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Lost Page 7

by Ker Dukey

  Game one: Survival

  Angel knew how to find me. And that angered me. I needed to be in front of him, calling the way it was going to go. But this threat, this was to show me exactly who was in charge.

  And it wasn’t me.

  I groan as I climb out of the car, my bruised body making it difficult to move without pain flaring through me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Cole asks as we both walk up the stairs to Jarod’s apartment. Jarod had phoned me to say he’d found something that looked interesting. I was praying for a lead, silently asking God to give me something, anything that would get me closer to Summer.

  “Just bruised. I’ll be fine.”

  He scowls at me but before he can knock on Jarod’s door, it opens and the man himself is ushering us inside. He seems both scared and excited and it dawns on me just how much my friend is putting himself at risk for me, for my sister that he’s never met.

  He gestures us over to his many computers, the four screens doing something simultaneously that looks like something from the matrix.

  “What do you have?” Cole asks, wasting no time.

  “Huh, so you’re the Cole she referred to the other day?” He shakes his head, smirking.

  “You know each other?” I ask.

  “No,” Cole quickly butts in.

  “What the hell happened to you? Cole get a bit rough?” He smirks again until Cole pushes him and points to the computers.

  “What the fuck do you have?”

  “I got deeper into that chatroom and hooked onto a few of the members. Most of them seem like regular girls, men. However, I tracked three veiled IP’s to here.”

  He clicks on a few links and it brings up a website for a club. “The Crimson Apple?”

  He nods and turns to look at me over his shoulder. “According to what I can find out, it’s a kink club.”

  Cole shakes his head. “And?”

  Jarod cringes as if he’s uncomfortable. “It’s not your regular kink, they say they cater to ‘all tastes’. From what I can see there’s some pretty sick shit going off there. It’s on the dark web not found by your regular kinky couple.”

  “Sick as in?” I question.

  Jarod sucks in a long breath. “Underage stuff. Virginity auctions. That kind of shit.”

  “Why has this not come under my radar?” Cole murmurs, questioning himself.

  Bile coats my mouth. “Do you think Summer could have gone here? Is that what you’re telling me?”

  Jarod looks away, unable to look at me. “I don’t know, Winter. Maybe. I’m still looking, her laptop didn’t really give us anything. Her phone would be great if you can get your hands on that.”

  I shake my head and sigh. “As far as we can tell she took it with her. It’s never switched on; the police are checking that side of things.”

  “Shame,” he says under his breath.

  “Listen, Jarod,” I say with caution, making him look to me. “This is as far as we go.”

  He looks confused, his eyes narrowing on me. “What?”

  “He knows I’m after him,” I cringe, “It’s too risky now. If anything happened to you I’d never forgive myself.”

  Strangely, Jarod barks out a laugh. “Winter, I can look after myself, honey.”

  Cole shakes his head. “She’s right, this goes much deeper. I, we, appreciate all you’ve done but it ends now.”

  There’s an exchange of looks between Jarod and Cole and if I didn’t know better it was similar to a pissing contest. Both men glare, both try to outstare the other and both have something hot in their eyes. Jesus Christ!

  “Look,” I say cutting into their contest, “I’m just saying that you mean a lot to me, Jarod. I won’t risk you. I mean who would I come to when I need another fake ID?”

  Cole gawps at me with a wide mouth but Jarod and I share a secret wink.

  “Sorry, but I’ll continue here. I’m not trackable, Winter, so you needn’t worry. I promise I’ll be extra shady.”

  I sigh and roll my eyes in surrender. “Fine. But you check in with me constantly.”

  He presses two fingers to his temple. “Ma’am.”

  I mock glare at him. “When I’ve graduated I’m coming to arrest your ass.”

  He waves a hand at me and laughs. “Have to catch me first, little girl.”

  “I’ll just follow the trail of women’s panties,” I quip.

  “It’s only yours I keep.”

  Cole for some reason is standing in the open doorway. His face is tight as if he’s angry and his teeth are gnawing on his bottom lip. “When you two have finished.”

