Branches of the Willow 3

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Branches of the Willow 3 Page 6

by Christine M. Butler

  “We have hopes that your sprout will flourish, indeed.” The white wolves said amidst a chuckle. Those girls always knew more than they were letting on. It was both infuriating and endearing. Before I could ask any questions about why the sprout was there the world was fading out again, growing hazy, as it always did to signal the end of a visit.

  Mikael clung a little tighter to me, not knowing what was happening. “Relax.” I told him before we faded away completely.


  Our mini-vacation ended with a flourish when our phones started ringing off the hook the next morning. “Well, I guess that’s mom’s way of telling us it’s time to come back to work.” I groaned as I glared at the buzzing phone on my bedside table.

  “Yeah, I know, Evan woke me earlier. I told him I needed a shower and coffee first, so I have to call him back in just a bit. Why don’t you hop in while I go get coffee started?”

  I hadn’t even noticed Mikael wasn’t in bed with me when the phone woke me. That meant I slept through the call from Evan too. Odd. The smallest noises usually woke me. “Hey,” I called out to him remembering our shared dream. “I wasn’t imagining things last night was I?”

  “I’m still reeling from that trippy episode. Do they shift like that all the time when you’re there?” He was smiling at me.

  “Yes, they do. It was annoying at first, but I got used to it. I’m so glad I was able to pull you in. I feel like, now, at least one other person in the world won’t think I’m a nutter.”

  “No one thinks you’re a nutter, Jess.”

  “Well, I felt like one. It’s weird having creatures basically live inside your head that only you get to talk to. Come on, admit it, it’s crazy talk!”

  “Okay, fine. But I thought you looked cute when you spoke of your imaginary friends.”

  “Jerk!” I smacked his ass on my way through to the bathroom to grab my shower. “Make the coffee extra strong, please! I have a feeling it’s going to be a long day.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Mikael took off for the kitchen while I hopped in the shower and got dressed for the day. I was just putting on my shoes when my phone started buzzing again.

  “Hello?” I answered as I held the phone between my shoulder and ear while I tied my shoe.

  “Jessica?” It was Avery Daniels, and he sounded a bit frantic.

  “Avery? Shit!” I remembered the two men we were supposed to drop off with Avery’s pack before Mikael and I took our impromptu honeymoon period. “We’ll be bringing those two wolves to you soon. Mikael and I just needed a break away.”

  “What wolves, Jess?”

  “The two I sent Andy to tell you about.” I told him.

  “Andy? I haven’t seen Andy since your bonding ceremony.”

  “I sent him days ago, Avery.”

  “How many days, Jess? I was calling to tell you that my daughter, Annalise, has been missing for a few days. We found traces of blood near a hunter’s trap, but haven’t been able to locate her.”

  “Shit! It was four days ago that I sent Andy.” I could hear Avery’s stuttered breathing on the other end of the line. “We’ll figure it out. Let me get back to the pack lands and see what I can find out on our side. I’ll have my dad send a few of his men to check between our lands too. Avery, I sent Andy through the pass. Maybe you can start there. If she was injured, maybe, I don’t know…” I was grasping for straws. “Maybe he found her and they’re hiding? Or…” I didn’t want to say what else I was thinking, that maybe they fell victim to the same hunters.

  “Jess, just give me a call when you get there and let me know what you’ve found. We’re going to go search the cave pass now.” He hung up without further ado.

  “Jess?” Mikael called out when he saw my face. “I brought coffee.” I took the mug and knocked it back like it was a shot. “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “Our vacation was bad timing. That was Avery. No one ever bothered to see Andy made it there. He didn’t.” Concern flashed across Mikael’s brow. “That’s not all. Annalise is missing too.”

  “Avery’s younger daughter?”

  “Yeah, we need to get back to the pack, now.”


  “Okay, Dad, fill me in on everything I’ve missed.” My father wasn’t looking at me. He was looking over my shoulder at Mikael, who was oblivious to my father’s death stare. “Earth to Jameson!” I shouted in his ear. He turned an incredulous eye on me then.

  “I don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to take time off right now anyway. You’ve just launched new programs involving multiple packs, not to mention the man hunt for Malachai, Zach, and Sophia…”

  “Jameson St. Marks!” My mother chimed in sharply. “You will not give Jessica any of your shit. This is an adjustment for everyone, and she deserved a few stolen moments with her new mate. I do recall you refusing to be pack leader once upon a time so you could be with me. Jessica doesn’t get the luxury of refusal, so you will cut her some slack while she adjusts.”

  “Eileen,” my father started.

  “Don’t you Eileen me! She’s here now, so fill her in.”

  I gave my mom an appreciative smile, and watched out of the corner of my eye as Mikael hugged her. My father huffed his indignation, but let his lecture drop to fill me in on everything that had been happening. More to the point, the lack of anything happening.

  “So, there hasn’t been a single sighting of Sophia, Zach, or Malachai? Anywhere? I just find that hard to believe.” I paced back and forth a bit, and then remembered my earlier conversation with Avery. “Avery’s daughter, Annalise, is missing. Andy never made it to meet Avery. They both seem to have disappeared on the same day, and the Daniels’ lands have been having trouble with interlopers trying to hunt there. I’m beginning to think that’s not all coincidence. Has he checked back in yet with updates for anyone?”

