Black Rose

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Black Rose Page 21

by Bone, K. L.

  He reached forward and placed his large hands just below her slender wrists, taking them firmly within his grasp. He pulled her forward, moving her to a seated position upon the bed. He towered over her from the seated position.

  “Edward…” But her words fell silent as he reached down, placing a finger under her chin and raising her gaze to meet his. His eyes searched her features with a haunted expression and she felt her words become trapped within her throat. “Please,” she managed to whisper. “Help me.”

  He moved his hand to the side of her face, running the tips of his fingers lightly over her pale skin. “Edward,” she whispered his name. His fingers traced their way slowly down her cheek and, brushing back several strands of her dark hair before tracing the outline of her full lips, parting them slightly as he continued to stare down at her.

  Then his hand slid lower, down her neck to pause at the hollow of her throat and Mara wondered if he could feel the frantic beat of her heart. She closed her eyes as his hand slid even lower, reaching the edge of her silk dress. He traced the silk edge to her shoulders where he suddenly jerked the outer robe from her shoulders, exposing even more of her pale skin.

  “Edward, don’t,” she protested, but her voice was lacking the conviction she had hoped to convey. He froze at her words, but did not pull back. He searched her body with nothing but with his gaze, which slid slowly up and down her still form as she sat motionlessly on the large bed, the light of the flames illuminating her pale skin. He reached forward, capturing her slender wrists in his hand and pushed her down on the bed. Edward pushed with such strength that Mara knew she would need to forcefully resist to break his hold. She allowed him to push her down, the satin of her gown sinking into the thick blankets.

  “Please.” Her voice again arose soft and insecure. “Edward,” she whispered, not knowing if she was pleading for him to stop, or to never let her go.

  He moved his hand towards her left cheek and traced her features with the tips of his fingers. Her high, blushed cheeks, her sharp chin, the hollow of her throat. His fingers explored her possessively as his gaze bore through her violet eyes, directly into her soul.

  Mara’s heart was beating frantically under his possessive touch. His finger dug against the racing pulse in the side of her neck, all the while, keeping his other hand wrapped tightly around her wrists which fit easily inside his large grasp. She gazed as his other hand trailed lower, sliding along the edge of her low-cut gown.

  Resisting the overwhelming urge to completely abandon herself to Edward’s control, Mara parted her lips to protest his invasion of her body, when Edward’s hand dipped lower to cup her breast through the thin, satin material. She gasped at the touch, nerves awakening which she had previously thought long dead. Her heart increased its already rapid pace as his hand slid under the dress, slowly ripping the material that had clung to her body.

  Mara squirmed at the sound of the ripping material, causing Edward to increase the pressure on her wrists to a point that pulled a slight cry of pain from her lips. She attempted to rise, but Edward was having none of it, and ripped her gown further, completely exposing her breasts to his wild gaze. There was something primal in his movements, a need which boarded upon desperation; and one which Mara was unable to refuse. Every protest was driven from her mind as Edward’s hand explored her exposed flesh, his fingers sliding in circles around the soft tissue before enclosing upon her hardening nipples.

  Her body jerked at his touch, her nerves set aflame by the touch of his skin against her taut flesh. His fingers tweaked the nipple of her right breast, drawing a gasp from deep in her throat. He slid his body further on the bed, pressing his weight against her own, trapping her more firmly against the bed. He dipped his head and pressed her mouth against unresisting lips before finally releasing his grasp on Mara’s wrists. She raised her arms to wrap them around Edward’s neck as he leaned forward and offered a deep, passionate kiss.

  Her breathing became labored and her body tightened. She kissed him harder, pulling a low moan from the man laying above her.

  Then Edward pulled back enough to stare into her violet eyes. In a deep voice that was tinged with the promise of all that was to come, Edward spoke a single word: “Liza.”

