Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Abbie Carlisle

  “It’s very sexy,” Jasmine said with a smile. She gave him a flirtatious look through her long, auburn eyelashes.

  Elijah growled as heat flooded his body, sending desire straight to his cock. He became instantly hard. She looked so damn hot and tasty, he was not sure that he would make it to the compound without pulling over first to take that delicious mouth in his. He slammed on the brakes as he pulled the SUV over to the left side of the road. As he turned toward Jasmine, he leant forward, his breath heavy, and stared deep into her eyes. Raising his hands, he placed them on each side of her face, and massaged the tips of his fingers at the base of her hair.

  Jasmine sat staring into his dazzling blue eyes as her breathing pulsed with each wave of desire that filled her body and down to her pussy.

  Elijah gently caressed each side of her soft oval jaw with his thumbs, staring straight at the beautiful plump pink lips of her mouth.

  His need to taste her coursed his mind as he leant closer to her, and she could feel his breath on her mouth, making her groan at his wonderful scent.

  “Fluttering those gorgeous eyelashes at me is a very dangerous thing to do, Jasmine!” Elijah almost whispered, trying hard to contain the eruption of desire that was close to escaping.

  “And why is that, Elijah?” Jasmine bit her lip, knowing that provoking him would get her exactly what she wanted. Him!

  “I am bigger and stronger than you and if so desired would easily be able to take that enticing mouth of yours in mine!” Elijah stated, knowing full well that he would never hurt her, but he was not sure if he could hold onto his restraint for much longer.

  “And what would you do with it if you did have it in yours?” Jasmine asked, knowing that he teetered on the edge of taking her, and she just couldn’t wait to feel him inside her mouth, taking all that he wanted.

  “Let me show you,” Elijah spoke softly as he leant forward and brushed her lips with his own.

  Passion coursed between them as their lips touched, and Jasmine inhaled sharply. Wave after wave flooded through her as heat burst into her pussy. He pushed his lips hard against hers. The possession sent pure bliss though her mind as she closed her eyes and placed her hands on the strong muscles of his arms. He held her head cupped in his hands as he pushed his tongue against her lips, forcing them open, and delved deep inside her mouth, licking every inch of her willingness. She felt intoxicated by his taste as she melted into the invasion, making her groan as more pulses pushed at her clit. She couldn’t get enough of him as she moved closer to him, making it easier for him to push harder and harder into her mouth. There was such an intensity to their kiss that Jasmine felt overtaken, possessed, and she was his, his to do whatever he wanted with.

  As he touched her lips with his own, desire flooded through him like a waterfall. Pleasure seared through every nerve ending in his body, making him want to grab her from that seat, rip her clothes from her body, and impale his long, hard cock deep inside her sweet soft pussy. The feel of her lips were divine, soft, and tender as he pushed his tongue inside her delicious mouth. He tasted the sweetest nectar, making his cock throb even harder in his shorts. He licked and suckled at her enticing tongue and held her head close so he could inhale the delicious scent of her hair. He had never thought that a female could make him feel so powerful, so desired, and so humble.

  As he pulled away, he stared at her soft brown eyes. “You taste wonderfully delicious,” Elijah said as he tried to regain his breath, wanting to be back at her mouth instantly.

  Jasmine breathed rapidly as she tried to regain the composure she had lost in his kiss. Kissing him had felt so natural and she savoured the memory of his taste. Her pussy had felt like it was going to explode and she felt wet as she shifted in her seat.

  “We must get going. It’s not safe to stay outside for too long,” Elijah said, disappointed that he could not show her more of the pleasure he could give her.

  He pulled back onto the main road and drove a little further before turning right onto a small dirt track. The ground was covered in a white blanket as the SUV moved slowly over the hard, uneven ground. In the distance Jasmine saw a large opening in the trees and noticed small metal posts at several intervals.

  “What are those?” Jasmine asked.

  “We have a perimeter alarm system set up around the compound so we know if anyone attempts to breach the outer area,” Elijah explained, searching the trees for any signs of disturbed ground.

