Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 4: Mission to Love (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What?” the three of them asked at the same time. Caden felt the emotions, the anger and confusion. Evan was like a brother to them. He was killed in a mission working for their commander, Colonel Brothers. He should have been assigned with them, but it was his first full mission back after injury and he knew the job well. It was a clusterfuck of an operation. One agent survived, but not before killing terrorists and helping to save the Seals who were heading into a trap. His eyes widened.

  “She was the agent? The one who saved Colonel Brothers and the other Seals?”

  “What?” Simon asked, not putting things together so quickly.

  Pierre nodded. “Evan and April were seeing one another for a short period of time.”

  From there Pierre gave them a little more information about April’s life, her career, and her capabilities.

  “We want in on this,” Simon said.

  “No can do.”

  “Bullshit. You know all about us and what we can handle,” Aqua said.

  “It isn’t my call, and it’s not what April wanted.”

  “She was too worried about us getting hurt and about Evan and what happened to him. She will need us if these men are as bad as you say. Let us in. Give us the information,” Simon demanded.

  Pierre shook his head. “I made a promise.”

  Caden growled and slammed his hand down on the table.

  “This is insane!” he roared.

  Pierre stared at them. “I made a promise to not let you get involved. That I wouldn’t share the information I have with any of you. Perhaps Colonel Brothers feels differently,” he said and then walked out of the kitchen.

  “Caden?” Aqua said, and Caden nodded, pulled out his cell phone.

  It rang once.

  “Thought I would hear from you sooner,” Colonel Brothers said.

  “We want in. NO fucking bullshit,” he stated.

  “Figured as much. That woman of yours is super special and capable. They drugged her, otherwise there would be two more dead bodies there.”

  “You know her well then.”

  “Very. We’ve worked together over the years trying to take down these men who more than likely have her. They’re responsible for many agents’ and soldiers’ deaths, and Evan’s, too.”

  “We heard. We want in, so tell us where to meet you and how to get updated quickly.”

  “Sit tight. I’ll send someone for you. Don’t worry about gear. The next several hours, you’ll be overloaded with information and intel, then I’ll decide your role and how close you’ll be to the action. April is going to be pissed off.”

  “Well, she’ll have to deal with it. We’re pretty pissed off, too.”

  * * * *

  “I have a surprise for you, Rosen.”

  Rosen looked at Victoria as she slid her palm along his shoulders. She wore a black pantsuit and was done up for this evening’s dinner event. The party already started, the men were choosing their women, and special orders were being presented all around them. He leaned back. “I told you not to worry about me. I have very particular tastes.” He ran his finger along the rim of his glass.

  “I know you do. I know you will be quite pleased. Indulge me, and when the meeting is done, arrangements made, and everyone is beginning to enjoy themselves fully, go to your room, the special quarters I specifically chose for you, and enjoy the treat.”

  He exhaled in annoyance. Then Kerrin Bulla arrived and joined them.

  “Ahh, Victoria, it’s always a pleasure seeing you.”

  “As it is to see you, Kerrin. I hope you enjoy the entertainment. Now I’ll leave you to your business,” Victoria said and walked away with two of her guards, Gorbin and Fulta.

  “I take it your delivery went well?” Rosen said to Kerrin, joining him at the bar.

  “The businessmen were impressed. The shipment is on its way to Kuwait, and we, my friend, have the monetary backing of seven very wealthy businessmen. I would say things went according to plan,” Kerrin replied.

  “That isn’t what I heard,” Rosen said to him.

  “What do you mean?”

  Roses took a sip from his drink and then placed it down. He narrowed his eyes at Kerrin. “Did you seriously think that I wouldn’t find out about the hit? About your need to take out the agent you think was involved in the Cypress incident? I said to leave that warehouse alone, and you didn’t listen.”

  “It went smoothly. Those guns were important, and getting a little revenge on that fucking agent is priceless.”

  “You think so, Kerrin?”

  “I know so, and I’ll get even more pleasure when I fuck the redhead he bedded and then slit her fucking throat. The only bad thing is he didn’t die, but I hear he’s bound to.”

