Shadowborn Queen

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Shadowborn Queen Page 10

by G. Bailey

  I suddenly realize that Corvina doesn't need me to be her light. She just needs me to be her sister.

  Once more I reach for the sword, but Corvina is the one to release it, causing the sword to unleash an explosion of magic that blacks everything out. The last thing I see before I die is Kaelah embracing her Titan lovers, the five of them finally reunited.

  Chapter 20

  Sunlight caresses my skin when I open my eyes. Clouds drift around me as I float with them, the wind lifting my hair on a gentle breeze. Huge talons wrap around my body, holding me in a tender embrace, and all fear seems to drift away with the clouds.Gold's dragon swoops down and my hair lifts again, only this time the strands tangle around me as he makes his descent. He lands smoothly and places me down on the grass. I breathe in, the cold air clawing at my lungs, and look around, my hands clenched.

  "Izora!" Scott rushes over and bends down at my side, taking me into his arms. "We thought we lost you!"

  "Lost me?" I echo, frowning up at him. My memories are a little hazy, almost like a fog has settled over my mind. "What happened?"

  Luke appears beside me, his expression equally relieved as it is pained.

  "You died, jaybird," he says after a moment. "Everyone on the battlefield did when you touched the sword. The Dark Fae Queen sacrificed herself and brought those the sword killed back."

  My eyes feel like they're about to pop from my skull as I look around some of my guys. Their clothes are torn and their faces dirty, but they don't have any wounds or appear to be in pain. Gold remains shifted behind me, his dragon form coiled as if forming an impenetrable shield.

  My guys and I died, but Queen Narah brought us back? I wipe my tears with the back of my hands. It looks like the Zorya Sisters really were looking over us; and the Dark Fae Queen, too. I unclench my hands only to find black petals sitting in my palm. I tuck them into my pocket and lift my gaze.

  "Where's Axel?" I ask.

  Scott strokes my hair and kisses me on the head, his mouth lingering. "Don't worry, he's alright."

  "He's helping with the wounded," Luke explains, kneeling beside me. He runs a hand through his hair and cocks his head. "I thought you were gone. I thought..." His voice breaks, causing my heart to squeeze.

  I reach for his hand, saying softly, "I'm here." Then looking at all my guys, I add, "We all are."

  Gold stands up and stretches his wings, drawing my attention. He moves over to the edge of the cliff and peers down below.

  "He was the first of us to come back, and he's the one who found your body," Scott whispers, a crease etching between his brows. "I think he took it the hardest."

  I think back to when I last saw him on the battlefield. Zander was injured and Gold completely lost his shit. Did Zander make it? It sounds like Narah only resurrected those the sword killed. That means anyone who died before that moment remains dead.

  "Is Zander still alive? And Corvina? And Sage and David and all the others?" My lips tremble as I say their names, terrified of the answer.

  "They left through the portals and are back at the academy,” Scott says. “Corvina is with them now, too.”

  I nod, my heart squeezing with relief, and slowly disentangle myself from Scott's arms. He helps me to my feet, steadying me when I almost fall, and I walk over to Gold. I stand on the edge of the cliff with him and look down at the bodies littering the battlefield. Light Fae, Dark Fae, Dragons, and Shadowborns, magics of all walks of life now bathe this land with their blood.

  "We can't let their deaths be in vain," I say, placing a hand on Gold's face. He leans into my touch and a growl rumbles in his chest. "Let's honor them and make sure this never, ever happens again."

  My hands tremble as I light the candle and place it on the ground with the others outside Shadowborn Academy. I swallow the lump in my throat and blink back my tears. Gold tightens his arm around me while Luke squeezes my hand and the Mune Brothers touch one of my shoulders comfortingly. I don't think I could've done any of this without them. It was Gold who suggested we light a candle for the fallen. Now a sea of white and black candles will forever decorate the academy in memory of those who did not survive the war.

