Romancing the Soul

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Romancing the Soul Page 17

by Sarah Tranter

  As she closed her door she heard Rachael call out, ‘Chips and jumbo sausage for me. Oh! Where’d he go? Ahhhh. I forgot about you. So … did you really get propositioned by …?’

  Chapter Seventeen

  George turned the ignition off. They’d hardly spoken in the car, the ease of their conversation on the phone seeming to have escaped them both.

  He’d attempted to put the record straight about that bloody serviette though. When he’d taken out his wallet and mobile from his coat, he simply hadn’t thought – which didn’t surprise him in the circumstances. But it hardly put him in a good light. He prayed Susie believed him.

  And then there was the fury he’d felt when the man known as ‘Rob’ had so casually entered Susie’s home. She was half-naked, for God’s sake. Looking a million times more provocative and alluring than any woman in any state of undress ever could. How he’d won the struggle to keep his shaking hands from her body, he had no idea.

  But then ‘Rob’ didn’t practise such restraint. George couldn’t allow himself to visualise him, yet again, dancing with Susie. He wasn’t before him so his fury was impotent. And it was a very good thing, bearing in mind what he currently felt like doing to him. But the thought of him seeing her like that …? But he hadn’t, he counselled. She was with him tonight. And every other night if he had his way.

  And now they were at his home and … he was terrified. It wasn’t just his body crying out for her. It was him. His whole being and it was overwhelming. This wasn’t going to be mindless sex, so far from it. This was going to be him, serving himself up on a platter, with his heart completely exposed in the middle. A heart he questioned ever fully beat until it encountered Susie. And which he doubted could ever function again without her.

  And what if he was a disappointment? He sat for a moment clutching his steering wheel.


  He turned. Oh Susie. She looked as he felt. ‘I’m scared,’ she said, in a voice that gripped his heart in a vice.

  His seat belt was off and he gently cupped her face in his hands. He let his forehead drop to hers. ‘So am I, sweetheart, so am I. I can take you home right now if that’s what you want.’ He’d do whatever she needed here. ‘Or … or we can slow things down, and help each other through this?’

  His intoxicating breath brushed across her face, gently stroking, while his thumbs moved tenderly upon her cheeks. Her body wept for him. Her whole being, bar that troublesome part of her head. Susie unclasped her hands from her lap and moved them up across his shoulders, tentatively feeling his muscles play beneath the thin fabric, before she curled them into his chestnut, softer than silk hair at the nape of his neck and let it run through her fingers. He was scared too. They were both caught up in this insane need thing … Although he’d soon recover his senses; she was going to be such a disappointment to him.

  The nearer they’d got to his home, the more terrified she’d become and the louder those alarm calls she was trying so hard to dismiss. She knew she wasn’t going to be good enough for him. Yet she could never want anyone else.

  She must take this opportunity and have of him what she could. What her whole being was crying out for. And then when she lost him … She needed to be in his arms. In his arms she couldn’t think.

  And she needed to be as one with George.

  ‘Tell me why you’re scared,’ he urged gently.

  She simply shook her head.

  ‘We’re going to talk this through, sweetheart. We’re going to take this slow.’ He spoke against her lips, before kissing her so tenderly she wanted to cry. He groaned in response to her tongue travelling the velvety smoothness of his lower lip.

  ‘No.’ She followed the seam of his lips, teasing herself with his taste. It was addictive, compulsive, heavenly. She wanted heaven. She took a deep breath and prayed he wouldn’t reject her, not now. Not yet. ‘No talking. No thinking. Our bodies joined. Sex. I need you George … Please?’

  George slowly moved his head back to stare at her. His heart pounded. His body screamed.

  He managed to find some semblance of his voice. ‘We don’t need to—’

  ‘I need you … in me,’ she whispered, so huskily, so seductively.

  Those words … those words … from Susie! That beast that only Susie stirred, roared and George’s whole being shook with the force. If those words weren’t enough, there were her eyes. They promised a fulfilment incomparable to anything upon this earth. And that promise travelled straight to his core before it exploded, touching every cell within his already screaming body. To deny those eyes would surely render a man insane. And they were looking at him like that. No man could ever have been so blessed … or incited.

  He gulped, striving to rein himself in. He had to clear the roar from his head. They should talk. He turned his face to kiss the palm of her hand. But it was primal, relentless. That look in her eyes: irresistible. He prayed for restraint.

  ‘Unless you don’t want me. I’d understand.’

  Unless I don’t want her? The beast within beat his chest. There was only so much a man could take. Screw prayer.

  George was instantaneously out of the car and at her door. Unless I don’t want her? He grasped her hand, had her out of the car and was leading her towards the house. He attempted to slow his stride, but she still had to run. They were up the steps.

  His shaking hands – God his whole body was shaking with the force of his need – somehow got the key in the door, they were through the door, the door was slammed shut and …

  ‘You’re sure?’ he choked, their eyes connecting. He had to be sure, even in this state where neat testosterone pumped through his veins. Because it was Susie. And even now he was terrified of losing her.

  She nodded her head, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue.

  The roaring beast snapped its leash and liquefied to course through his veins.

