Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Abbie Carlisle

  Jasmine stared at the ancient writing. The letters were written in a unique way and told of the original members of The Mist. Their lives were laid out before her like a map through time, telling of the struggle against a threat who wanted to take the Kingdom for himself.

  “It says that the King had fought many battles to keep his people safe and had lost many of his closest Lords. It says here that the children of The Mist had been sent out into the valleys for their safety, and the pain this had caused, but that to secure the future it had to be done.”

  The males stared at her in shock.

  “You can read this?” Jenson asked as he sat on the couch opposite and stared at Elijah’s confused gaze. “Have you seen this before?”

  “No, the letters just makes sense as I look at them.” She stared at each one and saw the look of surprise on each male’s face.

  “But this is old scripture. No one has been able to decipher all of it and I can only work out bits of it,” Jenson replied, feeling a little dejected.

  Jasmine returned her gaze to the soft parchment in front of her. “It says that the King will return when the mate is found. Do you think that I might have some connection to the mate rather than the King himself?” Jasmine asked Elijah.

  “Maybe. Does it say anything about where we might find this mate?”

  Jasmine continued to read the letters. She read aloud about how The Lords had been lost one by one and that their mates had gone into hiding. How the scriptures had been written as a guide to future Mist so that they may find the heir and rebuild the Kingdom.

  “Do any of you have an ability that allows you to see into the future? Someone who lived a long time ago could tell what was going to happen.” Jasmine asked, staring at each one of them in turn.

  “None of us has that ability, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t exist,” Jenson replied.

  Jasmine continued to stare at the elaborate text as Jonah nodded to Elijah, indicating that he wanted to speak to him in the kitchen. Jonah turned, walked toward the door as Elijah stood and followed him. Jonah walked to the fridge and pulled out two beers, handing one to Elijah as he unscrewed his, took a long drink, and leant against the worktop.

  “She can read the scriptures, Elijah,” he stated, staring straight into the eyes of his friend.

  “I know. She could also sense when the male was out in the forest, too. It’s odd but she seems to have some abilities.” Elijah had noticed this but couldn’t quite put his finger on what it meant.

  “The scriptures lead us to the town she was staying in and now she can read the scriptures. I think her connection to our kind is greater than she knows.” Jonah was very astute at reading people and was sure that her connection to the King was greater than they all imagined.

  “She doesn’t seem to be aware of her powers. Your check into her said that she lived with her parents who were human didn’t it?” Elijah asked.

  “Yes. There is no information to suggest that they were Mist. It just seems strange that she can do things that normal humans can’t. I’m not saying she isn’t human but it just seems strange that she can read the scriptures,” Jonah replied.

  Elijah stood thinking, drinking deep from his beer. “Maybe that’s why they want her. Maybe they want her to decipher what the scriptures say about the King. But how would they know she could read it?”

  “I don’t know. There are so many questions unanswered. Until we find out who sent the shooter we won’t know,” Jonah said. “If that is the reason then she is in grave danger. Whoever it is will do anything to get their hands on her.”

  “I love her, Jonah. She is my world and I need your help to keep her safe.”

  Jonah could feel the conviction in Elijah’s heart. He understood how deeply Elijah’s feelings ran for her. He walked over and placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “We will all protect her, you know that. She is yours and no one will ever take her,” Jonah promised.

  “Elijah,” Jasmine called from the living area.

  Elijah and Jonah turned, walked back and stood staring at her, surprised at the shocked look on her face.

  “What is it?” Elijah asked as he moved and sat next to her on the couch.

  Jasmine turned and looked at him. Her voice almost a whisper as she tried to speak. Her voice was tight in her throat as she stared into his bright blue eyes.

  “It says it was foretold that…” Jasmine started but couldn’t finish her sentence.

  There was no way it could be true. It wasn’t possible for them to have been so accurate.

  “Foretold what, sweetheart?” Elijah asked.

  Before Jasmine could bring herself to tell him, the phone in his pocket began to ring. Elijah pressed the button and lifted it to his ear, listened, and gave instruction to the soft sound on the other end. Finishing the call he turned and spoke to Jonah and Jenson.

  “We have a problem! Call Lucian and Carrick back. We need them here now!”

  * * * *

  James pulled up into a clearing and turned off the lights of his SUV. The forest lay like a cavernous labyrinth before him as he exited the SUV and walked into its frozen shadow. He had sent the men back to a local motel under the pretence that he had lost their trail and had continued here alone. He knew she was close. He could feel her presence as he walked past the tall pine trees that surrounded him and could see a light source in the distance as he scoured the area for any signs of movement. He knew that they would be out, patrolling the area, but had to be close enough to help her if Harvey arrived. Whoever had shot at the vehicles back at their home was surely working for Harvey and it was a certainty that this person had called Harvey and told him where she was. There was no way that he would allow Harvey to get his hands on her. She was too important to him and the thought of Harvey imprisoning her and hurting her made his heart clench.