  Jarod smirks before spinning his chair around to face his numerous monitors. “I’ll keep you up to date, Detective Jennings.”

  Cole glares. We hadn’t made his job title known to Jarod, and his little sentence had just told Cole he was one step ahead.


  “Have you completely lost your fucking mind?”

  I blanch at Cole’s tone when his furious eyes scorch up and down my body. I pull at the tight leather top. It’s sweaty and making my boobs itch. “You can’t stop me, Cole. This is the closest lead we have. I need to check it out.”

  “You did hear what Jarod told you about the place?”

  I can understand his anger, but I also knew I would risk anything to find Summer, and he didn’t seem to understand that.

  “I’m aware of what they cater to,” I mumble as I pull out the small box at the bottom of my closet and stuff it into my purse before taking hold of another item.

  “Jesus H Christ!” Cole exclaims when he sees the fake ID I pull out.

  “Well I can’t really apply for membership under Winter Kelly, can I?” I scowl, “I don’t think I’d get out alive otherwise.”

  “You’re training to be a damn cop and you have four different fake ID’s stashed away, and God knows what else.”

  “Oh, simmer down!”

  The wind leaves my lungs when my back is slammed against the wall and Cole’s angry face comes within an inch of my own. “Simmer down! Are you for real? Stop acting like the stupid little girl and grow up, Win!”

  “Grow up!” I laugh at that. “Grow up? I’ve never had any other option, Cole.”

  “The way you’re going you’ll never enjoy adulthood anyway. This isn’t some piss poor amateur you’re toying with. This guy is as scary as they come. He won’t kill you, Winnie, he will fucking torture you, he will watch as he makes you bleed out for him.”

  I stare up at him, anger making me mute.

  But he scoffs and shakes his head. “Oh I’m sorry, I forgot, that’s your thing anyway, maybe that’s what you’re hoping for!”

  He hisses when I reach up and slap him. “How dare you! He has my sister, Cole. Whether or not he makes me fucking bleed doesn’t even come into it. As long as Summer is safe then he can do what the hell he wants to me!”

  “Don’t be so fucking naïve!” he spits, pressing me harder into the wall. “Pain and sex is nothing like real life pain. He won’t listen to your safe word, nor will he lap at your blood like a God damn puppy.”

  “I did wonder when you would bring up my sex life!” I’m furious. How dare he use what he heard against me? “Do you think I don’t know that? But what you don’t get, Cole, is that she is my sister. She deserves to live more than I do. She has her whole life ahead of her, she doesn’t remember her past, and I envy her that. She has the chance to live a normal life, not be drown constantly by memories that not only choke you from the inside but little by little take anything good inside you and demolish it!”

  He looks in pain, his eyes filling with a sadness that I haven’t seen there for a long time. I brace myself when he lifts his hand but when he places it softly on my cheek, I have to swallow back the emotion that’s clawing at my throat. “You’re so wrong, Win. You do deserve to be happy. And your past doesn’t control your future, you of all people should know that.”

  I blink, desperately
trying to force more tears back. All I seem to do is cry and tears weren’t helping find Summer. I needed to toughen up or I would never unearth the bravery to find her.

  “Come with me.” It’s all I can say, and aware that I’d cut off his direction, he pulls in a heavy breath and nods.

  Dropping his hands, he moves back, releasing his hold over me. “Fine.”

  I watch the movement of his muscular back as he makes his way across my place. “I’ll pick you up at ten. And for fuck’s sake, change your clothes!”

  Without another word, the door slams shut behind him.

  I toy with the idea of going alone but when memories of the scene in the hotel come back and haunt me, I wince and go change my clothes.

  The Crimson Apple turns out to be nothing like what I had expected. It was sleek and shiny, even under the soft lights scattered about the place.

  A heavyset man had narrowed his eyes on Cole and me as we stood in the main reception area waiting to be given the all clear, these clubs were cautious about their clientele and the only way to get a membership was to be recommended by a trusted member. When he gives us the nod and pushes open a door, Cole leans into me. “I think I just fell in love with Jarod too.”

