Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “No, I was supposed to meet her at the diner. I’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes, and she isn’t answering her phone.”

  “Mike, I’m at her condo. Get over here. The detectives are going to have questions. It looks like someone took her.”

  * * * *

  Mike was beside himself. What in the world was going on? How did this happen? Who took her? Where the hell was she, and what was going on? He answered the detectives’ questions. They knew him, and he worked inside the state police barracks. He told them to be thorough to ensure they knew he was telling the truth. He gave them any info he had and realized it was very little. “This would have been a first date today. We were together over the weekend. All small talk but made plans for after her shift at the hospital. She called this morning and said she would go to sleep after lunch because she worked all night.”

  “We’ll get to the bottom of this. We’re contacting her friends and seeing if there were any ex-boyfriends, or any threats toward her, anything we can get.”

  “She’s so sweet and very soft-spoken. I couldn’t imagine her having any enemies,” Mike said as they stood outside of the condo in the parking lot. Mike’s cell phone rang. He looked down. “I need to take this.”

  Caden nodded, and Mike walked a few feet away.

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not liking the feeling I have, Pierre.”

  “This is not coincidence. First investigating April, and now you see this girl one night and she disappears. Do you think there’s a connection?”

  “I sure the fuck hope not. I never would have gone out with her.”

  “You were with April at the fundraiser.”

  “Fuck.” He looked at Caden, who was talking to one of the detectives.

  “Did you call her?”

  “I will now. We’ll figure this out. I’m sending people. They’ll be there any minute. You stay clear and tell them you’ll give them any info they need, but they know what to do.”

  “This isn’t good.”

  “We’ll handle it, and we’ll find Katie.”

  * * * *

  April was finishing up in the meeting upstairs in a private room. She got together with a few business people, all working undercover roles, when a call had come into the fake agency requesting information on what exactly the company did. The person was interested in finding out more information on April Marris, so they connected the person to Julio York, who was really Pierre.

  As she walked down the hallway, he spoke to her on her cell phone. She came toward the lobby and bar, stopping to speak with him as she took in the people around the place. She was used to casing out a room when she entered it, and immediately her eyes glanced past two men sitting on chairs looking like they were reading the paper. They had tan complexions, and the one guy looked at her and then quickly looked away. A given that he was waiting to catch a glimpse of her. The other one now put down the paper and played with his cell phone. He was taking her picture. She turned. “I got company.”


  “Yup, two o’clock by the main doors in the lobby. You got people here?”

  “Sure do. Just go about your business, April.”

  “Now why would I do that when we could work on identifying who is doing the snooping?” She smiled and then headed right toward them.

  “May not be smart. Katie disappeared. The investigators were on the scene, and they say she was taken. Mike is pissed.”

  “What?” She stopped short and then had to remind herself that she was trying to get a good look at these two men. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on and why you’re so upset. I mean, I warned you that the guy was a jerk before you went out for dinner with him,” she said loudly.

  “Jesus, April, I don’t know what we’re dealing with.”

  “I’ll help with that. Men can be such jerks. Where are all the good men?” She then caught the one guy’s eye and looked him over, memorized his face, and gave a soft smile before shyly turning away.

  “Watch your ass. You’re not even carrying.”

  “I’ll take care of this. Camera’s on them, and tell me when you get names. Who is in charge of the other situation?” she asked.

  “Caden was on scene and investigators Mike knows. Some of the locals who don’t know Mike or who he is are pushing his involvement in her abduction.”


  “Yeah, could turn into a mess.”

  “Didn’t you make calls?”

  “We don’t know if she’s dead or alive. We’re handling it.”


  “I know. Please watch your ass. I’ve got cameras on you now. Backup nearby.”

  “Keep them away. Let’s see what we’re dealing with.” She ended the call and then walked by the bar in the lounge area. She took a seat at a high-top table and placed her bag on the chair. She put her cell phone into her bag and pulled out a notepad. She wrote some things down when a bartender walked over. She immediately saw the two men. One went to the left to sit at a tall table, one went to the bar, and she wondered what they were up to.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” the waiter asked.

  “Definitely. It’s been a long day. I’ll take a martini shaken, not stirred, two olives, Ketel One please,” she said. He nodded.

  “Right away, miss.” He walked away. He just so happened to walk right next to the guy at the bar and gave the order to the bartender. She watched him make the drink but knew cameras were on him, so if he did something like drugged the drink or something, she would be informed. The waiter returned, and as she thanked him, she began to play her role. She was here on business, but if there was a connection to the overseas case and Rosen and if Katie was taken because of Mike, then she needed to figure out who these men were. She fell right into her role. She reached for the glass, took a small sip, swallowed and then exhaled. She leaned back into the chair and stared at the glass. That was when she noticed another man enter the lounge. She looked back down at the notebook and reached for the pen. She kept the book half on the table and half on her lap and started to write things down. “Call Nate about the investment and contract,” “add additional bonus to the deal for Dennis,” and a bunch of other bullshit.

