Penalty Kill (Love on Thin Ice Book 4)

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Penalty Kill (Love on Thin Ice Book 4) Page 6

by Amber Lynn

  She should have been clearer with her words. Having sex in her front yard wasn’t an option. The darkness of her bedroom was her preferred location.

  “Fair enough. Although, the stray camera can make things fun. Are we going inside?”

  He sounded like he was taking things in stride, but Lacey had to wonder if the disappointment was already settling in. Neither of them had made a move once he parked the car. Lacey had practically stopped breathing and the only thing she knew moved in the car was his dang thumb on her hand.

  She’d been afraid to look at him. The light wasn’t any better in her driveway than it was in the bar, in fact it was decidedly worse, but there was a chance he’d see something he hadn’t earlier and run as fast as he could. Mustering up some backbone, Lacey turned to respond, not really sure what would come from her lips.

  Evidently, words weren’t needed. Because Vasily’s face was right there and his mouth latched onto her before she could open hers. He didn’t devour her, but he made it clear he had no plans of going anywhere with a quick kiss that left her breathless.

  The pulsing she felt between her legs made her want to cry out. What the hell was that? It had always taken massive coaxing from George to get her wet down there, and usually it wasn’t enough. There was just something uncomfortable about connecting with another person that way and Lacey had never figured it out. Yet, it only took kisses from Vasily to make her feel moisture gathering against her underwear.

  Thank God she’d decided not to wear her granny panties under the dress.

  “We should probably go in. If you still want to,” she said.

  He’d asked her if she wanted it and kept offering to go to his place, so she needed to give him a chance to back out. George had always preferred watching some porn while they had sex, which always embarrassed Lacey. She didn’t make the right noises or move right, so he tried to teach her how it’s done. Vasily probably had that kind of stuff at his place. That had to be why he kept pushing to go there. Lacey knew she was going to be embarrassed yet again, so she didn’t want to be at his mercy.

  “My dick has been hard since I saw you sitting at the bar, Lacey. There’s no question whether I want to.”

  He opened his door as the words sunk in. They were so matter of fact that Lacey was sure she misheard him. As she sat there, her door opened and hands snatched her out of the car. Before she could scream, she found herself thrown over Vasily’s shoulder.

  The motion was so swift and effortless that it sent a thrill through Lacey’s body. She hadn’t been lifted like that in over a decade.

  “I’m pretty sure I know how to walk.”

  The point had to be made, but Lacey made sure not to put any commitment in the words. She should’ve been terrified by the excitement burbling inside her, but for once in her life she thought letting things play out was the right way to go.

  “You said I can’t strip you naked out here, so it’s best if you don’t sashay your ass in front of me. I assume you have a key to your place.”

  It seemed a little late to be asking that. Her dress had pockets, an essential detail for a mom. She ignored the statement and focused on her own curiosity.

  “Do you seriously go around having sex out in public?”

  She knew he’d been arrested before but hadn’t paid attention to the charges. The only reason she knew that was because he’d swapped places with George and she was curious what the team picked up for her husband.

  “Not as often as I’d like. You’re going to find out here in a second that I’m not shy when it comes to showing off my body.”

  He set her down and turned her around in front of the door. She moved to push her dress down, since it was bunched up to expose most of her thighs, but his hands were there instantly. One of them held her dress up, while the other reached to the front to put his hand firmly against her crotch.

  Lacey let out a gasp as his big hand enveloped her heat and fingers pushed the lace of her underwear into her depths. He drew his hand up a little and those fingers started making circles around a spot Lacey had never felt so sensitive. She felt swollen and raw somehow. The touch was rougher than the delicate circles on her hand in the car and made her cry out.

  The noise emitting from her mouth made her go frigid. She’d never made those kinds of noises, and there she was not even in the privacy of her own home practically panting like a lust-filled teenager. Clearly, the rumors about him being a sex god were true.

  “Get the door open,” he barked.

  His command made her jump, instantly fumbling to get to her pocket, which wasn’t easy with her dress practically to her waist. She got the key out, in the door and turned. Before she could turn the door knob herself, his hand was there pushing the door open and shoving her inside.

  The motion was frantic, but it was only the start. As soon as the door was closed with them on the inside, Lacey was pushed up against it and Vasily was on his knees in front of her, stripping her underwear off. She’d barely had time to register that when she felt his tongue lick right at her core and his mouth latch onto her clit and suck deeply.

  If she’d been surprised about her cry outside, the scream that tore through her as his mouth and tongue worked over her left her completely flabbergasted. She didn’t know what was happening. George had never touched her like this. She’d sucked on him before, but he said she wasn’t good at it and never reciprocated.

  She thought about telling Vasily that he didn’t need to work whatever voodoo magic he was doing on her, but she felt a weird pressure building inside of her. She didn’t know what was going on, so she closed her eyes, trying to tamper down whatever panic attack was pooling low in her belly. Her heart felt like it would beat right out of her chest and her breathing came out in ragged half-breaths.

  It was close to being as under control as it could when Vasily inserted a finger inside of her. A second finger quickly joined it as the wetness from herself and his mouth eased its way.