  Chapter XLIV

  The sound of Liza’s name brought Mara’s passion to a halt. Of course Edward would want to take her to his bed—Mara, the spitting image of a dead Princess. How could she have thought for a single moment that it was not for her but for Liza alone to whom Edward had ultimately given his heart? Liza, who his fingers had once held so tenderly. Liza, for whom his very heart had once beaten—his long lost love.

  Edward’s hand slid back toward Mara’s full breasts, but all the passion that had flowed through her so magnificently only moments before had vanished. Edward paused and looked down upon Mara’s now still form as realization dawned. Mara saw the look as one of confusion that quickly turned to horror as his gaze travelled from her bruised wrists to her torn dress. He shook his head as though in disbelief and finally said, “Mara?”

  Mara’s heart broke even further at the confused tone which emanated from Edward’s voice. Tears threatened her eyes, but she did not allow them to fall. Instead she drew a deep breath and said, “Yes, Edward. It’s me; it’s Mara.”

  “Oh my Gods! What did I almost—” He searched her gaze.

  “It’s okay, Edward,” she said softly, moving her hand to his left cheek, gazing up at him from where she lay. “It is okay.”

  “No.” He shook his head, the frustration slowly filtering through his voice. “Why…why am I constantly hurting you? Why is she gone? Why?” He drew a ragged breath. Mara moved her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down against her. His weight was almost crushing, but she ignored this, instead holding him tightly against her.

  “It. Is. Not. Okay.” He spoke through clenched teeth. His body trembled against hers. “She’s gone. She’s just…” He drew a deep breath. Mara twisted her arms to the best of her ability to run her fingers through the edge of Edward’s dark hair.

  He pulled back at her touch and rose to a seated position on the side of the bed. He gazed down at her, his eyes pouring over her exposed flesh. “Oh Gods, what have I done? I almost…” He found her gaze. “Mara, I…”

  Mara sat up beside him, pulling her gown up high enough to cover her breasts. She placed her hand on Edward’s upper arm. “Please, Edward,” she spoke firmly, “don’t apologize.”

  “But I hurt you. I am always hurting you.”

  Mara felt her lips tremble as she stared into Edward’s broken eyes. “Not half as much as you will hurt me if you apologize for what just happened.”

  “But I forced—”

  “You did no such thing!” Mara rose to her knees, moving both hands to opposite sides of Edward’s face. Struggling to control her voice, Mara focused her attention to the man in front of her.

  “She is gone,” Mara said slowly. “Liza is gone. There is nothing in the power of men or Gods that can return her to you. I would give my blood, my life, my very soul to bring her back, but I can’t, Edward. No force in this world can. But, Edward, I am here.” She paused, forcing herself to draw breath as she lost her battle and tears began to gather in the corner of her eyes. “I love you, Edward. I love you, but you’re not here.” Her hand caressed his cheek in an involuntary act. “You’re gone and it breaks my heart every time I look into your eyes.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “You once said that you would always come for me, Edward. Now, I am begging you, please, my love. Come back to me.”

  She stared at him across a vast abyss that could not be seen, only felt. She stared through several deep, trembling breaths before finally speaking in a resigned voice. “I will wait,” she finally stated, “until I draw my last breath.” She gathered herself from the bed and walked slowly towards the large stone doors.

  Chapter XLV

  A few days later the Royal entourage arrived. Mara rode with Garreth on t
he five hour journey to the edge of the kingdom where they awaited the arrival of the Prince of the Muir Court. There were fifteen members of the guard in their welcome party, and would be joined by members of the Prince’s own honor guard upon their arrival. Meetings such as this one tended to occur once every five years. It was a way for the two courts to appear on good terms while privately scheming to overthrow each other the moment the meetings were over. It was a game they had been playing for over a thousand years.

  The line between kingdoms had been drawn along the edge of a large forest. It took a half hour before the other party materialized, emerging from the large, lush forest. Astride large black stallions, Mara and Garreth moved their respective mounts several paces ahead of the general entourage. From across the field, two members of the Muir Court did the same.

