One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

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One Ride (The Hellions Ride) Page 7

by Camaron, Chelsea

  The smell of salt in the air, the crashing of the waves in the distance, and the sounds of seagulls surround me. The tranquility of the beach, the calm, the peace, and the serenity one can find here shows why so many decide to vacation, retire, or choose to live here. It’s the great escape.

  Turning my head as I come out of my musings, I see her standing in front of me. Her stare pulls at something deep inside that I’ve never felt before. Running my hand across my chest absently, our eyes lock. Her gaze does nothing to tame the unknown yearning building inside of me.

  She’s a job. She’s a Hellion. She’s off limits. I remind myself over and over again as she walks over to me. When she reaches the bike, she pulls her backpack over her arms, settling it into place on her shoulders. She’s braiding her hair to keep it from tangling in the wind.

  “Do I need to switch the bikes or stop and add a sissy bar before we leave the area? Charlotte is a long ride.” I ask not sure if she’s up for the discomfort of the five hour ride.

  If need be, we can go back to the compound, add a sissy bar or trade the bike to something more comfortable for her, like an Ultra Classic or Screaming Eagle. I’m sure one of the guys would have a full dresser, weekender ride.

  “I’ve been farther than Charlotte with nothing to lean on, Tripp. I got this, no worries, let’s go. The quicker we leave, the more my dad can focus and get this over with.” She replies in a somewhat somber tone.

  She’s going to miss home. This is the first sign of sadness she’s shown. Anger, surprise, and defiance have all been ever present, but this is the first sign of discomfort and sadness.

  I crank the bike as she puts on her helmet. Revving the throttle for the hell of it, she climbs on. She settles in behind me. Her hands are lower this time as she pulls tight against me. She is wrapped around my waist, her hands are roaming my abdomen, causing my muscles to twitch involuntarily through my clothing.

  The weather is nice, the company is quiet, and the scenery much better on the back roads as we head out. Avoiding the interstate, we stick with the country roads, nothing but pavement and pine trees as we make our way back to my home. The more Doll settles herself in behind me, the more I find myself relaxing into the ride.

  Arriving in town, we pull up to my house. Something inside me twists as I think, having Doll on this ride, I could get used to having someone on the back of my bike. I pull the bike through my back gate. The garage is full with my truck and two motorcycles. Rex and I live together. He has a shop in the back for his car and bike; there is enough room back here for these two bikes to be stored safely. Our house is small, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen.

  We pull the bikes in, and turn them off as the girls both climb off. Grabbing the contents of the saddlebags, Rex and I lead the way in through the back door. This leads in through the kitchen. It’s painted in an ugly ass blue color. The realtor called the kitchen décor French country, whatever the fuck that means. It’s a house, a place to eat, sleep, shit, shower, and fuck. No more, no less.

  “Sass, you can take Rex’s room tonight. He’ll show you where to put your things. Doll, follow me and you can crash in my room.”

  “Where will you two sleep?” Doll asks with genuine interest.

  “On the couch and in the chair,” I answer blankly.

  What a dumb question. I can’t leave them here alone, but I’m sure as shit not sharing a room with her if I can help it. There will be enough of that on this trip, why start my test in self-control early?

  “Sass and I can share a room so you both don’t have to give up your space.” She says somewhat timidly.

  Grabbing her hand, I guide her to my bedroom. “We’re only here two days tops. Once Delatorre has his shipment, we go on the move. For now, Roundman wants things to look normal. It’s one, maybe two nights, Rex and I have slept on far worse than a couch and a chair. Make yourself at home.”

  “Well, thank you. Who would’ve thought a Hellion could be so considerate? Tripp you’re a real gentleman.” She says with a breathtaking smile.

  Unable to resist, I pull her into me. Her head slams into my chest. I place my arm around her waist and trace circles on the small of her back. Inhaling her scent of ocean and coconut, I put my other hand around her braid. I tug gently, pulling her face to look up at me. Leaning down, breathing against her ear, I whisper to her.

