Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2)

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Saving Sarah (Blissful Bets #2) Page 7

by Alaska Angelini

  “Wait, there’s more? I thought he was just some random guy you saw once and brushed off. Isn’t that what you said?”

  She looked at Gavin, twisting her mouth. “Yes, that’s what I said, and it’s true, but there’s more to it than just that. If you at least try to fix my door, I’ll tell you. I don’t like it being open. I feel exposed.”

  Her ex sniffed the air, and a smile began to appear on his face. The look he gave her caused Sarah to roll her eyes. She knew what was coming.

  “Hey, is something burning?” Devon walked into the kitchen and laughed.

  “You know very well I could never cook. I might have left it in there too long, and well, I missed the part in the instructions where it said you had to baste every thirty minutes. I plan to do better tomorrow.”

  “Pizza it is,” Gavin said, rubbing his hands together.

  “Pizza sounds perfect. I’m just going to go change. When my door’s fixed, I’ll explain.”

  Gavin lifted the door easily and nodded to her. “Sounds good to me. The frame’s not broken. I’ll have it fixed before you get back. Devon, go get me some tools.”

  Sarah shut her bedroom door and sat on the bed, trying to collect her thoughts. What Tom had done truly scared the shit out of her. What in the hell was he doing, or more importantly, planning to do? Chills raced down her body as she rubbed her arms. She knew he’d been upset, but to go as far as breaking down her door was too much. It was time to call Stephen.

  Picking up her house phone from the bedside table, she called Evelyn. Two rings went by until she answered. “Hey, Sarah, what’s up?”

  “Ev, I need you to send Stephen over.”

  “What’s happened?” Evelyn’s voice deepened at her concern. “Tom broke down my door. Devon ran after him, but he got away.”

  A large intake of breath echoed over the phone. “Shit, we’re on our way.”

  “Thanks, Ev.”

  Sarah hung up and walked over to her closet grabbing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Her hands were shaking so badly, buttoning the pants was almost impossible. All the information she was about to tell the guys would either break their building relationship or put a huge dent in it. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how they would take things.

  The sound of a drill made her jump. Anxiously, Sarah paced the floor trying to buy some time, but she knew she needed to get this out before Evelyn and Stephen showed up. How in the world could she tell the men who she likely would be spending the rest of her life with that for the last year she made bets on which men to sleep with?

  Uncertainly, she walked out of the room. Gavin gave her a big smile until he noticed, and probably felt, her distress. He tested the door and shut it.

  “All done. See, no problem. Devon!” Gavin called, looking toward the kitchen. She could see how tense he appeared. The way her body shook, she knew he could probably tell this wasn’t going to be good.

  Devon walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands. “I was just getting rid of the chicken and washing the dishes. Pizza’s on its way.”

  “I might as well tell you both before Evelyn and Stephen get here.” Sarah took a deep breath and gestured for them to sit down while she paced in front of them. When they were ready, she nodded, more to jumpstart her mouth than anything.

  “Tom and I met almost a year ago. It was at a club in Corpus.” She paused to look at them. “Tom was one of my first bets.” When they remained silent, she proceeded. “The girls and I have played the game Bets a while now. We…bet each other on who to take home. Gavin, Devon, I’m sorry, but you were both bets. That was, of course, until everyone figured out who you were,” she said, looking at Devon.

  “That night, Gavin, I didn’t approach you the second time because of the bet. I wanted to be with you.”

  “Bets.” Gavin laughed. “You girls bet on men?” He turned toward Devon. “Is it just me or does that sound more like a man’s kind of game? Bets…” He laughed.

  Devon threw him an angry look. “It might be funny to you, but has it occurred to you that this guy, a bet, is now after Sarah? That is the stupidest, most dangerous game I’ve ever heard of. And what about Stephen and Brandon, do they know about this game?”

  Sarah looked down. “Yes, they know. We’ve already told them to butt out. Stephen doesn’t like it at all, but Brandon’s more easygoing. He thinks we’re allowed to make our own decisions. Plus, they kind of watch over us and scan who we leave with. I’m not sure exactly how or what they do, but they’ve told us no on some of them.”

