Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1)

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Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1) Page 8

by Tricia Andersen

  She was joined for eternity to Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde.

  Her phone lit up with messages. Her friends left countless messages wondering where she ran off to. Austin left profanity-laced accusations. Her boss called to ask her to reconsider quitting her job. She didn’t return any of them. She just deleted them. Now she was unemployed and living with a family of supposed werewolves.

  Could life get any stranger?

  She had been living at the camp for a week when she woke up to her backpack thudding to the floor beside the bed. She rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep and then looked up. Caleb stood over her, his arms folded over his chest.

  “Get up. Get dressed. You’re leaving,” he told her with a snarl.

  She nearly flew out of bed. “You’re kicking me out?” she demanded.

  “Yes. The full moon is tonight. Get ready to go. We leave in a couple of hours to take you and Momma to Sharky’s. From there, he or Littlefoot will take you to Aunt Edith and Aunt Edna’s. According to my big brother, we’re going to go get your shit tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” She cocked her head at him. “I’m surprised you’re not at the gym.”

  “No sense in starting a workout when I have to stop.”

  “So you’re taking me there.”

  “We’re taking you both there. Don’t read into it.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, sunshine. I know you don’t like me unless I’m in bed with you.”

  “Just get ready, please.” He stalked out of the room, slamming the door after him. She huffed angrily before crawling out of bed. She tossed the covers in the middle of the bed before she rummaged through her bag for clothes. Once she was dressed, she took a double look at the bed. Part of her wanted to leave it a mess just because he acted like such an ass. But the rational part of her mind got the better of her. She fluffed the sheets out and smoothed them into place. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and strode to the living area, finding it empty. She remembered Josiah’s words and tucked a couple of books in her bag.

  She wandered into the family building to find everyone scrounging for breakfast. Ezekiel, the second youngest, was just finishing his shift in the office. With a yawn, he grabbed a bowl of cereal and shuffled off to his cabin.

  As she scooped some fruit salad into a bowl and plopped a muffin on top, Momma squeezed her hand. She grinned so wide it made her eyes wrinkle. “I am so excited to introduce you to my sisters.”

  Meg tried to sound enthused. “I’m excited to meet them.”

  “Can I ask one thing?”


  “I would like to introduce you as Caleb’s wife.”

  “Oh, fuck no!” Caleb’s voice bellowed across the kitchen. He stormed from the stove to the island where they stood, pointing the spatula in his hand at them. “She’s not my wife. She will never be my wife. I might be forced to accept her as my mate but I’m sure as hell not putting a ring on her finger.”

  “Hush, child,” Momma chided.

  Meg forced a smirk on her face as she faced Caleb. She couldn’t understand why, but what he said felt like a knife to the heart. “No worries, sweetheart. You as my husband? Not in my worst nightmares.” She looked at Momma. “Of course you can tell your sisters we’re married. Maybe next time you can tell them we’re divorced.”

  She gathered her breakfast and disappeared from the rest of the family so she could eat in peace.

  Once everyone was fed and the kitchen cleaned up, the family climbed into the vehicles for the long drive to Sharky’s. Meg trudged after Josiah and Momma toward the old beat-up van. She heard someone clear their throat. Caleb thumbed toward the truck. “You’re with me, princess.”

  “I’d rather ride with them.”

  “I’ve been informed it’s not an option. Let’s go.”

  Meg followed him to the truck and tossed the bag on the seat between them. She climbed into the seat beside it and stared out the windshield as she heard the driver’s door open.

  “Put your shit in the back,” Caleb ordered.

  “My shit is fine where it is. Just get in and take me to Sharky’s. The quicker we’re apart, the happier we’ll both be,” she quipped.

  She met Caleb’s gaze with a cold, even glare. He fired on his truck and followed the other vehicle down the lane through the forest.

