Path of Descent: Ambrosine

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Path of Descent: Ambrosine Page 15

by Noreen Harrison

  “Yes,” I said, cupping her chin and bringing it up that I could look into her eyes. “But you must keep your promise, too. Let the Pure Ones administer the actual punishment. Marcus’s Family can’t be involved.”

  “I will. I told you that, as long as I see the judgment pronounced, I wouldn’t interfere.”

  I bent down and hugged her.

  “Thank you for meeting us halfway. We don’t need a fight now between the two Families.”

  “I wouldn’t do anything to bring harm to Marcus.”

  “Good. This is the best way of doing it. Let the Pure Ones be the punishers.”

  “I agree.”

  I slipped my feet into my black heels, hearing her thoughts.

  She still wanted her revenge…

  “Millie, I mean it. Let them handle it.”

  She looked over at me, annoyed.

  “I said I would. Stay out of my head. I was just thinking how nice it would be to rip them apart.”

  “Well, don’t even think about it.”

  “Okay,” she said, sitting down on the bed with a scowl on her face as I adjusted my left heel.

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  “What? Oh, yes, I’m going to meet Phillip.”

  She sneered.

  “Millie,” I said, going to the floor mirror and checking myself. “Don’t go there again.”

  “I’m not saying a word.”

  “Good. Anyway, we are meeting to discuss the Gathering.” I paused. “And then he wants to talk about Madame Aimeri and the other Dominions that were taken by the Pure Ones back to the West Indies.”

  “Why? Doesn’t he think it’s warranted?”

  “No. As I said, we are having the Gathering, but he told me the Council was voting now on the taking of those two Dominions. ”

  “We should just take them all. Then we wouldn’t have worry about some ridiculous vote.”

  “It’s over.” I kissed her cheek. ”No more.”

  She held her tongue, but I knew she would never forgive them.

  “Right,” she said.

  “Okay, then.”

  I picked up my keys from the bedside table, knowing that I shouldn’t take the conversation any farther.

  ”I have to go now.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  Downstairs, Marcus and Michael greeted us with worried looks, but they each had different reasons.

  “Alixia, I should go with you,” Marcus said, walking up to me and taking me in his arms. I sensed his jealously.

  “Marcus, we have already discussed this. I’m going to see Phillip alone.”

  “I don’t see why he is so angry. They’re guilty.”

  I brushed his lips with a soft kiss. “That’s why you’re not going. I’m trying to bring these Families together, and I don’t think your mindset will help the situation. I will be back soon.”

  “Alixia,” Michael said.


  Now what?

  “Tell Phillip that if any harm comes to the Pure Ones for our taking these two Dominions, we won’t stop at just the guilty ones next time.”

  I bit my tongue and just nodded.

  “I have to go now.”

  I kissed Marcus and walked to my car, looking up seeing them standing on the veranda.

  Maybe Philip was right, and there will always be hatred.

  Just as I slid in behind the steering wheel, Marcus jumped in.

  “Wow, you startled me!” I said, turning quickly. I thumped him lightly on the shoulder.

  “Hey, you’re the Ambrosine. You should have seen me coming. ”

  “Funny. So, what are you doing?”

  “I need a ride to New Orleans,” he smiled sheepishly.

  “Marcus, you’re not coming with me. It’s going to be hard enough dealing with Phillip tonight.”

  “That’s why I should stay close.”


  “Hey, you might need another persuader to get him on our side.”

  “I don’t think you’re the one for that, as I said already.”

  “Okay, maybe you’re right.” He looked at me soulfully.

  “But I should come with you, just in case you need me.”

  “You’re not going to get out, are you?”


  I turned the key and put the car in gear, shaking my head and giving up the argument.

  “Okay, but just to town.”

  In New Orleans, Marcus and I switched places in front of Madame Cecilia’s townhouse, which was vacant now. I looked up toward the window, seeing Phillip watching. And of course Marcus noticed him too, so he took me in his arms and kissed me with such force that my body weakened.

  “Well, okay then,” I said. “Phillip’s waiting.”

  Marcus peered up at the window through his dark sunglasses.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come up with you?”

  “Yes,” I said, stepping back as he held on to my hand. “I will meet you at the cabin.”


  “Marcus, just go away and let me handle this.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  He kissed me again, and I sensed his distrust of Phillip as he got back into the car.

  “I will be waiting.”

  “I’ll be back soon.” I leaned in and kissed him.

  I watched until he was out sight, and then walked to the iron steps to the house. I thought of mother. She had already taken steps to entrap Marcel after the Gathering, but that was all contingent on whether Marcus and the Families will agree…

  “Alixia,” Phillip was standing in the doorway. The late afternoon sun lit his face, enhancing his beautiful features even more. He looked down at me impatiently, still irritated by seeing me in Marcus’s arms.

  “Are you coming in?”

  I looked around as the sun shimmered through the trees.

  “No, let’s go to the river. We can talk on the way. It’s too nice to be inside.”