  “I’m no gentleman, Doll. No, I’m the man to fuck you seven ways to Sunday. I’m not the man you settle down with or you settle for.”

  Her breathing now coming in pants, I quickly release her and exit the room.

  So Close, Yet So Far

  Tripp lives in Catawba, only an hour or so outside of Charlotte. If we were here under any other circumstances, I would be at Caroline’s visiting. As much as Sass and I want to see our friend, it wouldn’t be fair to bring our troubles to her doorstep. Delatorre obviously watches us and now is no different. We have other friends here that I would love to see as well, but this trip is not for pleasure. This ride is about safety, I remind myself.

  Tripp and Rex stayed downstairs last night. Although I found comfort in his bed, as it engulfed me in his scent, the sandman eluded me. Waking up after only a few hours of rough sleep, I’m on edge and irritable as I begin a busy day of preparations.

  Changing over to burner phones is strange for me. My dad has gone on runs before and switched to using one. It’s always bothered me to know I can’t reach him whenever I want because he doesn’t want to be traced. Imagining the stress he is feeling back home brings on more feelings of guilt. My dad has never been in a situation where he isn’t able to call me. I may not have been able to freely call him, but he’s always had an open line and opportunity to call me. Soon enough, though, that will be our new reality. No longer underestimating the threat from Delatorre, my dad doesn’t want us to be traced at all. He has multiple burner phones for me to check in with and switch out throughout this journey. None of us will be using the same phone twice.

  All of this, why? Was Delatorre targeting us before the job? Or does this all come down to my fuck up in trying to help that Amy chick? I’ve wondered why people turn the other cheek when they can see a woman who is obviously abused or in an unhealthy situation. No more questioning why anymore. How do you know if the bitch really wants out, or if she’s playing you and gets off on it? Yes, that one deserves what she’s getting. Her weakness to stay with that fucker has now shaken my world to its core. My sympathy for her is replaced with anger, hatred, and revenge. Yes, I know my dad and his boys will fuck up Delatorre and his crew. Hell, Delatorre may or may not be breathing when this is over. None of that is my concern, staying safe so I can return to my family is my only concern at the moment. Best believe though, when this shit storm blows over, I’m gonna find Amy Mitchell. She’s gonna learn she never should’ve included me in her sick game with Delatorre.

  “Let’s go.” I hear Tripp call to us from his garage.

  Everyone is sure Delatorre is watching our every move. Therefore, we have to act like we are visiting with Tripp and Rex to hang out. We’re going to grab some breakfast at a local restaurant and then do some shopping.

  After a half an hour of our waitress fawning over Tripp, I’m thoroughly annoyed and no longer hungry. When the waitress asks Tripp for a ride, I want to stab her with my fork. It happens all the time, even when I’m out with my dad. Hello bitches, when there is a lady sitting next to a biker, shut the fuck up and move on. I’m climbing on that bike with him, therefore, there’s no room for your wanna be skank ass.

  Tripp smiles at the bitch, winks as he tells her. “Sure thing babe, but another time.”

  What the fuck is there to smile and wink at? She’s some random waitress at a diner! She can’t handle a Hellion. Jealousy combines with the emotions already swirling inside me. I want to kick, scream, punch something, or kick someone. I need to do something just to show that bitch she’s couldn’t handle a ride with a Hellion.

  This is
not me. I’m delightful Delilah. Not some possessive, cranky bitch. Why am I so bothered by this waitress hitting on Tripp? Hell, my dad has left me at a table to go hook up with a bar fly in a bathroom before. The stress must be getting to me. That’s it. Certainly, I’m not catching feelings for Tripp this early. It’s all the changes affecting me. That’s my problem.

  Doll is quiet. I can’t tell if that’s her normal personality, if it’s the worry over Delatorre, or if it’s my presence. She was all smiles this morning when she was getting ready, but since breakfast, she’s clammed up and not had any change in her pouty facial expression.