  The Crown Prince of the Muir Court was easily recognizable. Tall with blond hair and deep blue eyes touched by the sea, he portrayed a level of power not easily mistaken for anything but one of royal blood. Astride a white horse, the Prince was garbed in a black, long-sleeved shirt under a full-length dark blue coat with silver trim. Beside him rode his Captain, Erik, in a blue shirt which was a perfect match for the black outfits worn by members of the Ciar Court Guard. The riders slowed their pace as they approached the center of the field, eventually pulling their horses to a complete stop.

  “Greetings, Prince Nicholi,” Garreth said to the Royal.

  “Greetings,” the Prince replied, eying the two riders. “I see the Captain did not see fit to come himself.”

  “The Captain of the Queen’s Guard belongs by her side,” Mara answered quickly.

  Nicholi gave a nod. “Well, at least he sent his prettier half. How are you, Princess Mara?”

  “That is not a title to which I answer, your Highness. As you are well aware.”

  “Ah, but it could be.” Nicholi gave a small chuckle. “Or even Queen if you prefer, once I am seated upon my father’s throne.”

  “Sub-Captain or Lady will suffice.”

  The Prince stared at her intently for a moment, then he shook his head with another small laugh. “As stubborn as ever. The man between your sheets must be a lucky one indeed.”

  “Luckier than you.” She offered a tight smile.

  “Ha! Yes, indeed.”

  It was here that Garreth interrupted. “Shall we move this conversation closer to the palace? There is still a bit of a journey ahead of us.”

  “Of course, Sub-Captain,” the Prince replied. “Let us not keep your Queen waiting.”

  Mara turned her horse and took a position just to the right of the Prince, her rightful place as one of the chosen Royal escorts while Erik and Garreth rode on his left. They rode at a steady pace for several hours, reaching the palace grounds as night was just beginning to drown out the colors of day. They were then greeted at the door by Phillip who informed the tired party that refreshments had been prepared for their arrival and that the guest chambers had been prepared to receive the courts visitors.

  “Good,” Nicholi smiled. “I am much too exhausted to deal with matter of state tonight anyway.”

  “Yes,” Phillip replied. “The Queen imagined that might be the case. She has asked that you enjoy yourself for the night and said to tell you that she shall call upon you at first light.”

  The Prince nodded and moved toward an escort who was to lead him to his prepared chambers, when he suddenly stopped and turned back to where Mara stood several paces to his right. “Care to join me?” he asked with a crude smile. Mara remained silent until he gave a wink. “Well, you know where I am if you change your mind.” Then he turned and, soon after, vanished into the hallway beyond.

  “Bastard,” a voice said unexpectedly. Mara turned in surprise to see it was the Prince’s own Captain who had spoken. “It’s true. If you had any idea…” He shook his head. “Steer clear of him, Mara.”

  “These hallways have ears,” she cautioned him. “But then again, I have a feeling you already know this.”

  “Still, my warning remains the same. Be careful, my Lady.”

  She drew a deep breath and then stated. “Thank you, my Lord. I have no intention of doing otherwise.”

  Mara rose early the next morning, before dawn, and went to find Phillip. However, when she finally reached his chamber doors, it was to find him still in bed. “Phillip,” she called, entering his chambers without bothering to announce herself. “Did you oversleep?”

  “What?’ he mumbled groggily. “I’m not on duty today.”

  “What do you mean? The Prince of the Muir Court is here. Edward ordered us to stay by the Queen’s side at all times.”

  “Hmmm.” He forced his eyes open. “Did he change his mind again?”

  “His mind?”

  “Edward told me last night that he was going to take the shift himself.”

  Mara’s heart skipped a beat. “He what?”

  Fully awake, Phillip rose to a seated position. “Edward said he was going to watch over the Queen today.”

  Mara stared at him incredulously

  “I know, it surprised me, too. But, well…he is the Captain.” He leaned closer to where Mara stood. “What is it?”

  She stared at him for several moments and finally asked. “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course. Mara, what is going on?”

  “Get dressed,” came her response. “Stand on the Guard detail anyway.”

