Blane (Stratham Shifters Book 5)

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Blane (Stratham Shifters Book 5) Page 6

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Is that fair, do you think?”

  “Sure, it’s his choice who he trusts or distrusts. I don’t personally have a problem with her.”

  He felt the emotions in the room change. They were charged with energy, most of it angry. He wondered if they thought he would have something bad to say against Bev, but the truth was, he felt she never meant harm. She really was helping—or rather, trying to.

  “Very well,” Merida said and then narrowed her eyes on Bev. “You’re lucky today, Beverly. On this day, I will leave the dragon in charge of you. There will be no magic unsupervised, and he will be your keeper.”

  Bev gasped but Blane had no idea what that meant.


  “Or we can strip you of your powers for good.”

  Bev resigned. “No, I’ll take the deal.”

  “Wait, what’s a keeper?” Blane asked in confusion.

  “A keeper is basically my handler. You’re in charge of everything I do, especially magically related. I have no freedom any longer. I have to answer to you.”

  That was a lot of responsibility. Could he be her keeper? He hadn’t signed up for that. In fact, he had so much on his plate he wasn’t sure how much time it was going to take. It looked like he and Bev needed to get better acquainted.

  “Do you accept your new role?”

  “For how long?” It couldn’t be for the rest of her life. She’d out live him at this rate.

  “We will reconvene in five years.”

  For five years he had to dedicate himself to a woman who didn’t trust him.


  But when he looked at Bev, her eyes went lavender, not much different than his dragon eyes. Yet they pleaded with him to accept.

  That was all it took. He had to be the softest of all the dragons. Maybe it was because he was so in tune with emotions but whatever the case he nodded. “I accept.”

  Emotion overtook him and he sucked in a breath. It was full of relief—and despair, as well as surprise.

  “That easily you’ll take on a trouble maker like Beverly?” Merida stood. “She’s not easy to handle. She lets the magic take over too much, lets it influence her far too much.”

  “I’ll be fine. She’ll listen to me.” He looked at his new charge. “Won’t you Bev?”

  She nodded. “I promise.”

  “Very well, and it’s deemed be. The Purple Dragon Blane is now Beverly’s keeper for five years until we convene again. Behave witch because next time you make a mistake you will be stripped and never be able to practice again. You’re lucky today. I have a soft spot for this man who suffers so.”


  Blane sighed in relief when he realized the ‘trial’ was over. It wasn’t as difficult as he suspected it would be. All he had to do is watch her. Simple enough. She wouldn’t mess up again.

  Or so he hoped.

  Now it was time to focus on his mate. From the look on the leader’s face, she was ready to find out what was going on. He would be forever indebted if she was able to bring Dallas back. If she couldn’t he didn’t know what else to do.

  Lucky for him, he’d gained the affection of probably the most powerful witch in the area.

  Chapter 10


  Shiloh was gone again. He was really getting tired of the boy running every time things got a little rough. Or heaven forbid, he didn’t get what he wanted—just because he wanted it. And the fact that Libby coddled the punk, pissed him off. He was 19 years old. Sure, that was young, but it was also nearly a man. Dillon didn’t approve of men acting like children.

  Dillon glared at his cousin. What good was she if she couldn’t even keep one pup in line? He sighed knowing that being Alpha had changed their bond. He hated it, probably as much as she did. Hence the reason she fought him all the time. It was just like the old days. Only now he couldn’t cave.

  Not anymore.

  She planted her hands on her hips and glared with green eyes that matched his—only hers were brighter. Especially when she was heated, and right now she was more than a little angry with him.

  “Well screw you too, ‘Oh Mighty One’. He isn’t just my responsibility.”

  The tension heightened with her pet name for him. He was tired of the pack disregarding him as dangerous all because he didn’t want to live in ancient times. Even though he knew most of the time Libby wasn’t serious, it still made him look bad. And that was the problem. It looked like it was time to take out the new and bring back a whole hellva lot of the old. He smirked. “Don’t make me put you down like I’ve always done.”

  His aunt and uncle weren’t even the best of the worst, so his parents raised her much like the daughter they never had. They were more brother and sister rather than cousins. But she didn’t like to be reminded of her past. She’d been 12 and traumatized beyond recognition when she came to live with them.

  He remembered how long it had taken to get her to even look up from the floor, better yet speak. She had night terrors, and there hadn’t been anything he could do about it. He remembered sitting outside of her door to protect her. She’d known he was there, and after three months she slept soundly knowing he was protecting her. That was when their bond formed. He had been grouchy and tired, but it had been worth it.

