Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1)

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Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1) Page 5

by Tricia Andersen

  She heaved a quiet sigh. Last night still baffled her. Normally when she had sex with the handful of guys she had been with, they were only in it to get physical. No connection, no emotion. Fucking was for gratification.

  But last night, Caleb got to her soul. She felt him there, a light burning. It made her need more from him that what hung between his legs. She needed all of him, his breath, his soul.

  His love.

  She frowned as she stared at his back. Am I falling in love with him?

  Meg touched the intricate design with her fingertips. Then she leaned to him and pressed her lips against his skin, curling her body against his. He shifted in his sleep. She kissed his shoulder and then crawled out of bed to find something to drink. She picked up the T-shirt he had been wearing the night before and tugged it on over her head before she sauntered out of the bedroom.

  The cabin was small but beautiful. It held much of the characteristics of the man still sleeping in the other room. She passed a bathroom of dark mint tile and chocolate brown linens. The sofa and chair were also chocolate brown, each draped with a red and black rustic throw. The tables in the living room were unfinished wood. Bookcases lined one full wall and were filled with books of every genre. A smaller bedroom served as an office, complete with three desktop computers resting on black and stainless steel furniture. This room was decorated with photos from his previous fights and old MMA equipment. A small kitchenette held a small refrigerator and stove.

  She opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. She scooped the T-shirt beneath her butt and then sat on the couch. Twisting the top off, she took a sip. She noticed the books lying on the coffee table. The covers were worn and ancient. Picking one up, she opened it. Sketched pictures of large beasts were on each page. She squinted to read the faded print. “Werewolves?” she questioned to herself.

  She looked up at the other tomes. Each bore the same subject. One was opened, the pages covered with the same sketches. She laughed to herself. “This guy is into werewolves. He’s fucking obsessed.”

  “You’re still here?”

  Meg spun in her seat to find Caleb leaning against the wall dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. He grinned at her.

  “Good morning to you, sunshine,” she replied. “You’re already dressed.”

  “I’m going for a jog. I have a fight with your boyfriend. Remember?”

  Meg paused. “Ex.”

  “We’re back to ‘ex’ now?”

  She motioned to the books. “What are these? You have a sick obsession with werewolves.”

  Caleb looked away. “A little research.”

  “Well, let’s see what makes the mind of Caleb Hallow tick.” She stood and picked up the open volume. “Hmm, where did we leave off? It looks like you’ve left off with werewolf mating.” Her voice trailed off. She scoured the words on the page. She tossed the book on the coffee table and stood to face him. “You don’t think you’re a werewolf, do you?”

  “I don’t think it. I’m a werewolf. So are my brothers. I tried to tell you when I told you we were mated. But you took off like a bat out of hell.”

  “That’s insane.”

  “You drove up here in the middle of the night to sleep with me after you got all pretty for your boyfriend. You don’t like me. Why would you do that?”

  She stared at him, stunned at his words. I don’t like him? “I told you, ex.”


  She stormed past him to the bedroom as thoughts raged in her head. The sudden tattoo. That mysterious magnetism. Her lack of interest in Austin. What he said made sense. But werewolves aren’t real. I’m not stupid. She yanked the shirt off and then grabbed her clothes. She didn’t think she could dress faster. “So what? You change into some beast?”

  “Every full moon. Unless, of course, I control the change and stay like this. But it feels like my insides are being ripped out so I try not to prevent it. The only other time someone stopped the change was when Micah was sedated as a kid. He rammed his head into a tree. Someone knocked him out with a tranquilizer and he turned back into a human. The pain in his gut was too much. He threw up for three days afterward."

  She strode back to the living area. “Caleb, this is ridiculous. I don’t know why you are making this crazy story up.”

  He exhaled slowly. “Go home, Meg. It’s been fun. Really. But I have things to do.” He walked past her out the door. As his foot hit the bottom step, he broke out into a run and disappeared among the trees.