  “You’re a fool. You’ve jeopardized my operation, my business dealings. So, you know, I’ve pulled out my share and covered my tracks. Revenge sought can be the demise of many successful men.”

  Kerrin smirked. “I know the agent who survived Cypress and killed those men. Your men and mine, and rescued the other Seals, giving them opportunity to capture others and take my weapons.”

  Rosen squinted at him.

  “Ahh, caught your interest now, even though you don’t seek revenge.”

  “Go on.”

  “You won’t believe it.”

  “Try me.”

  “It’s a woman. We didn’t realize until my little desire to seek revenge caught sight of her with Mike Waters. A blonde beauty with green eyes and capabilities.”

  Rosen was completely interested. Kerrin smiled. “I did not mean to go behind your back, but you’ve been so distant lately. Since losing Evette, your little pet.” Rosen ground his teeth. “I mean no disrespect. When Victoria figured things out with Gorbin and Fulta, and this woman killed several of our good men when they tried to take her, we dug deeper and the truth was revealed. She was the agent on the boat. The one Bo and Kona double-crossed. She was also responsible for killing Turbin. She’s a spy of sorts. Very capable. Can shoot, fight, and who else knows what. A perfect match for you, and waiting in your room for you to do as you like. Our gift to you, Rosen, and all you’ve done for Victoria and I,” he said, shocking Rosen.

  “Go ahead. The deals are done. Weapons are being moved as we speak, drugs delivered, and a party in the works. This is a night to celebrate, and for dessert, I get the little redhead,” Kerrin said and stuck out his tongue and wiggled it before he chuckled, took his glass, and walked away.

  Rosen downed the rest of his drink. This spy, this blonde, sounded amazing. She would have a fight in her, and that was something he liked in his slaves. They seemed to be able to handle the beatings accordingly.

  He stood up and locked gazes with Victoria who was rubbing some guy’s shoulders. He nodded, and she gave a wink and a smile then lipped the word “enjoy.”

  * * * *

  Aqua, Caden, and Simon moved in sync with the other Seal teams and Special Forces guys. They stopped several shipments from reaching their destinations. Time was running out though. They were helping to do these separate hits and stop weapons and ammunition from getting into the hands of terrorist cells. Their minds were on April though and where she was being held. So as they stood in position and got info from intel, they grew more and more impatient.

  “We got a location on Katie, but nothing on April,” Colonel Brothers told them.

  “Fuck, do you think she’s even here?” Aqua asked.

  “She was seen being carried in days ago. We have four teams with us. Everyone has their objective and targets. We’ve intercepted all deliveries of illegal weapons, and have captured or killed dozens of these pieces of shit. We will have complete success with this. Believe me, April is resourceful.”

  “She’s also tranquilized,” Simon stated.

  “She’s well trained, as you gathered from what was shared with you. That information wasn’t everything,” he told them, and Caden clenched his teeth. Their woman was a fucking spy. Holy fucking
shit, it seemed she was more capable then even they were. She even used her capabilities and connections to rescue Amelia and take out Turbin. He would never forget that day. The way she gave the thumbs-up dressed like a guy in a disguise obviously. She knew who they were. She even escaped through the elevator shaft, and no one saw a thing. No cameras, nothing. She was pro and then some. Why did that make him feel proud besides jealous? He took a deep breath and released it then looked at his brothers.

  “We knew she was special the moment we laid eyes on her. She fucking knew Evan,” Aqua said to them.

  “It was meant to be, and if he hadn’t been killed, he would be sharing her with us. Let’s focus on that, and getting her back safe and sound,” Caden said. Suddenly, explosions began to go off, and gunfire erupted around the building.

  “What the fuck?” one of the men said aloud.

  “April. I told you she’s resourceful. Let’s move in.”

