Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I thought I did. I think maybe I was just worrying about the time it took to actually date her, from a relationship between work and the heavy caseload. Maybe I just wanted to hold on to her out of convenience. You know, it would be easier than starting over.” He took a sip from his beer.

  “I get that, but eventually it would have ended. Your job requires a lot of hours day and night, and being called out at any time. A lot of women can’t handle that.”

  “Just like a lot of men can’t,” he said and winked. She nodded.

  “Oh boy, here comes those three guys with ATF that are hot for you,” Mike said just as another man approached him, and he turned away.

  “Miss Marris, so good to see you again.” She turned to look up to see Dom and his two buddies, Lou and Frank. She met them a couple of weeks back at Murphy’s pub and restaurant, and Mike introduced her. At first she thought they were kind of interesting, but she didn’t really feel an attraction. She felt the hand on her hip as Dom leaned down to kiss her cheek hello. She was polite and the same with Lou and Frank as they kissed her hello.

  “You look amazing. Please tell me Mike isn’t your date,” he said.

  “He is my date. How about you guys? How is everything going?” she asked and took a sip from her glass of champagne.

  “It’s going well, but would be better if you were our date. How about you break away from him and come along with us to check out the views on the balcony?” Frank asked, eyeing her over. She chuckled.

  “Not going to happen, but nice try. Hey, I thought you hooked up with that cute little redhead that night at Murphy’s. What happened with her? She seemed really into you guys.”

  They looked shocked that she knew. She watched people and saw things most didn’t.

  “Nothing happened. Except fulfilling her fantasies,” Lou said and licked his lower lip and gave her a wink.

  She laughed, and then Mike turned around. “Hey, guys, what’s up? Thanks for keeping my date company. You ready, baby?” Mike asked and slid his arm around her waist.

  “Later, guys, enjoy the evening,” she said and could see their angry and disappointed faces.

  “I’m making enemies with you as my date. I have to work with those boneheads, you know.”

  She chuckled. “I’m making enemies with you as my date, as well,” she said, looking around as they walked. She nearly stumbled when she caught sight of Caden Farmer. Holy shit, he looked incredible. She quickly turned away, and then Mike was greeted by someone else.

  “Excuse me a minute. We’ll catch up later. I need to use the ladies’ room,” she told him.

  He nodded and then continued talking, but he watched her head toward the hallway and ladies’ room, the opposite direction she saw Caden. Jesus, he looked pissed off and ready to kill someone. She found the ladies’ room, and then after she was finished, she walked out to see the outdoor patio doors to the right. She could use the breather. She wanted to waste a little time and then head out.

  She placed the champagne glass down on the high table and then looked out at the water and marina. It was a really nice venue, and there were so many people in attendance. She was glad for the fundraiser’s success. As she took a deep breath of fresh air, she sensed someone come outside. A glance over her shoulder and she saw it was Caden. She turned. “Caden, how are you?” she asked. He didn’t smile, just looked her over and then was in her space. He slid his arm around her waist.

  “So good to see you, April.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek hello. She turned slightly, and that soft peck did so much to her insides she felt nervous. Then he was pulling her closer, sliding his palm along her open back, and she gripped onto his forearms, tilting her head up toward him. The man was gorgeous, lethal, intense right now, and he felt and smelled so good.

  “You look amazing. I didn’t know you would be here.”

  “I came with Mike.” She felt his hand stop stroking her skin along her back.

  “I saw that. What’s it all about? I thought you didn’t date,” he said, staring at her lips. She felt his palm over her lower back, partially over her ass. His finger stroked her there, instantly sending her body up in flames. Her lips parted in a low gasp.

  She went to put some space between them, but he stepped closer, her rear hitting the railing.

  “I…” She went to look away.

  “Don’t lie to me. I hate liars.”

  She looked back up into his eyes.

  “I don’t date, Chief. Mike and I are friends.”

  “Friends don’t put their hands on your ass and act possessive.”

