Veso (VLG Book 4)

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Veso (VLG Book 4) Page 24

by Laurann Dohner

  Lorn stood on the back porch, easy to spot. He turned his head, looking in their direction. His voice rang out across the clearing. “I called this meeting for a few reasons. I’ve invited representatives from the other clans to visit us. I’m not certain of the exact date yet since it’s going to take time to plan, but I’ll accept suggestions for amusing our guests while they’re here. I want everyone to feel a part of this.”

  One man loudly cleared his throat. “Why would you do that?”

  Lorn turned his head to the right. “Because we are mending relationships with the other clans. You have your friends over for dinner. That’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

  “They could attack us,” a woman called out.

  “They didn’t start shit with us. Decker caused the friction,” Lorn snapped. “He’s no longer your leader. I am. I refuse to live with the threat of war always shadowing us. No more! If you have a problem with that, challenge me.”

  Kira stepped from the sidelines and approached Lorn. She stopped a few feet behind him. He reached back and pulled her forward, his mouth moving but the words too low for Glen to hear. Kira nodded, then let her gaze travel over the gathered crowd.

  Kira’s voice rose loud and clear. “How many of you have lost children? Brothers? Fathers? Mates? And for what? So Decker alone could gain power. How did that make your lives better? Most of you have family ties to the other clans and have worried about their fates. War between VampLycans serves no purpose but to cause more grief. Peace with the other clans is best for all of us.”

  “I know I’d love to be able to visit other clans without their women acting as if I’m rabid. None the ones here are my mate, and damn it, winters are long,” a man yelled.

  Some of the crowd laughed.

  “I don’t get it,” Glen murmured.

  “I’ll explain later,” Veso mumbled.

  She nodded.

  “I will make peace with the other clans. That’s how it’s going to be.” Lorn waited a few seconds before he spoke again. “The laws we were once forced to follow are archaic. Garson made an excellent point. It’s been difficult for some of you to find mates if they weren’t born in this clan. Decker’s actions made us unwelcome to visit other clans. Not only will peace with the other VampLycans make them less leery of us, but we need to adapt to modern times. Veso has found his mate and we are going to welcome her into our clan. She’s human, and her name is Glen.”

  There were some growls and gasps from the crowd.

  Veso gripped her hand and pulled her away from the trees, striding into the clearing. A few men near the back turned, either hearing or sensing them approach. Glen’s heart pounded but she felt safer knowing her mate and his father stayed on each side of her. They stopped about ten feet from the back of the group. More heads turned and Glen became the center of attention.

  “No!” A woman shoved through the group. She was pretty, probably in her thirties, and the death glare she sent Glen made her shiver.

  One of the men in the back stepped in her path, blocking her from getting any closer. “Don’t, Brista,” he hissed.

  The woman turned her glower on Veso. “You wouldn’t even test a mating with me but you bit a human? You fucked her?” She spat on the ground. “Traitor!”

  Veso snarled. “Don’t use that tone when talking about my mate.” He released Glen’s hand. “I’ll kill anyone who tries to touch her.”

  “Glen is a part of our clan now,” Lorn announced. “That’s final. Veso isn’t a traitor because he found his true mate. Glen was kidnapped by the Vampires, and they escaped together. I’d welcome any mate you found as well, Brista. It’s time to let old prejudices go.”

  “Of course you’d say that,” a blond man shouted. “You always had it bad for Kira when she was still human. You’re going to ruin this clan by encouraging the sexual deviants! What’s next? Allowing our men to fuck humans from the nearby towns? It’s sick! You’re sanctioning him to breed with that thing.”

  Veso stormed toward the blond. Glen tried to grab his arm but Bran jerked her to his side, leashing her wrist with his firm grip. All she could do was watch as people, including Brista, scampered out of his path. The blond man shoved a few of the ones nearest him and met Veso.

  Lorn was there suddenly, getting between them. “Stop!”

