Admit You Miss Me: A Surrogate Pregnancy Romance (Irresistible Billionaires Book 1)

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Admit You Miss Me: A Surrogate Pregnancy Romance (Irresistible Billionaires Book 1) Page 14

by Ajme Williams

  “She's going to hate it. Her son, finding a woman that he loves and starting a family with her, without her approval? Like a normal person? You might give her an aneurysm.”

  I had thought about all of this. I had been thinking about it a lot more lately, the better things had been going with Brenna. There was no endpoint to this. Brenna was staying in my life. she and my mother were going to have to get along. Brenna was already kind of weary of her, with good reason. I knew, however, that she would do her best to be polite and civil around her. My mother didn't have that. She was the queen of putting on her best behavior when she was talking to someone she wanted to impress, but with people she thought were beneath her, she could be ruthless.

  “I can't let her run my life anymore. She wanted an heir from me to safeguard the family fortune and I'll give it to her, but only on my terms. Brenna is the woman of my choice, and our baby is going to be raised by two people who love her. If my mother has a problem with that, then, she might just have to grow up without a grandmother.”

  Niall whistled. “Where did all these balls come from?” he asked me. “You used to just take her bullshit back in the day. Not even that long ago, just like a month ago even. What changed?”

  Everything had changed. I had gone from jaded and hopeless about my mother's expectations from me to finding the love of my life again and starting a family with her. I had done a total one-eighty in just a matter of weeks, and I was happier and more satisfied than I had ever been. I didn't realize that getting my life headed in the direction I actually wanted it to go could do that to me. I honest-to-god did not care.

  “Everything fell into place. I have the family that I want with the woman that I love and my mother doesn't have to lose sleep anymore thinking about the state of the family fortune. If she wants to be part of her granddaughter’s life, this is the way it's going to happen.”

  Niall’s eyebrow went up. “Granddaughter?”

  “It’s still too early to tell. I just have a feeling that it's a girl.”

  “Well, I can't wait to meet her. Congratulations, and best of luck dealing with Veronica.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. Now that you finally have your shit in order, I don't have to worry about taking over the title from you.” Even as a new-born my child would have better leadership and administrative skills than Niall. Nobody wanted to see him ascend the title.

  “Find yourself a woman, Niall. Great experience. Highly recommend.”

  Niall stood up, sighing. His face darkened and he looked down.

  “I’ll leave that to you.”

  “No one special in your life right now?”

  “No. Women are great for a night or two but that’s my limit,” he said.

  “You sure it isn’t just you barking up the wrong trees?”

  He looked up, looking weary all of a sudden. “Oh no. If she’s looking for a ring, I’m not buying it. I’m gonna go get a drink. I don’t think there’s any point in asking you to join me?”

  I told him I was busy, and then I was going home to Brenna. I watched his back as he walked out. I always thought that he’d eventually get tired of living life the way he did. One-night stands and meaningless flings with women he’d never contact again. I thought that if he was going to do it so much, he must at least enjoy it. It didn’t sound like that though. It sounded like he had something to hide too and he was drowning his sorrows in pussy and booze.

  He was next. I wouldn’t do it like my mother liked to do but I’d help him find someone. Look what finding Brenna again did to me? He deserved it.



  “Miss Brenna?”

  I looked up from the book that I was reading. Freya, the housekeeper was standing at the entrance of the living room from the entryway.

  “Yes, Freya?”

  “Your guest has…”

  She was going to say that my guest had arrived, but my guest beat her to it. Iris, the doula blew into the living room past a frazzled Freya.

  “Brenna, it's such a pleasure to see you again.” She came right up and gathered me in a tight hug. I laughed because I didn't know what else to do at that moment.

  “Iris, it's great to see you too.”

  “Let me look at you,” she said holding me at arm's length. I wasn't showing yet, it was going to be another few months before that happened, but the way she looked me up and down, even walking around me to get the three-sixty made me a little self-conscious.

  “Marvellous,” she said, plopping down on the sofa. “Come now, we have a lot to discuss.” She waved Freya away when she tried to offer us refreshments. I gave the housekeeper an apologetic look as she retreated to the kitchen.

  “So,” she said, “tell me everything.”

  Well, there wasn't that much to tell. I was only about six weeks in. My symptoms were pretty good. I was getting the changes in appetite, the fatigue, a little bit of heartburn and indigestion too, but I had gotten almost zero nausea or morning sickness. Iris nodded, listening to me attentively. She pulled some charts and books out of the bag she walked in with.

  On one of the charts was a graphical illustration of what each week of the 1st trimester felt like. Apparently, my baby was only about as big as a pea pod. Even though that was the case, they had a heartbeat already and were beginning to develop distinct facial features. Besides the trip to the fertility clinic where I actually learned that I was pregnant, we had not yet gone in for our first doctor's appointment. I hadn't seen an ultrasound, so Iris’s help was really valuable.

  I had read a lot of stuff online already, but it was different looking stuff up by myself online and actually talking to a professional. It was like when you actually went to a real doctor, even after searching the hell out of your symptoms on WebMD.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” she said.

