My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play Page 18

by R. Greco

  Even before speaking to Jon about maybe including Marcie I knew the suggestion would thrill him…it did me; I liked that we were having a good time as much exploring one another as we always did as much as having introduced Terri, and now I hoped Marcie into our fun. But how would this all feel if there was no permanence to Jon and I? Would whatever happened with the girls, if we could manage to have anything happen with Marcie, just feel all that much sadder when it went away if Jon left? And what was worse, and something I felt the pangs of even when he was fucking my ass and we were obviously so aroused by the idea, was I facilitating Terri and maybe Marcie into this all, creating a ‘stable’ as it were, because I wanted to make it so Jon would be so sexually turned-on by the possibilities I presented him here that he would find it damn hard to go home?

  Shit, could I be that shallow to be considering the obligatory cliché worry every sub, hell, every girl faced? Weren’t Jon and I past all this? Could I be that obvious? Could I be really welling up then? Jesus, where was the confident sexually voracious girl I had convinced myself I was?

  “Shit honey, what is it? Kay? Kay?”

  “Jon,” I sighed the tears streaming down my face.

  “Honey what? Tell me, what’s wrong?”

  He was on me close, hugging me, holding me, stroking my hair. I was all but gulping then, trying to hold on to the smell of him. Shit, this was not good but I had let the realizations out the gate and they were riding rough shot over me in the din of the crunchy noodles and the too-hot-for-my-tastes mustard. I did not want this man to leave but I did not want him staying if he did so for the wrong reasons, right reasons…hell, this was killing me!

  Stay mother fucker, stay! I screamed in my head as I clutched Jon with my telepathy as well as my hands.

  “I’m not going anyplace,” he suddenly said.

  Shit, maybe there was telepathy here.

  “In a month, yes you are,” I said leaning back from him.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be back baby. I’m coming back to stay.”

  “How do I know that, really? I mean we skirt around it all the time, I feel us growing close and good, but really Jon, how do I…” I said and wiped at my wet right cheek.

  “I don’t want you to feel this way,” he said and lean-up to take my hand, “you know, not sure about my feelings.”

  “Well, sorry. But I really am not so sure.”

  “What do you want to hear from me?”

  “The truth.”

  “That’s all I gots.”

  “Ok then, what are we doing? Are you staying and if you are is because of what you feel for me, as you know by now I fucking well feel for you or because I might be able to get Marcie to play with us?”

  “Kay, come on,” he smiled.

  Fuck you and those dimples, I thought.

  “Really doll, this is the shit that goes through a girl’s mind, you got to know that.”

  “Yes, I came out here for a trial three-month stay sensing the possibility of you may be getting a little harem of your kinky friends together I might get to spank; yes, you caught me.”

  “Honey, you know what I’m saying,” I said and looked deep into his eyes, “I know how voracious you are for your kinky side, hell I am just as voracious for mine. I love the stuff we get into, and I damn well want the stable, believe me, but it’s addictive I know. I want to know what else there is between us, beyond my good cooking and my good cookin’.”

  Jon lean back again, took a breath and then stood from me releasing my hand. I poised my ass on the edge of the couch, the scene of so much debauchery this past month, looking up as he seemed to reconcile exactly what he was going to say, then he exhaled loudly and knelt in front of me.

  “Most of my adult life when I am in one place I have always been thinking about being somewhere else, does that make sense?”


  “But visiting you the times I did before I came this time, especially the past time and being here now, playing house as we are I have never once thought about being anywhere else.”

  “Sure we have had our moments and yes the sex, well, it gets any better we’ll have to market our own H.B.O. special…”

  I had to laugh with him at that one.

  “…and yes Terri is hot, and yes I want to see Marcie’s black ass.”

  Again we laughed.

  “I love you my little angel,” he said “and I’m not going anyplace, stable or not.”

  Jon was on the couch then crying with me.


  “Even with your man here you and Terri and getting into still, huh?”

  “I was always kinda surprised you never went for my black berry in the first place. I mean, I know Terri is cute and all, but...”

  “It is customary during a conversation to at least hold-up your end Kay.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” I managed and damned if I didn’t take an exit three before my own to park quick in a Carl Jr.’s parking lot.

  The very next day after Jon and my ‘big talk’ I was calling Marcie as we both drove home from work.