  Meg shuffled out of the cabin, closing the door behind her. She glanced at the men watching her as she made her way to the car. Werewolves? They were all werewolves? The whole thing was too much. Her heart slammed in her chest. The man she shared her body with? The man she slept beside? A vicious, killing beast? She jumped into her car and sped down the lane.

  She didn’t remember the trip through the forest. She shook in fear. Was it that Caleb was that deranged to believe he could be a werewolf? Or was it that he could actually be one? She didn’t realize she was almost through the woods until a familiar ding rang through the vehicle. She glanced past her trembling hands down at the dashboard. Low gas. Shit.

  Sharky was outside shining a pump as she broke out into the sunshine. She glanced at the panel and then back to the station. She sighed as she pulled up to a pump and reluctantly climbed out.

  “Yer back.” Sharky grinned. There was a couple teeth missing Meg didn’t notice before. “Need a fill up?”

  Meg just nodded as she stepped away. She wandered across the dirt covered lot aimlessly and then turned back to Sharky. “Do you know? About Caleb and his brothers?”

  “Know what, miss?”

  Meg opened her mouth to speak but then shut it. Lightfoot appeared out of nowhere. “Yes, Meg. Know what?”

  “He says he’s a werewolf,” she said weakly.

  Littlefoot rushed across the lot to her and pulled her to him. “Hush.”

  “Oh.” Meg felt unsteady in his grip. “I didn’t know that Sharky didn’t know.”

  “Sharky knows. He escorts Miss Evelyn to her sisters at the start of every full moon. It kills her to leave her boys alone. But strangers could wander through here who don’t need to know.”

  “Evelyn isn’t one?”

  “No. She’s human, just like you.”

  Meg laid a hand on her stomach as it churned. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Let me help you inside.” Lightfoot wrapped a protective arm around her waist and led her into the station. There was a thick musty scent in the cool, old building. He offered her a chair. She slumped into it.

  “So you believe they’re werewolves,” Meg pried.

  “I don’t believe. I know,” Lightfoot answered as he kneeled beside her.

  “You’ve seen them?”

  “Their father, Zane. He was my best friend. One night, after I escorted Evelyn away from the camp, I went back. It was almost daylight. Finally I saw him. His image was horrifying but the beast is intelligent. He kept the savage under control and didn’t attack. I, however, didn’t tempt fate. In fact, I climbed a tree and stayed there until the sun was fully up and he changed back.”

  “Oh.” The word came out as a squeak. She folded her knees to her chest and started rocking herself in the chair.

  “Meg, it’ll be all right.”

  “You’re as delusional as the rest of them.”

  “Hold on.” He stood and walked to the counter. He dug under the shelf, occasionally setting a strange object on the counter. Finally, he pulled out a dusty scrapbook and brought it to her. He flipped through the pages and handed it to her.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Accountings of animals attacked and left in pieces. Claw marks on trees that couldn’t be made by a bear or wolf. Proof that your mate is exactly what he says he is.”

  Meg scrolled through the pages, reading each story. Her blood ran cold. It couldn’t be true. It was impossible. But it was right there
in black and white. She shoved the book back to him as she shook her head. Her voice was weak. “Werewolves aren’t real. They don’t exist. I don’t like this game you’re playing.”

  “It isn’t a game, Meg. This is real. They are real. When you go back to your mate, you’ll realize it.”

  “Caleb told me to go home,” Meg murmured. “He doesn’t want me.”

  “That is impossible. He has no choice. A power greater than him, greater than me, has chosen you. You are bound to him until you die.”

  “That’s not what he said.”

  Littlefoot huffed and then took her hands in his. “Caleb is difficult. He’s been through things. He carries the weight of sins that aren’t his. Patience is needed when it comes to him.”

  “I’m not waiting around. I don’t believe him. I don’t believe you. You’re all bat shit crazy.”

  He patted her hand. “You’ll see the light soon enough. But for the moment I agree with Caleb. Go home. This is a lot to take in. Rest. Process it. Then come back and deal with your mate.”

