A Space Girl from Earth (The Kyroibi Trilogy Book 1)

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A Space Girl from Earth (The Kyroibi Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

by Christina McMullen

  “There was no alternative,” Isa explained in a hushed tone. “Svoryk’s control over him was nearly impossible to break. I was able to use what little power the Kyroibi afforded me to exert my dominance over him, but tonight, what little control I had was taken when you accepted your role.”

  “My what? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  “When I… when you…” Isa’s sudden discomfort told Ellie all she needed to know.

  “Right. When you decided to deep fry Julian’s brain.”

  “Understand Ellie, Julian claims to be loyal to you. He claims the Kyroibi makes him powerless to hurt you. He can claim Svoryk never truly had a hold on him, but I have seen the evidence to the contrary. I know he can be quite charming, but do not trust him. I’m simply warning you to be on guard.”

  “I…” Ellie sighed in frustration. “I’ll be careful,” she said at last, eager to simply put the day behind her.

  “I promise this will all be over soon,” Isa said with a strained smile. “Get some rest. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mom,” she said giving her a peck on the cheek before turning down the corridor to her own room, head and heart full of confusion.

  Chapter 6

  “What are you doing here?”

  Julian sat in the armchair next to Ellie’s bed, silhouetted by moonlight as he casually flipped through a magazine he’d found on her bedside table.

  “Respecting your mother’s wishes for a moment of privacy with you.” Ellie could have sworn he added “against my better judgment” under his breath, but she had bigger worries.

  “I meant, what are you doing here, in my room, and not your own?”

  “We have much to discuss and little time with which to do so,” he replied, setting down the magazine and unfolding himself from the chair with preternatural grace that made Ellie take a step back towards the door that she had foolishly closed behind her. “A good number of things your mother explained tonight were over simplified, as I suspect you already know. If I were to make a guess as to why she wanted to speak to you without me, I would say she gave you a warning. A warning that I am not to be trusted.”

  “Something like that,” Ellie said with a wince. She certainly wasn’t going to tell Julian exactly what her mother said. Not just because she didn’t know who to trust, but also because to say it aloud would be ridiculous. Fortunately, he did not press.

  Instead, he sighed softly and took a step back, bowed his head and held out his upturned hands in front of him. Ellie gasped when she noticed the soft glow that came from them. Like hers, Julian’s skin was peppered with small white spots that glowed luminescent in the dim light of the room. “Look inside yourself and know that I am not here to hurt you.”

  Although she was exhausted, confused, and more scared than she would admit, Ellie knew exactly what Julian was asking of her. No matter what her mother told her to the contrary, the message that had been edging its way into her mind all night remained the same.

  Trust Julian.

  She wanted to, but at the same time, how could she? Her own mother had warned her not to and besides, what did she actually know of Julian? Hadn’t he just admitted that he came to Earth under the orders to bring her back to the Emperor? Yet despite all of this, there was something—the Kyroibi, perhaps—telling her to trust that Julian’s intentions were true.

  Without realizing it, Ellie had been drawn forward. As she stood just inches from Julian, she placed her own glowing hands into his. At once, a calm washed over her and the persistent humming silenced. In its place, Ellie was flooded with a different set of impressions that she realized were coming directly from Julian. Loyalty, trust, and an abstract promise of protection.

  The feelings intensified and Ellie was overcome with her own emotional turmoil. She felt strong, yet helpless. Overwhelmed by realization that the burden weighing her down and the power in her hands were one and the same, yet frustrated, because she didn’t understand what any of it meant.

  At last the overwhelming rush subsided. The hum of information was still there, but the sudden quiet was welcome. Ellie opened her eyes, unaware that she’d closed them, somehow not the least bit surprised to see that brilliant light issued from both Julian and herself. She took a step back, dropping his hands with the sudden awareness of how close they’d been standing.

  “So,” she said, feeling somehow as if her embarrassment was intensifying the output of light from her skin. “What, um… what is it you needed to tell me?”

