Fablehaven2-Rise of the Evening Star

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Fablehaven2-Rise of the Evening Star Page 32

by Brandon Mull

  like a normal person.

  Warren! she hissed.

  He jumped and turned toward her. Who's there? he


  She was so surprised to hear him speak that it momentarily

  prevented her from answering. You can talk! Oh my

  gosh! What happened?

  Of course I can talk. I'm sorry-who are you?

  I'm Kendra. She couldn't believe it. He seemed perfectly


  I'm going to need a little more to go on. He squinted

  in her direction. The night probably looked darker to him

  than it did to her, and of course she was invisible.

  I'm Kendra Sorenson. Stan and Ruth are my grandparents.

  If you say so. What compelled you to hide in a tree in

  the middle of the night? Can you tell me how I got here?

  Meet me at the back door, Kendra said. I'll be there

  in a second. Warren had somehow been cured! She was no

  longer alone! She slid off the limb and climbed down from

  the tree. Taking off the glove, she walked out from among

  the trees and through the garden to the back door, where

  Warren met her.

  Standing in the doorway, he studied her. He looked even

  more handsome now that he had possession of himself. His

  striking eyes were a silvery hazel. Had they been that color

  before? It's you, he said in curious wonder. I remember


  From when you were mute? she asked.

  Was I mute? That's a first. Come inside.

  Kendra entered. You were a mute albino for a few


  Years? he exclaimed. What year is it?

  She told him and he looked flummoxed. They walked to

  the table in the main room.

  He ran a white hand through his thick hair, then stared

  at his palm. I thought I was looking sort of bleached, he

  said, flexing his fingers. The last thing I remember was

  something coming toward me in the grove. It could have

  been yesterday. I was overcome by a panic like I had never

  known, and my mind withdrew to a dark place. I felt nothing

  there, hemmed in by pure terror, disconnected from my

  senses, retaining a groggy semblance of self-awareness. Near

  the end I saw you, wreathed in light. But it felt like hours

  lapsing, not days, certainly not years.

  You've been catatonic, Kendra said. There is a

  revenant in the grove, and everybody who goes there ends

  up like you did.

  I haven't wasted away too terribly, he said, patting

  himself. I feel a tad slimmer, but not withered like I should

  be after years in a coma.

  You could move around, but always in a daze, Kendra

  explained. Your brother Dale made sure you got exercise.

  He took good care of you.

  Is he here?

  He's locked in the dungeon with my grandparents,

  Kendra said. The entire preserve is in danger. Members of

  the Society of the Evening Star have taken over the house.

  One of them is a narcoblix, so I've been awake for a couple

  of days straight. They are trying to get the artifact.

  He raised his eyebrows. You're saying there isn't going

  to be a Welcome-Back-from-Your-Coma Party?

  Kendra smiled. Until we rescue the others, I'm all you


  Sooner or later, I want cake and ice cream. You mentioned

  the artifact. Do they know where it is?

  She nodded. They weren't sure what to do about the

  revenant. My brother went to fight it. Since you're suddenly

  awake… I think he must have defeated it.

  Your brother?

  My little brother, she said, suddenly rather proud of

  him. He took off with the key to the tower and a crazy plan

  to use a courage potion to counteract the fear radiating from

  the revenant. I thought he was nuts, but it must have


  He has the key to the inverted tower? Warren asked.

  We stole it from Vanessa. She's the narcoblix.

  Your brother intends to enter the tower?

  He wants to get the artifact before they do, Kendra


  How old is he?


  Warren looked astonished. What kind of training does

  he have?

  Not much. I'm worried about him.

  You should be. If he goes into that tower alone, he will

  not emerge alive.

  Can we go after him? Kendra asked.

  Sounds like we'd better. He dropped his gaze to his

  hands, shaking his head. So now I'm albino? Don't stand

  too close; my luck might rub off. I set out, seems like yesterday,

  to retrieve the artifact. That was what led me to the

  grove. I knew a danger lurked there, but the overwhelming

  fear took me off guard. Now, after losing years of my life in

  a panic-induced trance, I get to pick up right where I left


  Why were you after the artifact?

  It was a clandestine commission, Warren said. We

  had reason to believe the secret of Fablehaven might have

  been breached, so I was charged with removing and transferring

  the artifact.

  Who had you do that?

  Warren gave her a measuring stare. I'm a member of a

  covert organization that combats the Society of the Evening

  Star. I can't say any more.

  The Knights of the Dawn?

  Warren tossed up his hands. Nice. Who told you that?


  Warren shook his head. Telling that guy a secret is like

  writing it across the sky. Anyhow, yes, we had reason to suspect

  Fablehaven had been discovered by the Society, and I

  was supposed to locate the artifact.

  Ready to finish what you started?