  * * * *

  April waited until the stupid guards left the room. She was dressed in some sort of sheer garb and smelled like sweet perfume that was making her gag. They were stupid enough to leave her hands untied, and the moment the door opened and she peeked her eyes, open she saw that it was all clear. One guard outside of the door that she knew of, no one in the room. She heard them speaking about women being delivered and the redhead. It had to be Katie. She was ready to go find her and take out who she could, when the guard mentioned that Rosen was coming. Then the woman, Victoria, arrived. She touched her, and it was creepy, but April didn’t make a sound or move. She played possum well. If the bitch fondled her any more, she would take her out. She didn’t have to, though. And she knew that her research and the info she sent Pierre just hours before the attack at her home meant she was on the right track. Pierre and the team, hopefully Colonel Brothers, would have the information on Victoria. The bitch ran an illegal sex slave business. She had men all over the world abducting women to provide a catered menu to a man’s precise needs and wants. It was disturbing, and even worse was how those women were disposed of for an additional payment. It made April sick, and even though she could have escaped from the men who took her, she knew this case needed to be finished. That Pierre and the Colonel were on top of things and would get here to assist. Their players, the businessmen, and this woman Victoria would all go down.

  What she didn’t want to think about were Caden, Simon, and Aqua. When they found out who she really was, they more than likely would hate her for lying to them and keeping her identity secret. Her relationship with them would be done. That was her life. These were the things she gave up on as a spy. She could never have true love and a commitment. Her time with her men would be nothing but a memory.

  She cleared her head and focused on her objective, and hoped that the colonel had arrived. She slid off the bed. Her muscles were a little funny, but her immunity to the tranquilizers took special skills. She looked around the room. Then she headed to the door. It was about to get real.

  She slowly pulled the door open, and there was the guard. She pulled him back and broke his neck. Quickly she grabbed his weapon, the ammo, and the knife. Her attire wasn’t exactly combat ready, but she would make do. First she needed a distraction so she could get to Katie.

  As she moved along the hallways, other guards appeared. One after the next, she took them out quietly and then got to the staircase. She looked out the window and saw the barrels of what she hoped was gasoline or something flammable below. She bent down, yanked a grenade from the guard’s utility belt, then grabbed another one. She pulled the ring, one, two, and then tossed them onto the barrels. She bent down low, covered her head, and the explosions rocked the building.

  She took a deep breath as she heard yelling and then men running past the staircase. Katie was in the room down the hallway. She headed that way. When the bullets whizzed by her head, she ducked and turned and took out two guards then continued along the path. She got to the door, saw the guard, and took him out. She got the door open, and there was a man, Kerrin Bulla, about to rape Katie.

  “Get away from her!” she yelled. He turned, and she shot him. He went down, and Katie lay there unconscious. “Shit,” she said aloud. How the hell was she going to get her out of here? Then April heard the gunshots, then yelling and more shots coming closer. She prayed it was Colonel Brothers. As she bent down and began to lift up Katie, she felt the gun to the back of her head.

  “Let her go. You’re coming with me.” She went to turn, and the guy slammed the gun against her head. She felt the pain and stumbled only for him to strike her in the face and then the stomach before putting her in a headlock, the gun to her head. She realized it was Rosen Armique, and her thoughts were scattered. One, let him take her and then make a move, or two, kill him and who cares if she died. He was the one man she was after. The one who issued the hunt in Cypress, who killed all those soldiers and agents, and killed Evan.

  She waited for the opportunity. “Let go of me.”

  “Not a chance in hell,” he said and dragged her from the room. They headed down a different hallway, and soon there were men with him. More gunfire, another explosion. It was a war zone. All she could do was wait to make her move.

  * * * *

  “Where the fuck is she?” Simon yelled.

  “Looks like she rescued Katie, but then someone stopped her,” Colonel Brothers said as he looked at the body of Kerrin Bulla.

  “Well, he won’t be a problem anymore,” one of the other Seals said.

  “How do you know it was her?” Aqua asked.

  He pointed to the gunshot to the head. “April’s signature shot.” Then they headed toward the door with Colonel Brothers giving orders. “You two get Katie to safety. We’re on the hunt for Rosen. He must have April, or Victoria, and if that’s the case and April is injured, her chances of living just lessened.”