  “Your mother intends to ask you to relinquish the Kyroibi to her.”

  “What? How?” Ellie asked. “She just said she can’t carry this thing because she’s not Eidyn.”

  “She is unable to internalize and keep safe the Kyroibi in the natural way,” Julian explained. “But Isa’s genetic manipulation was enough that she was able to experience powerful aspects of the Kyroibi even if she will never be a true master. Whether your father knew and had no choice, or simply underestimated the hold such a powerful relic would have over a non-Eidyn, matters not. Your mother was affected.”

  Ellie’s heart gave a dreadful squeeze as she remembered vividly her mother’s tone of voice, angry glare, or otherwise uncharacteristic behavior.

  “El’iadrylline, I understand what you saw this evening may not have cast your mother in the best light, but please do not think less of her. Your mother loves you and her every action, right or wrong, stems from that love. Do not blame her for that which she cannot control.”

  “Okay, so are you actually going to tell me what this thing is or are we running with the whole forbidden knowledge smoke and mirrors bit?”

  “The Kyroibi is knowledge, but it is much more than that, hence the reason it is forbidden,” he explained. “Why I am unable to explain everything is quite complicated, but soon enough, you will understand. Your father’s method of transference was quite unorthodox. He took measures to ensure the Kyroibi remained hidden, even from those who would know what it was they were looking for. But there were things that even your father did not know.”

  “Like?” Ellie didn’t bother to mask her sharp, annoyed tone. Julian, it seemed, was skilled at speaking without saying anything at all. Ellie briefly contemplated asking him if he had any plans to run for elected office.

  “In the wrong hands, the Kyroibi corrupts. Your mother was exposed to something she could not comprehend. The lure of absolute power is strong, addicting, and as Svoryk proves, incredibly dangerous.”

  Ellie frowned. “And now, you say I’ve got that power in me. Does that mean the Kyroibi will corrupt me as well?”

  “No, El’iadrylline. You do not hold that power. You are that power. You are the Kyroibi.”

  “Oh, well that just clears everything right up then, doesn’t it?” she said in a sarcastic huff.

  “It will. I promise,” Julian assured her with a sympathetic smile. “Your father was a brilliant man, Ellie. He knew there would be risks, but he took a chance, knowing that the possibility existed that he could ensure the safety of his family and his people. Everything that is happening to you now is doing so because of that risk. There is much still hidden. I have my orders. I only hope I have convinced you to trust me long enough to see them through.”

  “Your orders?”

  “Instructions imprinted upon me by your father.”


  “I have no comparison that would not be woefully misleading,” Julian apologized.

  “Of course,” Ellie huffed. “Regardless, these instructions, they are…”

  “Known only to your father.”

  “I thought…” Ellie trailed off, unsure of what exactly she wanted to know. Her mother claimed her father was dead. Julian seemed to think otherwise. “Whatever,” she muttered, deciding a subject change was the only way she was going to get any sleep. “I won’t give my mother the Kyroibi.”

  “Thank you,” Julian said with a curt nod. “I have but one additional instruction

  “And that is?”

  “Do not outright deny your mother’s request to relinquish the Kyroibi.”

  “Say again?”

  “When your mother suggest that you give up the Kyroibi to her, do not immediately refuse.”

  Ellie let out a long, groaning sigh. “Okay, so I’m to give it to her or not? You’re not making a whole lot of sense right now.”

  “My apologies. To clarify, your mother must not take control of the Kyroibi, but by refusing her, she may resort to drastic measures to attempt to take it by force.”

  “Drastic measures?” Ellie pushed back at the images that suddenly came to the forefront of her mind. Images of a woman she hardly recognized as her loving and caring mother.