  Jasmine looked around. “How do we get in? All I can see are trees.”

  As Elijah drove to the end of the clearing, he pulled the SUV to the right and Jasmine immediately saw a large opening in front of her. It was encased in rock and was just large enough to fit a large military vehicle. She took a deep breath in, knowing that she was about to meet the brothers that meant so much to the man she was beginning to care so much for.

  “We’re here!” Elijah stated as her turned to her and winked.

  Chapter 12

  Elijah pulled the SUV into the brightly lit garage as Jasmine surveyed the amazing collection of sports cars. Each one shimmered as the spotlights beamed on their highly polished surfaces. Elijah pulled up into the end bay and turned off the engine. The garage walls had been painted white, the same as the floor, and pictures of old style sports cars hung from the walls.

  “A very impressive collection you guys have here,” Jasmine stated as she climbed out of the car and pulled out her bag from the backseat.

  Elijah smiled as he stepped out of the SUV and took the bag from Jasmine, brushing his hand lightly over hers. “Tobias has a passion for fine cars and enjoys spending money.”

  Jasmine followed Elijah as he walked toward the door at the opposite end. She watched as he pushed the door and held it open for her. Walking past him, she stared around at the corridors that led on each side, spotting security cameras hanging from the ceiling.

  Elijah placed his hand on the small of her back, rubbing gently to soothe her anxiety. He took her hand in his and led her to the door that lay at the end of the corridor.

  As they walked, Jasmine noticed that each corridor to the sides led to reveal deep oak doors carved with ornate swirls and each held to its stone frame with large gold hinges. Approaching the door to the security room, Elijah squeezed her hand.

  “You okay?” he asked, seeing the worry in her face.

  Jasmine nodded as Elijah pushed the door open to reveal a large room filled with computer monitors. Desks lined one side of the room and a couch lay opposite. A large male sat at the desk, his blond hair hanging to his shoulders, and his huge muscles rippled through his tight-fitting vest-top. God, he was as big as Elijah. She spotted another of the men leaning against the wall to his right. He was well over six feet tall and had short dark hair and looked like he had just come from a workout at the gym. Both men turned as they spotted Elijah and Jasmine enter the room.

  Elijah moved his hand in front of Jasmine and moved her to stand slightly behind him.

  “Hi, boss, how was the journey?” Jonah asked, trying to see past him to take a look at the female. She was very small and extremely pretty.

  “Fine. This is Jasmine,” Elijah said as he moved to the side, still shielding Jasmine as both males moved forward to get a better view of her.

  “Hi, Jasmine, I’m Jenson.”

  Jasmine moved forward and looked into the man’s bright green eyes. They were as vibrant in colour as Elijah’s were, and she couldn’t stop staring at the similar sharp features of his face.

  “Hi,” she replied anxiously, turning to look at the other man.

  Jonah spoke, which made Jasmine jump at the deep sound of his voice. “So, you’re the one who has our Elijah jumping through hoops to save your pretty little arse.”

  Elijah growled at the tone of his second-in-command and gave him a stare that warned him to be polite. “Did you find anything out about the males at the boathouse?”

  “One of them used a credit card. I am just running a
check on the details now.” He gave Jasmine an apologetic look. He hadn’t meant to make her jump. He had only just met her and now she would think he was an arse.

  Jenson winked at Jasmine. “Don’t mind Jonah, he’s just grouchy because he lost a bout with Lucian in training today.”

  Jonah shot Jenson a cool stare. Now she would definitely think he was an arse.

  “It was a lucky strike, that’s all.” Jonah huffed.

  Jenson ignored Jonah’s sulk and turned to speak to Jasmine again. “So, Jasmine, where are you from?”

  “I live in New York. I was on vacation in Swane when I met Elijah and he helped me to get away from the guys who tried to shoot at us.” She sat down in the chair next to the desk.

  Elijah moved to stand next to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, assuring him with her gaze that she was okay.

