Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted

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Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted Page 18

by Burns, Rachel

  “Thank you.” Katherine handed the phone back to me and ran into the bathroom. I thanked Bailey and said goodbye to her, hopefully for good.

  “Katherine, may I come in.” I knocked on the door. She didn't answer. “Darling, I'm coming in. If you don't want me there scream now.” I opened the door and saw her sitting on the floor. She was crying, but she wasn't making a sound.

  I sat down next to her and drew her to me and held her tight. I just let her cry. Her hands were balled into fists and she was still so sad.

  “I killed the baby,” she sobbed.

  I was shocked. I couldn't believe that she would do something like that. I didn't know what to say.

  “I thought. And I cried day and night and then I started to bleed. The ambulance came and it was too late. If I hadn't cried the baby would still be alive.”

  I was a little relieved that she hadn't had an abortion. I don't know how I would have reacted to that. “I am so sorry about that, Honey. But we will have more children, or did the doctor say otherwise?”

  “No, she didn't. She said we could. She said these things sometimes happen, but it had been because I was so upset. I loved you so much and when I thought you didn't love me back, and that blond woman was just so beautiful, and I'm not. I can't compete with someone like her.”

  “You heard what she said. She was jealous of you. You are so smart and strong and everyone loves you. You are the real star. I could be replaced at the drop of the hat but you couldn't be and all of those screaming people know that. I feel so lucky to have someone like you.” I held her tight and rubbed her back. Awhile later I realized that she was sleeping. I carried her to bed and kissed her forehead.

  I crawled into bed next to her. Then I just had to make another long distance call. I went into the bathroom for that one. I called my parents and told them what had really happened.

  My father kept repeating the he had known all along that it had been something like that. When he took to someone then it was forever.

  They were both as pleased as could be for me.

  When I came out there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it in my pajamas. I hoped it wasn't a reporter.

  “Is Katherine here?” her agent demanded.

  “Shh. She's sleeping.”

  “Katherine,” she called out.

  “Ryan, get rid of her. I have to sleep now.”

  I smiled at her. “You heard my fiancée. She can't work now. She will call you when she can.” I tried to close the door but she had her foot in it.

  She barged her way in and went to Katherine. “You are scheduled to be on the radio in two hours. I expect you to be there.”

  Katherine lifted her head and looked at me. Her eyes said that she would do it if she had to. I shook my head.

  “What is scheduled for tomorrow?” she asked.

  “You have a book signing at ten, different radio show at twelve and at four you have to be at the cooking show.”

  “You choose. Either we reschedule the radio show or I will be so exhausted that I can't do anything tomorrow. Which will it be? Both won't work.”

  I was beaming at her. She had finally learned to say, no.

  “Fine but I expect you to take part in all of your appointments tomorrow.” She turned on her high heels and walked out.”

  “You were fantastic, darling. I knew you always had it in you.” I hugged her and gave her a kiss.

  “Are you mad at me?” Her eyes started to water as she asked me that.

  “No, not at all. I am just relieved that everything turned out for the best. I am so sorry about the baby but I am thrilled that we are back together. We are back together, aren't we?”

  “Yes, but I want us to start out slowly until things feel more comfortable.” She looked so breakable as she said that.

  “Of course, darling. Whatever you need.” I leaned in and kissed her. Her hand moved behind my head like she was trying to hold me where I was. She wasn't strong enough to do that but she would never find that out. In all our lives I would stay put when she did that. My own hands moved to her face and I deepened the kiss.

  She removed her sweater and top and I almost wanted to make a joke about taking it slow but looking at her I was a bit breathless. I removed my pajama top too and lifted her onto my lap. We kissed a long time but then she whispered 'please' in my ear.

  I cupped her breast and drew her nipple into my mouth. Her hands were behind my head pulling me closer to her again.

  I removed her pajama bottoms and she was finally naked. The way she belonged when we were in bed together. Her legs fell open the way they always did for me. “Oh Katherine, I can't tell you how much I missed you.”

  “Then show me,” she said sleepily. She reached for me and held tight. She gently pulled me to her, slipped me into her, sighing as I entered her. I felt like I had come home after being on a long journey.

  Sleeping with her just felt so right. It had never been this good with anyone else. I would love her forever.

  Katherine had practically bounced out of bed the next morning. She went to her appointments and smiled and everyone loved her. We met up with at the television studio. She smiled at me and came right over to me. I wrapped my arms around my girl and whispered in her ear how much I loved her.

  “I love you too, Ryan.”

  We went out on stage holding her close. The crowd cheered for us. I went right to work cooking her up something decent to eat. I would take care of her for the rest of our lives.