  “Fine with me.” He shut the door. “There are too many ghosts in there anyway, bringing back memories that are best forgotten.”

  “I know,” I said sorrowfully, reaching out for him as he came down the stairs. He wrapped his arm around me.”

  We walked to the Vieux Carré, the French Quarter, not talking. But we were still in each other’s heads, thinking about the past. Neither of us wanted to bring up how much everything changed in one short year.

  We crossed the road going to the river, moving in and out of tourists, watching them smile and chatter about the uniqueness of New Orleans. They took pictures of each other, and of the riverboats paddling their way down the Mississippi.

  As the sunset, I sensed others out there, hiding in the shadows and waiting for darkness to introduce themselves personally to the tourists. I looked out at our visiting guests and felt saddened, knowing that a few of them would not be leaving the next day. They would never tell their stories, or show their photos of our alluring city.

  “Let’s sit here,” Phillip said, pointing to a bench overlooking the river.

  “Yes, this is perfect,” I said, sitting down and letting go of my thoughts about the Dark Ones. I gazed out at the river shimmering in the sun, hearing the gentle splash of the water against the wharf. Phillip stretched his arms out, leaning back on the bench.

  “I like coming here,” he said.

  “I do, too.” There was a pause as we both got ready to discuss why we were here. Phillip spoke first.

  “I’ve heard some of your thoughts.”

  “I know. I wanted you to.”

  “So, you are hoping the Gathering goes well, so that you can take Marcel?”

  I looked at him imploringly, hoping he would help make the Council agree.

  “Yes, my mother seems to think that if he gets word the Families have joined with Marcus’s, he won’t hesitant to come after him. And that’s when you and I will strike.”

  He rubbed the top of one eyebrow, with a
look of frustration.

  “There is no Gathering, Alixia.”

  I turned anxiously to him.

  “What? Why?”

  “The Pure Ones took the Dominions without the judgment of the Council. So, there will be no Gathering, or compromise. We will not consider Marcus as an ally.”

  “This is ridiculousness. What does what happened have to do with Marcus? The Pure Ones are the ones that procured them.”

  He looked over at me in disappointment.

  “You knew they worked together, and you let them see the murder of Henry. You turned on the Family by doing that.”

  “What was I supposed to do?” I yelled, getting up and standing in front of him. “Millie would have come after the Family.”

  “Then we would have taken her out.”

  Seeing the loathing on his face was disturbing. He was so heartless for her now.

  “I didn’t want that to happen.”

  “So you protected her by giving up two of the Family?”

  “They were guilty. They killed Henry. “

  He grimaced angrily.

  “I don’t care if they were guilty, and neither does the Family. They should have been brought to us first. You knew that, and now Marguerite once more has interfered with the beliefs. As I said, there will be no Gathering for Marcus.”

  “Yes, there will.” I clenched my fist, holding my temper. “They can’t decide that. I am the Supreme. The Gathering will take place!”

  He shook his head slowly. “No it won’t, and you’re not the Supreme. That’s been taken away from you for now.”


  “It was your choice to help them kill Family members.”

  “Who is in control now?”

  He grimaced, pinching his brow and making a crease between his eyes. I readied myself to get into his head, just in case he hesitated with the truth.

  “It was my Uncle Charles. You have no power over the Families until he gives it back to you.”

  I turned and looked out at the water, trying to keep my cool while knowing that my plans would have to change.

  “Phillip, can you talk to him?”

  “No I can’t, because I agree with him, Alixia. Pure Ones have pushed the boundaries too far this time.”

  I stepped away from him, disappointed.

  “So, what does this mean?”

  “It means they will all be punished.” He lowered his eyes, stepping away from me. “The Council has demanded that you and the others be punished for betraying the Family.”

  “They want to punish me for seeking justice for Henry’s death? Don’t you see how insane that is?”

  “It was put to a vote.”

  “A vote? You voted for me to be punished?”

  “No! I voted no.”

  “So, what is my punishment?”

  “That you will lose your birthright to be head of the Families. But as I said, I voted no.”

  “Well, that’s big of you.”

  “Alixia, understand that it was protocol. The Council had to do it. You went against the beliefs, and you’re not exempt from that.”

  “Phillip, I really don’t care about being Supreme. What about the others? What will their punishment be?”

  Charles will pay for this.

  “I heard that, and it wasn’t only my Uncle.”

  He shifted nervously, eyes focused as he spoke with a waver in his voice.

  “Their punishment is for Millie and everyone else in Marcus’s Family to die.”

  “No!” I said, standing up and walking away from him.

  “Alixia,” he said, grabbing my shoulders.

  “Get away from me!”

  “No, you have to listen.”

  “You’d better move away from me right now.”

  “Don’t, the outsiders are watching.” I looked around. We were on display. I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

  “Let me go.”

  “Please, let’s just go back to the townhouse, and let me explain.”

  “No, I hear you thoughts. You tell your Uncle and the rest of the Council that I am tired of their threats, if they think they can control me.”