  Jenson frowned at Elijah. He read his thoughts and smiled. He immediately understood his protectiveness of her and his concern that Jonah had frightened her.

  “Do you know who they were, Jasmine?” Jonah asked, trying hard to keep his voice gentle.

  “I don’t understand any of what’s going on. Elijah has told me about a King but other than that, nothing. I was just on vacation and the next thing I know there are men trying to kill me.” She was unable to stop staring at his amazing pale brown eyes.

  “They were pretty good at shooting so I’m guessing they have some military experience. Is there anyone you know who used to be in the military who would want to take you?” Elijah asked Jasmine, still keeping his hand firmly held on her shoulder.

  “No one I know of. I was an only child and no one in my family has had any connection to anyone in the military as far as I know.”

  “There must be a connection somewhere. Have you told her about the scriptures yet, Elijah?” Jenson asked.

  “Not yet, but even so, she doesn’t know anything about that either. It’s not making much sense.” He knew that Jenson was referring to the part about the King.

  Jonah checked the monitor to see if it had come up with any information. “Maybe when we find out who they are we may be able to find out who they are working for and that might give us some answers.”

  Jasmine’s stomach rumbled out loud and Jenson giggled at the sound. “I think she’s hungry, Elijah. Shall I go make some food for her?”

  “No, I will prepare something for us, but thanks for the offer.” Elijah appreciated the offer but it was his place to look after her.

  “You might want to look at her injuries, too. They look pretty nasty,” Jenson stated as he looked at Jasmine with concern. They looked sore on her pretty little legs.

  “Is Tobias around? I think he will be a bit pissed. One of the bastards hit the SUV and did a bit of a piece on the paintwork.” Elijah frowned, knowing that Tobias would be upset that one of his precious cars was damaged.

  “He should be in the gym having a workout. Better you than me to tell him one of his babies has been hurt. You know how he loves them so much.” Jenson laughed.

  Jasmine sat there listening to the men talk and decided that she liked Jenson a lot. He had her sense of humour. She wasn’t too sure of Jonah. He seemed the strong silent type and had made her feel a little uncomfortable at first but his kind look made her feel better. They seemed kind and she could tell that they liked to have some fun with each other. There had never been a female in the compound but they had seemed to accept her being there quite well. She still hadn’t met all of them but she hoped they would all be as nice as Jonah and Jenson had been to her.

  Elijah took Jasmine’s hand as she stood and walked out of the room and back down the corridor. Her stomach had rumbled and embarrassed her but she had to admit that she was starving and would eat just about anything at this point. Elijah led her down one of the side corridors to the kitchen. It had cool black worktops, and white drawers and cupboards. Sitting on top of the worktops were a microwave and a toaster as well as an assortment of cooking utensils in a large wooden bowl. It was surprisingly clean for a group of men living together. There was a large range cooker and a tall refrigerator, and in the middle of the room sat a large rectangular wood table with eight tall chairs surrounding it. Jasmine pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

  “What do you fancy?” Elijah asked as he opened the fridge and pulled out a range of microwaveable dinners.

  “Sorry it’s not home cooking but we need to eat quickly before your stomach starts singing a tune again,” Elijah mocked her.

  Jasmine giggled at him. “I don’t mind. Whatever you’ve got is fine with me.”

  Elijah took two lasagnes out and placed one in the microwave. Once it had heated, he placed it onto a plate, grabbed a fork, and placed it in front of her. The smell had her stomach growling in anticipation. She hadn’t realised just how hungry she was as the smell tantalised her taste buds, making her mouth water. When Elijah’s food was ready, he picked up his fork and came and sat next to her.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Hmmm, this is great!” Jasmine replied, placing another large forkful of food into her mouth. “Jenson is really funny and Jonah is nice.”

  “Jenson can really wind Jonah up and he always bites. He can be a bit stern at times, though. Don’t take it to heart. He’s had it tougher than the rest of us and can be a little bit uptight at times.”