  I look around, my heart heavy with grief, and tears fall from my lashes at the sight of all my friends and fellow magics grieving the loss of our loved ones. Corvina cries into Zander's chest while her mates comfort her. Sage stands beside her, cocooned in Professor Gale's arms.

  My vision blurs as more tears gather and I no longer try to hold them back. But then something catches my attention and I wipe my face, unsure if what I'm seeing is real or not. Wisps dance from candle to candle as they make their way over to me. They surround my body as my guys release me and I step back, reaching out to touch one of the wisps. Three of them float around me before they hop toward the trees.

  "When there's a wisp, you always follow it," Luke says with a grin.

  I nod, my lips spreading into a smile. "I think I'm supposed to go alone."

  From the tense look my guys share between each other, they clearly don't like the idea. But the wisps came to me, not them. Whatever they want to lead me to, it's for my eyes only. So I kiss each of my guys and hurry off after the wisps. Excitement bubbles in my chest as I follow them. I've got a feeling that wherever I'm headed is about to change my life forever.

  For at least half an hour I follow the wisps. They lead me through the forest into a beautiful clearing bathed in streams of sunlight and surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. The rays of light gather together until they form a silhouette.

  The figure slowly morphs into the shape of a woman dressed in a gown made of pure sunlight. Her long, auburn hair flows around her and a white sun glows vibrantly on her forehead. A wave of emotion surges into me and I drop to my knees before the Goddess Danica, completely overwhelmed by her presence.

  "My child, stand with me," she says in a soft, melodic voice.

  I rise to my feet, my heart soaring at the sight of her. The sculptures truly do her beauty no justice whatsoever. Her eyes are silver and they glow just like the rest of her. She holds out a hand and I take it, warmth instantly spreads through my body. Is this really happening? Is Danica real?

  She chuckles. "Yes, I am real, child, but it is only in spirit that I visit you." With a wave of her hand, my torn, muddy jumpsuit changes into a silver dress covered in wolves. It's breathtaking. "Now you are ready to accept this." She holds out my father's gold crown. "The Throne of Helios belongs to you now, child. Do you promise to rule it justly and protect those within the forest?"

  For a moment, words completely fail me. All I can do is stare at the crown as my emotions get the better of me. A solitary tear slides down my cheek and Danica reaches out, wiping it away with a blissfully warm hand.

  "Do you promise this, Izora Dawn?" she repeats, now cupping my cheek.

  "Yes, I promise," I say, lifting my chin. "I will protect the Enchanted Forest for the rest of my life."

  Her hand falls away and I immediately miss her warmth. "Then kneel, child."

  I get onto my knees again and hold my breath as she rests the crown on my head. "Now rise, Izora Dawn, Queen of the Light Fae. Long may your reign be and long may you live for this sunrise and the thousands after it."

  She smiles and her light grows brighter, momentarily blinding me. A light breeze filters through the clearing, and Danica's soul leaves with it. My heart clenches, but it's no longer heavy with loss and grief--it's filled with pride and a sense of belonging I've searched for my entire life.

  The wisps return and lead the way back. I walk through the forest with my head held high, no longer a princess but a crowned queen. My guys are waiting for me the moment I step out of the trees. Everyone turns to look, and one by one, they get down on their knees and bow to me. Corvina appears at the other side of the forest, her own crown resting on her head, and we immediately run to each other.

  It was the sun and moon goddesses who created the Enchanted Forest long ago. Now the Light
and Dark Fae Queens will protect it.



  10 years later.

  "Psst," I whisper, peeking around the corner of the room and seeing Willow's head snap up from the desk, her glasses falling down her nose. A big grin fills her face as I slide into the room and she runs around the desk, wrapping her arms tightly around me. This part of the castle is silent, and Willow doesn't usually live here because she works at Shadowborn Academy for most of the year.

  "You're back! How was the trip to Dragonia?" Willow asks me as she lets go. I hook my arm in hers and tug her out into the corridor. The guards bow their heads before walking in front of me down the corridor and two more guards fall into step with us at our sides, still giving us our space.