  “Not yet.” My father answered. “I’ll give him a call though.”

  “Okay, while you have him on the phone, let him know that I am calling a meeting of the nearest five pack leaders. We need something to give where Sophia, Zach, and Malachai are concerned. I can’t believe that no one has seen them. We do have people planted with the humans in places, right? Can’t we get them put on a watch list or something?”

  “If we did that, then we wouldn’t be the only ones looking for them. Do you really want to risk an unsuspecting human approaching any of them?”

  “No, I guess not, but there has to be something more we can do. I’m not just going to sit back and wonder if they’ll ever pop up again. I need closure, and so long as they are out there, our people remain in danger. None of them seem to have any qualms about hurting those who get in the way. Tom and Jack are proof of that.”

  “I’ll call a meeting.” My dad agreed. “I’ll let Avery know, but he has his own worries right now.”

  “I don’t expect Avery to show up. His priority is, and should be, Annalise. Have we heard from the guys that were sent out to scout between our boundaries?”

  “Not yet. They should be checking in soon though. I’ll let you know as soon as they call in.”

  My dad got ready to head to his office before I called him back. “Dad, the interlopers on Avery’s land…”


  “I have a weird feeling. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that our three fugitives are missing, and suddenly there’s a hunting problem on the Daniels Clan’s grounds.”

  “You’re not the only one thinking that, Jess.”

  “If anything happens to Annalise because of Zach and Malachai…” I couldn’t even finish the thought. What I wanted to do was crush them, worse than I wanted to for just messing with me. Annalise was such a sweet girl. I couldn’t imagine something awful happening to her just so those sadistic sons of bitches could taunt me some more.

  “Let’s not add to our worries before we need to, Jess, even if we are all thinking it. I’m sure it will take a few hours for the others to gather here. You sho
uld go check with your Ancients you have in Jack’s place. They’ve been getting a bit restless over there, wondering why no one’s moved them to their new pack yet.”

  “Of course.” I looked over at Mikael questioningly. “Walk with me?”

  “Like you had to ask.”

  Mikael and I did our rounds, checking in on the three Ancients. Brian and Nicholi were both chomping at the bit to get to the Daniels clan and get settled in. I was happy to see that Demetri was settling in with the guys working in the woodshop. They had wonderful things to say about him. Apparently, he was a natural, and had picked up a thing or two when he was watching Mikael’s uncle all those years.

  It was close to five o’clock by the time everyone arrived, and we all met up at the meeting hall. I was surprised to see Avery Daniels there among the group. He noticed the look I passed his way, and excused himself from the conversation he was in to come speak to me.

  “Jessica.” He acknowledged.

  “Avery. What are you doing here? Has there been any word on Annalise?”

  “She’s fine, Jess. We found her. We also located Andy. He’ll be staying with my pack for a time though.” I wasn’t known for my poker face, and Avery read the question there. “Can we discuss the details later, in private?”

  I noticed that there were several people in the room who were trying hard not to look like they were eavesdropping. “Absolutely.” I moved away from Avery then, and took my place at the table. “I want to thank you all for coming on short notice. I know most of you were here a week ago about the Ancient Immersion Program, but we’re meeting for a different reason now. The last time Zach Brighton went into hiding we all shrugged it off, and discounted him. He may not be powerful, but he has a nasty habit of getting in bed with those who can help him cause a lot of trouble for our kind. I want him, the witch-Sophia, and Malachai found. I don’t care what kind of resources you have to put on this, we need to start seeing results.”

  “I don’t mean to sound crass, Jessica, but why are these three our problem?” Mac, the leader of the MacDonnel Pack, wasn’t looking at me with the eyes of an enemy. He wanted good reason to throw his resources behind a problem, most saw as my own.

  “Here’s why. Avery’s lands have already been used as a hide-out before. He’s had problems with interlopers, trappers, on his lands for a couple weeks now. They are not afraid to use every means necessary to get at me. That includes luring me out with threats of violence against others. If you want your pack to be amongst those used and abused by all means, keep your resources to yourselves and your mouths shut. I don’t begrudge anyone choices. I have my own to make too.”

  Mac nodded in my direction. “I’ll put some of my boys on it first thing.”

  “Well, I can tell you John ain’t doing no such thing.” I looked over at the scruffy man who spoke up. He had been sitting quietly at the end of the table, trying not to draw attention to himself.

  “And you are?”

  “No friend of yours.” The man stated simply.

  “He’s one of Freedman’s.” My father snarled as he stood, stalking closer to the man who had spoken.

  Mikael stood beside me, a threatening growl burst from him, the likes of which I had never heard from him before. I put my hand on his to calm him, and I stood too.

  “An invitation wasn’t extended to your pack.” My father seethed through his clenched teeth.

  “A little birdy told John about the meetin’. He thought we should be represented, especially since that’n there thought she could just waltz in here an’ take o’er without having to scrap for the spot.” My father was the one to growl a warning this time, and he was right in the man’s face. “Lookin’ like John’s right ‘bout that. Not a hair outta place, but her men folk are spittin’ fire at me.”