  Jasmine was thoroughly enjoying her food as she looked at Elijah. His concern for the men was evident and she admired that about him.

  “Will they be okay with me being here, you know, not ever having had a woman in the compound before?” she asked as she placed her fork on her empty plate.

  “I think they will find it fascinating but they will soon get used to it. Would you like something to drink, a coke or something?” he asked as he picked up the plates and walked over to place them in the sink.

  “I would love a coffee if you have it?”

  “I think so. We don’t drink much of it here,” he replied, searching the cupboards. He found ready-made sachets on the top shelf of one of the cupboards and proceeded to make her one. She stood up as he passed the cup to her and she inhaled its beautiful aroma.

  “Oh god, I’ve missed this. I’ve wanted one all day.” She groaned deeply as she drank.

  Elijah looked down at her knees, frowned, and knelt down to get a closer look at her injuries. The sight of her long slim legs had his heart jumping in his chest. He wanted to touch them and run his hands up them to caress her beautiful thighs. “We must get these knees looked at,” he stated as he stared up into her soft brown eyes.

  Jasmine had been surprised when he bent down to her knees. The sight of him before her had sent her pussy into spasms and when he had looked up at her with those strikingly blue eyes she wanted to pull him up and kiss him like they had in the car. Her mind flooded with a vision of him touching her, and her breasts began to ache at the thought of him kissing down her neck and taking her nipples between his fingers, rubbing and caressing them.

  Elijah stood and placed her cup on the table. He took her hand as he led her from the kitchen and back into the main corridor. As they approached a large oak door, she noticed the pattern carved into its beautiful grain. Beautiful swirls led from an ornate curved shape in the middle.

  “These are my quarters. You will be staying with me,” Elijah stated, his tone making it more of an instruction than a choice.

  Jasmine’s heart spiked. The thought of being with him where he slept made her feel anxious and excited at the same time. What would he expect from her? She didn’t know if she would be able to refuse him if he touched her. She stood frozen to the floor.

  Elijah opened the door as he turned to her and spoke gently. “Let me take care of you!” he said as he turned and walked into the room.

  Jasmine stepped forward, knowing that the moment she walked through the door that her heart would be lost forever.

  Chapter 13

  Jasmine frowned as she entere
d the room. “No guest quarters then?”

  “We’ve never had any guests here before so there has never been any need for them.”

  She noticed the room was dominated by a large queen-sized bed covered in black satin bedding. The sheen of the fabric shimmered from the soft light of the bedside lamp and Jasmine turned, smiling at Elijah. It was a typical colour a man would choose.

  Elijah closed the door behind him.

  In the corner stood a black wardrobe with a matching dresser and to the side a full-length mirror hung on the wall. Through a door to the side of the bed was a bathroom. He really needed to reconsider the colour scheme as she gazed upon the light chestnut walls and black furniture.

  “Whoever decorated in here needs a colour chart and some inspiration!” she said jokingly as she walked over to the bed and sat down.

  Elijah raised his eyebrows at her, feeling slightly offended at her view of his interior design skills.

  “What’s wrong with the colour scheme? I chose it myself.”

  “Nothing really. Could just use a splash of colour, maybe an odd scatter cushion or two.” She smiled at his obvious disappointment in her opinion of his colour scheme.

  “So, what do the men here do?”

  “Jonah looks after security and Jenson, well, he’s sort of an analyst,” Elijah replied as he walked into the bathroom, returning with cotton wool and antiseptic cream.

  “What does he analyse?” Jasmine watched as he knelt in front of her.

  “We have scriptures that tell us about our history. He has studied them for years. That’s where we found out where you were.”

  As Elijah began to wipe at her cuts, she bit at her lip and winced. “What do the others do?” She held her breath as Elijah dabbed the cream on the cuts.

  “Carrick looks after the compound. He’s the one who carved the elaborate designs on the doors, and Lucian is our training expert. You haven’t met them yet.” He frowned at her as he tried to be as gentle as he could with her injuries.


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