  “He called my mate a thing!” Veso’s voice came out gruff and Glen didn’t have to see his face to know he’d gone a bit hairy. She spotted it spreading down his bare arms. It looked as if he was about to shift forms.

  “He fucked and plans to breed with a human,” the blond sneered.

  Lorn turned his back on Veso, facing the blond. “Bow your fucking head and apologize, or I’ll let him kill you. I know change is difficult but you’d better get your head out of your ass.”

  “He’s weak!” the blond accused. “A sexual deviant who likes to fuck even weaker things. I demand to fight him. And you made Veso an enforcer? You’re unfit to lead us!”

  Lorn shook his head. “You always were an idiot, Bobel. You’ve got no place in this clan with that kind of archaic thinking. You pick who you want to fight. Me for leadership, or Veso? Decide.”

  “Veso. I challenge him for his weakling. Then I’ll kill her and rid our clan of her stench.”

  Lorn glanced back at Veso. “You have my permission.” He got out of the way.

  Glen wanted to turn away, hating to see her guy fight, but she didn’t. The blond wasn’t as big as Veso but he looked pretty tough still. The jerk’s words penetrated her worried brain and she glanced up at Bran.

  “Does challenging for me mean what I think it does? You can fight to win a woman here?”

  Bran gave a sharp nod and shushed her. “My son will win.”

  “Skin or fur?”

  Glen whipped her head forward at the sound of Veso’s snarled question. They were about to fight for her. Actually fight. For. Her. She had to lock her knees. It was barbaric and horrifying.

  She came to a quick realization though—she did love Veso. He could die.

  “Skin. This won’t take long.” The blond shot her a disgusted look. “Enjoy your last breaths, soon-to-be-widow of Veso.”

  The urge to flip him off surfaced but she resisted. It would look childish. These were the kind of people who wouldn’t appreciate hand gestures. “Is it rude to encourage my man to win by cheering for him?” She kept her voice low.

  “Don’t distract him,” Bran warned.

  She took that for a no.

  The fight began the second the blond swung one of his hands toward Veso’s throat. He had claws.

  Veso jerked out of the way, the razor-sharp points missing him by inches. He punched, striking the blond in the face. It snapped his head back and blood flew. Bile rose when she saw it wasn’t just from the force of her mate’s fist. He had claws too, ones that had ripped open Bobel’s face.

  “That’s so gross,” she whispered.

  “Quiet,” Bran breathed.

  Glen clenched her teeth.

  The blond shook his head, stumbling forward, and tried to slash at Veso with his claws again. He probably couldn’t see so good with all that blood on his face. Veso dodged both of Bobel’s hands, grabbed his wrist and jerked him forward, twisting him in his arms.

  “Do you know what my fighting motto is?”

  She closed her eyes when she heard Veso’s shouted words, pretty sure he was warning her.

  “Death to anyone who talks shit about my mate or threatens her.”

  There was a thud, as if something had hit the dirt. Glen peeked.

  Veso still had his back to her, the blond in front of him so she couldn’t see his body. It was what lay on the ground near their feet that caught her attention. She quickly averted her gaze.

  “Off with their heads,” she whispered.

  “That’s my son,” Bran boasted. “A quick, efficient killer.”

  “You make him sound like a serial killer. That guy was an asshole,” she whisper
ed. “He needed to die.”

  Bran released her wrist and patted her back. “You’ll make him an excellent mate.”

  “Just tell me when I can look at Veso again without seeing the dead guy’s head or body. I’ll hurl. That will make me not cool, right?”

  Bran chuckled. “Just glare at the ones staring at you.”

  “That I can do. Especially the bitch who hates me. Please tell me her and Veso weren’t lovers. She sounded like a jealous ex-girlfriend.”

  “He never touched her.”

  She felt relief. “Good. We have enough stacked against us without an ex with a grudge.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Glen paced the living room as she waited for Veso to come out. He’d had to shower again. It once would have sent her screaming if a man in her life had a penchant for getting blood on his clothes the way he did. Of course, her exes had been human.