  “Excuse me.” She heard the voice. An accent, not sure from where, and she locked onto deep brown eyes and a rather attractive man. He had a tan complexion, but she wouldn’t say it was natural. Definitely from being in the sun.

  She raised one eyebrow up at him, and he stared at her, right into her eyes. “I’m sorry, uhm, my English is a little rusty.” He sounded Middle Eastern.

  “Where are you from?” she asked.

  “Turkey,” he replied.

  “Oh, your accent sounds different, but then again, I’ve never been to Turkey. What is it you needed?”

  “I saw you sitting here alone, enjoying a martini and looking like you had a long day. I did, too. Could I join you?” he asked.

  “Uhmm.” She pretended shyness, and he raised his hands up.

  “I swear I will be a gentleman. I don’t like to drink alone.”

  “I’m only having one. I have another full day of work tomorrow and more to do tonight online.” She motioned with her hand for him to sit. “Are you here on business…?” she asked him as he smiled and took the seat.

  “Tyler,” he said and it was so wrong. You would think the guy would have had a fake name ready if he was going to try and get some info on someone.

  “Nice to meet you, Tyler. I’m April,” she said, knowing that he would already know her name.

  They shook hands, but he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top. “Very beautiful name, and I must say, your eyes are stunning.” He released her hand. “Never have I seen before such beauty.”

  “Thank you, Tyler. So what business are you here for?” She took another sip of her martini. The bartender brought over a martini for him, too.

  “I followed your lead and ordered o
ne on the way in.”

  No, you didn’t. Your buddy by the bar did. Amateur.

  She smiled.

  “To not drinking alone,” he said. She raised her glass, and they tapped glasses.

  “So, I am into computer software devices. My partners and I have created our own software, and we continue to expand our line. I’m actually looking for investment firms to represent us. I have an appointment with CLR tomorrow.”

  “Ahh, I know of them. They are a reputable company. They also help with financial aspects of businesses and banking. Market analysis and cost-effective investments.”

  He squinted at her. “Don’t tell me you work for CLR.”

  “No, I work for Advance Core, TRC. We’re a little smaller but very close-knit and work personally with our clients. Like a family.” She took a sip of her martini.

  “Interesting. How long have you been with them?” he asked.

  “Four years… Well, actually I’ll be celebrating five in about three months. It’s been great.”

  “What exactly do you do for them?” he asked and took a sip from his glass and stared at her. She noticed through her peripheral vision that the guy by the bar was turned toward the doorway, and the one in the corner faced them and had that cell phone on her. She wondered if he was zooming in to get a better picture. She screwed with him and shifted to the side, making Tyler block her from the phone.

  “Well, investments, contracts, banking, and things. Basically, let’s say a client has a product or a business that they are expanding or looking for financial assistance. We can help. Also, if they are negotiating with a buyer, like for patent or to sell off a product or idea for profit, then we help to negotiate terms. We handle a variety of businesses and products, but are selective when it comes to exactly what.”

  “Selective? How so?” he asked, taking another sip of his martini.

  “Well, to be honest, they interview any potential clients, learn what they are looking for, and decide if they are a good fit for TRC. I don’t really get involved with that. My bosses know me and the work I do, so I have been fortunate enough to deal with great clients over the years. So how about you? Have you been searching for representation for your computer software long?” she asked him, and he stared at her.

  “You’re stunning, April, and you sound very intelligent and professional. Maybe I should cancel my appointment with CLR and check out your company more thoroughly.” He licked his lips as he eyed over her breasts.

  “That’s completely up to you. I could give you a number for a contact, but that’s all. I honestly wouldn’t cancel your appointment. Meet with someone from CLR. Get an idea of how they make you feel and what they think of your software and your vision. Then make one for TRC and see how you feel with them. You’ll get a gut instinct on it,” she said, and then he gave a nod and a small smile.

  “Dinner? You and I and we can talk more?”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t accept dinner dates from men I don’t know. Plus, I’ll be eating in this evening. I have a heavy workload, and then I’m hoping to close out a deal in the a.m. Thank you anyway,” she said to him. He looked a little pissed at her decline.

  “In my country when a man asks a beautiful woman to dinner, she complies.” His expression grew firm, giving her the creeps.

  She took a sip from her martini and held his gaze. “This isn’t Turkey, Tyler,” she replied, and he smirked and nodded.

  “Hmmm, you are quite the beauty, April, and witty, as well. I’ll leave you to finish up your drink and get back to work. Thank you for the information.”

  “Good luck with your appointment.”

  “I hope to see you again,” he said.

  “You never know.” She watched him go. She took another sip of the martini then watched the other two men get up and walk out a minute later. She finished off the martini, taking her time—she could use the bit of alcohol—then she gathered her things, paid the waiter, and headed out of the lounge. She glanced around the place and was surprised that the one guy who sat at the bar was still there. She stifled a yawn, gave a small smile to a couple walking by, and adjusted the strap of her bag onto her shoulder. She headed toward the elevator and heard her phone go off. The elevator doors opened, and she went to her room, being sure to look around first before opening the door. Once she was inside, she did a sweep of the place, checking all the closets and the bedrooms. The place was huge, and then she plopped onto the couch. She looked at her phone.