  I smile to myself. Jarod had had the hindsight to hack into the Crimson Apple’s network and had taken a name off their clientele confidential list. After changing a few of said client’s details, he’d sent me a recommendation email ‘from’ the doctored client and, knowing how cautious the manager would be taking on a new couple, he’d changed the information with a cell number belonging to a burner phone he had. When Frank, the manager, had rang to verify the recommendation, Jarod had confirmed our authenticity.

  More soft lighting guided us down a long staircase, the plush red carpet under our feet muffling the sound of my towering heels. Cole rests his hand on the low of my back, steadying me as we follow Frank down. I swear he can hear the thump of my heart slamming against my ribs as silence echoes around us.

  Frank turns before he opens a door, his stern eyes still regarding us carefully. “You signed a Non-disclosure but I should warn you that we take confidentiality very seriously here.” He’s suspicious, I can see it in his glare, and even though he has every right to be, I hide my nerves and narrow my eyes.

  “I’m very pleased to hear that, because if I find out that my visit here has been leaked anywhere then I’m gonna sue your ass faster than some fucker in here can beat mine.”

  Cole stiffens beside me as Frank stares in shock. Then the slightest twitch of his lips and a small glint in his eyes lets me know I’ve got away with my blatant threat. His smile widens and he enters a number into a numeric keypad beside a set of double doors. “I’m tempted to be the one who’ll punish that nice little ass of yours.” His eyes swing to Cole who emits a small growl. “But I’m gathering your man here is very possessive.”

  Cole steps closer to me, his fingers threading through mine as he pulls me nearer to him. “Damn straight, you’re a very intuitive man.”

  Frank just chuckles, Cole’s deep rumble sliding over him as he pushes open the doors and signals for us to enter with a wave of his hand. “Enjoy The Apple. I’ll be around to see how you’re getting on later.”

  I hardly hear him through the raging whoosh of blood in my ears. We step into a huge round room. The ceiling is high and covered in an intricate array of murals, naked men and women of all shapes, sizes and colors are entwined in various sexual acts. The paintings are vivid, with strong colors and deep brush strokes making my eyes pop. Lowering my gaze slowly my heartrate peaks. It’s as if the scenes on the ceiling are reflected on the floor. Men and women of varying description are embroiled in the same acts, like a mirror image of the view above. Erotic sounds of slapping flesh, moans of pleasure and the hedonistic grunts of both men and women fill my ears. The undeniable fragrance of sex stings my nostrils, the heavy scent of lust filled sweat making my teeth slide into my bottom lip.

  I can feel the deep throb of Cole’s pulse against my wrist as his hand tightens in mine and he stares around the room with me.

  “Jesus.” His voice is low, gruff, and unable to answer him verbally I just nod slowly.

  We stand there for what seems like forever, just watching, just taking it all in and allowing our minds to come to terms with what our eyes are relaying to us. It’s like some sort of fantasy, stuff I could only ever have dreamed of.

  My curious stare moves around the room and I feel my pulse quicken when my eyes land on a large cage. Two women are tied to the bars by their wrists and feet, their legs wide open and their backs pressed deep into the steel rods as their bare breasts thrust forward with the position. One man joins them in the metal cell. He’s naked, apart from leather shorts and a matching black leather mask.

  Cole turns to me when I gasp. His eyes follow the direction of my stare and I hear him suck air through his teeth in a sharp hiss when the masked man swings a long leather strap towards the blond girl. Her back arches when the thrash connects with her breasts, a stripe of blood instantly surfacing and appearing garish against her pallid skin.

  I can’t hold back the burst of excitement that uncurls in my stomach. Sure that Cole can sense the restlessness of my own need, I pull on his hand. “Let’s take a look around.”

  He nods, this time his own voice hidden under the thickness of his wonder.