  Motion from the hallway had her stopping to stare at him.

  He only wore a towel around his waist, his hair wet, and drops of water drew her attention to his muscled chest. Her guy was super-hot, albeit a bit unhappy, judging by the scowl on his handsome face.

  “What’s wrong?” She stepped closer to him.

  “I’m trying to show you my less violent side but I keep having to kill idiots. Are you plotting to run away from me?”

  “No. I didn’t like that bobble man. He was rude, and he made your dislike of humans seem tame in comparison. I wasn’t exactly fond of the whole challenge thing. I’m a person, not a poker chip to gamble with.”

  “His name was Bobel, and the rules are different here.”

  “So any asshat can challenge a man for his mate?”

  “It rarely happens.”

  “It shouldn’t ever. Don’t women have the right to choose who they want to be with?”

  “They do. It’s more of a Lycan tradition than a VampLycan one. Sometimes attractive women are something men fight over. You are very appealing, Glen. I hope his death hasn’t upset you.”

  “I’m not too broken up. He wanted to kill me because I’m a lowly human.”

  “But? You’ve looked pensive and have been too quiet since we started home.”

  “I’ve just been doing a lot of thinking.”

  “I won’t let you go. I’ll fight for you every time, Glen.”

  “I’m more than aware.” She placed her hand on his chest. “I might be a bit freaked and still on the fence about whether mating you this fast was a bright idea, but it’s a done deal. I don’t regret it. I’m just reeling a bit.”

  “This is a lot for you to assimilate.”

  “You have that right, but a few things are clear.”

  “Such as?”

  She sucked in a deep breath, peering into his eyes. “I have fallen in love with you. It sounds crazy to feel this way so fast but I’m listening to my gut.”

  “You should always trust your instincts.”

  “Plus, you’re really good in bed, can cook, you built a log cabin. I mean, that is so over-the-top masculine. Who could resist all that? The only down sides are you live in Alaska, people die a lot here, and you must have a lot of experience at getting blood out of your clothes. Or maybe you just buy a lot of them.”

  “I usually don’t have to kill this many people in such a short amount of time.”

  “That’s oddly comforting.” She chuckled. “Am I losing my mind?”

  “No. You’ve handled everything extremely well.”

  “For a human.” She couldn’t help but tease him a bit.

  He grinned.

  “I’m not going to run from you. We’re practically married. I take vows seriously.”

  “Do you need a church ceremony?”

  “I understand that mating is rock solid. I’m not exactly a huge fan of weddings anyway.”

  “I’m glad. I would hate to wear a suit. They look uncomfortable.” He surprised her by leaning in, brushing his lips over hers. “But I would do it to make you happy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your happiness is my happiness. That’s how this works.”

  “In that case, why don’t we go in the bedroom?” She smiled. “I’ll forgo the wedding but I insist on the honeymoon.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. A low growl came from him and his eyes sparked with arousal, glowing a little. “That means sex.”

  She ignored his wet towel and body, not caring. “Lots of sex.”

  He scooped her up, making her laugh, and carried her toward the bedroom. “I should convince you that I’m the best mate you could ever have until you no longer have any doubt.”

  “I like that plan so I’ll pretend you need to.”

  He stopped next to the bed. “I’m going to love you, Glen.”

  “Even though I’m human?”

  “Because you’re human. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  “I think you’re pretty sexy, VampLycan. I wouldn’t change anything about you either.”

  “This is going to work.” Sincerity sounded in his voice.

  “We’ll make sure of it.”


  Eight days later

  Lorn rubbed the back of his neck after he hung up the phone, meeting his brother’s gaze across from his desk. Lavos had just walked into his office and plopped down.


  “What is it?” Lavos frowned.