  * * * *

  It was another twenty minutes before they realized that Rosen and April were gone and so were Victoria and her one guard, Gorbin. Simon took out Fulta.

  “Where the fuck did they go?” Aqua asked as they stood around waiting. Colonel Brothers was on the satellite phone as military personnel gathered up prisoners.

  “We got them. Let’s go,” he said, and they hurried to the awaiting jeeps and then made their way through the dark and to another location. It was a small airlift, and the sound of rotors getting started filtered through the air.

  “Don’t let that chopper take off,” Colonel Brothers yelled into the phone. “I got air support on standby, but if they go up, they could crash that thing with April on it.”

  “Look!” One of the Seals pointed, and Caden, Simon, and Aqua looked. Simon could see April fighting and then Rosen releasing her. The other woman, Victoria, came at her with a knife as they sped faster to get there. They watched as April took a hit but then countered, grabbed the knife, and slit Victoria’s throat. Rosen had a gun on her. He was ordering her to get onto the helicopter when she charged at him. The gun went off. They saw her get hit as the jeep came to a halt. They jumped out, and Caden, Simon, and Aqua shot at Rosen and the other guard, killing them.

  “April!” Caden yelled. They got to the helipad, and the other men took out the pilot and then ensured they were safe. She was blinking her eyes open. There was a cut on her forehead, her lip was slit open, her cheek bruised, and she was bleeding from her arm.

  “She was shot,” Aqua said.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Let’s get her out of here and to air support. We need to move,” Brothers said, and they quickly gathered her up with her moaning and actually bitching about them being there.

  When they got her into the jeep with Colonel Brothers driving as they looked over her injuries, she had fire in her green eyes. “Are you guys okay? Why are you here? Are you out of your minds? You could have been killed.” She ranted, and Colonel Brothers chuckled. She grimaced as she tried to move.

  “Lay the fuck still. Spy or n
ot, you’re shot, have been drugged, beaten, and are wearing a see-through fucking outfit. Let us take care of you and get you home,” Simon yelled at her.

  She squinted and ground her teeth. “Brothers, I’ll get you for this.”

  “I just ask one thing, sweetheart.”

  “What’s that?” she replied to Colonel Brothers.

  “I get invited to the wedding.”


  April lay in bed not wanting to see or talk to anyone. She knew that Mike was pulling through and even gained consciousness. Katie was by his side and had been debriefed on what she could say and reveal about the operation, and considering that she was unconscious when April saved her from getting raped, she didn’t know anything about April being there or being a spy.

  She decided to rest up and heal, the gunshot a flesh wound that needed twenty-some stitches, and everything else would heal with rest and time. Amelia came by and thanked her for everything she did for her to save her life, twice. She was sworn to secrecy as her men were.

  April was still angry with Pierre and Colonel Brothers for informing the men about who she was, and even allowing them to participate in the mission to rescue her and Katie and take out the terrorists. She told them she didn’t want rescuing anyway, and didn’t even reply to Aqua’s comments about her capabilities and the things they would need to talk about. She had a heavy heart. They were coming by here and there but respected her request that she wanted to be alone to process everything and heal. That she hadn’t wanted them involved because it was dangerous and it was her profession, her case, and they shouldn’t have been brought in. They were angry, but she wasn’t budging. She could tell by the way they looked at her that they thought of her differently. Maybe like most men in the field who saw her in action or heard of her capabilities, they felt inferior or like they needed to prove their manliness. She wasn’t sure, and analyzing what she thought they were thinking and feeling was giving her another migraine. In fact, she needed some ibuprofen. She moaned a little as she got out of bed. She grabbed what she could find last night after her shower and wound up in a T-shirt that belonged to Caden. She inhaled as she walked to the bathroom, took care of business, then looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like shit. She brushed her teeth, washed up, moaning every time she felt her fingers against her lip and cheek, and then exhaled. She lifted her sleeve to check the stitches and bandage, and her arm felt horrible. She needed to venture into the kitchen for painkillers, but then she heard someone enter her bedroom.


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