  “Unbelievable,” Devon said aghast.

  A knock at the door made Sarah’s stomach twist even tighter. Gavin held up his hand when she walked forward. He went and opened the door, looking back at her for assurance.

  “Are you okay?” Evelyn ran up, embracing her tightly.

  “I’m fine Just a little shaken, that’s all.”

  “Devon, it’s good to see you. Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” Stephen said, holding out his hand to Gavin.

  “Gavin. I’ll be new to the pack.”

  “Glad to hear both of you are joining us. So what’s going on here?” Stephen asked, examining the door.

  Sarah noticed he wore his police uniform. He must have been on patrol. She held Evelyn’s hand while they walked closer toward him.

  “Tom was a bet I met at the beginning of the game. When he wanted to see me again, I declined. Let’s just say he didn’t take it too well. He’s been prank calling me ever since, but today…” Sarah shivered. “Today he decided to knock my door in.”

  “Tell him about the call you received Saturday morning.”

  She looked at Gavin and then back to Devon. “He called, and when I acknowledged him, he said he witnessed a confrontation between the three of us outside of the Martini Bar. He had to have been watching.”

  “Sarah. You didn’t tell me this,” Evelyn snapped, tightening her hand. I would have made Stephen keep a closer eye on you.”

  “It’s the first I’ve heard about it, too,” Devon said, looking up at her.

  “I didn’t think it was a big deal.” Sarah shifted her feet while she fought not to get defensive.

  “It’s a big deal,” Stephen said, looking at her. “All right, what arrangements do you guys have going on here? I take it you’re our newest threesome.”

  Sarah blushed while Evelyn slapped at him. “I told you not to say anything, dammit.”

  “What, Evey? I have to know. It’s police business.”

  “Sorry,” Evelyn whispered.

  “It’s fine.” Sarah let out a sigh. “I’m staying here. The guys are staying in Devon’s apartment, three doors down.”

  “Not anymore. I want at least one of you here with her at all times. Rotate, do shifts, but I can’t be on patrol twenty-four-seven, plus I’ll have calls to go to. I’ll make a report, but unless you have a last name or something more I can go on, we’re at a dead end.”

  “I know the license plate number. I memorized it.”

  Stephen nodded for Devon to follow him outside while Gavin walked to stand next to her and Evelyn. “Devon can stay tonight. I’ll stay tomorrow. Is that all right with you?”

  Sarah looked up to meet his gaze. “Yeah, that’s fine, but what about you? What are you going to do?”

  He winked at her and smiled at Evelyn. “I’ll keep a look out. Plus, I’ll have first dibs if he comes again. Oh, and I’m glad it’s Devon tonight. I have to meet Trevor at the fire station in Corpus early in the morning. I wouldn’t want to wake you. I might be a little late on getting back though. He mentioned something about wanting to talk to me about the details of the wedding. I think it’s being delayed.”

  “Oh. So you’re a firefighter?”

  “Yes. Most of us werewolves are in a similar occupation, cops, firefighters, paramedics, even military. Our blood is wired to protect, so to speak.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that.”

  Sarah looked to Evelyn raising her eyebrows. �
��Stephen, Ayden, Trevor, now Gavin… What in the world does Brandon do?”

  “Stocks. Pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself. Of course Stephen thinks he needs to get a job away from the house. What about Devon? What does he do?”

  Sarah looked at Evelyn at a loss of what to say. She had no idea. Quickly, she turned to Gavin, but he just shrugged.

  “Doctor,” Devon said, walking in with Stephen.

  Sarah’s mouth dropped to the floor. “Doctor? You went to college after you left?”

  A knife stabbed into her heart. It took her over a year to rip herself out of depression so she could attend night courses. Even that turned out to be a chore. She pined for him, waited for him so they could go together. But he left and just picked up his life like nothing major or traumatic happened. How was that possible?