  “His hand never touched my ass,” she said in a snappy tone.

  He stared at her with such emotion she felt compelled to tell him the truth, but then he spoke and she stirred in his arms. “Fuck, I’m so fucking jealous it’s eating me alive. Tell me you aren’t fucking him. Tell me,” he demanded, his hold so possessive. She could hardly breathe. He was incredibly sexy, so intense, and she shook her head and that was it. Caden moved in for the kill and kissed her, sliding his hand up her back to her neck, making that kiss erotic and wild. She pressed closer, kissed him back, and couldn’t believe how turned on she was. Her mind went into fast forward. She wanted him. Wanted to feel his body close to hers. Wanted to inhale his scent and see what kind of a lover the chief of police was. Then she thought about Aqua and Simon and realized that if she allowed this, then they would be included. That freaked her out. That meant deep feelings, and it wouldn’t be just sex. Did she want it to be more?

  She started pulling back, but Caden wasn’t ready to stop kissing her. His other hand went around her waist tight, making her lose her breath. When he finally released her lips, he trailed his mouth along her neck and into her top. She gripped him. “Caden, slow down. Jesus, we need to stop.”

  He looked up, appearing like some wild man, and she knew he was a Navy Seal. Knew his capabilities and his brothers’, too. She thought of the moment they appeared in the hallway after she took Vince Turbin, that terrorist piece of shit, out. This was too complicated. The case was active, and she was pretty much smack in the middle.

  He continued to hold her, let the hand that was on the back of her neck lower to her mid-back. His finger traced down her spine and along her sensitive skin. He stared down into her eyes as she caught her breath.

  “Leave with me now. Come home with me, and let’s stop this bullshit and explore this attraction.” She licked her lips and pressed away from him. He released her but not completely.

  She fixed her lips, felt how swollen and needy they were. She loved how demanding he was as he kissed her. How sexy and macho he held her and took control. She could get lost in that, but she needed to be smart. This wasn’t smart at all.

  “I won’t do that.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked, taking her hand and bringing it up against his chest. His other hand was on her waist. She swallowed hard.

  “I don’t know you, Caden. I don’t sleep around.”

  “You let men take you to events and show you off as their trophy, though. What does he have on you to make you come here as his date?”

  She squinted at him and his untrusting, accusatory comment.

  “No one forces me to do anything.” She went to pull away, and he snagged her back and kissed her again. This was insane, and as they dueled for control of the kiss, he squeezed her ass, pulled her so tight she felt his thick, hard erection and moaned into his mouth. His other hand cupped her breast and stroked her nipple. Her pussy clenched, and she felt the cream drip. Son of a bitch, he was a piece of work. No man affected her like Caden.

  When he finally released her lips, he pulled her against his chest and hugged her to him. “Come home with me now. I’ll call Aqua and Simon.” She thought about it a moment but then remembered that everyone expected to see her at Corporal’s and she still needed to play the role as Mike’s date tonight. She pulled back. “Don’t,” he said through clenched teeth. Was she making him this crazy?
Was he really so jealous over Mike and other men wanting her?

  “I have to stay a little longer. Mike needs me.”

  “Needs you?” he asked in anger.

  “To be his date. He’s trying to piss off an ex-girlfriend.”

  “What?” he asked, seeming shocked.

  “I know, I know, very sophomoric, but she broke his heart and left him for another man. So far it’s working.”

  “The brunette that was throwing spears at you with the older guy who was totally licking his lips watching you?” he asked, sliding his palm along her ass. She nodded.

  “I want to be alone with you. So do Aqua and Simon.”

  “I have to go to Corporal’s, Caden, and I don’t think I’m ready for some public display of barbaric possession or claim of sorts. I don’t want that. I have a lot going on in my life, in business, and I—”

  He kissed her again until she was breathless. When he pulled from her mouth, she exhaled. “Stop doing that.”

  “Can’t help it. Everything about you is sexy and gets me fired up. I want you. Want to explore every inch of you with my brothers, and I don’t want the excuses.”

