later

  “By the powers vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Megan smiled at Tyler and the love that swelled in her heart matched the love she saw in his eyes. And when he lifted her veil and captured her mouth she knew she would love him for the rest of her life.

  Moments later he broke the kiss and sweeping her into his arms he carried her out the church amidst the clapping and cheering. A huge wedding reception was being held at their ranch. Tyler had moved in last month while she had been busy finalizing her move from California. She had decided to wait a semester before seeking out a teaching job at one of the universities close by.

  She laughed when Tyler deposited her in the back seat of the limo and quickly got inside to join her. He immediately pulled her into his arms, framed her face and brushed a tender kiss across her lips. “I love you, Mrs. Savoy.”

  The emotions his words inflicted made her heart catch. “And I love you, too.” They would be leaving out in the morning for two weeks in Hawaii, and from there they would meet up with Bryan and Tonya, and the four of them would fly to Canada to pay a visit to Blake and his wife Justice.

  “I have an idea about later tonight,” he whispered as he pulled her into his lap.

  She smiled down at him. “And what idea is that?”

  “After everyone leaves and we have the ranch all to ourselves, how about we go parking at Lover’s Peak. We own it now so we can go there and make out whenever we want.”

  She chuckled. “Good. You owe me a rain check anyway.”

  He leaned over and brushed another kiss on her lips. “Umm, is there anything else I owe you?”

  She snuggled in his arms thinking this was the happiest day of her life. “Yes, but I have the rest of our lives to collect. And I will collect, Tyler.”

  “I don’t have any complaints, because I l
ike being in your debt.”

  Then he kissed her, deeply, thoroughly, and nothing existed for them at that moment but the overpowering love they shared and would be sharing for the rest of their lives.


  To everyone who wanted another story about those Savoys, this one is for you.

  Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.


  If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

  - Romans 12:18 NKJV



  Man between ages of 30 and 40 to marry and become father to a four-year-old child. No experience necessary. Temporary position. If interested, please contact KF at (877) 097-6401.

  Jamison Savoy read every single word in the newspaper ad before glancing up at his cousin Tonya Savoy Manning. He loved his family and this cousin in particular. Even while growing up, she’d always had his back, but so had all his other cousins. The Savoys were a close-knit family. That was one of the reasons why, after his divorce, Jamison had packed up his belongings and his daughter and left Los Angeles to hightail it back home to Alexandria, Virginia.

  He leaned back in his chair and eyed Tonya curiously. “Is this ad a joke?”

  She shook her head and smiled. “No, she’s very serious. In fact, I tried talking her out of placing it, but she’s desperate.”

  He raised a brow. “You know this person?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and you do, too. Do you remember Conley Fischer? He played football with you and Tyler in high school.”

  A smile touched the corners of Jamison’s lips. “Even farther back than that. Try Pop Warner. It’s been years since I—”

  “He’s dead,” Tonya said bluntly.

  Jamison straightened up in his chair with a shocked look on his face. “Dead? I hadn’t heard. What happened?”

  It had been years since he’d seen or heard from Conley. Although they’d been friends growing up, both had moved away from Alexandria after college, going their separate ways and losing touch with each other. Last Jamison had heard, Conley was living in Knoxville. Whenever they did come home, it was never around the same time. Sad to say, both he and Conley had missed a number of high school reunions.

  “Motorcycle accident about ten months ago,” Tonya said, interrupting his thoughts. “A drunk driver basically plowed into him, killing both him and his wife Cynthia, who was riding on the back.”

  “Damn,” Jamison said, shaking his head. Why hadn’t one of his cousins mentioned it? Then again, maybe someone had. Ten months ago, he’d been going through his own private hell with his divorce, and the only thing that had stuck in his mind was how his ex-wife had screwed over him over.

  Conley Fischer. He recalled that Conley once had a motorcycle, making him the envy of all the guys at school who were still getting around on their bicycles. “I’m sorry to hear that, but what’s Conley’s death have to do with this ad?”

  Jamison watched Tonya drop down in the chair across from his desk. Being an attorney, Jamison hadn’t found it hard to get a job when he returned home. It did help to have three cousins who owned a prestigious law firm and who’d been trying to get him to move back home and join them for years. “Conley and Cynthia had a little girl. She turned four a week after her parents were killed.”

  “That’s sad.”

  “It gets sadder,” Tonya said, leaning back in the chair, making herself comfortable. “The will and all the insurance policies named Conley’s sister as guardian if anything ever happened to him and Cynthia simultaneously. However, Cynthia’s parents, who never wanted their daughter to marry Conley, have decided to fight for custody.”

  Jamison tapped his chin. “Conley’s sister. Her name was Kendal, right?”

  “Yes. Do you remember her?”

  Jamison smiled fondly. “Yes, I remember her. She was four years younger than I was; however, I remember her well since I used to hang out at their place quite a bit.”

  “Well, she’s the one who placed the ad.”