  "Interesting to say the very least," I tell her, which is an understatement. Corvina and I have made peace across the kingdoms, sharing our power and for the first time in history opening the borders between our lands. Now any Light or Dark Fae can live wherever they like in the forest, and Shadowborns are no longer slaves, but equals. I'm proud of everything we have achieved and Willow has been a big part of making sure Shadowborn Academy is once more a safe place for our children. "The king has signed our peace treaty, and with the Centaurs’ new queen signing the agreement next week, we will be secure for a hundred years."

  "A hundred years is a long time," she softly comments and I meet her eyes, feeling her pain of an immoral life with no magic. "Don't look at me like that. I would do what I did a million times over to get this outcome. Everyday I see a Shadowborn at the academy raise their head, staring at the sky and feeling proud of what we are. Light and Dark Fae are at peace. There will be no more wars and my sister is a queen I am proud to be serving."

  Dammit, she had to go and make me cry.

  Willow chuckles, pausing and wrapping her arms around me for a tight hug.

  "Pregnancy hormones are a bitch," I mutter, wiping my eyes and moving back, laughing a little. "You can't say nice things to me at the moment," I remind her. "Now, how has the castle been?"

  Willow quickly fills me in on everything I have missed at court this last week while we were away. Even though Willow doesn't have a formal position in the court of Light Fae who helps me make most of the decisions of the kingdom, when I am away, she is sneaky enough to find out everything I could need to know.

  "Finally, where is my nephew?" Willow asks when we get to my rooms.

  I smile and push the double doors open, stepping into my living room. There, in the middle of the room with a real sword in his hand, is my son. Sweeping silver hair falls across his forehead, flickering in front of his eyes as he turns to look our way. His eyes, the image of Gold's, flash silver, almost. He doesn't have Light Fae wings, a surprise to us all, but when he turned into a very cute silver dragon with Light Fae powers at two years old, it made more sense.

  I still fear the people will not accept a king who is a dragon, but the people do love Hendrik and call him the Golden Prince. Corvina's son is known as the Dark Prince, a title he stole from one of his dads.

  Hendrik is eight and still doesn't look remotely guilty as he hides the sword behind his back. His dad, Axel, quickly jogs over, pretending to hug him as he takes the sword and winks at me.

  "Hey, mum! Auntie Willow!" Hendrik shouts and rushes over to Willow. She laughs and hugs him tightly before whispering something about how cool his sword was as I glare at Axel and walk over.

  "Hey, hey! It was not my fault. Luke gave our darling son the sword," he exclaims, taking a step back with a sexy smirk on his lips. Before I can catch him, he flies out of the room and off the balcony. I laugh as I run to the balcony and spin around as Axel lands right in front of me. He kisses me quickly, making me forget why I was mad at him to begin with.

  "Yucky," Hendrik grumbles nearby and Axel pulls away as Hendrik comes to our side.

  "So you don't want to kiss Olivia? The Light Fae girl you spend a lot of time with?" Axel asks Hendrik, who immediately goes red.

  "No!" he protests and stomps off.

  Axel laughs as he chases after him, and tickles him when he catches him in the lounge. The sound of their laughter warms my ears as my baby girl kicks away in my stomach. I look down at my five-month bump, wondering who the father will be this time.

  "Is Izora here?" Luke asks in the distance. I cross the living room as Luke, Gold and Scott walk in and right up to me. Axel moves with them, whispering with Luke.

  "What's wrong?" I question, seeing it in their expressions. I take Gold's hand in mine when a tear falls down his cheek.

  "My sister is dead, as is her husband, and my niece is said to be crowned queen tomorrow," he tells me and I freeze in shock. Of all the things...I never expected to hear him tell me that. I wrap my arms around him as he breaks down, my strong dragon falling and my mates all stay close, making a little bubble.

  "Who killed them?" I question into the silence.