  The entire trip was silent as they bumped along the rut-filled dirt road. Meg glanced over at her mate multiple times. Truthfully, she stared at him. The angles of his cheekbones and chin in the dim light were majestic. She ached to run her fingers through his thick, dark hair. She didn’t want to admit it, especially to herself, but Caleb was sexy. He had a sinful sensuality that could draw women like flies to honey.

  There were several times when she looked at him that she found him studying her. It wasn’t his normal snarl embedded on his face. Sometimes he smiled. Had she ever seen him smile before? Not like that. He looked content. He looked happy. From the little time she had been with him, happiness wasn’t an emotion he experienced much. He seemed like he went out of his way to avoid it.

  She cocked a grin at him. “You’ll miss me while I’m gone.”

  She could have kicked herself. The stone-cold countenance was back. “Hardly. I get to go feral for a week. Do you have any idea what it’s like? It’s the definition of pure freedom. I do as I desire. I answer to no one.”

  “Like you do now. You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself. It must be a sad way to live.”

  There was a cold, hard silence for a moment. The only sound was the scrape of the pine branches on the sides of the truck. “You don’t get it, little girl.”

  “If you’re so superior to me, then explain it.”

  “I care and people die.”

  “You are full of yourself, aren’t you?”

  He shot a glare at her. “It’s happened, all right? I cared and she…” His voice trailed off.

  Meg paused for a moment. “You had another mate?”

  “There is only one mate chosen for us. If our mate dies, that’s it. No more mate.”

  Meg stared out the window quietly. She could see the woods thinning. Soon they would reach Sharky’s. She took a deep breath. “Is that why you treat me like shit? Because if you care about me, I’ll die?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” Caleb quipped.

  “Or are you doing it because you already care about me? Because the ball is in motion and it’s too late to go back?”

  Caleb’s stared was murderous. Meg let go a nervous chuckle and continued. “I hit a nerve.”

  The tree line broke and sunlight filled the cab of the truck. Caleb growled. “We’re here.”

  He pulled to a stop in front of the garage behind the other vehicles. Littlefoot and Sharky stood in the doorway. Everyone slowly crawled out and stretched. Meg scrambled faster than the others. She wasn’t sure what scared her more, the look on her lover’s face or the fact he might care about her.

  “Well, ladies. Are you ready to go?” Littlefoot asked with a smile.

  “Fuck, yeah.” Meg snatched her backpack from the truck. She froze for a moment when she caught sight of Caleb. He stood tall, dominating, and powerful in the open door of his truck. His hands gripped the curve of the roof. His deep brown eyes sent shivers through her. She backpedaled toward Sharky’s old sedan.

  “One minute,” Momma insisted. She scuttled to each son, hugging and kissing each one on the cheek. Meg didn’t watch. She tossed her bag in the trunk of the car and threw open the back door. She cringed as she heard the older woman chastise Caleb. “Caleb Maximillian Hallow, stop pouting and give me a kiss goodbye.”

  “Mother,” he warned.

  “You are not too old for me to put over my knee.”

  Meg turned and watched as he relented and let Momma kiss his cheek. His glare locked onto Meg as he hugged his mother.

  Momma turned to Josiah. “You’ll call the second it’s over?”

  “Of course,
Momma,” Josiah assured.

  “And you will all be careful and be good?”

  “As good as the bunch of us can be during a full moon.”

  Momma sighed. “I hate leaving you.”

  “We know. We love you too. But we do this every month. We’ll be all right.”

  “Evelyn, you need to let the boys get back to camp,” Littlefoot reminded as he offered a hand to her to help her to the car. “Plus your sisters are looking forward to seeing you.”

  “I know. I love you boys.” She wrapped her hand in his and followed him to the passenger side.

  Meg slowly lowered herself to climb inside the backseat. She was suddenly pulled back up to her feet. Her breath was stolen by a deep kiss. She was gripped tight against a hard body. She didn’t pull away. She didn’t have to. That touch, that scent told her who it was. She melted against her mate and returned it.

  Littlefoot’s voice was low. “Caleb, you have to get back.”

  Caleb broke the kiss, nudging his nose against hers as they parted. “Something to remember me by.”

