Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She laughed. “Cynthia dropped you like a hot potato and moved on pretty quickly if I recall. She still with Edward?”

  “That dick thinks he’s such a big shot. He fucking sells jewelry.”

  “He’s loaded, Mike.”

  “What happened to money not meaning everything to a good woman?”

  “Well, first you have to be dealing with a good woman. If I recall correctly, you picked her up at a bar, and when she asked you what you did for a living you told her you could tell her but then you’d have to kill her.” He laughed.

  “You saw her body?”

  “Please,” she said.

  “It worked.”

  “For sex, but nothing more. She realized you were in law enforcement and the dollar signs she saw disappeared and so did she.”

  “She pissed me off so much.”

  “Forget about her.”

  “They’re going to be there. Her and Edward, and you are like super fucking hot. It’s a fundraiser for officers shot in the line of duty. Come on, you’re going anyway.”

  “I was only going for a little while. I’m supposed to go to Corporal’s to meet my friends.”

  “You can go afterwards. Three hours. Just enough time to make that bitch suffer.”

  She exhaled. “Fine, but I’m seriously leaving when I want to.”

  “Yes! I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “I’ll meet you there at seven.” She ended the call and then smiled. He was such a character, but he truly did not have one commitment bone in his body. A sexy body at that, but not her type at all and just a friend. With those thoughts, she thought about the chief and his brothers. Damn were they fantasies. All those muscles and capabilities. The only way to avoid doing something stupid was to stay clear of them.

  Her phone rang again, and this time it was Pierre.

  “Hi, Pierre what’s up?”

  “A lot.”

  “Oh no, what?”

  “That info you found out on a chartered plane in Syria? Its passengers are various businessmen. Men who have some connections to Kerrin Bulla. Remember him?”

  “Yeah, of course I do, and he was the right person to keep eyes on despite the agency thinking otherwise.”

  “Well, now we know why. Those agents were working for the bad guys, for Rosen, not us. You found that out the hard way, and it nearly cost losing you besides over a dozen agents and military soldiers.”

  “Shit, this is leading back to what we were originally on a year ago.”

  “I’m going to put Mike on alert. He’s going to be assigned to one of the investigations as we go and assign others. There were about six businessmen that need looking into.”

  “I know that him and Vince came up with connections to men at the hotel in the dining room with the sex slaves. We both know that Turbin was into that business as well as abducting women. Perhaps these businessmen are dealing with Kerrin. Remember what I said about Rosen connecting to Kerrin if they aren’t already partners in business?”

  “Wess and Cole knocked that idea of yours down. Who would have known they were working against us and working for Rosen?” Pierre said.

  “No one did, and it caused a lot of people to get hurt and relationships destroyed out of distrust and fear that there were more rats.”

  “Worse of all was you being caught in the middle and nearly dying.”

  “What will you need from me?” she asked, changing the direction of this conversation back to the business at hand. Pierre was silent a moment.

  “Not anything right now. That trip to New York may come Monday, so enjoy the evening with Mike Friday,” he said, and she was shocked.

  “How did you…? Wait, he literally just called me.”

  “I spoke to him earlier and gave him the heads-up on things. I mentioned you going Friday. I know the cause is dear to your heart.”

  “Hmm, you know we’re just going as friends so he can piss off that woman Cynthia.”

  “With you as his date, that will surely happen. He’s a good guy.”

  “Don’t go there. You know we are just friends.”

  “So that town getting to you, softening you up?”


  “I don’t know, maybe you’re more interested in the chief and his brothers? Navy Seals did help you out a time or two.”

  “Very funny.”

  “We checked them out. I know you did, as well. Quite impressive men, and I’m sure you saw that they were good friends with the Seals that died in Syria.”

  “I know that, which makes things complicated.”

  “Not really.”

  “How can you say ‘not really’? It would be disastrous. They were probably friends with Evan. You think after that, even though Evan and I were just seeing one another, that I would consider anyone even remotely close to law enforcement or military? Not going to happen.”

  “Dating wealthy men in business or the medical field didn’t work out either. You can’t help who you’re attracted to. Besides, you’ve got time on your hands, unless you were lying about the freelance work and want back in full time? I know the commanders will be fighting over you.”

  “Very funny, and no, I’ll stick to what I’m doing. Besides, you saw their records, and you can figure out their personalities. They would not accept a woman of my capabilities. They want to be in charge. They are dominant, bossy, commanding, and seem to be controlling, as well. We would clash heads.”

  “Not necessarily. You never let go. They could be the ones to help you do that.”

  “Okay, Dr. Phil, don’t quit your day job. Let’s get back to business.”

  “I share things with you.”

  She exhaled.

  “Okay, okay, back to business. I’ll send over the list of names. Discreetly, find out what you can on their businesses and their connections to Kerrin. Oh, and how is Amelia doing? I meant to ask.”

  “She sounded good when I spoke to her earlier. We’re meeting for lunch tomorrow.”

  “Without her men?”

  She snickered. “No, with them nearby. She’s also supposed to try a self-defense class with Casey tonight.”