  Why not? Looks like things fell apart around here without

  me. Time to put Humpty back together again. None of

  my gear is where I left it, but ill-equipped or not, we'd better

  hurry if we hope to catch your brother before he enters

  the tower. I take it Hugo isn't around.

  Vanessa sent him to the farthest corner of Fablehaven

  with orders to stay put, Kendra said.

  The stables are far enough from here that getting a

  horse will save us no time. I know the way to the valley. You

  up for a night hike?

  Yes, she said. Mendigo should return soon. He's an

  enchanted puppet the size of a man, and can help us get

  there faster.

  An enchanted puppet? You're not exactly an average

  teenager, are you? I bet you've got some stories to tell.

  Kendra was pleased by the admiration in his voice, and

  hoped it wasn't showing on her face. Why was she thinking

  about the moment she had kissed him? She was suddenly

  very conscious of the way she was standing, and had no idea

  what to do with her hands. She had to stop noticing how

  cute he was. This was the wrong time for silly crushes! One

  or two, she managed to say.

  I'm going to scavenge for equipment, Warren said,

  hurrying over to the cupboards.

  I have a glove that makes me invisible when I hold

  still, Kendra said. And several magical potions, though I'm

  not sure what they do.

  Of course you do, he said, rifling through some

  drawers. Where did you get all that?
  The glove belonged to a man named Coulter.

  Coulter Dixon? he asked urgently. Why do you speak

  of him in the past tense?

  He became a mute albino like you. Which probably

  means he's fine now, except that he's locked up in the dungeon

  with Dale.

  Jackpot! Warren announced.


  Cookies. He stuck one in his mouth. What about the


  A guy named Tanu. He's a former mute albino too now,

  but I don't know where he is.

  I've heard of Tanu the potion master, Warren said.

  Never met him.

  Just then Kendra heard a faint jingling of hooks. She ran

  to the front door. Mendigo carne to a halt beside the porch.

  Our ride is here, Kendra said.

  One minute, Warren called. He returned promptly

  with a coil of rope looped over one shoulder and an ax in his

  hand. Best weapon I could find, he said, hefting the ax.

  Mendigo can carry us, she said. He's stronger than he


  That may be, but we'll travel faster if I run alongside.

  Off we go, then.

  Mendigo, Kendra said. Carry me to the place you just

  took Seth, fast as you can. And don't lose Warren. She

  pointed at Warren for emphasis. She scrambled up onto

  Mendigo's back and they set off at a brisk pace.

  Warren did a good job keeping up at first, but he was

  nearly running at a full sprint, and before long he was gasping

  and wheezing. Kendra ordered Mendigo to carry him as

  well, and Warren consented. I don't have the wind I used

  to, or the legs, he apologized.

  Warren was considerably bigger than Seth or Kendra,

  and Mendigo did not run quite as speedily while carrying

  him. Occasionally Warren insisted on running for a minute

  or two, trying to maximize their pace.

  The night wore on. At last they reached the valley. The

  stars in the east were growing faint as the sky began to pale.

  Mendigo soon reached the unseen boundary that he could

  not cross.

  He can't enter the grove, just like Hugo, Warren

  remarked. If Hugo had been with me that night, I would

  not have lost those years.

  Set us down, Mendigo, Kendra said. Guard the grove

  from all intruders.

  What have we here? Warren murmured, stooping and

  examining the ground.

  What? Kendra said.

  I think your brother was here. Follow me. Warren

  jogged toward the trees, clutching the ax.

  Kendra rushed to keep up. Could there be other dangers

  in the grove? she asked.

  Doubtful, Warren said. This has been the revenant's

  domain since the hiding of the artifact and the founding of

  Fablehaven. Few would dare tread this cursed ground.

  Wait a second, Kendra said. Here's Seth's emergency

  kit. He lost it the first time he came to the grove. Kendra

  retrieved the cereal box from where it lay.

  First time? Warren asked.

  Long story, Kendra said.

  Look here, Warren said. The key. Your brother is not

  inside the tower. He's probably injured or spent. We'd better


  They trotted through the trees. Warren held the ax in

  one hand, the key in the other. What's that up ahead?

  Warren said. A flashlight?

  Kendra saw the glow as well, low to the ground. As they

  hurried nearer, she saw that it was indeed a fallen flashlight.

  Gauging by the faintness of the bulb, the batteries were

  nearly depleted. Beside the flashlight lay a skeleton clad in

  rags. And atop the skeleton lay her brother, facedown.

  Warren knelt beside Seth, felt his wrist for a pulse, and

  rolled him over. One of Seth's hands remained closed

  around a pair of pliers that held nothing. The flashlight

  revealed ugly mottled marks on Seth's throat. Warren leaned

  in for a closer look. His neck is bruised and burned, but he's


  Shouldn't Vanessa be in control of him? Kendra asked.

  You know, the narcoblix?