  I feel my cell vibrate in my purse and I pull it out, lowering the brightness in the dim room. I frown at Jarod’s text.

  Jarod: Managed to find a name that links the chat room and the club. Obsidian. That’s all I have for now but hope it helps. Stay safe.

  “Obsidian,” I say quietly, sounding the strange name on my tongue.

  Cole doesn’t seem to hear me as he pulls on my hand and directs me along a corridor that leads off the main area. Doors infrequently break the regularity of the deep red walls each side of the hallway, some open, some closed, some wide open, and some just open a little. Another door at the bottom leads to more stairs and we descend even lower, the lights becoming more muted the farther we navigate downwards.

  We emerge into another hallway but this time it feels different. I can’t put my finger on why or what but the air seems thicker, the deep rich character upstairs now swamped by a gravity that I can feel in my blood. Although my veins swell with the thickening consistency of the substance flowing through them, I can still feel the rush of adrenaline push it around my body at a rate that’s becoming alarming.

  Cole’s steps slow as we continue walking. About halfway along the corridor a number of men and women are stood looking through one of the large rectangular windows. Even from the distance between us I can see their chests lifting heavily, their lips parted to accommodate their deep inhalations. A woman has her back to a man and his hand is between her legs, her skirt hitched high as his arm moves rhythmically, pleasuring her roughly.

  Slightly unsure of what to expect, Cole and I venture closer with hesitation but when the window comes into view I swear the throb between my legs becomes strong enough for the other voyeurs to feel.

  The others hardly glance at us as their attention remains fixed on the act playing out in the room behind the window. The room is dimly lit but there are a few bulbs placed strategically so as to enhance the viewing aspect, and each light casts soft shadows across the walls and floor, making the exhibition more haunting.

  A naked woman is knelt with her forehead touching the floor. Her hands are bound together behind her back and her ankles are clasped in some sort of brace while her hair is pinned high on her head and her vision is restricted with a blindfold.

  A man paces around her, his fingertips brushing over her skin as he watches her attentively. For some reason I’m struck by how gentle and adoring his gaze on her is, he’s virtually praising her with just a look. From our position outside the room there’s no sound but I’m positive the couple are silent anyway. She’s breathing heavily, I can tell by how her back is arching in rhythm,
and there’s a sheen of sweat covering her skin, most probably from anticipation.

  The man bends at her ear and whispers something to her. She smiles softly and nods. It’s all very intimate, very personal even though there are a group of people watching every single second of their interaction.

  But then everything changes.

  He kneels behind her and very gently he runs a finger down the length of her spine, tracing each groove tenderly. With his other hand he grasps the nape of her neck and pushes her face flat to the floor, holding her down firmly, before he runs something down the skin on her back. I squint, trying to see what he has. When bubbles of blood pop to the surface of her skin my mouth falls open.

  The man has some sort of implement. It’s like a wheel with spikes, sharp pinnacles that pierce her flesh as he runs it heavily over her body. She squirms beneath him, her body curving and lifting towards him, but it’s with thrill not discomfort. I know.

  He replaces his hand with his foot, pushing her face more harshly into the unforgiving concrete floor as he digs the tool deeper and she twists her body in pleasure, the look of ecstasy on her face making my blood heat. I can practically feel her fight to hold back her orgasm until her master allows it, she’s panting, her face screwed up with need.

  I’m suddenly aware of Cole’s grip on my hand when I feel the sweat covering my palm make our hands slide. I daren’t look at him in case he can see the hunger in my eyes, or sense the potency of my suffering.

  “Ah, just the couple.”

  Cole and I turn, blinking in surprise when Frank strolls up to us. There’s a look I can’t decipher in his eyes, but it looks a little like contempt.

  The other few people stood with us take a glance at him and then go back to watching the scene play out. I’m almost disappointed that I don’t get to see the climax when Frank requires our attention.

  “How are you liking my club?”

  Cole just nods, “Seems what we’re looking for.”

  Frank swings his eyes my way. “And you, pretty thing?”


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