  That had never stopped him from being the older male in her life. It had also helped he didn’t show pity, even if he’d felt it. They’d been best friends for so long. Even now, the glint in her eye told him, she really didn’t mean any disrespect.

  He raised his hand to shut her up. He didn’t really want to do it, but with the way the pack was he had to do something, and putting his cousin down, whom he loved dearly, in front of the punks who thought he was weak, would be the best thing. He didn’t want to use her, but he would if it meant, shit would calm the fuck down.

  “Oh right, you’re the big bad wolfie now.”

  He hated how her voice went up in pitch when she mocked him. It had always been that way, and he was fucking sick of it. “Stop it,” he said and growled his warning. He even used his power to shut her down.

  Libby’s eyes widened for two reasons: shock and pain. She whimpered and her eyes shifted from their normal green to wolf’s amber. She fell to her knees and lowered her eyes to his feet.

  A crowd had formed, just as he hoped. Gasps surrounded him as the pack realized what was going on.

  “Anyone else want to question my authority any fucking more?” His voice was laced with a deep venom, he kept hidden from the majority of people.

  To let his power sink in, he let it loose and held back his cringe with Libby screamed and fell to the ground. Her body shook, and then a puff of magic surrounded the whole area as she was forced to shift into a medium silver wolf. Her fur puffed out in anger and defiance and she lowered her head with her teeth bared, but she didn’t growl. That would have been a mistake.

  “Now do you see, that I am the Alpha, and anyone who has a problem with it—can go straight to hell.”

  Murmurs ran through his pack as he made eye contact with each member of the pack. None dared to meet his eyes, not really. It was how it was supposed to be. “Now, go home.”

  No one spoke or dared to argue as they shuffled away from where Libby still lay on the ground. Her body was pale and her eyes shut. Her lips were turned down into a frown.

  Libby didn’t move. Not even when he reached out to her. He held out his hand and waited for him to take his apology. She didn’t even bother to open her eyes.

  “Was that really necessary. You know how bad that hurts.”

  “Sometimes I have to do things I don’t like to do, and picking you to show my power on was the best thing for everyone.”

  She huffed. “Right, getting my ass kicked by an alpha’s power is best for everyone.”

  “You’re strong and related. That makes the power burst easier to ignore since you’re an Alpha female. You should be able to
take it.”

  “I can, but that doesn’t mean I like it.”

  “Well it’s not supposed to tickle.”

  “It doesn’t for sure.”

  He chuckled, and this time when he held out his hand she took his offering allowing him to pull her from the ground.


  The scent was strong—and it was different than anything he’d ever smelt before. It was earthy and bitter. Dillon closed his eyes and inhaled as he made his way through the woods. The hairs on the back of his neck stood as he walked through a whole hellva lot of magic.

  He froze in the middle of the grassy field with his breath caught in his throat. He opened his mouth to either speak—or growl—he wasn’t sure, but nothing but a small whine came out. The wolf inside of him paced in irritation wondering what was going on. He scented Shiloh, close, yet he didn’t see him beyond the strong scent—

  He wasn’t’ sure what the scent was. It wasn’t one he recognized. But then he saw her. She sauntered out from behind a tree. Her long dark brown hair was tangled with leaves and branches intertwined like they belonged. Her skin gleaned blue and glowed as if she stood under the sun high in the sky. His lips parted and his nostrils flared as her scent settled over him. He growled when he hardened in his jeans. It was then he knew what she was.


  She chuckled and stopped in front of him. She swayed side to side as if she couldn’t help it.

  Chapter 11


  Something was going on. He wasn’t sure what exactly, but when Ilias jogged down the stairs with Andrea not far behind he wondered until his younger brother spoke.

  “Celeste contacted me.”

  The hairs on the back of his neck stood. He and Celeste had a love-hate relationship. Whereas he hated her, but she tried to get him to love her. So far, she had failed, and the more she used her magic on him to try to force it the more he wished she and her sisters would finally relocate. But it didn’t seem like that would happen anytime soon. “And?”

  “Wolves. Apparently, there’s a new pack and one of the young pups got caught up with the Nymphs on our land.”

  Aris growled. He’d never really been around wolves, but he’d heard about packs. They liked to take over land and control the town they settled in—and they didn’t like to share. “Well hell, when did they move in, and how the hell didn’t we know?”

