The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 9

by Melissa Tereze

  “You said you wanted to talk?”

  “Oh, it was nothing important.” Summer waved off Prue’s questioning. “Just about the lease. You know, whether there would be any contract for me to sign. Also, I noticed you hadn’t cashed the cheque.”

  “I haven’t had time,” Prue said, watching Summer’s every move. “Would you like some breakfast?”

  “No, thank you.” The thought of food made Summer’s stomach churn. She assumed it to be the food causing the issue, but it could have been the reminder of Prue and Rochelle in the pool last night. For two hours, she tossed and turned. For two hours, she had to listen to the most heart-breaking sound. Prue…being pleasured by another woman. A woman who wouldn’t have been here if Summer had taken her head out of her ass sooner. “Have a nice day.”

  “Summer.” Prue blocked the doorway. “I’m sorry about anything you heard last night.”

  “Why?” Summer frowned. “She’s who you’re with…don’t apologise for that.”

  “I-If I’d known you were here, I wouldn’t have done that.”

  “This is your home, Prue. I’m the intruder.” Summer smoothed her hair down, aware that she had a long walk home.

  “No, you’re not.” Prue shook her head, saddened by the look in Summer’s eyes. “I didn’t do that to hurt you. I just… I didn’t know you were here.”

  “Really, it’s not a big deal.” Summer squared her shoulders. “See you around, Prue.”

  Summer stepped past her, rushing along the side of the pool and towards the gravel path. She couldn’t look back. If she did, Prue would see the complete devastation in her eyes. The tears that were slipping down her face. Summer had brought this all on by herself but hearing Prue sleep with another woman last night still hurt. In this moment, she felt as though it always would.


  Summer sat at a bar on the strip, alone. People watching had always worked in the past when she had things on her mind, and this little place…tucked away into a corner set back on the main street was the ideal place to do so. Nobody knew she existed. She merely blended in with other customers. Customers who appeared to be having the time of their life while she contemplated her own. Summer had made her decision earlier on today. This. Spain. It wouldn’t work. She’d promised herself to make a life out here, and for the most part, it felt good, but she couldn’t bring herself to go back to Prue’s villa for fear of seeing Rochelle there. Cosying up to the woman that should have been in her arms. Summer brushed a single tear from her jaw, dipping her head so as not to be seen by the other people around her. Who sits at a bar in Spain, crying? This was supposed to be the time when her life truly began. Bryony had left her because Summer wanted to travel and enjoy the sun. Yet here Summer was, unable to find that happiness this move was supposed to bring. Her phone vibrated on the table next to her double rum and coke.

  J: I got your message. I think you’re making a mistake.

  S: No. My mistake was ever coming here. I’ll see you in a couple of days.

  J: Where are you going to live?

  S: I’ve booked into a shitty hotel for a week while I try to find a private landlord.

  J: Summer…

  S: Don’t, Jade. I’ve made my decision.

  J: I’m sorry it turned to shit for you.

  S: My own fault. I told you I didn’t want to get involved with anyone, but I couldn’t help myself.

  J: We both know you’re not completely to blame. She pursued YOU, Summer.

  S: And I let her. Because I’m pathetic.

  J: Call me when you land. I’ll pick you up.

  S: Thanks. See you soon.

  Summer locked her phone and set it back down. The hotel had provided her with an extra day, which she really appreciated, but she hoped it didn’t get back to Prue. She knew she should at least go and say goodbye to her, but again, Summer was concerned as to who could possibly be there with Prue. Downing the remainder of her drink, Summer sighed as she climbed to her feet. Leaving ten euro on the table, she took her camera bag from the floor beside her and made her way towards the hotel. Inside it was her equipment and a cheque. A cheque she needed to give to Prue.