  “That was a woman who lives in Colorado. I guess she mistook our lodge for a hotel. It’s listed as such in the phone directory. She’s been asking the state troopers to make a trip to Kegslee but they won’t do it yet. They won’t even file a missing person’s report until someone is out of contact up here for a few weeks, since it’s hunting season. The woman who called hasn’t been able to contact her son or his family. She was crying, begging me to send someone out that way.”

  “The phone lines go down sometimes.”

  “That’s what I told her. She sounded old and upset though. She wouldn’t calm, and honestly, I felt bad for her. I promised her I’d send someone to her family with a message.” He lifted a pad he’d written on. “This is the address. Get Veso to go. Tell him to let the human know his mother is in tears and to find a damn phone that works to call her.”

  “I can’t believe you’re sending anyone to do this.”

  Lorn sighed. “I’m worried they may have been turned into soldiers for that damn nest we took out. This woman deserves closure if her family is dead.”

  “Veso’s on his honeymoon still.” Lavos held out his hand. “I’ll go.”

  Lorn passed the paper over. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. You’re right. Any of the humans turned were innocents pulled into that mess. It’s the least we can do.”

  “I’m hoping their phone is just down.”

  Lavos walked toward the door. “Me too. I’ll take Garson and Kar with me. You’re welcome.”

  “Why is that doing me any favors?”

  Lavos spun at the door to face him. “We’ve got a couple female visitors from Crocker’s clan. Specifically, trouble-seeking sisters.”

  “Goddamn it,” Lorn spat. “I hate those two.”

  “Yeah. They love to mess with my friends until they’re fighting each other to show off who’s strongest. Not this time. Good thing you made them enforcers and I can order them around. See you later,” Lavos called, leaving.

  Lorn got up, walked to the map on the wall. He located Kegslee. It wasn’t too far from their territory. It would only take a few hours for his brother to reach it using the main roads. He studied the area, spotting Pick nearby. That was the abandoned mining town hooked to that mine where they took out the nest.

  He had a bad feeling they’d just find an empty home where the family used to live. That town was directly in the path of where the Vampires would have traveled.

  Want to read the first chapter of the next book?

  Lavos - VLG #5

  by Laurann Dohner

  Chapter One

  Jadee unlocked the RV and stepped inside. “Dad?”

  The silence seemed ominous but the lights were on. She entered and did a quick search of the interior. He wasn’t there but his bed had been made. She paused in the kitchen area, studying the gun sitting on the surface of the table. He usually kept his weapons locked up. The security shutters were all down, blocking out the exterior light. It was odd. A prick of apprehension stabbed at her.

  She turned, going to the open door to peer out at the woods. It was late afternoon and the sun was going down fast. There was no sign of her dad or his car. She closed the door and locked it. There could be bears or other wildlife she didn’t want to meet up close and personal.

  She walked to the front and sat down in the driver’s seat. The bad feeling increased tenfold as she stared at the metal over the windshield and side doors. Why were they down? She turned on the CB and made sure it was on the channel her father usually used.

  “Dad? Come back. It’s Jadee.”

  She waited, hoping he was within range. The mountains were rugged and she doubted the antenna on top of this mobile tank would reach far. He might have gone to pick up supplies, but he’d been expecting her. Something was off.

  “Jadee? Is that you, hon?”

  The voice didn’t belong to her dad. Irritation rose. She identified that southern accent. “Mark?”

  “Where are you?”

  “Dad’s RV. Where is he?”

  “Lock the doors. Do it now.”

  “Don’t give me orders.” She leaned back as bitter memories of her childhood flashed through her mind. She always had that reaction to her father’s research partner. “Where is my dad? Is he with you?”

  “Listen to me, damn it! Lock the doors—and are the shutters down? Please tell me you didn’t open them. You’re in danger.”

  “I locked the door after I came inside.”

  “Are the shutters still down?”

  She stared at the thick metal. “Yes.”

  “Good. We didn’t know your father’s code to get inside. We’d hoped you would go there first and reach our camp before the sun went down.”


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