  “Not immediately, no. I started college when I was twenty-two. After stitching up repeated pack members trying to challenge me, it was either a doctor or a vet. I chose doctor.”

  His confession still hurt. So maybe it took him longer than it did her, but she still couldn’t believe it. When he was younger, he’d always talked about becoming a mechanic. She liked that idea. He was forever working on his motorcycle. Sarah started to realize how much they both changed.

  Stephen cleared his throat, pulling her from her thoughts. Sarah looked up. “Oh right.

  You take care, Evelyn. Call me tomorrow. We’ll go over the plans for movie night.”

  She hugged Sarah tightly. “I look forward to it. Nicole can’t wait to meet you. Officially, that is. We’re all going to be great friends. You’ll see.”

  “I’m sure we will be.” The weight of the events had really started to take their toll. Sarah could feel her legs growing heavier by the second.

  Stephen wrapped his arm through Evelyn’s and opened the door. “I’ll patrol extra tonight and run these numbers to see what we come up with. You’ll be getting a call, Devon. Welcome to the family, guys.”

  The pizza guy jumped in surprise, his hand midair. “I’ll take care of that,” Devon said, walking her friends outside. Turning to Gavin, Sarah threw herself into his arms. She felt so mentally exhausted and the need to feel comforted made it hard to resist the pull.

  “You’re tired.” His hand wrapped around the base of her neck, and he rested his cheek on the top of her head. Having him close made her feel safe. She almost wished he wouldn’t be leaving tonight.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long day. I missed you.”

  The door opened behind them, but she didn’t move. “I missed you, too.” He quickly leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “Gavin, why don’t you sit down with Sarah so I can make everyone’s plates?”

  She turned to look at Devon, surprised. While she was led to the couch, she could feel her muscles tense with every step. Her attention went back to Devon. The fact that he let Gavin tend to her was the last thing she would have expected. Were they making progress so soon? She really hoped so.

  Chapter 11

  After five minutes of arguing, she finally gave in and laid her head in Gavin’s lap while her feet where in Devon’s. It didn’t take long before the feeling of her hair being played with and her feet being touched nearly rendered her unconscious.

  A soft brush of lips across Sarah’s fingertips hardly registered. The sound of the nightly news faded in the background while she closed her eyes and focused on the calming sensations she felt from Devon messaging her feet.

  “Sarah, I’m going to go. I’ll see you tomorrow when you get home from work.”

  “Hmm, okay.” Suddenly realizing what Gavin had said, she bolted upright. He was leaving, which meant she’d be alone with Devon. “Wait. Are you sure? What happens if you see Tom? You’ll be alone.”

  “I’ll be fine. If it makes you feel better, I’ll call for Devon if anything happens.” Sarah sat up, looking at him seriously. “You promise?”

  Gavin laughed and kissed her lips. “All you have to do is ask. I’d never lie to you.”

  “All right. Be careful, please.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t dare give Devon the satisfaction of having you all to himself. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  Sarah watched the two guys nod to each other. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but somehow they had just communicated without actually saying anything. The sound of the door closing caused her heart to race. Could she do this, really be alone for the first time in years with Devon?

  “If you’re tired, we can go lay in the bed. I’ll put you to sleep. You don’t have to worry about anything else. I promise not to touch you if don’t want me to.”

  A little too quickly, Sarah nodded her head. Smooth Sarah. If you didn’t look scared before, you sure did just then.

  Standing and walking to the room, she could hear him following behind her. Her body tightened, causing her nipples to harden painfully. Whether she’d made the decision about being with Devon or not, it seemed her body had already decided for her.

  “Devon.” Sarah turned around, looking at him. Fear of the unknown made her heart race even faster.

  “What’s wrong? Tell me.” The soothing tone of his voice settled though her.

  She didn’t say a word. Grabbing his hand, she put it over her heart. The way he looked down at her caused tears to come to her eyes. So much pain existed between them. Was there a chance they could end it here, tonight?

  Devon’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her body into his. For minutes he held her, stoking the back of her hair. Sarah cried about everything she could think of, letting the pain finally release. When hiccups rocked her body, Devon lifted her face.