  I should just show up, Summer thought. It really didn’t matter if Rochelle was there or not. Summer and Prue meant nothing to one another. She had a debt to pay and then she was gone. From Spain. From Tías. From Prue’s life. She could see the relief on her face right now as she told Prue she was leaving. She could imagine the happiness beaming from Prue, knowing she wouldn’t have to deal with Summer anymore. It hurt to think that they’d never had the opportunity to get better acquainted, Summer’s own problems being the reason for that, but at least she would never know what she was missing. Deciding to do the right thing, Summer approached the taxi rank and waited for a car.

  Prue brought her knees up to her chest, her eyes swollen and red from the continuous crying she’d done all day. Summer had left, devastated by what she witnessed last night, but Prue couldn’t bring herself to think about it. When she did, it hurt. The pain…one she hadn’t experienced for a long time. Perhaps since Sarah left her. This is why she left. Prue closed her eyes, hugging her knees against her. Nobody wants a woman who cares more about herself than anyone else. At one time, Prue did only care about herself…for Summer though, she’d move heaven and earth for her. Prue would do anything she needed if it made Summer happy. Nobody had ever made her feel that way—clearly not even Sarah.

  She pulled another tissue from the box on the coffee table, wiping away her tears once again. This was ridiculous, Summer likely wasn’t even thinking about her. Yet here Prue was, devastated that she’d hurt a woman who she hadn’t even had the opportunity to kiss. To feel. To touch over and over again. Prue’s stomach churned, the thought of Summer hating her more devastating than anything else. How could she have done what she did last night? Rochelle was simply a means to an end—she’d told the Australian as much last night before things got heated. Rochelle agreed, even sitting and listening to Prue and her difficulties with Summer. She’d been great…offering to leave, or be what Prue needed. Unfortunately, Prue chose the latter. Now, she would have to deal with that.

  Curling up on the couch, Prue closed her eyes, preventing more tears from falling. Every second she’d spent with Summer had been beautiful, but those memories had now been marred with the look of complete heartbreak in Summer’s eyes just this morning. Prue’s biggest worry was that the image would stay with her forever. Summer Hastings deserved more than Prue running off to anyone who could assuage her needs…she really did.

  Okay, it’s time to move on. Prue couldn’t change what she’d done, however much she wanted to. She could only hope that one day—whenever that would be—Summer would show up, forgiving her. She didn’t deserve it, she never would, but it was the only shred of hope Prue could cling to. In her heart, she knew Summer was done with her…she was done with herself, but if she had any chance of sleeping tonight, she would have to believe it could happen. It would happen.

  Summer’s heart raced, the prospect of seeing Prue and saying goodbye having a stronger effect on her than she imagined it would. As she approached the villa, Summer had it all in her head. What she wanted to say. To explain everything to Prue. To say goodbye. But as the car stopped, the villa illuminated how it always was, her mind was blank. Nothing. No words. No emotion. Summer knew this was ridiculous. She’d never even kissed Prue. She’d never touched her. But she had come so close on more than one occasion. Just being with Prue was enough to satiate any desire she had, and that was what she would remember. Prue’s smile. Her sparkling eyes the first night they met. Her soft hand in her own. Little pointless things, Summer knew that, but enough for her.

  Summer had thought about asking the driver to wait, but she wasn’t sure how long this would take. Thanking him and paying her fare, she climbed from the car and approached the buzzer she’d never had to use. Tonight, the villa was locked up. It wasn’t necessarily unusual, but it meant that
Prue wasn’t expecting anyone. That could also mean one of two things. Prue was either uninterested in company this evening, or she was busy with Rochelle. Summer didn’t want to pressure herself any more than she felt she already had, so she pressed her finger against the buzzer and waited for any response.


  “Hi, i-it’s Summer.” As much as she wanted to sound confident, Summer’s voice appeared feeble. “Do you have a couple of minutes?”

  “Sure.” Prue sounded tired. “Come on in.”

  The lock on the gate buzzed, granting Summer access to Prue’s home. Before she could turn and run away, Summer pushed the heavy iron gate open and made her way towards the stone steps. Prue was there, as always, waiting for her. To Summer’s surprise, as she approached, it appeared Prue had been crying. Red, puffy eyes giving her away immediately.