  We’re in my sparsely furnished living room. Having just finished pizza for dinner, she and Sass are on the couch with Rex in the chair, all trying to find something on TV. Standing in the room, refusing to sit on the couch, I’m beginning to get stir crazy. No way in hell can I sit on the couch with Doll. It’s bad enough she’s close to me all day on my bike, and will be even more with this ride coming up. I need some fucking space. Since when do I give a fuck why some broad is quiet all of a sudden?

  “Y’all feel like a drink?” I need to get outta here before I do some dumb shit like sit beside her and try to get to know her.

  Rex is the first to jump up, “Hell, yeah.”

  The girls get up and we head to the bar. It’s slow tonight from the looks of the parking lot. We get off the bikes and walk in. Tessie is working, smiling when she see us. Walking directly to the bar, she’s already setting out a beer for Rex and me. Doll and Sass are both in jeans, t-shirts, and boots, totally with the casual feel of this dive. I feel a tug on the hem of my t-shirt, looking behind me to the direction the pull came from, I see Doll looking up at me as she’s pulling me to her. She’s looking around us, taking it all in.

  “Are we safe here, Tripp? I’m not used to going out to biker bars without it being Hellion owned and run. I don’t see our colors hanging anywhere.”

  Instinctively, I pull her under my arm and into my chest. She wraps her arms around my waist as we are now chest to chest in an almost intimate embrace. We’re so close. Yet, this is so far from where we need to be. I’m protecting her. I’m not supposed to be comforting her at every turn. I put my hands on each side of her face. Making eye contact, I lay it out there for her.

  “Doll, I promise you that this place is safe. Please don’t be afraid anytime you’re with me. I give you my word; you’re always safe with me. I won’t ever let anything happen to you. Relax, have a good time while we can.”

  She nods up at me, her eyes sparkling with confidence now that she’s had my reassurance. Feeling my chest tighten, I need to get space between us. I pull away and gently push her at the small of her back into the direction of the bar. Too bad I’m driving, tonight is a night I’d love to drown in a bottle of Jack. Finding a way to keep distance between Doll and I is going to be easier said than done.

  Destination Unknown

  Last night was okay. Tessie is a nice enough girl. Sass and I spent our time at the bar with her. Rex went off with a bar fly to who knows where to get off. Some chick was pawing all over Tripp, but he ignored her for the most part. He watched me and stayed where he could see me at all times. The two guys that did try to chat up Sass and I were quickly scared off when Tripp merely approached. The actions of everyone around us made it clear, this is Tripp’s territory.

  Apparently, Tripp got intel that the business end of the transport to Delatorre is complete. Now we go on the move, while my dad handles the threat. Business is business. Delatorre paid for a job, therefore he will get his transport. He made it personal, or I made it personal when I got involved. Either way, shit’s personal now. We’ve been packed and ready, so when Tripp woke me up at five AM to leave, I wasn’t surprised. Good thing Tripp doesn’t have neighbors close to his house, the rumble of the two Harleys cranking that early in the morning would’ve surely pissed someone off.

  One thing about traveling by motorcycle, you have to stop pretty often for gas. Tripp won’t share our destinations with me. According to him, we may have to change plans in a moment’s notice. His last words before pulling out this morning resound in my head.

  “Doll, I don’t wanna lie to you. I’d rather say nothing at all than lie to you. Accept it as it comes.”

  Between the promises to keep me safe and not to lie, I’m starting to turn to mush. Sure, I know all the Hellions will do their best to protect me. But when Tripp says it, something inside me wants it to be about me alone, not club duties.

  His words continue to tug at me. Deep inside, he’s all things good. Yet, he claims he’s not. Last night he could’ve fucked that random chick, but he watched over me instead. When I felt insecure, he owed me no reassurances. He didn’t have to explain shit to me about why he won’t tell me where we’re headed. A simple, “shut the fuck up,” or the, “I’ll tell you what you need to know and you don’t fuckin’ need to know,” would’ve been the answer I got from anyone else when questioning where we were going. Either way, he didn’t owe me an explanation about not wanting to lie to me. Slowly, the more we’re together, the more I can see past his exterior roughness.