  “Wow, sounds like Ice is helping her out, and she’s determined to feel stronger.”

  “Maybe pushing herself a bit much.”

  “She’s a good friend. I know you care a lot about all your friends you’ve made there. I’m glad Mercy is working out, but we do miss you in the field.”

  “Yeah, well, not quite ready to get shot at.”

  “You healed quickly.”

  “Not wanting to talk about it.”

  “Okay, enjoy and let me know how it works out.”

  She ended the call and sighed. Another thing she needed to worry about were the two bullet wounds she sported on her body. One right in her chest, making sexy clothing a little difficult to find, and one in her side right above her hip bone. Thank god it hadn’t hit her hip bone, or it would have shattered and she more than likely would have been in a wheelchair if not dead. She exhaled. She had a story all made up for the scars though. A teenage tragedy living in the tough neighborhoods of NY and those damn drive-by shootings. She was lucky to survive.

  She felt guilty about that, but she had no choice. If she were ever intimate with a man again, then she would need the lie to help cover her real profession. This job sucked the life out of her, and any hope of normalcy.

  * * * *

  Aqua was walking through the supermarket grabbing some things they needed at home when he heard the deep voice. He didn’t know why he even bothered to look, but the way the man complimented the woman, telling her she was the prettiest thing he had ever seen and that his brother thought so, too, snagged Aqua’s attention. What he hadn’t expected to see was April, standing by the aisle, hands on the cart and smirking. The two men were invading her space, their hands on her cart, and they weren’t giving up on her.

  She looked good as usual. Sporting a pair of low-riding jeans, heeled sandals, and a
V-neck top that accentuated her large breasts immediately drew his eyes to her every curve. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a low bun at the back of her head with tendrils of hair falling in a sexy manner done on purpose. He couldn’t see her gorgeous emerald-green eyes from here, but he knew how mesmerizing they were. It pissed him off that those men were hitting on her, just like it pissed him off as men hit on her at Corporal’s. He thought about her and Mike, wondering if they were more than friends or if she was playing that up the other night to get him and his brothers to think she was involved with him. His gut turned with anger and jealousy.

  “You have a full cart. Bet they’ll be a lot of bags to carry out to your car. We can help you with that,” the other guy said, and she exhaled. He hoped she didn’t flirt back. He didn’t know why he was even standing there except for the fact that this woman got to him and his brothers. To Caden especially quickly.

  “Now, fellas, I appreciate the compliments, truly I do, but you’re wasting your time. I’m not interested. It’s been a long day, and if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish up.” She went to move, and the big guy got in her way. Aqua instantly got annoyed. Before this turned into something bad, he cleared his throat.

  “Hey, babe, I couldn’t find that cereal you like,” he said and walked right up behind her, placed his milk and eggs into her cart, and then wrapped his arm around her waist. He gave the two men an expression that should warn them to take a hike.

  “Who are you?” the one guy asked.

  Aqua kept a hand on her hip and stepped to the side. “Do you want to know, or perhaps you need to run along now and go sniffing elsewhere?” he said firmly and felt April tighten up. Luckily the two men must have seen the look in Aqua’s eyes as they gave her a nod and another look over before they slowly walked away. They didn’t go far though, so he slid back behind her, moved his hand under her top, along her belly and waist, pulling her back against his front before leaning forward to kiss her neck. She smelled so good, and fit against him perfectly. She was feminine, muscular, and he was completely turned on by her.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she whispered, her voice catching in her throat.

  “Getting rid of the trash, sweetheart. I’d better stay close. Those men look stubborn.” He slid his hand away from her waist and over her ass before he met her gaze with his. She stared up at him with those gorgeous emerald-green eyes like no others he had ever seen. She was stunning, and goddamn did she fill out a pair of tight blue jeans like no one else. The hem of her T-shirt, a pale pink, lifted slightly, revealing her skin and trim waist, and the top dipped just slightly but she was well endowed and then some. He had felt her muscular abs just now as he held her close. The woman could be on the cover of a workout magazine.

  “How are you?” he asked her.

  She looked a little more relaxed. “Not bad, and you?” she asked, as they continued to walk through the aisle.

  “Glad to have bumped into you. You haven’t gone to Corporal’s.”

  “I’m very busy with work. I don’t get to go out too often.”

  “What is it you do again?” he asked.

  “Finance and banking, privately for specific companies.”

  “You do that from home, or do you work at an office somewhere?”

  “Home and I travel a lot.”

  He nodded. “Nice.” He looked at her cart.

  “Feeding an army?” he asked.

  “Company coming over tomorrow for lunch.”

  His chest tightened as he held her gaze, and she stopped. He covered her hand with his and looked down into her eyes. “Not another man or men, I hope,” he said softly, but his tone was hard. He couldn’t help it. He had a deep voice, and he never had to beg a woman for attention before. Most threw themselves at him. Another reason why he was interested in April. She eyed over his chest and then his lips.

  “I had that handled back there.”

  “I didn’t think so. Couldn’t risk some other guys moving in on you. Not when my brothers and I want to get to know you better.”