  Lacey could vaguely hear herself saying something is wrong between almost sobs and screams. Her eyes were closed already, but somehow her vision darkened more, like all the lights in the world just went out. She was sure her death was imminent. Maybe that was why George stuck to basic sex with her. He somehow knew she couldn’t take anything more.

  As her breathing became even more erratic, only puffs of air making it past her lips, she felt herself tightening around Vasily’s fingers as they pushed inside of her and then were pulled out. With each thrust, they scraped against a spot that wasn’t exactly painful, but it felt so good that a rush of panic washed over her.

  It was too much. Whatever was happening was just too much. She screamed as loud as she could and let the feelings engulf her.

  Her world became hazy after the crescendo clearly meant to kill her. She could feel her body trembling all over, particularly her thighs. If Vasily wasn’t there to hold her up, there was no doubt she’d be a puddle on the floor.

  She was afraid to open her eyes but could feel him standing in front of her staring. They lifted slowly to reveal a satisfied smirk on his face. Since she was pretty sure he’d just given her the first real orgasm she’d ever had, the smirk was warranted. She’d always wondered before if some of the small feelings she had when her and George had been together were orgasms, but they obviously hadn’t been.

  A little embarrassed by that fact, even though she wasn’t sharing it, she looked down. That turned out to be a mistake. When had he taken off his clothes? And how in the hell did he expect to fit his veiny, swollen cock that jutted up to his stomach inside of her?

  Lacey considered herself to be levelheaded, so she knew logistically it would work, but he was just so big. George had been the only guy she’d had sex with, and she’d thought his dick was large. He’d always said it was, even explaining that the camera angles and touching up in the porn he made her watch only made those guys look bigger.

  There were no camera tricks for Vasily. His dick was at l
east two and a half inches across and at least eight inches long. It looked angry, all red and tumid.

  Did he want her to reciprocate? After what he’d just done for her, she’d try. He’d be disappointed, but she’d try.

  Before she could push him back a little and sink to her knees, a hand came up to tilt her face up. She looked in his darken blue eyes as he studied her face.

  “You’re back with me, right?”

  The question confused her, but she nodded. She didn’t remember not being with him, but she also didn’t remember how in the world his clothes disappeared.

  “Good,” he said. Before she knew it, he’d picked her up, so her legs were around his back and her back was firmly against the front door. “Because I didn’t want to do this without you feeling every second of it with me.”

  Again, she was confused by his words, but they became clear quickly as he thrust his hips up and in one motion he was fully inside of her. Her breath rushed out of her lungs as she stared into his eyes. What she saw there scared her, so she pulled herself closer to him to hide.

  “Damn you’re tight, lyubimaya. I expected it to some point, but, oh God, I’m not going to last long.”

  Those words were hard to believe, especially since one of them she couldn’t even understand. It sounded like something he’d said back in the bar, but she wasn’t sure. It was hard to concentrate on any of it as her body adjusted to the intrusion. It didn’t hurt. It was just different and coming on the edge of her bliss, she felt her body pulsing around him. If she didn’t know better, she’d think her body was trying to milk him. The ripples started deep inside of her and made their way out toward the end of his shaft.

  She thought she’d known what sex was like, but Vasily was proving she had no idea. Her mind was so confused. She didn’t know what to do as he just held her there. Before she’d hidden her eyes from him, she’d seen that he looked strained, like he was in pain. Since she was the one being impaled, if anyone was in pain, it should’ve been her.

  Should she start moving since he hadn’t? Her arms were wrapped around his neck, so she could lift up, which she tried. His hands halted the action instantly as he groaned. She backed up a little, so she could see his reaction. She feared the revelation that she wasn’t a sex goddess would be clear in his eyes.

  But, it wasn’t. They were closed, hiding any clues of his thoughts. Before she could wonder what he was thinking, hurried words escaped his lips.

  “What part of I’m not going to last don’t you understand?” he asked with one of his eyebrows cocked up. His eyes opened, and she could see the fire in his blue eyes hadn’t diminished.

  Lacey bit her lip, not sure what to say or do. Her body told her it wanted to move, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  She really had no clue. George had always wanted to get things over with quickly. She needed to quit comparing the current situation with her years with George, but as her sole point of reference, it was impossible.

  Chapter 8

  Vasily stopped himself from asking whether the woman enveloping him was daft. Did she really just ask if him coming from just entering her was a bad thing?

  He couldn’t remember a time when he pushed in and wanted to explode. Even his first time took a few stabs at it to get it right. It was embarrassing that he felt the urge to just spill himself.

  But boy did he want to.

  He was sure she wasn’t purposefully sucking him in, since she seemed shocked about everything he did, but her muscles were squeezing around him. It wasn’t as tight as a vice grip. It felt more like he imagined a toothpaste roll felt as someone curled it up to get the last of it out.

  Thankfully, they hadn’t stopped outside. The idea of cameras catching how pathetic he felt sent a shill up his spine. Or maybe it was just the feeling of her doing it.