  “I hurt you badly, and for that, I’ll forever be sorry. But trust me when I tell you this, I’ll never hurt or leave you again. I promise. Nothing will take me away from you now. I’ve made sure of that.”

  Devon’s lips eased against hers. She didn’t think. Sarah pressed more into him. Problems would be there for them to face, but right now, she wanted to experience what she’d missed all these years. The need to taste, to drink in every ounce of him she could manage, wrenched at her soul.

  “Sarah, I missed you.”

  Wetness slid across her cheek, and it took her a moment to realize the tears didn’t come from her. Devon kissed her passionately, clutching her back. Just the familiar feel of his touch came rushing back.

  Holding him as tightly as she could, she pressed herself as close as she could get, still feeling too far apart. Devon’s hands quickly lifted her by her thighs. Straddling his waist, she let him pull off her shirt while she untucked his.

  “Don’t ever leave me again. Ever.”

  “Never,” he whispered against her lips.

  Sarah felt the bed under her back as Devon lowered her. She kicked off the rest of her clothes only to realize he beat her at removing his own. The awe at watching his muscles flex while he lowered himself had her pussy so wet. This wasn’t the same Devon she remembered. Not even close.

  Starting off at her neck, he kissed his way down to her breasts. In slow torturing circles, he teased her nipple, tugging at them with his teeth, only to move on to the next one. Sarah moaned, arching her back with the impatience to have his weight on her.

  While his hands pushed her thighs wide, she tried to control her breathing. The desperation she wanted this to happen scared the controlling part of her mind, but she was willing to let go of everything if it meant regaining what she lost so long ago.

  * * * *

  So many times Devon dreamed of this exact scenario happening, but never once did it feel this real. Sarah’s scent, her essence, pulled at everything that resided inside. Finally, he’d have her, even if he’d prefer different terms. Gavin was something he’d have to become accustomed to, but if it meant having Sarah, then he was almost positive he could do it.

  Trailing his lips down the valley between her breasts, Devon inhaled deeply. She smelled exactly the way he remembered, lav
ender with the slight mix of jasmine, a smell he tried to duplicate a million times and never succeeded.

  The farther down he got, the stronger the pull became. The need to bury his face on her inner thigh and mark her taunted his mind. He wanted to, God how he wanted to sink his teeth into her, but it was immoral. After making Gavin agree not to, he couldn’t turn around and do it. It was something they’d have to do together.

  Hovering above the wetness of Sarah’s pussy, Devon took a deep breath and lowered himself. Slowly, he trailed his fingers along her folds, feeling her shake beneath him. The sweetness of her taste swept across his senses, igniting an inferno of need, a need to touch, to taste, a need to take in as much of her as he possibly could.

  Sliding his tongue inside of her opening, he felt her arch to receive him deeper. Repeatedly, he thrust, taking in as much of her juices as he could. He traced the inside of her pussy, feeling her grip around him tighter and tighter.

  Impatient to taste her cum, Devon sucked on her clit and eased a finger into her slowly. Sarah bucked wildly as her orgasm rocked her body. Her scent hit him in waves. Tears came to his eyes as he fought the wolf inside of him. All he could hear was the screaming inside of his head begging him to forever make her his. Never had the pull been this powerful.

  * * * *

  Stars danced in front of Sarah’s eyes as she fought to focus her vision. She could feel Devon moving back up her body. The path of heat he left in his wake made her ready to come all over again. The feel of hard, smooth skin caressed her body as he slid against her. An urge to trace her tongue down every inch of his cock was almost uncontrollable, but the need to have him fill her overpowered everything.

  “Devon, make love to me. I need to feel you inside of me, please.”

  He didn’t hesitate, didn’t ask questions. The width of his cock stretched her while he eased his length into of her opening. Digging her nails into his back, she moaned at the overall sensation of her pussy gripping his thickness. Every inch he surged deeper sparked new currents of pleasure to burst through her body.


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