  “I don’t think I can give you what you’re asking for, Caden.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “What isn’t? You feel the attraction to the three of us. You want no strings, then no fucking strings.”

  She thought about that. Is that what she wanted? She could tell it wouldn’t go that way. They would all want more, and perhaps it would get serious fast and then she would have to lie to them and lie some more. She felt like shit.

  “What’s wrong? What is it? Talk to me.”

  “To be honest, I’m confused. I have trust issues. I really don’t date.”

  “But you’re attracted to us. You want to explore these feelings?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Then let’s plan on doing that tonight. We leave here, meet casually at the bar, and hang with friends, and then we leave.”

  “Not together. I don’t want this turning into something it can’t be.” She saw his insulted expression, and she gripped his hips. “Caden, trust issues. Some past damage from previous relationships, and my lifestyle, my work schedule, and the fact that making any kind of commitment isn’t possible.”

  He seemed to think about that.

  “One day at a time. No complications,” he said, and she stared at him. He stroked along the side of her breast then to her back again. She loved the way it felt.

  “One day at a time,” he said, and she nodded. As she went to pull away, he shook his head. “One last taste to hold me off until later.” He pressed his lips to hers. This kiss was slow, deep, and meaningful, unlike the full-throttle shock and awe of his first assault on her lips and her defenses. It felt so good, and it felt incredibly right.

  * * * *

  “Where is he now?” Kulta asked. He worked for Victoria and had men keeping tabs on Agent Mike Waters.

  “He’s with the blonde,” the guy told him over the phone, and then Kulta heard his phone go off, indicating another text message. Kulta was sending pictures. He glanced at it and whistled.

  “She is exceptional. Wonder what she sees in this agent,” the guy said.

  “Keep watch. I’ll be in touch if they want anything done tonight.”


  Kulta ended the call and looked at the pictures. He was right, the woman was exceptional. He heard the door open to the office and gave Victoria a nod. “They have their eyes on the agent and the woman he’s with.”

  “Another agent?”

  “No, a date.” He passed his phone to her to see. She widened her eyes.

  “Who is she?”

  “We don’t know yet, but I have men working on it.” She stared at her and zoomed in. The guy got good shots of the woman.

  “I want to know more.” She looked like she was up to something.

  “What color are her eyes?” she asked and then licked her lips and tapped her chin. He squinted.

  “Seriously, Victoria?”

  “I owe Rosen, and he has a good friend, a powerful one who has unique tastes. He’ll be with Rosen in a couple of weeks. Get me what you can on her, and I mean everything.”

  Kulta nodded, and she handed him back his phone but not before she forwarded the pictures to herself.

  * * * *

  “Is it me or am I getting daggers thrown at me from Caden, Simon, and Aqua?” Mike asked her, whispering into her ear as he stood next to her at the bar. His two buddies from the state police were there, too. She knew who they were, but they hadn’t a clue as to who she was. No one here did, and she was fine keeping it that way. She reached up and rubbed her temple.

  “Are you feeling okay? I can drive you home now,” he said and took a sip from his beer.

  “You don’t need to leave because of me. Besides, I think that little redhead talking to Phillip wants to talk to you again,” she said, and he looked toward where the redhead was.

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Mike, everything worked out well tonight. Enjoy. I’m going to go visit with my friends,” she said, and he nodded and then gave her a hug and kissed her cheek by her ear.

  “Be sure about those Navy Seals, okay,” he said, and she nodded.

  He walked away, and she stepped from the bar only to be stopped by Ice as she was passing by. He looked her over and smiled. “You look incredible. Heard you helped Mike out with an ex-girlfriend,” he said, and she chuckled.

  “He tell you that?” she asked.

  “Sure did. I also heard about your plan with Amelia. I think it’s great, and she seems thrilled with the idea.”

  “Wow, seems word travels fast around here. I should be careful.”

  “Word travels fast when someone is a good person and people care. I’m curious to know where you learned martial arts and relaxation techniques like what Amelia explained to me.”