  Meg struggled to speak. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  He didn’t move as she dropped onto the seat. He stepped back and then closed the door for her. He stood stone still as Sharky started the car and pulled onto the highway. Meg spun in her seat and watched him and his brothers disappear as they sped away.

  Chapter Seven

  The tiny, cold house was filled with chanting when Meg followed Momma inside. She rubbed her eyes before looking around. She’d fallen asleep shortly after the Hallow brothers faded from sight. Instead of going south, they drove due west. She woke up the second she heard gravel crunch under the wheels of Sharky’s sedan. She was too sleepy to remember to grab her things, but she was awake enough to check her watch. They left the brothers an hour ago. She rubbed her lips. She remembered her parting kiss with her mate. The sensation would be imprinted on her lips forever.

  The voices stopped as the screen door slammed shut. The silence was followed by whispers. Meg glanced outside to find Sharky getting their things. She shifted from one foot to another. Then she jammed her hands in the pockets of her jeans shorts. A second later she pulled them back out. Shit. I’m turning into them.

  Momma squealed when her sisters appeared around the corner. “Edith! Edna!”

  The two women shuffled into the foyer. They looked like Momma with their long black hair streaked with silver topped on the top of their heads with buns. They were thinner than her and instead of the joyful, slightly panicked expression Momma wore, they were sullen. They looked like they best fit in a funeral home. So did the house she was standing in. Momma hugged each of them tightly.

  “Evelyn, who is this?” the slightly taller of the two asked as she pointed a bony finger at Meg.

  Meg looked at Momma, seeing her beam at her. She took a deep breath. “Hi, I’m Meg. I’m Caleb’s wife.”

  The shorter of the two stared at her. “That deviant took a bride?”

  Momma frowned. “Edna, please. That’s my son.”

  Meg nearly snarled. “And my husband.”

  “Husband?” the taller woman who must have been Edith questioned. “Or are you bound to him by that curse that plagued my sister?”

  “Husband,” Meg challenged. “I didn’t stutter.”

  “Where is your wedding band, then?”

  “We eloped. We’re still talking about whether or not we want to wear rings.”

  “Do you have the mark?” Edith accused.

  Meg scowled as she turned around and pulled up the back of her T-shirt. “Of course I do. It’d be a little awkward if his mate showed up while he’s married to me, wouldn’t it?”

  Edith snorted. Before she could open her mouth, the door opened. “Missus Evelyn, Meg, I’z got your things,” Sharky announced proudly.

  “Thanks, Sharky.” Meg took her bag from him. She glared at the two sisters. “Could you please show me to my room?”

  “This way.” Edna crunched a finger toward her and then disappeared down the hall.

  Meg smiled at Sharky. “Thanks. See you soon.”

  “Good luck. Yer gonna need it.”

  Meg followed Edna down the dark hallway. The eerie sounds of church hymns playing on an organ filled the house. The old woman motioned into a room and then breezed past her.

  Meg tossed her backpack on the bed and flopped down beside it. She heaved a sigh. This week was going to suck.

  She bolted straight up at the vibration of her phone. She moaned before she checked it. She was sick and tired of the guilt trips her friends were putting her through. It was easy to see they were never her friends, but they used her as an outlet to get laid. The guys always flocked to Meg. Her friends usually took off with them before she could say hello. Now I see how I ended up with Austin. Champion or not, no one wanted him. At least not my friends. He had no problems hooking up with a groupie or two.

  Finally she scooped up the phone to check it. The message came from an unknown number. Having fun yet?

  Meg frowned as she stared at the screen. Finally she typed back. Who is this?

  She waited for a response. Seriously? You texted me first, remember? I’m hurt that you didn’t save my contact information.

  Meg felt her blood run cold. I did? When?

  It felt like an eternity before there was a response. When you accused me of tattooing you, princess.

  A laugh escaped her lips. Texting Caleb? It might make staying with the two sisters of death a little more bearable. I met your aunts.