  “So, I don't know if this is normal, but I've had to pee so much lately. I don't drink any more fluids than I used to, at least I don't think so, but I have to go so much.”

  Iris smiled, maternally almost. I felt a little silly for asking.

  “It’s one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms, dear, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I’d say I have something to worry about,” I joked. It was more than a little bit annoying having to get up every couple of hours to go to the bathroom, again. Especially at work. To be honest, it was getting a little bit embarrassing.

  “What is happening is the blood flow to the entire region has increased,” Iris said. “Yes, you need to urinate a lot more frequently, but on the plus side, a lot of women report a spike in their libido as well.”

  I blushed like I was fourteen and my mother was trying to give me the sex talk. Iris caught it and laughed.

  “Yes, it is completely safe to carry on your sex life while pregnant,” she said without me prompting. “As the pregnancy progresses, some positions and activities may become harder but listen to your body. Don’t do anything that causes you discomfort. In your second trimester, it’s going to get harder to do it on your back and of course, easy on the kink.” She added a wink at the end of that. I blushed harder.

  “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Brenna,” she reached for one of my hands and held it in both of hers. “I’m here for you. Anything you need, anything you’re curious about, I’m here to clear the air for you. Nothing is off-limits and no question is a stupid question.” I nodded. I appreciated what she was saying but I was having a little trouble letting go. I grew up an only child and for the last few years, I had been solely in charge of caring for my mother while keeping my life afloat.

  I wasn’t used to reaching out to people for help, even when they offered it to me. Iris was trying to be my friend. This was going to be good for me. I still wasn’t used to all the ways my life was changing but I was going to give it a shot. What did I have to lose?

  We talked about what I got to look
forward to during the coming months of my pregnancy. She showed me a bunch of devices I could have at home to monitor my baby’s heartbeat and techniques to estimate their growth and size. She was a mother herself but all her kids were grown, a little younger than I was. It felt good to know that I was supported by someone who knew more than me and was so, so nice.

  It was a lot to take in at once, the next nine months were going to be a trip but I felt like as long as she was there for the ride, I could probably take it. If nothing else, I’d have a good laugh while we were at it.

  She had called ahead and asked, or rather told me that we were going to be doing yoga today. Exercise was important through pregnancy and yoga was a good low impact exercise that allegedly helped open you up for the delivery.

  I had never done yoga. I told her we could use one of the rooms on the highest floor so we weren’t in the way. She waited for me while I changed and I met her up there. I heard music playing as I approached. I peered into the room. She was sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat on the floor with her eyes closed. I stalled at the door, hesitating because I almost felt like I was bothering her.

  “Come join me, Brenna,” she said. I jumped. Jesus Christ, how did she know I was there?

  I padded slowly into the room.


  I sunk down to the mat across from her.

  “We’ll start here,” she said. I crossed my legs and placed my hands on my knees. “Yoga is fantastic for pregnant women. While being low impact, it’s effective for letting you connect with your body and deepens the relationship between mother and child.” She got up and put her hands on my shoulders.

  “Breathe in deeply, roll your shoulders back… good, now roll forward,” she said, pushing me forward toward the floor. I grunted. I was so out of shape it wasn’t even funny. “Yoga during pregnancy can help you calm anxiety, improve your sleep and even reduce pain during childbirth.”

  She took her hand off my back so I could creak back upright. I felt dizzy.

  “How often do I need to do this?”

  “I would recommend a few times a week. Come on. On your knees, spread them… good, now lean forward again until your forehead hits the ground… or as close as you can get, don’t strain yourself.” I huffed, pushing myself down towards the ground.

  “I don’t think this is working.”

  “This movement will open up the hips and is especially good during the last trimester when the baby has descended.”

  “Then why am I doing it now?” I huffed, out of breath even though I wasn’t technically moving.

  “It’s just your first session. Let’s try this,” she said. She got on the mat and demonstrated. I flopped to the ground and rolled out of my pose with all the grace of a penguin on land.

  “Brenna? I was looking for you. What are you two doing up here?”

  Perfect, the moment I am sweaty, distressed and ugly is the one when Charlie decides to show up. I shuffled up into a sitting position, peeling back the hair that got stuck to my temples with sweat. Sweat. I was sweating and I hadn’t even gone anywhere.

  “Iris thought she’d teach me some yoga,” I said. “It’s good for the baby or something.”

  “Would you like to join us, Charlie?” Iris asked. Charlie cocked a brow.

  “If it’s supposed to be good for the baby then why should I have to do it?” he asked.

  “Coward,” I said under my breath.

  “Who are you calling a coward?” he asked.

  “Why should I be the only one suffering?” I said. “I’m doing all the hard work if you think about it.”

  He laughed. “I think you’re complaining too much. How hard could it be?”

  “Get down here and let’s find out,” I said.

  Charlie looked at me with challenge in his eyes. “Fine. Give me five minutes. I’ll change.”

  “You better make him suffer,” I said to Iris once he was gone. She laughed and winked at me. Charlie walked back into the room in some basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt. I got up and let him take my mat.

  “We’re not doing it together?” he asked.

  “No, this is all you. She already put me through the wringer,” I said. He rolled his eyes.