  I’d had enough. He was calling me out. Basically saying I’ wasn’t wolf enough to take him on, or anyone else. I wasn’t sure if it was solely because I was a woman, or if there was more to it, but I was about to show him what was up.

  “You wanna be alpha, you take it, sweetheart. You don’t wake up with white hair, and think your pretty face is ‘nuff.”

  “Sit. Your. Ass. Down.” I enunciated each word so that I made myself perfectly clear, and I threw power behind each word as I stalked forward. Every word brought me a step closer around that table. “Do not ever mistake my kindness or diplomacy for weakness.” The power oozed from me now, electrifying the room with enough static energy that it began raising the hair on everyone’s body. “I am not weak, and you will show respect when you are here.” I was right next to him now, the stink rolling off of him just as offensive as anything he had said to me thus far. He tried to stand up to me, but I shoved him back down and threw more power into him. “SUBMIT!” My voice was all power, and had I looked around the room, I would have seen everyone else there on their knees. He fought it for a second, and then he dropped, wincing from the pain it caused him to attempt defiance. Not only did he drop to his knees, he lifted his chin, holding his head off to the side, exposing the column of his dirty-caked throat. His body was shaking under the weight of my command, and the fact that he didn’t want to submit, but knew he couldn’t fight me. When he began to let out little startled whimpers of pain, I released the hold my power had on him. He collapsed forward, catching himself with the palms of his hands.

  “Do not, for one minute, think that I have this position because of the color of my hair. I am the white wolf. I hold the power of generations of leaders within my blood. I hold council with the wise ones still. I will not tolerate another showing like this. You let John Freedman know the next time he wants a voice, it better be his. If I catch another of his inbred, stink-covered, vile betas in my business or near these lands again, they will come back to him in a God Damn body bag.” The man was still shaking where he kneeled over. “Get. Out.” I tossed a wave of power over him, and he crawled on hands and knees until he hit the door.

  When he was gone, I turned back to see everyone still down on their knees, necks exposed. It was a startling show of submission from some of the most powerful alphas we had in this part of the world. It took everything I had not to suck n a surprised breath. I nodded to them all. I hadn’t forced the posture on anyone, but John Freedman’s man. They took the position out of respect, and to show that they backed me. I appreciated the gesture, even if it was unsettling.

  “I am going to have some food ordered for everyone. No one is to leave this room right now.”

  My father approached me then, “Jess, what are you doing?”

  “You didn’t invite Freedman, did you?”

  “No, obviously not.”

  “Well, I’d like to know who the little birdy is that leaked information about this meeting to him. The people who were invited are all here, so let’s see which one tipped him off.”

  “It’s your show, Jessica. Just be careful with it.”

  “I don’t think anyone in this room did it purposefully, but we need to know who they talked to about coming here.”

  My dad walked back over to the table to start talking to the other leaders as Mikael approached me. We both walked out into the hall to let Sierra know that we needed some food ordered. She was the unofficial secretary during traditional pack meetings so she was around whenever my dad was here now. Once I got her situated Mikael started talking.

  “You gained his respect, but you damn sure didn’t gain a friend there.” Mikael said to me through clenched teeth. “It took everything I had not to go punch his nose out through his asshole.” He was still seething over the episode with John’s man.

  “His nose through his asshole, huh?” I laughed at Mikael, trying to shake off the tension that had settled in him.

  “Yeah, well, you know what I mean.” He pulled me close to him, “you handled yourself brilliantly in there.”

  “You should not have bowed down before me though. We’re equals.”

  “Oh, no ma’am. I will bow down to you until my
dying day. You are mine to worship and cherish. Besides, you never complain about me being on my knees before you when we’re at home.”

  Sierra’s laughter behind me let me know that she’d walked up at just the right time to hear him. “Should I get you two a room as well?”

  “Not necessary.” I grinned at her. “How long for the food?”

  “About an hour and a half thanks to the drive time.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry, it was the best I could do, unless you want to put some of the pack to work cooking for you guys.”

  “Maybe I should add restaurants on pack lands to the agenda in there.” I nodded back to the meeting room door.

  “Can you pull for an Olive Garden? I just want those damn crack-sticks they have. I don’t even care about the rest of the food. Just give me some Sangria and garlic bread.” Sierra walked away wistfully then.

  “She doesn’t require much, huh?” Mikael commented.

  “Nope, she’s a woman of simple tastes, but she’s right about the breadsticks though-yum!” My stomach growled at the thought of food. “An hour and a half, huh?” Mikael grinned and nodded his head. “This is gonna suck.” We both went back into the meeting hall, where everyone was now bantering back and forth about what happened earlier.

  “Jessica,” Avery called out to me as he approached. “I wondered if I might get a minute with you.” Avery and I stepped back out into the hall while he explained to me what happened with his daughter Annalise and my pack-mate Andy. I was shocked, but understanding of the situation.

  “I’m just glad they’re both okay. Hopefully, Andy stays that way!” I gave him a side-long glance.

  “I don’t see as there’s a choice left in the matter. He can stay on with us if you like, or…”


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