  She had been protected all her life and he wasn’t prepared to let a lifetime of missing her be taken away by that sadistic bastard. James knew that she wouldn’t react well to seeing him but he so desperately wanted her in his life. She had grown up into a beautiful woman and was now in danger. She needed him, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  As he slowly made his way deeper into the woods, he noticed movement a little further on. Two males moved silently through the trees as James shifted his position to stand behind a large tree to his left. He placed his hand on his gun holstered just under his arm as he searched the area. Nothing but dense branches lay in his sight.

  A click sounded to his right, making him freeze and turn his head to see a gun pointed directly at him.

  “I don’t suggest you do anything but breathe,” Tobias warned him.

  Chapter 20

  “I mean you no harm. I’m not here to hurt anyone. I’m here to help,” James replied quickly, hoping that whoever it was, was prepared to listen and not just shoot him where he stood. Even through the dark James could see the dark menacing eyes of his captor.

  “Who are you?” Tobias asked.

  “My name is James and I’m no threat.” James turned to face the huge male, the rifle pointing straight at his head, and his heart pounded.

  “Why are you here?” Tobias demanded.

  “I know of Jasmine and I’m here to help protect her.” James knew that he was a member of The Order and that mentioning her name would go some way in allowing him time to explain.

  “How do you know of her?” Tobias asked suspiciously.

  “I need to speak to her. Please let me help her,” James replied.

  Tobias pulled out his phone and called Elijah, keeping the gun aimed at James. “We have a problem, Elijah. I have a male out here who says he knows Jasmine. Says he wants to help protect her.”

  Tobias listened as Elijah gave him instructions. “Come with me, and give me your gun. Don’t try anything if you value your life.”

  James handed over his gun willingly. He wanted to give him assurance of his intentions, even if it did mean he was unarmed and u
nprotected. Walking forward, Tobias followed, the gun pointed at the male as they made their way through the forest toward the cabin. James saw two males approach, one on his left and the other from the right. They were huge, as tall as he was, and both well built. As they approached the cabin, the main door opened and Elijah walked out onto the veranda. James stared at the tall dark male and noticed his piercing stare.

  “Who are you and how do you know Jasmine?” Elijah asked.

  “My name is James and I need to speak to her. I am here to help protect her and I know who wants to take her,” James replied, knowing there was no way they would let him in without good reason.

  Elijah needed the information but he wasn’t going to let a stranger near her after what had happened. “What is it you know?”

  “I have information that she needs to know, information about her family, and I think she will want to speak to me. Please allow me to talk to her, I mean her no harm.” James’s voice held utter sincerity.

  Jonah, Jenson, and Luca had followed Elijah onto the veranda and flanked him. James stared at each of them in turn. He would have to be careful not to antagonise them if he was to have any chance of speaking to Jasmine. They were as big as the male who had the gun pointed at his head. The volatile atmosphere between them was growing bigger by the second.

  “Was he the one who fired at the cabin?” Elijah asked Luca.

  “No, the one who shot her was much smaller,” Luca replied as he looked at James.

  James held his breath. Someone had shot her. Anger rose deep inside him and his eyes flared as he stared at the male who had just spoken. “Is she hurt? Who fired at her?”

  Elijah frowned. James’s reaction made him nervous.

  “She’s okay. Someone took a shot at us.”

  James’s heart pained at the thought of her being hurt. He wanted to rush in there but there was no way he would get one foot closer to the cabin without a bullet being put in his brain and he wasn’t stupid enough to try.

  Jasmine had risen from the couch and walked to the door to see who had approached the cabin. The cold air made her shiver as she stepped out onto the veranda and stood behind Elijah. She tensed, making her shoulder stab with pain.

  “Who is it, Elijah?” she asked as she stared round him to take a closer look at the enormous male that stood just at the foot of the steps.

  James stared at her. She was beautiful, so petite, and her amazing auburn hair shimmered from the light through the door. She was the spitting image of the female he missed with all his heart. He felt both sadness and joy at the same time.

  “Jasmine, I’m James and I must speak with you. I’m no threat,” James spoke, seeing the stern look from Elijah.

  Jasmine gazed at him. His hair was an amazing auburn colour, not unlike her own, and his brown eyes shone brightly. He had sharp high cheekbones and was well built.

  James took a step forward and placed one foot on the icy step.

  Tobias grabbed James by the shoulder, holding him back as Lucian moved quickly to stand in front of him. Lucians stern stare halted James immediately.

  “You go anywhere near her and I’ll kill you,” Elijah threatened as he turned and placed his arm around Jasmine’s waist.

  James placed his foot back onto the hard, frozen ground as Tobias released him. He understood the threat clearly.

  “What is it you want?” Jasmine asked as James stared at her.

  “I’ve been looking for you for a while. I want to help protect you and I know who wants to take you,” James stated as he looked at her. He wanted to tell her everything but knew that it was going to be hard for her to hear.

  “Who wants to take me and why?” Jasmine asked shivering in the cold winter’s air.

  “He’s my employer and I know him only as Harvey. I believe he wants you for information,” James replied.

  “What information do you think this Harvey wants from her?” Jonah asked.