  “Okay, what do I do? This shit, right?” he said, sitting with his legs crossed and making an exaggerated meditation chant.

  “I think we should try the pigeon pose. Men like you who work at desks have notoriously stiff hips and backs. Let’s open that all up,” she said.

  “You ever done yoga before?” I asked him. He groaned as he folded one of his legs in front of him on the mat.

  “How hard could it be. It's stretching. It's not even a real workout. No offense,” he added for Iris. She chuckled softly.

  “None taken. Now, stretch this other leg behind you, straight.”

  “What?” he asked. He was already getting a sheen of sweat on his forehead. He grunted as Iris forced his other leg straight behind him. He held the pose, badly, for about ten seconds before he tumbled to the mat.

  I laughed. “I thought you were in shape.”

  “I am,” he said, hilariously defensive. “This is… I don’t know. The human body isn’t meant to move like that.”

  “Should we move on?” Iris suggested. I thought I was bad at yoga. I was but I was a level ten pro compared to Charlie and his ridiculously stiff joints. I watched Iris attempt to get him into more poses until he conquered even her endless positivity with his ineptitude.

  “I’ll be back next week and we can take it from there. Brenna, looking forward to seeing you again. Charlie… perhaps I’ll leave the mats here so you can practice.”

  I burst out laughing when she left the room.

  “She just gave up on you,” I said, between chuckles.

  “She did not,” Charlie said, pouting. “She realized that some people just aren’t built for yoga. She was wasting her time doing it with me anyway. You’re the pregnant one.”

  “It's okay to suck at something the first time you try it. Being afraid of sucking is what stands in the way of trying new things.”

  “Mm,” he said. He was on his back on the mat where Iris just handed his ass to him. I joined him on the other one. “Any more nuggets of wisdom for me Deepak Chopra?”

  “Drink plenty of water and always back up your data.”

  He laughed. “I did well for my first time. I’ve never done it before. Many people wouldn’t be able to bend over and touch their toes.”

  “You weren’t able to bend over and touch your toes.”

  “But I almost did. Whatever. I was a receptive and focused student even if my body has its limits.”

  “You looked like Frankenstein’s monster if he was a contortionist and also tripping on mushrooms at the same time,” I said, laughing. He leaned over me and attacked me with tickles to my ribs and waist. I shrieked, trying to wriggle away from him. He pinned me to the ground, straddling me so that I couldn’t move at all. I looked up at him. The light, giggly mood dissipated. Charlie looked down at me, taking plenty of time to ogle at my tits.

  “You know. I hear yoga is most effective when done naked.”

  I giggled. “Oh really? I thought you didn’t know anything about yoga. Who told you that?”

  “It was Iris in fact,” he said. He was speaking with so much authority, someone who didn’t know his sense of humor would think he was serious.

  “It’s a powerful bonding ritual for couples expecting children together.”

  “Oh, I see,” I said, humoring him. “Take me through some poses then.”

  He smirked. “This is the first one,” he said, “clearly, we’ve mastered it. Now, let’s up the intensity.”

  “I think I know one,” I said.

  He cocked a brow. “Which one is that?” he asked. I didn’t tell him, just pulled him in so we were kissing. I pulled him in so part of his weight was resting on me. It was cute to begin with, but how long was I supposed to last when Charlie, sweaty and
disheveled from his first ever yoga class was on top of me, very rapidly getting hard?

  He pulled my top off and it was a two-man job getting the sports bra off. I laughed as he tried to get it off without hurting me. His clothes came off much easier. Pretty soon we were rolling around the floor like a couple of dogs in the grass.

  “What position is this,” he asked, as I straddled him.

  “Cowgirl,” I said, grinning.

  “Not quite. You have to make sure you…” he trailed off with a groan when I slid him inside me. He watched me, grinning as I rode him. “That’s right. You got it now.”

  “Yeah?” I asked. “Like this?”

  Our bodies moved in perfect harmony. I threw my head back, bouncing on his cock. He reached up palming my breast. I felt so naughty. The door was open and we were in one of the guest bedrooms. We weren’t alone in the house. Freya or even Jerry could end up walking in on us but why did that make it hotter?

  I stopped bouncing and rolled my hips instead, grinding on him.

  He suddenly sat up, so fast I almost fell off his lap.

  “Not good?” I asked. He grinned, kissing me.

  “Just trying a different pose is all.”



  I flipped us over so she was on the mat. Her hair pooled around her head like a halo. She laughed as I moved on top of her. Now, this I was good at. If this was all yoga was then we wouldn’t have a problem at all.

  “What’s this one called?” she gasped.

  “This one,” I leaned back and pulled her legs up before sliding back inside. I stopped, sighing. I’d die happy if it happened right now. She was perfect in every way. I was supposed to fuck her, nobody else. “Is my finishing move.”

  I reached for her clit, she moaned and pushed into my hand.

  “Right there. Just like that,” she whispered. I watched her. I loved catching the moment she finally got her release. It probably gave me as much pleasure as it gave her. I loved being able to make her come. I worshipped her body, I wanted her to know just what she did to me. She was made for me.


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