  She shook her head as she pulled her hands away and stood. Sharky was already behind the counter, waiting to take her money. She paid him and then glanced at each of them before hurrying out the door.

  She didn’t stop moving until she slammed her apartment door behind her. She had never been so confused, so terrified in her life. That pull that possessed her tugged her back to her mate. Both Caleb and Littlefoot told her to go home. She had to find a way to smother all the emotion coursing through her.

  She opened the refrigerator. Her eyes locked on the partial bottle of wine she and Caleb started the other night. “Perfect.” Pulling it out, she chugged the liquid from the bottle and then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “If I can’t go back, if he doesn’t want me, I might as well get hammered,” she muttered before taking another swig.


  Caleb struck the punching bag hanging in front of him. He threw another volley of punches at it. The dull thud on the canvas followed. He glanced over his shoulder to see if his younger brother, Joshua, had arrived so they could work on their jiu jitsu. Josh was less than a year younger than him. They were often referred to as “the twins.” And right now, Josh was late. He huffed, hopped from one foot to the other, and started again.

  He thought working himself until he was exhausted would help him forget Meg. Her car was gone when he got back from his run. He’d expected as much. And he knew she was never coming back. To be brutally honest, had someone told him they were a werewolf, he would have run, too. So she left and I threw myself into my training. Now it’s day two and nothing’s changed. I still need her.

  His memories flew back to the night she stayed with him, the way her ass nestled against his hips as he fucked her, the way her golden hair flowed down her shoulders, the way her voice whimpered as she spoke his name each time she arched back against him. He was only looking for gratification, but she was so beautiful, he needed more. He needed her soul, and he was going to take it. Because she already has gotten to mine.

  He’d spread her out on her back and locked gazes with her. He had never noticed how clear her sapphire blue eyes were. All he knew was that he was drowning in them and he didn’t want to be rescued. He wanted to hold her in his arms and lay soft kisses on her flesh. He wanted her beside him every night. He never wanted to let her go. He’d only felt like this once before, but the feelings were never this intense. Maybe it’s best she’s gone. With me, she’d die here.

  He turned as the door opened. Instead of Joshua, Littlefoot stepped inside. The older man offered him a gentle smile. “How are you, young Caleb?”

  Caleb threw a jab, doubling the bag. “Fucking peachy, Littlefoot. What brings you to my dark little corner of the world?”

  “I’m here to speak to your mother about next week’s arrangements.”

  “Mom has been visiting her sister during the full moon for the last twenty years. How much coordinating do you need to do?”

  “This time there is more than Evelyn visiting Edith and Edna.”

  “Wouldn’t count on it.”

  “Have you spoken to your mate, Caleb?”

  Caleb stopped punching and turned to Littlefoot. “Sorry. She hasn’t made it on my speed dial yet. So no. Not since she called me delusional for saying I was a werewolf and went tearing out of here.”

  “Give her time.”

  “She can have all the time in the fucking world. I don’t want her here. I don’t need a mate. I’m happy by myself.”

  “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Watch me. Better yet, your people are the mystics. Figure out how to reverse this curse.”

  “Mating is not a curse, Caleb,” Littlefoot chided.

  “It is to me.”

  “How is having Meg as your mate a curse?”

  Caleb stopped and turned around. “Because I think I’m falling in love with her. And that can’t happen. I’ve already fallen in love once and she died because of me. So find a way to release it or I will.”

  “And you’re going to reverse the decisions of an invincible ancient power, how?”

  The door to the gym opened. Josh strode in with his duffle hanging off his shoulder, dressed only in a pair of shorts. He had nearly as many tattoos as his older brother. His eyes were locked on his phone.

  “That’s how.” Caleb grinned at Littlefoot and then turned to his brother. “About time you graced us with your presence.”

  “I had issues with the update for that new app we’re supporting,” Josh replied. “Josiah did a great job constructing the tower and getting us Internet in the middle of bum-fuck-Egypt. But sometimes it falls flat on its ass. But I saved the day and pissed off millions of cell phone customers who will have to put down their phones so they’ll update or they’ll run slow as shit.”