  “Ellie, your mother can’t be blamed. She was unaware of the consequences of carrying the Kyroibi. Her motive is not the same as Svoryk’s, but I’m afraid at the moment, she is just as dangerous. When she asks for the Kyroibi, act as if you agree with her assessment, that the Ghowrn conflict is not your fight, but put her off. Tell her that you are overwhelmed and need time to process what you have learned. It will not be a lie.”

  At that, Ellie raised her eyebrows. He was right, of course. She was more than simply overwhelmed. It felt as if she’d fallen into someone else’s life entirely. Or perhaps a work of fiction.

  “Fine,” she said at last, turning away in an attempt to hide exactly how overwhelmed she was. “I… I can do that.”

  “Ellie,” Julian said softly, noting the slight tremble in her voice. “As your father before, you are my master. I promise you, I will not let anything happen to you. I am yours to command.”

  “Okay, you know, that’s just creepy,” Ellie said with a shudder. “Slavery is illegal and you’re a person, not a robot, Julian.”

  Julian did not answer, but instead raised an eyebrow and went back to sit in the armchair next to Ellie’s bed.

  “Okay, fine, robot it is… Do I have to order you to let me sleep then?” she asked, hoping he would simply take the hint and leave.

  “You are free to sleep. I promise not to bother you.”

  “I would prefer a little privacy.”

  “I swore my life to protect you, Ellie,” Julian stated simply, as if that somehow explained everything.

  “So you did,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “Let’s just clear that up right now, shall we? I get that we’re aliens and life makes no damned sense at the moment, but this is Earth. You need to tone down the whole protector thing because it’s patriarchal and insulting. Besides, can’t you protect me from another room?”

  Instead of answering, Julian looked at the French doors that led to the balcony. Ellie highly doubted Svoryk was going to come bursting in through the door anyway. Especially not if he could materialize out of thin air the way her mother had. The dawning realization that he might do just that brought with it another wave of panic and she decided that perhaps letting Julian stay wasn’t too terrible an idea.

  “Will you at least go get ready for bed?”

  “I require no preparations for sleep.”

  “Well I do,” Ellie said sharply. “Can’t you go find some PJs or something and allow me a few moments of privacy?”

  He seemed to consider the request for far longer than she felt necessary, as if he was under the impression that Svoryk was going to swoop in and snatch her up while he was just a few doors away. Ellie really hoped he was just being paranoid.

  “Very well,” he said at last and set aside the magazine he’d been pretending to read.

  “Oh and Julian?” she called out just before he left the room. “Please knock before coming back.”

  Ellie cursed the scant summer wardrobe she’d left behind last season. There was very little that passed for sleepwear. The best she could come up with was a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top. She wasn’t typically so modest, but after everything she’d just been through, Ellie didn’t want to add underdressed to her growing list of vulnerabilities. Yet still, when Julian knocked softly on her door a moment later, Ellie couldn’t help but feel over exposed. Granted, that was likely due to the profusion of glowing dots that still peppered her arms, legs, face, and chest, turning her into her own personal nightlight.

  The sight of him in a plain white t-shirt and cotton pajama pants was both surreal and incredibly distracting. Ellie could not remember ever seeing Julian dressed in anything less than a tailored Armani suit. Realizing she was staring, she excused herself, turning away to get her rogue thoughts under control before she did or said something to embarrass herself further.

  Julian, however, did not seem to notice her discomfort and instead took the opportunity to push her bed up against the only wall without windows. He then positioned the chair so that he had a clear view of all entries.

  “Are you planning on sleeping at all?”

  “I require little rest,” he assured her. “And this chair is quite comfortable.”

  “You’re joking.” Ellie eyed the straight-backed armchair that she had purchased from an antique dealer more for aesthetics than comfort.

  “I am not. Compared to being locked in a closet, it is luxury.”

  “Excuse me? Mom locked you in a closet?” Ellie was shocked. Her mother’s private quarters in all of her many homes had plenty of plush furnishings. Even if she didn’t trust Julian and wanted to keep him close, there was no excuse for cruelty.