  Prue didn’t like Summer’s body language. She looked exactly how Prue felt. As much as she wanted to keep a tight hold of that sliver of hope she had, Prue knew where this was going. Summer was coming to tell her everything she didn’t want to hear. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Sorry to interrupt you.” Summer cleared her throat, removing a small white envelope from her camera bag. “I just came by to give this to you.”

  Prue’s brow furrowed. “What is it?”

  “Payment,” Summer said. “For the room you revamped for me.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t necessary.” Prue attempted to hand it back. “I couldn’t lease it to you in the condition it was in.”

  “I understand that, but I’m no longer able to lease it, so your hard work was for nothing.”


  “I’m sorry for messing you around. That furniture looks pretty expensive.” Summer smiled, lowering her eyes. “So, I wanted to pay you for whatever it cost.”

  “Summer, I don’t want your money.”

  “I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me while I’ve been here. I won’t forget how kind you’ve been.”

  Prue’s knees weakened, her bottom lip trembling. “Summer, what’s going on?”

  “I’m going home. I have a flight booked. I fly out at eleven tomorrow.”

  Prue tilted her head up towards the night sky, closing her eyes to stop tears from falling. She never wanted it to end this way, but as Summer left this morning, Prue knew exactly what she’d done. She knew there was no coming back from this. To learn that Summer was leaving Tías though, it was a shock.

  “It’s really been great.” Summer shifted. “So, I’m just going to head off and finish packing.”

  “Please, don’t go.” The words fell from Prue’s mouth unexpectedly. “This isn’t necessary.”

  “It is.” Summer nodded. “I can’t stay here knowing that you’re around. I’d drive myself insane.”

  “I’ll back off. I’ll give you whatever space you need.”

  “It’s not about that, Prue.”

  Prue wished Summer wouldn’t say her name like that. When she did, she felt as though she meant nothing to Summer. Under normal circumstances, she would believe that to be the truth, but having spent time with Summer…she knew she meant more than she was willing to admit.

  “Last night…” Prue started. “What I did was unforgiveable. If I could change things, I would in a heartbeat.”


  “What you heard. What you saw.” Prue dropped her head to her hands. “I just… I don’t know what you want from me, Summer. I brought her back from work and one thing led to another. If you want me to be totally honest, I was using her to forget about you.”

  “Well, she’s certainly someone who can help you forget about me.” Summer smiled. “She’s gorgeous and totally your type.”

  “Except she’s not,” Prue said. “You. You are the one I’ve had my attention firmly on, but whenever I open up to you…you leave me hanging.”

  “I know, and that’s why it’s best if we just call this quits and I disappear.”

  “Is that really what you want, though?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want. You’ve just said it yourself.” Summer sighed. “I leave you hanging time and time again.”

  “I’m sure there is a reason for that. A reason we can discuss over dinner…or now, if that’s what we have to do.” Prue was clutching at straws, but Summer was the only woman she would ever beg to stay.

  “I’m leaving, Prue.” Summer’s voice cracked. “And I know I swore I’d stick this out when I was settling in here, I promised myself I would make it work, but maybe I set my expectations too high.”

  “I don’t believe you did.” Prue stepped closer to Summer, dropping the envelope between them. “I think you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.”


  “And I think that given half the chance, I could really fall for you, Summer.” Prue gripped the strap of Summer’s camera bag, taking a few steps down to meet Summer’s height. She was on the verge of begging, but she didn’t care. Summer couldn’t leave. It was wasted trying to make Summer see sense, but Prue felt as though she had to try. For both of them. “Please, stay…”

  “We can’t do this.” Summer shook her head, the close proximity of Prue’s body destroying her plans for this evening. “Please, don’t do something stupid.”