  Lovely ladies, aren’t they?

  Your aunt Edna called you a deviant.

  She’s called me worse.

  I thought you were going feral.

  I’m working on it.

  Working on it?

  A photo popped up on her phone. It was Caleb from the chest down. He was lying on his bed, completely naked, with his hand around his erection. Meg’s body clenched in response. Her mouth went dry. She licked her lips as she typed on the screen. How are you texting? Your hand looks busy.

  Voice recognition. I’m talking, it dictates.

  Missing me?

  Normally I’d tell you to get over yourself. But yes. I become painfully aroused before I change. So, yeah. I wish you were here to take care of this.

  Meg smiled. How would I?

  What do you mean?

  Tell me. How would I help you out of your little predicament?

  There was nothing for a moment. Then Caleb’s response popped up. With your mouth. You’d suck on me until the tip hit the back of your throat. I’d run my fingers through your long blonde hair so I could direct you where I wanted you.

  Meg swallowed hard. She was barely aware that she trailed the fingertips of her free hand across her breast until it found her hard nipple pressing against the thin fabric. She pinched the nub and then moaned at the heat that filled her. She typed with her thumb. And then?

  It felt like forever before he responded. I’d buck hard and you’d gag. Then I would buck again until I came.

  Meg’s hand slipped from her breast to between her legs. She rubbed hard against her shorts, whimpering as the tension built inside her. So you would leave me high and dry, huh?

  Fuck, no. I’d throw you on the bed. I would kiss every part of your body while I slipped a couple fingers between your legs. I’d thrust inside you until you screamed while you came.

  Meg shuddered as she felt the burn flow through her. She was so close. She popped the button of her shorts and slipped her hand inside her panties. And then?

  There was a loud rap at the door. Meg sat up quickly, catching her hand on her shorts. She cursed under her breath. “Yes?”

  “Meg, come out. We are having a cup of tea before we leave for evening service,” one of the sisters called. Meg couldn’t figure out which.

  “I’ll be out in a second.” Meg pulled her hand free and scooped up her phone. She didn’t wait to read Caleb’s response. I just got cockblocked by your aun

  Cockblocked? Don’t you have to have one to get blocked? He texted back.

  You know what I mean. I’ve got to go.

  Me too. I forgot to grab a towel to clean up the mess before I lay down.

  You did?



  Sorry, princess. I’ll take care of that itch in a week.

  Text me later and take care of it before then.

  “Meg!” Multiple voices yelled for her.

  “Coming!” She glanced down at her phone to see Caleb’s reply. Wish I could but I probably won’t text after this. Once the change happens I hunt. When the sun comes up, I’ll sleep. I’ll be able to squeeze just a little training and a bite to eat in there before it starts all over again. Or move my mate. Whatever’s on the agenda.


  At least I know you’ll be thinking about me. See you in a week. Bye.


  Meg slipped off the bed and crossed the bedroom. She tugged the door open and shuffled down the hall. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she entered the sitting room. Edith and Edna were each sitting tall in straight-backed chairs with tea cups and saucers balanced in their bony hands. Momma was nestled on the couch as she sipped her tea. A plate of cookies and slices of zucchini bread sat on the coffee table next to one last cup and saucer of tea.

  When Momma saw Meg, she patted the spot beside her. “Come. Sit by me.”

  Meg settled on the cushion and forced a smile on her face. She carefully picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Tea wasn’t her favorite, and this brew tasted like the leaves were as old as she was. She forced herself to swallow it down.

  “You were in your room for a long while,” Edith accused.

  “Texting my husband,” Meg answered smugly.

  Momma looked at her anxiously. “Is everything all right?”

  Meg patted her pudgy hand. “Of course. Just some idle chitchat while he waited for things to get started.”

  Momma nodded as she smiled.

  Edna cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “Tell us about yourself, Meg. Are you from around here?”

  “No. I’m from the West Coast, near the ocean. My family still lives there. I went to college there before I moved here.”


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