  Jamison glanced back down at the ad, saw the initials K.F., and now knew what they stood for—Kendal Fischer. Jamison was thirty-two, which would put Kendal at twenty-eight now. “But why?”

  “With a husband, she would have a stronger standing at the custody hearing. Right now, it’s a single parent against a couple wanting to be two parents. She won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of keeping her niece if she’s single. This isn’t liberal L.A.”

  No it wasn’t, Jamison thought. He then studied his cousin while she studied him. After a few moments of tense silence, he said, “I assume there’s a reason you’re telling me all this.”

  Jamison shifted in his seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the smile that touched Tonya’s lips. He knew that smile. And usually, it would get him and his other cousins in trouble with their grandmother, Thelma Savoy.

  “Now that you’ve asked,” Tonya said, leaning closer to his desk, “as much as I love helping you out with Kia, it’s time you think about a Plan B. The guys are giving you more cases to handle now, and your concentration needs to be on that and not on whether a sitter is taking care of Kia properly.”

  He pushed back his chair, stood to his feet, and walked over to the window and glanced out. He could remember clearly the day Vonetta told him she wanted a divorce to be with her lover and that he could have everything except the dog. Jamison drew in a deep breath. She had wanted the dog but not their daughter.

  “She’s a daddy’s girl, anyway,” he remembered Vonetta saying. “Besides, with the life I want to live, she’ll cramp my style. And the man I’m leaving you for don’t do kids.” That had been a hell of a way to find out that your wife of five years had been having an affair and that she didn’t think twice about leaving her husband and child for her lover.

  He knew Kia was confused about everything, especially Vonetta’s absence. Not because Vonetta had spent a lot of time with their daughter. Quite the contrary. Kia had spent most of her time at the babysitter’s house while Jamison was at work, which gave his ex-wife more time to be with her lover.

  Jamison turned back around, his gaze sweeping to Tonya. “Just what are you suggesting that I do?”

  Her smile turned serious. “Talk to Kendal. When you think about it for a second, both of you basically need the same thing. She needs a father figure for her niece, and you need a mother figure for your daughter. Kendal is wonderful with kids.”

  Tonya waited a few moments before adding, “And there’s something else you need to consider.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “What?”

  “What happens if Vonetta gets tired of the dog and the man gets tired of her and she decides that she wants Kia back? You won’t stand a chance as a single father against a mother who wants her child.”

  Jamison knew Tonya was right. The courts tended to look more favorably on single mothers than they did on single fathers.

  “I don’t trust Vonetta one bit,” Tonya added.

  Jamison released a disgusted breath. Neither did he. He didn’t say anything for a moment and then looked over at Tonya. “You never liked my wife. You saw things I didn’t see. I wish you had warned me.”

  Tonya’s smile was gentle. “You don’t know how much I wanted to, but hooking up with her was your decision, and damn it, you were smitten big time. I knew the day you brought her home from college that she was bad news. Sadly, most of us did. You’re pretty astute when it comes to reading people, so I figured that eventually you’d wise up. But when you came home and announced the two of you were getting married, I figured evidently you hadn’t. All you saw was a pretty face and a Coca-Cola bottle figure. Like most men, you were thinking with the wrong head.”

  Tonya paused a minute and then said, “Now to get back to that ad…to my way of thinking, getting married might help you all the way around. And it’s not like you don’t know Kendal.”

  “It’s been year
s,” he implored, inwardly telling himself the whole idea of doing such a thing was crazy, ludicrous at best. “She probably doesn’t even remember me.”

  Tonya chuckled. “Oh, I think she will.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  Tonya smiled again. “No particular reason. Will you at least think about it? It’s temporary, not until death do you part.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Tonya stood. “Talk to her at least, just to confirm she’s not loony in the head. Trust me, Kendal Fischer has plenty of sense. She’s just in a tight fix right now, and you could help her out while she could help you out.”

  She came around his desk and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you at Gramma Thelma’s for dinner on Sunday.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  When he heard the door close behind her, he looked back out the window again. Kendal Fischer. She’d been a cute kid, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d gown into a beautiful woman.

  Moments later, Jamison moved away from the window and sat back down at his desk with the ad glaring up at him. Temporary position. He wondered how temporary she was looking at? Six months? A year? Two years? There was only one way to find out. Picking up his phone, he called the phone number in the ad.


  “Auntie K, do you think if I pray real hard to God to send Mommy and Daddy back that he will?”

  Kendal Fischer’s heart almost stopped beating as she paused from putting away the groceries to glance down at the round, pixie, cute-as-a-button face looking back at her. At that moment, Carr looked so much like Conley it was uncanny. There were those dark brown eyes and long, full lashes and her brother’s full lips and short nose. Kendal had often teased Conley and Cynthia that all Cynthia had done was given birth to a miniature version of Conley.

  Knowing she had to answer that type of question for her niece truthfully and tenderly, Kendal placed the jar of spaghetti sauce on the counter and bent her knees to be eye level with Carr. “You might be asking a lot of him, sweetheart, especially since he needed your mom and dad up there with him for a reason.”


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