  “Stupid?” Prue tangled her fingers in Summer’s hair, guiding her closer. “This is the only time I’ve ever felt certain about anything in my life, Summer. You. Me. The moment I met you, I wanted you. To this day…that want has only become harder to deny. You must feel it, too?”

  “I don’t have anything to offer you.” Summer looked up at Prue, her blue eyes shining as they held unshed tears. “I couldn’t even keep hold of my last girlfriend.”

  “I’m not interested in what she did or didn’t want from you.” Prue tilted her head, smiling. “The only thing I’m interested in, is you and me.”

  “Your family will hate me.”

  “My family hate me. Join the club, beautiful.”

  “How can they hate you?” Summer’s forehead creased. “You’re perfect.”

  “Perfectly gay, yes.” Prue laughed. “But I wasn’t the straight little princess they wanted, so I was kicked to the curb a long time ago.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “I’m not,” Prue said. “My life is none of their concern.”

  “Still…I’ve done nothing to warrant this from you.”

  “Summer…” Prue guided her up the steps, her grip still firmly on the camera bag strap. “I haven’t been to the UK for twenty years. Don’t make me follow you there when you board that flight tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure you wouldn’t do that.” Summer blushed. “Rochelle is here for you. You should at least see where it goes with her.”

  “She works for me. I don’t mix business with pleasure. She knows we will never be anything more.” Prue felt bad for treating Rochelle that way, but there was no use pretending there was a spark. There wasn’t. “I have my eye on someone who makes my world spin. Someone who looks at me like they only see me…you.”

  “You should really update your rulebook.” Summer smirked. “You’ve broken it with me and Rochelle.”

  “But I want to break it with you a whole lot more…”

  “Prue.” Summer’s entire world shattered when Prue’s hand shifted, settling on her hip. “God…”

  “Stop resisting this,” Prue said, her eyes not quite holding the spark they once did. “Unless you really don’t want this—me—stop resisting.”

  “I don’t know how to stop resisting,” Summer admitted. “It’s like my default setting…”

  “Come with me?” Prue asked, her eyebrow arched. “Please?”

  “Where to?”

  “Just inside.” Prue smiled, backing up towards the patio doors. “Just to talk, Summer.”


  Prue didn’t know where to begin with what she wanted to say. What she needed to say. The last thing she ex
pected was for Summer to show up at her door, her flight booked to return to the UK. In Prue’s heart, she wanted to ask her to stay, but what right did she have? Summer was her own person. Mature. She knew exactly what she wanted, the worry being that it wouldn’t be Prue who she chose. Okay, she would survive if that was the case, but Prue wouldn’t like it. She didn’t like any of this.

  “So, Rochelle works at the hotel?” Summer suddenly spoke. “I’ve never seen her.”

  “Oh, no.” Prue turned her back, bracing her hands against the kitchen counter. She wasn’t sure how Summer would react to what she was about to say, but she would have to tell her at some point. “She works at the other business I have.”

  “You have another hotel?”

  “No, not a hotel.” Prue cleared her throat, taking two cups of coffee from the counter and approaching Summer in her living room. “A…club.”

  “Okay, why didn’t I know this?” Summer laughed, offering Prue a thankful smile as she took her coffee. “Maybe I’ve been there. I did a bit of partying with Jade while she was here.”

  “I doubt you’ve been there…”

  “Too high-end for me?” Summer asked, aware that she was self-deprecating.

  “No, never.” Prue shook her head, sitting down beside Summer. “The club I own… It’s not your average club.”


  “It’s more of a…gentleman’s club.”

  “Gentleman’s club?” Summer frowned.

  “Well, women are welcome too.”

  “You mean a strip club?” Summer swallowed hard, setting her cup down on the coffee table. “With women who dance for money?”


  “So, I’ve been worrying about Rochelle and what she could potentially be to you and you’ve been fucking a stripper?”

  “That’s a little harsh.” Prue breathed out, wiping her hands down her jeans. “She’s a dancer.”


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