  “It’s not just a threat, Alixia.” He stepped toward me. “They are going after all them, Marguerite included. And as for Marcus, you belong to the Family, so there will be no marriage.”

  I never felt so determined in all my life.

  “Yes, there will be.”


  Back at Marguerites’ mansion I couldn’t find her, so I went to Michael with this latest threat. Then I took off quickly to the cave, letting Mother know, too, of Charles’s latest rampage.

  Going down in the abyss, I landed hard. She was at the table, writing in her journal.

  “Alixia,” she looked up. “How did you know I was back?”

  “Michael told me. He always knows when you return from a feeding.”

  She tapped her pen on the table with a quizzical look.

  “Oh, he does? Well, that’s good to know. Anyway, it’s nice to see you. Come and sit.”

  “Mother, something has happened.”

  “What is it?” she asked, closing her journal as she saw the panic in my eyes. I rattled it off quickly until she put up a hand to stop me.

  “Wait, slow down Alixia. Now, tell me again.”

  “The Family is going against Marguerite. The Council has taking away Marcus’s Family’s immunity, and they’re going to end them all in retaliation for the two Dominions who were taken.”

  “Where did you hear this?”


  “He told you they were coming?”

  “Yes, and it isn’t just a threat.”

  “They can’t do that. You are the Supreme now. You are the last of the true Ambrosine’s, so you have the power to stop it.”

  “Not anymore, apparently.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Charles is in control.”


  “Yes,” I pushed my hair back in frustration. “I was removed when it was revealed to the Council that I helped Marguerite take the Dominions, and Charles jumped right in there to replace me.”

  She got up from the table, seething.

  “Well, of course it would be him. Charles has always wanted that power. But he will never keep it. That belongs to you, and he knows it!”

  “I don’t care about that now, Mother. My worry is can they be stopped?”

  “Oh yes, we’ll stop them.”

  “I agree that they will be stopped.”

  Marcus was standing in the entrance. I got up and went over to him.

  “Michael told you?”

  “He told me,” he said with an angry look in his eyes. “So, how do we do this, Lucida?”

  “It won’t be easy. But I think that we should get Marcel out of the way first, so that we don’t have to deal with both threats at the same time.”

  “So, do you have another plan?” I asked, wondering how we were going to lure him out into the open now.

  “I do, Alixia. We still use me, but not Marcus. He will help you.”

  She bent down for a crystal that was lying on the cave’s floor, avoiding eye contact with me as she finished speaking.

  “Unfortunately, we can’t count on Phillip anymore.”

  “Hell, that’s for sure!” Marcus said, putting his arm around my shoulder. “He is one of them, and he probably helped push this fight.”

  I looked up at him. I couldn’t argue, but I sensed his pleasure that Phillip might be his first kill.

  “Marcus, I’m in your head”

  “It’s okay, Alixia,” Mother said. “He knows they have to make the first move. Right, Marcus?”

  “Yes, of course.” He kissed my cheek. “I promise, I will not go after them unless they provoke us first.”

  I hope they all feel that way.

  “Alixia, Marcus and his Family have to protect themselves.”

  “Mother, I j
ust wish they could have seen that Marcus isn’t what they think he is.”

  “Just don’t be hesitant when it comes to a fight,” she said. “As you were with me, Alixia.”

  The Beginning

  I woke up to Marcus leaning over me.

  “Good morning,” he said, kissing me the rest of the way awake.

  “Is she okay?” I asked, worried about Millie’s outburst after she we told of the Council decision.

  “Yes, Roxanna calmed her.”

  He sat on the bed next to me, and I could sense his unease.

  “Millie is going to be hard to control.”

  “She can’t strike first,” I said, sitting up and moving the pillow back behind me. “That will give them even more justification.”

  “I know, but she will be going to the West Indies with Michael, so that will help.”

  “Maybe Millie will stay there,” I said, trying to stay focused as he moved his cool fingertips up and down my arm.

  “Don’t count on it. She has always wanted to finish them all for what they did to her family.”

  “I’m scared that she won’t wait for our help.”

  “I know,” he breathed, holding me closer. “Anyway, at least she will be gone for a couple of days. We can focus on Marcel and not worry about her going after Phillip and the others on the Council.”

  “I wish you hadn’t told her about that.”

  “I couldn’t have kept it from her. She is part of our Family. Anyway, she was warned to never strike by herself.”

  “I hope she listens.”

  “Me, too.”

  I scooted into him, wanting him closer to me. I was afraid for all of them now. I knew how strong the Families were, and what they could do.

  “ …Lucida.”

  I looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry, I was thinking about something. What about Mother?”

  He smiled.

  “I was just saying, Lucida wants us to be in Baton Rouge tonight.”

  I sat up, surprised.


  “Yes,” he said nuzzling my neck. “She’s going to snare him there, on your estate.

  “My home?”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “Yes, there is,” I said, moving away. “Anna and the staff are there. It will be too dangerous for them, if Marcel brings others.”

  “We have that covered.”

  He reached out for me as I got out of bed.

  “Where are you going?”


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