  “I knew it! Something happened when you went to see Edward. Brendan said he thought he heard you yelling.”

  “Brendan should learn not to report on his superiors,” Mara answered curtly. “Are you coming or not?”

  “Well, since I am already awake.”

  Mara turned to leave the room when he called after her. “I’ll only ask this once. I don’t know what you did to get Edward out of that room, but…are you okay?”

  She stared back at him and finally said, “No,” before stepping quickly from the room.

  Chapter XLVI

  Less than an hour later, Mara was standing along the outer doors of the Queen’s private chambers. Normally, she would be inside receiving last minute instructions, but today that task was Edward’s. “Strange, isn’t it?” Phillip asked from beside her. “To not be the one bound to her side. Almost feels like a demotion.”

  “A relief is more like it,” she replied for him alone.

  “Then why don’t you look more relaxed?”

  “Do I not?” She attempted to concentrate, but her mind kept flickering to the last time Edward has been brought before the Queen

  “Mara?” Phillip interrupted her thoughts.

  “Sorry. What did you say?”

  Concern crossed his features. “My Lady, why don’t you take the day off instead? I will help Edward with the Queen and there is no need to have three Captains in the room. Two will more than suffice.”

  “No,” she answered far too quickly. “I am fine.”

  He searched her eyes. “I am not certain that you are. Should I make your dismissal a command?”

  “Don’t.” She drew a sharp breath. “Please, Phillip. I need to be here. I have to.”

  He considered her for a moment, then nodded. “All right, but watch yourself today, my Lady. The Queen will be on her best behavior with the Prince here. Everything will be fine. I…”

  “Don’t promise. Just…don’t.”

  “Okay. No promises.”

  They turned to silence as they waited until, finally, the door opened and Edward emerged. “Phillip.” He addressed the older man first. “I thought I gave you the day off.”

  “Yes, Captain. However, I thought, given the company to be received today, that the appearance of another Sub-Captain would not be deemed inappropriate.” Edward nodded, seeming to accept this answer before turning his gaze to Mara.

  “The Guard is ready, Captain. They await your command.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, but did not meet her violet eyes.

  A short time la
ter, the Prince arrived with several of his guardsmen and Royal advisors. “Ah,” the Prince said as he approached. “The long-lost Captain makes his appearance at last, and with my future bride by his side.”

  Mara felt herself visibly stiffen. “Tell me, Princess, was it for the ability to carry a sword you surrendered your crown? Or was it instead for license to stand between two such as these?” He motioned to the men who stood beside her.

  Mara did not answer, but instead allowed Edward to take the lead. “The Queen awaits you in the study, your Highness. If you would follow us this way.” He turned, leading the Prince through a set of doors to their right and into the Queen’s private study. It was a large room lined with rows of books and old rolls of parchment. A large fireplace burned against the far wall where multiple chairs had been placed for the honored guests. The Queen stood a few paces in front of them, dressed in a full length gown of black velvet with a scooped neckline and silver trim. A matching silver crown graced her brow and her long dark hair laid straight down her back. Sometimes it still amazed Mara how young and beautiful her Aunt appeared; and how strikingly similar to Mara’s own reflection.

  Mara took her place beside the door as the Prince stepped forward to bow before the Queen. “Greetings, your Majesty. May the blessings of the Muir Court be upon you.”

  “The same to you of the Ciar,” the Queen replied before motioning to the chairs behind her. “Shall we sit and speak together?”

  The Prince nodded his consent before moving to take the offered seat. The two royals exchanged polite pleasantries until the conversation eventually shifted to matters of state. Edward, who stood on the opposite side of the room only a few paces from the Queen, stood as still as Mara had ever seen him. There was a tension to his frame, a tightness in the way his hand clutched the top of his silver blade. He caught her gaze and she suddenly found herself unable to look away. When was the last time he had looked at her like that? Was it before Liza had died? Or perhaps before that, before Liza had even been born? Liza had changed him—had changed them all really. Made them softer, more gentle. Now, that softness was but an ancient memory.


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