  Still working?

  It was a text message from Simon. Then her cell phone rang. She saw it was Pierre.


  “Well, that was definitely interesting. I have men running their faces through the system. The one guy who came over to talk to you, got into a limo when he left. I got someone on it, license plate coming up as a private agency.”

  “Well, he lied, said his name was Tyler.” She snickered. “He had an accent, Middle Eastern, but claimed to come from Turkey.”


  “Yeah, and there was a marking on his wrist. I only caught a glimpse of it and no idea what it is of, but it was a tattoo. He was definitely fishing. Did his homework though and said he had a meeting with CLR. I told him about TRC, so keep everyone abreast of the situation and a possible inquiry.”

  “He would definitely be asking for you. The man was eating you up with his eyes.”

  “Yeah, well, when he asked me to join him for dinner, I told him I don’t go to dinner with men I just met, and added that I needed to work. He had an arrogance about him, a confidence, you know. Should be interesting to see where that limo goes.”

  “Well let’s keep the role-playing going. The other men were watching, and the one guy was taking pictures of you or recording you. You did well.”

  “See, nothing to worry about. I just want to know what the hell is going on and who has been trying to find out more about me.”

  “I’m asking myself the same question, and with this woman Katie disappearing right after Mike was with her, it’s disturbing.”

  “Are you thinking what I am? That if this guy Kerrin is involved, or even Rosen somehow, that they could be growing that sex slave business. The intel we got on those other businessmen pointed to drugs, partying, prostitution, and weapons. I pray they didn’t take Katie to lure Mike in and then take him out.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Mike is pretty upset.”

  “I’ll call him.”

  “How would you know what was happening?”

  “I’m going to text Amelia about our lesson for Wednesday morning. I’ll ask if all is well, and then she’ll call me, fill me in, and there ya go.”

  “Good idea. Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow. Have a good night.”

  “You too.”

  She ended the call and texted Amelia. Her response was right on, and then the phone rang. April answered it, and Amelia filled her in on the situation.

  “I need to call Mike. He’s probably so upset.”

  “He’s with Zayn and Vince, plus the other guys. They’re working on trying to find Katie and using their resources.”

  “Good. Those men all know a lot of people. I’ll be back soon. Either Monday night or Tuesday morning. Depends on this deal.”

  “Okay. Have a safe trip.”


  She then texted Simon. Finishing up now. Need to make a call then I will text.

  * * * *

  Mike was standing by the bar with all the guys including Simon, Caden, Aqua, Zayn, Thermo, Selasi, Mike Stelling, and his brothers, Phantom and Turner, who had just ventured out for the first time since nearly getting killed. Mike didn’t want to bring anyone down and was debating about leaving and trying to go back to the department, but he knew they would all talk him out of it. Caden and Vince said to let the detectives and agents handle things. He was really worried sick thinking that he caused Katie to be taken.

  His cell phone rang, and he glanced at the caller ID. Caden and
Zayn looked at him. “It’s April,” he said and saw the expressions on the guys’ faces. Simon just said she texted him back. They had been worried about her, and so was Mike.

  “Hey, April.”

  “Hey, yourself. I heard about Katie. Amelia told me. How are you doing?”

  “Shitty,” he said and then walked over to the wall away from everyone.

  “How are you? You’re being careful, and keeping your head on a swivel?”

  “Of course, and I have extra eyes on me.”

  “Anything pop up on the inquiries on you yet?”

  “No, but I did get a visit from a few guys who we’re keeping on the radar.”

  “What?” he asked, filled with concern. He saw that Caden was watching him and squinting. He gave him a nod and a small smile, indicating that everything was okay and then he whispered into the phone.

  “You watch your ass. What the hell happened?”

  “Calm down, I handled it. Played my role well. Three men, one approached me at the bar. Claimed to be from Turkey, but he had a Middle Eastern accent like Syrian or something. Anyway, I drew him in so Pierre and the gang could do their thing.”

  “Jesus, what happened to staying in the background?”

  “I don’t know, but between the inquiries, Katie being taken, and these businessmen flying in from all over the place in the next week or so, I would say something is going to happen soon.”

  “April, you know how these things work. If it’s the trading thing that Rosen and Kerrin are into, then she’s as good as dead.”

  “Let’s not think that way. Maybe this little skit and getting good images of these guys will help identify them. I’m coming back soon. Maybe tomorrow, otherwise Tuesday evening.”

  “Good because your men are not happy at all.”

  “My men?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely. Listen, when they let you up for air, I need to talk. I’m going insane here, April. I feel guilty. I more than likely caused this. We were going to meet for lunch. We spent the weekend together, then this happens.”


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