  “You’re a super hero, Josh. But we’re not rolling. Go get dressed. We’re going to go out and find us a piece of ass.”

  Josh frowned. “But you’re mated, Caleb. You’re off the market.”

  Caleb winked at Littlefoot. “Not for much longer. So let's go before it gets dark.”

  Josh shrugged. “See you out front in half an hour.” He buried his nose back in his phone as he shuffled out. Caleb tugged off his gloves and crossed the gym to his bag. He slipped each piece into the bag and closed it.

  “Caleb, it won’t work,” Littlefoot quipped to him gently.

  Caleb could still hear the laugh the older man was biting back. “We’ll see. Make sure you’re around tomorrow. I’ll make sure to share every dirty detail.” Before Littlefoot could say another word, he was out the door, through the rest of the activities center, and across the camp to his cabin.

  He flipped the knobs to the shower until it spit out a hot stream. A cloud formed in the small room as he slowly stripped his clothes off and dropped them in the hamper. He stepped under the shower head and moaned as the warm water cut wet paths across his chiseled flesh. He grabbed the soap and worked up a lather between his hands. As he scrubbed, his mind wandered to Meg. What would it be like to have her in his shower, to rub soap into her skin, to feel her body wet and pressed hard against his?

  He shook the thought out of his head. He was heading to town to end this whole mating thing. Daydreaming about Meg sure as hell wasn’t going to help. He turned off the water and grabbed the plush chocolate-colored towel hanging off the hook. He wrapped it tight around him and stepped out on the mat to dry his feet.

  He walked out of the bathroom to find Joshua sitting on the sofa in a tight-fitting T-shirt and a pair of Levi's. His nose was buried in his cell again.

  “What the fuck?” Caleb demanded. “We said outside. In the middle of camp.”

  Josh looked up. “Littlefoot is talking with Momma. Do you want to deal with her when she finds out you’re going to try to screw up your mating thing with Meg? And it’s not like I haven’t seen it before, Bro. Momma used to bathe us together, remember

  “Yeah. I peed on you.”

  “Yeah. You’ve been a grade A asshole since you were in diapers. Good to see nothing’s changed.”

  “Screw you.” Caleb strode to his room with a chuckle, shutting the door behind him. He tugged on his shirt, jeans, and boots. He ran his fingers through his hair and then joined Josh in the living area.

  The brothers strode out of the cabin to Caleb’s blue truck. He clenched the keys in his hands.

  “Where are you two headed?” Momma questioned.

  “Out,” was the only answer Caleb would give her. They were in the truck and down the road before anything else could be said.


  The club was packed when Caleb and Josh made their way to the bar. Caleb shot a wary eye around the place. He knew Austin Graves didn’t like him. But after Meg? He didn’t want to start the fight earlier than promoted. Josh could hold his own, but they would be no match for all of Austin’s guys. Fortunately, there wasn’t any sign of them.

  “Look at all the honeys,” Josh remarked. By the look in his wide eyes, Caleb was surprised there wasn’t a puddle of drool under his brother. He looked at the women talking, laughing, and gyrating on the dance floor. Normally he’d be picking his choice or two for the night. Tonight, all he saw were bodies. No attraction. No desire. Just humans.

  “Honeys? Are you serious?” Caleb questioned.

  “What am I supposed to call them?”

  “Anything but that.”

  “Whatever.” He pointed into the crowd. “I’m going to talk to that redhead over there.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Don’t need luck. The women flock all over me.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Caleb watched Josh disappear into the crowd and then turned to the bar to order a whiskey. The glass was taken from his hand by a set of long, thin fingers. He turned to find a blonde with her head pillowed against his arm. She gazed up at him with big blue eyes and a perfect face. Her ample breasts nearly fell out of her shirt. She was exactly the type of woman he used to want to have sex with.


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