  “She told you about it?”

  “She was thrilled, although I didn’t think a lot of civilians, well, people with no military backgrounds knew about it.”

  She was prepared for this and was on her toes. “Yeah, well, I learned at a young age. My dad was a Marine and a cop. I heard about the techniques and saw him practicing several times before his shifts for work or during training in the gym. I was enthralled with it and started to investigate further. When he saw I was interested so much, he taught me, as well.”

  She felt the hand on her hip and turned to the right and locked gazes with Simon. “Is the date with Mike finally over?” he asked, and Ice chuckled.

  “Why do you want to know?” she asked with a little bit of attitude.

  His hand firmed on her hip and then slid along her waist as he kissed her bare shoulder. “So my brothers and I could snag your full attention now.”

  She looked at Ice, who squinted but was smirking. “Well, Ice and I are actually talking.”

  “Join us, Simon,” Ice said, and the bartender gave Simon a nod and then handed him a cold beer.

  She couldn’t help but to feel aroused by Simon this close to her. The man was filled with muscles, his shoulder and neck muscles were bulging, and the gruff along his cheeks and chin made him appear wild and rugged, yet his skin looked soft, tanned, and he was definitely a looker. He smelled really good, too, and as he joined them, he pulled her between his legs as he stood by the bar and she faced Ice.

  “So you were saying that your dad was a Marine and a cop. What else did he teach you?” Ice asked.

  “A lot of things,” she said, and then Aqua and Caden appeared. They said hello to Ice, and Casey and Melena came by, and the crowd around them grew a little bigger. She got off the interrogation a little but then was almost wishing for Ice to ask her more questions as Caden, Aqua, and Simon kept her close and took every opportunity to touch her.

  She stepped to the side to say something to Casey, who was talking to Dion, an
instructor at the Y. One look at Ice and April could tell he was jealous. She wondered if Ice would make a move on Casey and if his brothers would show up here, too. She felt the caress to her hip, and as she stepped back, Aqua pulled her into his arms. He stared down into her eyes and looked over the deep cleavage where her dress dipped. His fingers stroked her bare skin on her back, and she felt Caden and Simon press closer to her, as well.

  “This dress is something else. Did Mike’s plan work? Did his ex get jealous?” he asked, but it was as if Aqua was making sure there really wasn’t anything romantic between her and Mike.

  “Not sure. They kind of disappeared not long after Mike introduced me,” she replied. Aqua held her gaze, and she held his. She stared at his dark blue eyes, that chiseled face filled with muscles. He was trim, completely in shape with not an ounce of fat on him. He looked military, hard and commanding. He wasn’t as bulky and thick with muscles like his brothers were. He had more of a martial artist type of physique. His fingers were doing a number on her body, making her skin tingle and her pussy clench.

  “Are you ready to go home? We want to be alone with you,” he said, and she worried about making a scene, about indicating she was leaving with them. They already grabbed everyone’s attention.

  She glanced at Caden. “I thought we discussed this.”

  “Come back to our place. Have a drink. We’ll talk some more. They’ll hang out a little longer and then meet us,” he said, having it all planned out.

  Aqua stroked her skin up and down her back all the way to where the material ended and her ass began. “Go with him now, April,” he whispered, but she felt like it was an order. For some strange reason she was aroused by that, but she was always a little stubborn when it came to men.

  “Nice try, Seal,” she said and turned from his arms to reach for her drink that was on the bar. Her back was toward them, and she knew the dress was sexy, that it showed off her curves, her muscular back, and her tan with no tan lines. It was one of the many benefits of owning her own beach front property in a secluded piece of six acres. She took a sip from her drink then looked over her shoulder at them. They were in a dead stare. Caden had one hand in his pocket and the other held a beer bottle. Simon sat next to Aqua on the two stools right next to her, blocking anyone from invading this little gathering. “So tell me, Caden, what made you retire from the Seals and become the chief of police of Mercy?”


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