  “Are you okay?” a soft voice asked tentatively.

  His eyes were closed as he thought and tried to take in deep breaths. Instead of steadying his breath, he’d only worked himself into desperate pants that wanted him to find relief.

  After he’d briefly seen her studying him, she clutched to him, her face nestled against his neck, so Lacey didn’t see his struggle. There was only one way he could think of to make things last longer. The one thing he never did during sex.


  “I’m fine. How about you? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  The conversation didn’t need to be deep. He just needed to get his mind off how his body felt. He wasn’t sure talking would be enough.

  “I don’t think so,” she replied, her voice breathy in his ear. “I’m not really sure.”

  The words made him pull back, so he could look at her. She’d screamed, but he hadn’t really thought it had been in pain. After her almost naïve kisses, he’d been surprised by all her noises, but they were more than likely a big part of the reason he didn’t need more friction. Hearing her come unglued had almost made him do the same.

  She held him tight, which made his movements pull him out slightly. He gritted his teeth and clutched her back to him. She hadn’t moved much, but just that little had him cursing.

  “How can you not be sure whether you’re hurt?”

  The question should have been a simple yes or no. The confusion in her voice caused him to think back to his actions. That didn’t help. Thinking about pushing into her was not the right move.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now.”

  Well, at least he wasn’t the only one. He felt pain, but it was delicious. The kind of pain he wanted to wrap around him and just relish in.

  “Is that a good thing or bad thing?” Vasily asked.

  He lifted her up slightly and pushed her back down. The move brought a gasp to her lips. He did it again, this time moving her a little more. The urge to come was still strong, but he thought the slow and steady movement might not totally embarrass him. As he did a few more of them, her nails dug into his back.

  He couldn't expect her indecisiveness to mean the same as his. If she wasn't enjoying what they were doing, he'd try something different. Changing positions wasn't a bad idea, but the gentler way he was moving in and out of her was helping him. The quick intake of breaths he heard on each thrust couldn't be bad.

  "I think it's good. It's so different than with George. He never, um..."

  Her words trailing at that point could've been loss of thought, but her mentioning her ex-husband caused him to shift and thrust harder. Comparison was sure to be expected. Vasily didn't want to hear about the differences, not when he was inside of her. Technically, not ever.

  "He never what?" he asked.

  Chances were good he didn't want to know, but he couldn't help himself. Next to glutton for punishment in the dictionary, there was his smiling face.

  "He never did what you did. Never made me..."

  Her words were gone again as her breathing deepened and became erratic? Really? Again so soon? He'd been happy by how fast she reached her first orgasm because that meant he could get inside her sooner, but he didn't think she'd already be there a second time.

  That changed things. He’d been taking it slow so the next time she peaked he'd be there with her. If she didn't need more time, he wasn't about to waste it.

  As she bit down on his shoulder, something they would need to discuss later, he lifted her and dropped her back down on him a handful of times in short seconds. When she lifted her head and started out another one of her banshee wails, he slammed into her and felt the much-needed release as his cock twitched and unloaded.

  The toothpaste roll analogy came back to mind as she convulsed and pulled every last drop of him out. As if she wasn't tight enough to begin with. Those pulls made him groan in delicious pain.

  Neither one of them said a word or moved as their breathing returned to normal. Normal being a relative term, because there wasn't anything normal about what just happened.

  “You okay?” h
e asked, knowing that if someone asked him the same question, he'd have no idea how to respond.

  Vasily felt her head move, in what he was fairly certain was the affirmative. She didn't speak for a second, though.

  “Is that how it's supposed to be?”

  Her voice was low and throaty, undoubtedly from all the screaming she’d done. Maybe feeling a little brave, she pulled back from the death grip she had on him and attempted to make eye contact. She ended up at his nose, which is why he thought of it as an attempt.

  The question threw him off. He wasn't sure what she meant. They'd both found pleasure, so, yeah, technically it was how things were supposed to be.

  It wasn't how things usually were though. He prided himself in drawing things out. He didn’t often find pleasure more than once a night, so he liked to make it last to make sure his reputation remained intact.

  “How exactly was it different for you?”

  He didn't want to reveal any of the confusion in his mind. He figured letting her do most of the talking would keep him from running his mouth.

  “No,” she said distantly. He wasn’t sure what that answered, but she continued. “George never did what you did, so it was usually rough and hurt.”

  Vasily’s brow furrowed. George never did what? They had two kids, so he obviously did plenty. Her coming away with it hurting before made him think it didn't now, which was good to know, but it didn't explain what she was talking about.

  “I think you're going to have to explain what you just said.”

  Her nose scrunched up as her eyes looked down. As her lips folded in and her look became embarrassed, he wondered if she hadn't meant to reveal something. Since he had no idea what she was getting at, he was no help. It took her a few, very long, minutes, but she finally spoke.

  “Basically, everything we just did was a first for me.”

  The words were whispered. Vasily could barely make them out.

  “But you have two kids?”

  And as tight as she was, Lacey hadn't been a virgin. She’d mentioned pain before, so clearly George and she had sex. What in the world could've been a first?


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