  Tessie told me he’s taken women right there in the pool room, the hallway, or the stock room. That’s what all those boys do. She says they’re a wild bunch, but loyal and take care of their own. Would Tripp take me in some random bar hallway? What turns him on? What makes him tick?

  The bike’s vibrations settle between my legs, as I pull myself closer to him. Taking in the mountain scenery as I see the signs showing we are headed towards Tennessee. If this ride wasn’t about safety, I’d ask Tripp to take me on The Tail. All Hellions ride The Dragons Tail as their rite of passage. It’s the one ride I’ve never done.

  My dad says it’s not his place to take me. He calls it the hidden beauty. It’s a two lane mountain road with over three hundred curves in an eleven mile stretch. The Hellions take an annual ride there. My dad’s always giving me the same response as to why I can’t go.

  “Doll, The Tail is a ride of many things. It’s a ride of focus, where a man is forced to clear his mind. It’s a ride where a man is forced to accept, own, and become one with his bike, or become one with the pavement beneath him. The Tail has claimed a number of bikes to its gravel top and lives to its curves and drops. Year after year, people don’t heed the warnings. If you don’t know what you’re doing, then the mountain asphalt will own your shit. The curves of The Tail are like the curves of your woman; you hug that shit tight, hold it close, and caress it gently, but with a firm hand. It’s a ride to take boys and make them men. It’s a ride to solidify your trust in your new brother, as you ride two by two, with only feet separating your handlebars, as you slide through each mile of mountain. It’s a ride where you’re ol’ lady holds on tight, giving over every part of her trust, body, and heart as she’s leaning into the curves with you. Doll, it’s the ride for you to take when the right man comes along and earns that level of trust from you. Not one for me to share with you.”

  Tears prick behind my eyes, thinking about my dad. Thinking about that ride, it dawns on me how little I know about Tripp. Hell, I still don’t know his fucking name. Do I trust him to that level? Yes, I do. Being around Tripp stirs so many emotions inside of me.

  With every tick of the bike’s engine underneath me, the throb between my legs grows. Lust, is definitely something Tripp stirs up inside of me. His body is muscular and clearly defined. The power he could bring to the bedroom plays out in my head. Would Tripp ever share anything more with me then this job where he protects me? He seems so indifferent to having me around. Why do random women get him, but a chick like me, who knows and accepts his lifestyle, can’t get the time of day?

  Truck stops are great. They’re typically crowded with people and usually have a place to eat with a variety of options. Pulling in, I watch the girls head to the restrooms.

  “You alright, man?” Rex asks, the look of concern on his face.

g my shoulders in response, “Yeah, man, shit on my mind.”

  “More like Doll is on your mind. I’ve never seen you this wound up over a broad.” Rex says as he’s jabbing me with his elbow in my side, trying to loosen me up.

  “What makes you think this is about Doll?” I make a failed attempt at indifference, but saying her name, I can’t help but smile.

  “Ummm…I don’t know fucker. You smile every damn time you say her name. You never fucking smile, Tripp.” He replies as he’s laughing at me.

  “I fucking smile.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re mister serious all the damn time. Even when you’re fuckin’ a bitch, you’re still straight faced.” He’s holding his stomach laughing at me.

  “You been in my bedroom watching me fuck? You’re a sick prick if that’s the case. How do you know I don’t smile while I’m balls deep in a bitch?”

  The more I think about it, when was the last time I laughed or smiled out of a happy moment or thought. Only when it comes to Doll. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I laughed at a TV show.

  I elbow Rex in the ribs for being right. Spotting the girls waving for us, we make our way inside the restaurant.

  “We’ve all fucked bitches in public. Hell, on the last transport, you fucked a random chick against the outside wall of the state line visitor center. Luckily it was a back corner because damn man, kids could’ve walked right up. You never smiled, Tripp. You’re my club Prez, you’re my cousin, and damn it you’re my best friend. I’m always keepin’ an eye out for you.”


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