  “I gave your mother dominion in hopes that she would trust my intentions, but I believe she still considered me a threat.”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake! That’s… Hang on.” Ellie rolled out of bed and stormed from the room. To his credit, Julian didn’t follow. She returned a moment later, dragging the camping mattress that she and her friends used to sleep on in the back yard as children. It had a vaguely musty smell from being in storage, but after throwing on some fresh linens and a couple of spritzes of chamomile oil, it was barely noticeable. Her mother might have had no issue with treating her assistant like a misbehaving dog, but Ellie refused to be so cruel.

  As she settled back into her own bed, Julian placed a hand on her arm.

  “Thank you,” he said quietly. “Your concern for my comfort is unnecessary, but appreciated, nonetheless.”

  “You’re welcome, Julian,” she said and gave his hand an awkward pat before turning her back to him.

  Despite being both physically and mentally exhausted, Ellie couldn’t sleep. She spent the night tossing and turning. Her luxurious pillow top mattress felt as if it had been stuffed with potatoes and her Egyptian cotton sheets may as well have been sand paper. Twice, she got up and turned the thermostat down so low that she wouldn’t have been surprised to see snow falling inside her bedroom, yet she was still too hot.

  “My presence is disturbing your sleep.”

  Ellie rolled to her stomach and poked her head over the side of the bed, peering down at Julian. In the pale light of the moon, he looked eerily corpse-like, lying on his back with his eyes closed and hands clasped loosely over his hips. In fact, Ellie knew it had to be a trick of the light, but it looked as if he wasn’t breathing.

  “You aren’t,” she mumbled and discovered that she wasn’t lying. Despite her earlier objections, Ellie found his presence comforting. “The enormity of everything I’ve learned today and all that I still don’t understand is disturbing my sleep.”

  “You are safe, Ellie. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know,” she whispered with a sad smile. “And that’s partly what disturbs me, Julian.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t expect you would,” she said with a frustrated sigh. “You’re brainwashed, or hypnotized, or something. You’ve been treated as less than human by both Svoryk and my mother. I’m cool with you being here if it means Mom can’t lock you in a closet or do whatever freaky thing she did to hurt you, but you aren’t my…” She couldn’t even say the word aloud. “You’re a person, Julian and so am I. I ca
n protect myself. You have no…” Again she trailed off, unable to put words to her thoughts. Perhaps she was more exhausted than she thought.

  He sat up then, surprising her as he lifted her hand in his. Again, Ellie felt an energy hum between them, but much less frenetic than before and she was grateful to see that only a couple of spots on her palm lit up.

  “El’iadrylline, your concern for my wellbeing is refreshing, but you need to be mindful of your intent.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Releasing your dominion over me would allow your mother or Svoryk to step in and take it. Fortunately for you, your father wrote additional instructions into the imprint. I am to ignore all commands of autonomy. Nor can you relinquish your control over me to another.”

  “Okay, really, Julian. This whole thing just makes me uncomfortable. I am no—” Ellie’s words were again cut short and she realized it wasn’t her exhaustion. It was as Julian had said. She intended to state clearly that she was nobody’s master, but found herself physically unable to verbalize her intent.

  “You needn’t worry for me,” Julian said, pulling away from her. “There is much you do not yet understand.”

  “So help me to understand.”

  “In time. I must ask that you trust me and have patience. You do not yet know how important you are.”

  “Me or this thing within me?” she asked with sudden bitterness that seemed to come from out of nowhere.

  “Come now,” Julian admonished.

  “What? I’m serious,” she grumbled. “I may be tired and confused, but when everyone including my own mother makes a bigger deal out of this thing than my own wellbeing, it kind of hurts.”

  “Ellie, that’s not true. Your mother loves you and cares for you, but the Kyroibi’s influence has corrupted her.”

  “And yet you seem to think it won’t corrupt me?”

  “Your innocence protects you from corruption.”

  “My what?” Despite everything, Ellie had to giggle at the thought.


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