  Check Out Rachel Burns' Other Books

  A Man To Guide Her

  This book is about Ashley and Jackson. Jackson quickly falls in love with Ashley, who has never heard of Domestic Discipline. Jackson is clearly a firm believer. Will she marry him despite that?

  Daddy's Sweetheart

  Amelia grew up in a mansion where she had to hide from her father, who blamed her for her mother's death. She grew up longing for attention and love. She wanted to prove to him that she was worth his love by being the perfect student.

  After her graduation from her boarding school she returns home and hopes that he will be proud of her. He isn't. He kicks her out, giving her a week to leave.

  Brian, his young business partner was present to hear him throw her out, decides that he should take her in. He wants to mold her into being the perfect wife … for him. Brian wants his own little girl.

  This is a book about two people getting married not because they are in love but because they are both in need. Brian needs a little girl that looks up to him and accepts him the way he is. Amelia needs a family to take interest in her.

  Amelia isn't sure how to react when her husband insists that she have a nanny to care for her, or when he insists that she call him 'Daddy'.

  Have A Heart

  Brianna was born with a heart condition. She has missed so school that her grades weren't good enough for her to get into a normal college. Her father pulled a few strings to get her into an all girls school for lazy students with potential. There she meets Scott. It's Scott's job to make sure that all the girls work up to their full potential. Unfortunately no one told him about Brianna's heart condition. This is a romance book but we are keeping it a secret from Brianna who will first find out in book two that Scott has fallen in love with her. I am working on book three at the moment.

  Have a Heart Part II

  Brianna Banks was born heart sick. The doctors told her parents that she wouldn't live a month. They fought to keep her alive and raise her with lots of love and discipline when she needed it.

  Brianna is now nineteen and she is off to her second year of college with her best friend Cathy.

  Cathy is hiding from her x-boyfriend at college. Her big brother Scott watches out for all the girls on the floor of their dorm. He is floor disciplinarian. It is his job to make sure that all the girls behave as they should.

  Scott has feelings for Brianna but he has to keep that to himself or he will lose his job. He is counting the days to
summer vacation when he can tell Brianna the truth, confessing his love for her. But how will she react?

  Island Men

  Craig Sullivan has left his island home, along with a few other young men, to search for that one woman who will complete them, and love them for the rest of their lives.

  Before they left their Pastor gave them some very practical advice. He told them, 'All women are very beautiful. None are perfect. It is often the case that the prettier they are on the outside, the uglier they are on the inside. Choose based on the inside'.

  When Craig sees Heather, he figures that a woman of her beauty can never be kind and nice. He tells his friends that she isn't marriage material. She overhears that and can't understand why a stranger would insult her, like he had.

  Craig feels guilty and tells her that he will marry her, wanting to prove to her how marriageable she is. Heather ignores him and goes about her work. She has bigger worries than him.

  Craig follows her and sees that he has insulted the nicest person on earth. He finds out that she is working herself to the bone to pay for her mother's medical costs.

  Can he convince her that he truly does want to marry her? Or has he burnt his bridges?

  Sugar Daddy

  Liz is a Freshman in College. After a falling out with her parents it becomes clear that she can't afford to stay in college. That is, unless, she finds herself a Sugar Daddy to help her with her bills.

  Luke is the owner of the biggest factory in town. Since he moved there recently he hasn't had time to start a serious relationship. And he won't have time for dating in near future either. But he does have needs. One is to make it clear to the women at work that he isn't interested in them. His other needs are more basic, he wants a beautiful woman in bed but only when he has time. What he needs is a call girl. But the one he talks to over the internet confesses that she is still a virgin.

  The arrange to meet on Thanksgiving Day. Will Liz go through with it? Could they ever have a serious relationship with the way their liaison began?

  Warning: This book is a tearjerker.

  Two Worlds Collide

  Melissa is walking to school on the hottest day of the century when explosions start. She hides in a school building, waiting to die. She looks back on her life and feels that she has been too boring. When an extremely tall man reaches down and picks for up her world collides with his.

  He takes he to his spaceship but the two can't understand each other. The one thing they do understand is their need for one another. No matter where they are or who is around.

  When Melissa doesn't obey him, he shows her how aliens discipline their women.

  Man of the House

  This book deals with very serious topic as well as Domestic Discipline. Megan was an abused child but this is something that she hasn't even told her husband, Michael. She keeps all the bad memories hidden deep inside of her but when the young bride lies about the amount she spent at a Tupperware Party Michael feels that she could profit from a sound spanking.

  The truth comes out, as it always does, and he has to decide what is best for them.

  Warning: This book is a tearjerker.




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