  This is no natural sleep, Warren said. She may have

  power over him, but she can't animate limbs that refuse to

  function. He paid a severe price to best the revenant-it was

  evidently a very close contest. Potion or no potion, your

  brother must have the heart of a lion!

  He's very brave, Kendra said, tears pooling in her eyes.

  Her lips trembled. Can I borrow the light? Warren handed

  her the flashlight and she found a small potion in the cereal

  box. He was very proud that Tanu gave him a potion that

  could boost his energy in an emergency.

  That might do him good, Warren said. He uncapped

  the bottle, propped up Seth's head, and poured some of the

  fluid into his mouth. Seth spluttered and coughed. After a

  moment, Warren gave him more, which he gulped.

  Seth's eyes opened, and his brow furrowed. You! he

  said weakly, his voice raspy.

  Get out of him, hag, Warren spat.

  Seth smiled eerily. And then his eyes rolled white.

  What happened? he gasped, voice still raspy. The


  You succeeded, Warren said.

  You're healed, Seth murmured perplexedly, staring at

  Warren. Didn't know… that would happen. Kendra. You


  Ask him something only he would know, Warren said.

  This could be a ruse.

  Kendra thought for a moment. What dessert did you

  hate in your school lunch last year?

  Cherry cobbler, he said weakly.

  What was your favorite shadow puppet Dad used to


  Chicken, he said.

  It's him, Kendra said confidently.

  Can you sit up? Warren asked.

  Seth's head bobbed slightly forward. His fingers

  twitched. I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller.

  Like everything… has been squished out of me. My throat


  He needs time to recuperate, Warren said. And I

  need to get into the tower. The narcoblix knows the way is

  open. The only reason she would have released Seth is

  because she is already on her way here. Kendra, you mentioned

  that a great imp is helping her, along with another

  man, but she may have more contacts than them on the preserve.

  I should be able to navigate the traps. Let's have

  Mendigo take you and your brother to a safe place.

  I want to come, Seth croaked.

  You've done enough today, Warren said. Time to pass

  off the torch to others.

  Give me more of that potion, Seth said.

  More of that potion won't change your condition,

  Warren said. Though Kendra should probably have a dose,

  to help her keep awake.

  Kendra took a sip. Almost instantly she felt a burst of

  alertness, as if she had been slapped.

  Warren scooped his arms under Seth, lifting him in a

  cradled position. Kendra started collecting the key and the

  ax, but Warren told her to leave them. He was walking with

  quick steps back toward Mendigo.

  Should I go into the tower with you, Warren? she

  asked, catching up.

  Too dangerous, he said.
  I may be able to help, she said. Last year, I visited the

  Fairy Queen's shrine on the island in the pond and raised a

  fairy army to save Fablehaven from a demon named


  What? Warren sputtered.

  She did, Seth confirmed.

  You do have stories! Warren said.

  The fairies left me with certain gifts, Kendra continued,

  not wanting to specify that she was fairykind. I can see

  in the dark, and speak all the languages the fairies can. I

  don't need the milk anymore to see magical creatures. And

  my touch can recharge magical objects that are out of

  energy. The Sphinx seemed to think that might come in

  handy for some of the artifacts.

  It very well might, Warren said. It has been suggested

  that the artifacts were deliberately drained of energy as an

  additional safeguard.

  Without me you might not be able to use the artifact

  even if you find it, Kendra said.

  I believe I can successfully negotiate the traps in the

  tower, Warren said. But that is without knowing what they

  are. I'm not infallible, as the grove has aptly proven. Do you

  understand the possible dangers of accompanying me?

  We could both die, Kendra said. But there is danger

  everywhere at Fablehaven today. I'll come with you.

  An extra pair of eyes and hands could make a difference,

  Warren conceded. And the ability to charge the artifact,

  whichever one it is, could make all the difference. We'll

  trust Mendigo to watch over Seth.

  This is no fair, Seth muttered.

  Do you want your glove back? Kendra asked.

  You'll need it more, he said firmly.

  They emerged from the grove and hurried to Mendigo.

  Warren suggested that Kendra have Mendigo take Seth to

  the stables. Kendra gave orders for Mendigo to take Seth to

  the stables and watch over him, keep him safe from harm,

  and not allow him to wander off for a full day unless otherwise

  instructed. Mendigo trotted away, cradling Seth.

  Warren and Kendra ran back to the dry skeleton of the

  revenant and retrieved the key and the ax. Kendra followed

  Warren deeper into the grove. There was little undergrowth,

  but the deeper they went, the closer the trees grew together,

  and the heavier they were draped with moss and mistletoe.

  They reached a place where the trees grew so snugly that

  their branches interlocked in such a way as to almost form a


  When Warren shouldered through the living barrier,

  they found a small clearing ringed by trees, illuminated by a


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