  “Aqua,” she said and turned away, but he slid his hand up her arm to her shoulder then reached up and cupped her cheek. He stroked her jaw, and so badly he wanted to press his lips to hers. April smelled incredible.

  “What is it? You can’t tell me that you aren’t attracted to me. I can feel your heart beating as fast as mine is.”

  Her lips parted, and she went to speak and then hesitated. “I don’t date. Not right now anyway. I’m so busy with work, and I have a few business trips coming up. It’s not a good time for me.”

  “Who’s coming over for lunch?” He stroked her jaw then slid his hand to her waist and stepped closer.

  She inhaled. “None of your business.” He squinted at her.

  “So it’s a date?”

  “It’s not your business. I’m sorry, Aqua, but I can’t entertain you. I’m certain there are plenty of other women that would love to be the next adventure for you and your brothers. If you’ll excuse me.” She pulled away and began to walk.

  “You have my things,” he said to her, and she had to stop. When she did, he pressed up against her back, his lips against her ear and neck, and she didn’t pull away or smack him. No, instead she tightened up and tilted to the left, giving him room to kiss her skin. He did and trailed his lips along her neck to her shoulder. “You wouldn’t be an adventure. I hope to see you soon,” he said and then stepped back and reached into her cart to grab his eggs and milk. She stared at him, and he saw and felt the attraction. She was resistant, and he couldn’t help but to wonder why.

  Chapter Three

  “Wow, I didn’t even know about this street, never mind this house back here. What did you say April does for a living?” Fogerty asked Amelia. Amelia was in awe of the place. The road was all private and led up a long sandy road appearing like it was heading nowhere, and then there were a set of security gates. Not too fancy, but definitely provided security. They opened before they reached the intercom.

  “Something with finance and banking, I think. She travels often. That’s why she isn’t always around.”

  “Are those maids’ quarters?” Dell asked, looking toward a large building that was a cross between a garage and a cottage. The view of the ocean appeared instantly and the sun shining along the house. It wasn’t a huge mansion, but a pristine home, multiple floors and stunning. Amelia couldn’t seem to focus on where to look next. It was gorgeous, and like something out of a magazine.

  “She lives here alone?” Fogerty asked.

  “As far as I know,” Amelia said as Watson parked the truck. The front door opened, and April appeared, wearing capri pants in white and a pink sleeveless blouse. She looked sophisticated and classy.

  They all got out, and April greeted them with a hug to Amelia and then kisses and hugs hello to the men.

  “This place is gorgeous April,” Amelia said to her.

  “Thank you so much.”

  “I never even knew this road existed,” Watson said, and April nodded.

  “It’s nice and private, and one of the reasons why I loved it when I came here about a year or so ago. Come on inside. I made some sweet tea, and I have beer, wine, whatever you would like.”

  “A tour,” Amelia said and grinned. April took her arm and smiled.

  “So how was the first class?”

  Amelia made a face. “Not good.”

  April released her arm as she showed them the open plan and entered the gorgeous kitchen. The view of the ocean as her back yard was breathtaking.

  “North would go nuts over this place.”

  “I’m sure she would. So what happened?” April asked as she pointed to the beers and tea, and the guys picked out bottles of cold beer. Amelia went for the sweet tea with April.

  “I can’t do it. I was freaking out with the men in the class, the enclosed space, and then flashbacks of things. I’m not ready,” Amelia repeated.

  “What about one-on-one t
raining in a more subdued setting?” April asked.

  “We mentioned training her ourselves,” Fogerty said and gave Amelia a sympathetic grin.

  “I’ve been depending on you guys for everything,” Amelia said and then looked away. “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s look around. Give us a tour?” she asked April.

  “Of course, and then lunch out on the patio if you all want to.”

  “Definitely with a view like that,” Dell added and smiled.

  * * * *

  April could tell that the men were impressed with her place and Amelia, too. She had her stories straight about financing and banking, throwing in her success with the right investments. Which was completely true. Back in New York she backed her friend’s son in a restaurant he wanted to open, and soon she was a silent partner and he opened a chain of them. From there she began to financially back different people for different things. It was lucrative, and she also knew that her real career would burn her out quickly emotionally and physically or a bullet even faster. She swallowed hard, and when they were done, they walked onto the patio with plates full of food.

  The men didn’t even question the two locked rooms she avoided showing them, saying that they were her work offices and space. There would be no way to explain all the high-tech equipment and computers, as well as her surveillance room that kept her abreast of anyone coming onto the property or even on the beach, which was private with multiple signs on either end.

  “This is stunning, and the pool is gorgeous, too, with the waterfall and all that stone work,” Dell complimented.

  “We should do something like this at our place. Make it more relaxing and inviting when we entertain,” Watson said while looking around at the view. “Is that your own entrance to the beach?” he asked, pointing down.

  “Sure is.”

  “You ever worry about security, you know, living here alone and with such privacy?” Fogerty asked her.

  “I have a high-tech security system. In fact, you guys would probably love it considering your line of work and all,” she said, and they looked at her like she wasn’t supposed to know they were mercenaries.


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