  “Kay, come on honey, you know I have known about you and that little cutie. I know I know you swing both ways.”

  “How the hell would you ever know that?”

  “You got to be Angie not to see it or Lisa not wanting to.”

  I suddenly flushed thinking that maybe Lisa might have been submerging suspicions about Terri and I but then I realized even if she was she’d never realize it in her conscious thoughts that she had or was.

  “So, you bi then?”

  “Mmm, not exactly no,” Marcie said, “but a girl can be curious can’t she?”

  “That’s the least I was hoping for.”

  “Plus, I am a kinky sista and can just imagine what you, Terri and Jon get into!”

  “I draw the line on eating pussy though or having a girl eat mine, that just wouldn’t be my thing, ya know?”

  Shit, this conversation had really started with me faking a casual catching-up before the weekend began. Marcie really had been the one to bring this up, to take the tact I so wanted to take when I had managed to cough out to her: ‘Um, I have something I want to ask you’?

  “Well, it’s a lot less traditional sex, more domination, BDSM games, ya know?”

  “Mmmm,” Marcie literally cooed. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t pulled over someplace, the phone in the crook of her ear, her hands diddling her pussy through her slacks as I was.

  “I have been around the block a few times girl,” she added, “whatever you want my big titties for or my fine chocolate ass, I am down.”

  God knew I wanted to see those big tits, I knew Jon would to, but the thought of Marcie’s black ass naked was making it hard to swallow. Just introducing her into our clutches, talking out the possibility with Terri who would at first be reluctant then slowly come to realize she was as attracted to Marcie as I was, working through the fits and starts to present a trio, our stable to my man and what he would do to us, shit I couldn’t even work my mind around the parameters.

  “Name the time and place honey, I am so there,” Marcie added and I began to picture our schedule for the weekend.


  When your kneeling at the front of your couch, bent hard at the waist, your bare ass shucked slightly high and quivering, aroused and embarrassed-or one because of the other-your relying as much on what you hear as on what you might be able to spy over either shoulder. It was for this reason that I was as delighted by the short tight retort Jon’s open palm said smacking Marcie’s chocolate buns as I was wet with Terri consistently brushing up against my other side. Having seen, tickled and yes even smacked Terri I knew her buns to be tight little high and round but the most I had seen of Marcie’s was in the long peasant skirts she usually wore.

  “God, I’m so glad I moved here,” Jon said and knelt behind me, lean his thick lips to my stinging right cheek and as he puckered I heard him ‘smat smat’ the asses either side of my own. />
  Terri and Marcie made our stable quite complete.

  Marcie’s tits are just a smidgen away from pendulous. Really, with boobs that big it was amazing hers were so firm and high at her age. But I had come to realize that pretty much Marcie was a perfect physical specimen and the bod she hid in her oversized shirts and long skirts was just on this side of pretty much fantastic. Terri herself, the youngest of us all and the one certainly who needed the most attention (and the one who probably thought she’d keep getting it) couldn’t take her eyes off of Marcie as she stripped for us all an hour ago. She still wasn’t completely convinced this would all work, was slightly taken aback that I had never disavowed or tried to dissuade Marcie from her assumptions about Terri and I, but when I reminded Terri that a.) we had more than once all talked about adding another girl into this and that b.) for assured discretion we had all agreed it could only ever be Marcie she lightened-up to the fact that yes she wanted to see our black friend naked and that the idea of being part of stable thrilled her.

  Now here we were , bent in our usual position at the front of my couch, Jon down with us all, fondling, kissing, marveling at his good fortune.

  What did this bring me, what might it? Was I really convinced Jon was staying because he loved me, even though we both knew he’d have to fly back east for at least a week to get things in order to really be able to move here? Could he and I really survive, would we even get married, something he and I vowed never to do again? Where would the stable go, would it grow or peter-out? Would Marcie take to whatever was about to happen, God knew when she got naked she had taken a good couple minutes to give us the show of playing with, then sucking her tits, or would this be a one-time flash-in-the-pan instance?

  No relationship is free of questions and doubts and I knew what I had with Jon maybe had more than usual, but in other ways didn’t have other concerns other couples court. All I knew as I lie there and wiggled my ass ever so slightly was that I wanted my man to swat my ass again and then give just as good to Terri on my left and Marcie on my right.




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