  He closed the distance between them. With two fast driving steps she was back against the wall.

  ‘Unless, I don’t want you?’ he murmured incredulously, his fingers entwined in her hair as his body pressed her against the wall and he moved against her so she could feel how rock hard he was for her. She gasped, and he swallowed the sound, claiming her mouth with the full force of his need. Her taste! He saw dots in every spectrum of the rainbow. He was in the mind-blowing sensory overdrive that was his with Susie. Only Susie.

  He wanted her! And she needed him so much. Susie clutched the hair at his nape pulling him down as she stretched on tiptoes, incredibly deepening the kiss. Their tongues parried and plundered while her body … Oh God! She was all erogenous nerve cells. His hands wherever they touched sent sparks of neat ecstasy straight to her core. She clutched his shoulders as her legs turned to jelly.

  His leg was between hers, keeping her standing and the feeling of his thigh just there … Her body was in raptures, while her whole being recognised him for who he was. He was hers.

  He lowered his forehead to her shoulder and … stilled, bar for his ragged breaths. No! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop.

  As if he heard her his thigh pushed even higher against her and his mouth found hers in an onslaught that had her seeing stars. His hands travelled in a frenzy and she felt her dress being wrenched up, but then he slowed, stroking the bare skin of her thighs in excruciating, feather-light touches.

  She found the bare skin of his back. It wasn’t enough. She tugged at his top and he knew what she needed almost before she did. He moved back just enough to yank it over his head and drop it to the floor. He was back against her in a heartbeat. Her hands travelled across the contours of his chest with its thin scattering of dark hair, down to his hard flat stomach, his abdomen. He seemed to hold his breath, but let it out on a long groan as she followed her hands with her mouth, her lips, her teeth, her tongue. His taste. She lapped
as if it were her lifeblood.

  He captured her head, his lips travelling over her whole face and jaw. As he imprisoned her mouth, his hands moved to the fabric at her neckline. It wasn’t cooperating. He ripped. She gasped and gasped again as he dragged down the cups of her bra to expose her breasts. He stood still, breathing hard as he stared at them. Then his shaking hands, torturously slow and gentle, brushed over them. Just as she was ready to throttle him, he lowered his head. He teased with his mouth, his tongue. Mercilessly he circled, nipped and then suckled. She flung her head back, arching herself to push more fully into his mouth. His hands on the small of her back pulled her closer still. She clutched at his head, holding him in place.

  Susie’s moans reverberated through him, fuelling a wild inferno that blazed with a white-hot heat and intensity that he’d no hope of controlling. He raised his head so he could pull her to his bare chest and feel them skin to skin. She moved against him so erotically. He released his groan into her mouth. She was his. His.

  She wasn’t close enough. He wasn’t sure she ever could be. His hands worked between her and the wall and grasped her bottom, pulling her tightly against him. He could feel the shape of her as he pressed himself hard against her core. He replaced the contact with a hand. The feel of her through her moist panties had him swallowing both her moans and his own.

  Her hands found the waistband of his jeans. She unbuttoned, her fingers at each strained then … popping button. God help him. He should make her stop. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop.

  He raised her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. She rocked herself backwards and forwards against him. It had to be now! He braced her back against the wall as he sprung free, and he yanked those red panties that had so taunted him under her dressing gown, barely registering the sound of their tearing.

  He was poised at her entrance. He was going to be joined with Susie. This was his life’s purpose. Their eyes locked.

  Simultaneously he plunged forward in one rapid thrust. She cried out and he may have roared. He was so lost in the moment, he didn’t know. He stumbled, but recovered. He was not going to blank out. The sensation of her wrapped around him and knowing this was Susie, his Susie, completely overwhelmed. He’d never known pleasure like it. How could anything this sublime exist? How could he survive such staggering ecstasy?

  He opened his eyes, as did she, and they relocked. They were connected now, body and soul. He was in so deep. There was never a question of that. And he fully embraced it.

  He lowered his head to her shoulder in an attempt at regaining control. But the scent from her skin drove him crazy and her hands in his hair … The power of their connection urged him on. But if he went with his primal need, he’d be pummelling into her with a force that scared even him. He wouldn’t allow himself to hurt her, no matter how much it cost him. This wasn’t how he meant to love her.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she whispered and he felt her tender kiss upon his lowered head. ‘Please don’t stop.’

  He raised his head to meet those stunning eyes. They were so beautiful he felt tears stinging. They reflected his need. Could they possibly reflect his love? ‘I’m going to hurt you,’ he gasped out, ‘I need a moment to—’

  She pressed two fingers gently upon his mouth, shushing his words.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she urged, thrusting her hips forward against him.

  He began to withdraw.

  Susie frantically clutched at him, ‘Don’t go!’ she pleaded.

  She met his gaze. His dark sensuous eyes seemed to glow from within. That glow travelled down through her body, revisiting all their connections.

  He thrust home.

  She cried out and couldn’t help but fling her head back against the wall. He followed. ‘I’m not going anywhere,’ he vowed in her ear, before withdrawing again and driving forward to nip at her ear lobe.