  “He knows about your kind. I believe he may know who she is and thinks that she can lead him to your King,” James replied.

  “How do you know about our kind?” Elijah asked.

  “I know about The Mist. I know of your powers and the scriptures. I also know about the King.”

  “How do you know about me?” Jasmine asked.

  “I have known about you since your were born, Jasmine. You have been in my thoughts since as long as I can remember.” James stared at her, hoping that she could see the love that poured from him.

  Elijah growled warningly. Jasmine felt his anger and placed her hand gently on his arm to reassure him that she needed to hear what James had to say.

  A crease formed on her brow. “What do you mean you have known about me? I don’t know who you are.”

  “I have loved you all my life Jasmine. You mean everything to me and I can help protect you if you’ll let me.”

  Elijah was beginning to lose his control. She was his female and he was not going to let another male come in and declare their love for her. He stepped forward to the edge of the veranda.

  “She is mine!” Elijah roared making Jasmine jump and the other males step forward, ready to attack if James even flinched in her direction.

  “Wait!” James gasped as he tried to speak. “It’s not like that. I don’t want her that way.”

  “What is it you do want then?” Elijah snapped at him.

  James inhaled slowly. “I want to protect you, Jasmine. You’re my sister!”

  Jasmine gasped, stunned by what James had just said. Confusion clouded her mind as she looked round at the other men. They looked just as shocked.

  “Your sister! How can I be your sister? I’m an only child.” Jasmine’s heart pumped fast in her chest as the revelation seared through her brain.

  “You are my sister and I can explain everything. As a child you were given up for adoption. Your human parents knew who you were and why you had to be taken from our family. It was the only way to protect you,” James tried hard to explain.

  “What do you mean be put up for adoption? My mother and father were my natural parents. How could you say something like that?” Jasmine could feel herself becoming more anxious as she stuttered to say each word.

  Elijah could feel the pain that she was suffering as he stepped back and wrapped his arm around her. He had been shocked by James’s confession and a glimmer of recognition shot into his mind. “It was you who called me.”

  “Yes, I needed your help. I had been instructed by Harvey to locate her. He gave me the tracker to find her but I knew that it was time to ask for your help.”

  “How did you get my number?” Elijah asked.

  “I have a contact from my military days. He was able to give me your number. He’s a communications expert and was able to locate the number for me,” James replied as he turned his attention back to Jasmine.

  “Jasmine. You were born special. You are the heir’s mate and our parent knew this. They knew that your life would forever be in danger and the only way to protect you was to let others take care of you as their own. By putting you up for adoption, they believed you would be safe. It broke our parents’ heart to let you go. It broke my heart to lose the sister that I loved.”

  Jasmine stared at James, totally shocked. The life she had believed in had been blown apart if what he said was true, but in her heart she knew it was. She had read it in the scriptures about who she really was. Tears flooded her eyes as Elijah held her tight.

  “What do you mean she’s the heir’s mate?” Lucian asked, stepping backward to stand beside Elijah.

  “Through our history we have been told that our family would produce the heir’s mate. Our parents had known from their ancestors that Jasmine would one day be Queen and that if she remained with us she would be hunted down like our ancestors were.” James watched Jasmine’s reaction. She had turned pale and began to shake as she held onto Elijah to steady herself.

  “He speaks the truth,” Jasmine said as she turned to Elijah, tear
s streaming down her face. “I read it in the scripture. That’s what I was going to tell you before the call.”

  “What did the scripture say, sweetheart?” Elijah could see the pain that poured from her and nodded to Carrick to come closer. He wanted the male to calm her.

  “It said to use the symbol to find the heir’s mate and that only a true original Mist could make a claim on her. It said that the mate would be a half Mist, one of both human and Mist parents.” She turned and looked at James, knowing the next question she would ask of him would be hard for her to hear.

  “Are we half Mist, James?” She closed her eyes, knowing what his answer would be.

  “Yes, Jasmine, we are. Our ancestors are Mist and our father was an original. Our mother was human but he loved her dearly.”

  He watched her crawl into Elijah’s tight embrace as Carrick placed his hand gently on her shoulder. It broke his heart to watch the reality of his confession tear her world apart.

  Jasmine stood, helpless as everything she had ever known crumbled around her. She stared into Elijah’s eyes as tears fell onto her cheeks. She’d known in her heart that there was something different about her, her ability to sense others, and now it made sense. She was not fully human and the thought of that terrified her. She felt numb, struggling to comprehend the fact that she had parents she had never known about and that she was the heir’s mate. It was too much emotion to cope with as she began to sway.

  Elijah grabbed Jasmine as her knees crumbled. He lifted her into his arms and held her close. Her connection to the King was more than he’d imagined and fear spread through him at the possibility of her being claimed by another. He couldn’t lose her, not now. She was everything to him.

  Chapter 21

  They all stood silently as each of them comprehended the consequence of what both James and Jasmine had said. They had been trying to figure out who the King could be but now it was plausible that he’d been right in front of them the whole time.


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