  Luke meets my eyes. "The advisor to the king and he is apparently marrying the new queen. It was all set up. I felt something wrong with that man on our trip."

  "Darkness? I sensed it as well," I admit, biting my lip. "I wished I had told them."

  "They knew," Gold tells me. "And now all we can do is pray to the goddesses for their souls."

  "You could always ask Pitch's dad to drag them to hell or something," Scott jokes and we all laugh a little, a laugh tinged with sadness.

  I cup Gold's cheek. "What do you need?"

  "You, my brothers and Hendrik. Our family," he answers, and that is something he never needs to ask for.

  "Always," I whisper, wrapping my arms around him and looking up at the sky, the burning light of the sun brightening a dark day for the forest. Even in darkness, there has to be light.

  And my life now?

  It belongs to the light.

  Chapter 21

  Excerpt from Shadowborn Academy (Dark Fae Academy Series: Book One)



  My fate is in the dark,

  And my shadow there is real…

  The darkness likes to play in this world.

  It also likes to deceive.

  In the Enchanted Forest, secrets thrive and one girl desperately needs to find answers before it’s too late.

  That girl is Corvina Charles, a powerful Shadowborn—a human who touched dark magic and became something else.

  Something dangerous.

  At the age of eighteen, Corvina and her best friend are swept away to the Shadowborn Academy, the one place where magic and darkness coincide.

  It’s also where pupils go missing, teachers don’t play by any rules, the therapist is hot, and boys with dark magic love to seduce your soul.

  With death becoming a game at the academy that not even the Dark or Light Fae seem capable of winning, Corvina’s love life should really be the last thing on her mind…especially when one of the boys just so happens to be her teacher!

  Shadowborn Academy is a Dark Reverse Harem Paranormal Fae Romance for 18+. In this world, not even the shadows can be trusted…

  Chapter 22

  Bonus Read


  Chapter One

  The moonlight bleeding through the trees creates flickering shadows that dance around me. I should be afraid of them like all the other children are, but I’m not. These shadows are safe. They’re not like the ones watching me from the treetops, waiting to snatch me off the ground.

  No, these shadows are different.

  They’re my friends.

  The faeries hiding in them follow me like they always do when I come into the Enchanted Forest. I can’t see them but I can hear them giggling and whispering in my ear. They flick my dark curly hair over my shoulders and play with the ribbons on my light blue dress, then the frills of my white socks with the little bunny rabbits on them. It’s their way of saying hello and it makes me giggle as I skip through the forest, humming to the song Mama always sings to me before I
go to sleep.

  Mama and Papa warned me not to follow these faeries. They said they’re not like the rest and I’ll be in deep trouble if I ever go out to play after dark. That’s when the faeries come out. They sing to children like me and promise us things beyond our wildest dreams, but nobody ever sees them again once they follow the faeries into the forest. Mama said it’s because they gobble them up for supper. I don’t believe her. I mean, how horrible would that be? I don’t think we taste very nice.

  Pitch said the real reason the children don’t come back is magical.

  He told me that they grow wings and go to live with the faeries. He said I can do that, too, once I make my wish. I’m so excited. I can hear him singing to me and I start humming along to his favourite song, the one about the raven and the wishing well. I follow his voice, excited to play with him again and eat snacks and tell each other stories. No one else can see or hear Pitch apart from me and the faeries. Although we’re the same age, he doesn’t look like any of the boys from my village. He’s extremely pale with glowing amber eyes and long ebony hair that sways around him like the shadows do in here. I know he’s different and that’s why I like him.

  That’s why I’m following him.

  Now that it’s my eighth birthday, Pitch is going to let me make a wish in the well he sings about. He says only special humans—the chosen ones—get to make a wish here. Sometimes he says funny things like that and I don’t understand him. All I want is a pair of shiny blue shoes, the same ones as my dolly. Pitch says the faeries are going to give them to me, and then I’ll finally have the same outfit as my little dolly.


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