  She clutched his shoulders, her nails digging into skin. She was completely consumed by sensation. Completely consumed by George. He withdrew while his mouth travelled from her neck, down to her breasts. He plunged home again to suckle and tug with his mouth.

  She literally climbed the wall with each driving thrust. She’d never ever, ever experienced anything so staggeringly, overwhelmingly … right in her life. It could only be this way with him. They were a perfect fit, two pieces of a puzzle finding their connection. Had she perhaps known it for years? Had sensed who he was from his eyes?

  There could be no more reflection. Her hands around his shoulders, clenched into fists as she met his increased pace. The pleasure was getting too much. Her whole body was on the brink of explosion. This was nuclear. This was … He went faster and harder and deeper. Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

  And then she was braced tighter against the wall and his hand … No! She tried to shake her head. It was going to be too much. But she couldn’t stop her flailing. His hand was there between them and his thumb was at that place amidst her deforested curls. He applied pressure in exactly the right spot while he pounded within. She was light-headed as her senses overloaded. He adjusted their position a fraction. Then thrust into her again.

  She urged herself not to black out.

  ‘Look at me, Susie. Look at me,’ he rasped in her ear.

  She was fuzzy but as their gazes locked, all was crystal clear. Those connections that slotted so perfectly into place were pushed truly home. She could almost hear the clunks. She exploded with a shattering scream and he filled her with a roar. Filled that one last gap within her being, the one she hadn’t known even existed until this moment. And she wanted to cry. To cry at the force of pleasure ripping through her; to cry at the sense of being totally at one with George. He was hers. She was his. Whether he knew it or not. This was meant to be.

  As Susie’s senses finally began to return, she heard his gasps for air, felt the heaving of his chest under her hands. He dropped his forehead to the wall to the side of her head and turned to face her. She couldn’t quite reach him in that position. She wanted to cradle his head in her hands. He just stared at her as he recovered his breath.

  This hadn’t been sex. This had been an earth-shattering joining of body and soul. This had been … George Silbury. Had he felt it too? Oh God! Please let him have. Please don’t let this have all been me!

  He simply carried on staring. And she felt the need to babble, to break the silence she prayed wasn’t awkward. It didn’t feel awkward but … ‘I knew you’d be good. But … but that was out of this world.’

  ‘How are you able to talk?’ he gasped. ‘You shouldn’t be able to talk.’

  Oh, she could talk, she could more than talk. But then she remembered he was holding her up. No wonder he was struggling.

  ‘You can put me down.’ She winced. ‘I’m amazed you managed to hold me up at all.’

  He shook his head.

  ‘George? Put—’

  ‘Did I hurt you?’ he suddenly groaned, clenching his eyes tight and shaking his head. ‘I should never have taken you up against a wall … and the moment I’d got you in the door! I’m so sorry.’

  ‘You’re sorry?’

  ‘More sorry than I can put into words.’

  ‘Why would you be sorry for—?’

  She stopped and closed her eyes against the pain. She’d expected her euphoria to last just that little bit longer. Her glimpse of heaven she’d desperately hoped would continue beyond …

  ‘Susie?’ he asked, anxiously, seeing something was very wrong. He moved to stroke her face. She opened her eyes, but wouldn’t meet his. She forced a smile.

  ‘I’m sorry, you’re sorry. It was really good for me and I’m sorry I didn’t do it for you. I—’

  ‘Susie?’ he shook his head, incredulously. ‘Sweetheart, I’m not sorry for what we just shared …’ How could she ever think he was sorry for that? ‘Look at me.
I’m sorry for taking you so quickly and like a bloody animal and … without protection! I’m clean. I promise. I’ve never not—’

  She abruptly silenced him with her mouth before breaking off with an earth-shattering smile. She stroked the side of his face. ‘I’ve got the other covered,’ she assured.

  ‘I lost control and …’ How was he supposed to tell her how it was? That she was still in his arms because he didn’t want to put her down? He didn’t ever want to put her down. Not now that he’d found her. Not putting her down meant there was no chance of losing her … Because if he’d thought he worried about that before … ‘You were incredible, Susie. You blew my mind. You always blow my mind. But I now have no mind left to blow. And I’m trying to hold back on telling you how I feel because I don’t want to scare you and … You’re grinning?’

  She reached up to cradle his face in her hands. ‘How could I not? You think you’d scare me away after that? I may regularly question my sanity where you’re concerned, but I’m not that crazy.’

  ‘You have no idea what you do to me, do you?’ he asked, shaking his head.

  ‘If it’s a fraction of what you do to me, then I’ll be happy.’

  ‘I suggest you scrap happy and try out deliriously ecstatic for size. I was trying to apologise for losing control. I was concerned I’d hurt you and—’

  ‘You didn’t,’ she reassured. ‘You were incredible.’

  He grinned … before frowning. ‘What did you mean, “unless I don’t want you?” Have you any idea what those words did to me? You weren’t saying it to provoke a response, I know that.’ Although, boy, had it provoked a response. He was constantly having to battle his urges around Susie, attempting to rein himself in so he could act like a rational human being, rather than being driven by the instincts that raged through him. Yet those words … He’d had no hope. No hope whatsoever. ‘How could you possibly think I didn’t want you?’


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