  Ilias shrugged. “You’ll have to ask the wolf. She’s holding him for you now.” In the distance, a loud howl filled the night around them. “But I guess you better hurry, that sounded like a wolf calling for help.”

  “Well if there’s a pack, then there is an Alpha. We’ll just have to come to an agreement. If they moved in recently they can ruin all the progress we’ve made with the humans.”

  No one wanted that. They’d worked too hard to gain the trust of the members of such a small town, and everyone knew there was something different about them, even if it wasn’t talked about in front of them.

  Ilias cocked his head to the side listening. Aris could always tell when he was using his gift. He hadn’t known that the Nymphs had access to it, but it worked for him. Having constant communication now was a good thing. With all the attacks, they needed to be prepared. With Soph having just given birth things were tense anyways.

  “She says the Alpha showed up to get his wolf. Better hurry.”

  He moved to come but Aris held up his hand.

  “Don’t you want backup?”

  “Max is out and I need you and Andrea to stay with Soph and help with the twins; they are a handful already. I’ll be fine.” And he would be. He could deal with a couple of wolves anytime of the day—or so he believed.

  “Okay whatever you need.”

  With that Aris stormed out of the house and ran to the hot spring where the Nymphs had made their home. The darkness didn’t matter to him. Even with his human eyes he could see well due to the moon hanging high in the cloudless sky. He didn’t stop to enjoy how peaceful everything seemed. Because it was a lie. Even though they hadn’t gotten attacked again didn’t mean the Gold Council wasn’t up to something.

  They always were.

  He slowed when he broke through the trees and eased his way closer. He heard growls and whimpers, then a small giggle. Was Celeste hurting the poor pup?

  He wouldn’t put something like that past her. After all she got off on pain. Funny how he always heard Water Nymphs were the peaceful.

  What he saw was different than he thought.

  “Let my wolf go,” a new voice said on a growl.

  Magic emanated the area around the spring. The hairs on Aris’ arms stood against the wolf magic.

  Celeste laughed again. “You’re just a pup too, wolf. I can withstand you for as long as you can dish it out.” She glanced his way. “But here’s my king.”

  He almost had to take a step back when she referred to him as her king. When the hell did that happen? Then he thought about it. Maybe it had more to do with another Alpha.

  A strong wolf.

  He wasn’t sure how she was able to ignore his power. Even his knees wanted to buckle.

  Much like the young one who whimpered with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry Dillon.”

  Dillon took his attention off Celeste for a moment. “Shut up, Shiloh, you’ve caused enough problems.”

  It was then he gave Aris his attention. “I’m sorry my wolf trespassed, if this crazy bitch wouldn’t have had him I would have taken him and gone by now.” He dipped his head in respect.

  Aris wasn’t sure what to say so he said nothing as he watched this one Supe keep two powerful beings under his control and keep a conversation. He was in awe, not that he’d admit it out loud. “Seems you have problems.”

  The wolf chuckled. “You could say that. He’s new and our pack in in disarray.” He dropped the magic but not fully. It still lingered letting them know he didn’t feel safe enough to be just the man and not the beast too. “I’m working on it. Already put down another one of my wolves today. She’s still hurting, and I’m sure and I will be tomorrow if I have to keep this shit up.”

  “You put Libby down?” The pup said. “It wasn’t her fault I ran off. I was distracted and it smelled good here.”

  “That’s the Nymph’s magic, stupid.” Dillon responded. “I let you in the pack, but I can banish you just as easily.”

  Shiloh whimpered and his thin body trembled. “Please don’t.”

  “Then stop fucking up. You’re putting us all at risk but pulling this stupid shit. The Nymph could have easily slaughtered you and wouldn’t have blinked. Lucky, she seemed to be feeling generous.”

  Now Aris was shocked. This man was a hard ass. He held up his hands to show he wasn’t a threat and closed in on the three Supes. “Look, no harm, no foul. We’ve just had our own issues.”


  “Not that it’s really your business, but the Golden Council has been sending assassins. It’s been rough. We don’t want more trouble, especially with a pack. We just want to live in peace.”

  “Hey, we didn’t come here to cause problems. I wanted to start over and get my wolves in line. Our property is across the main road. We need to learn to co-exist.”

  “So, this is where you’ve settled?”

  Dillon shrugged. “We’d like to. I’m tired of moving. Tired of the pack’s shit. Maybe we can help each other. You help me with disobedient wolves and I’ll help you with your dragon problem.”

  It sounded good, but Aris didn’t accept easily, even though he knew they needed all the help they could get. It was a tempting offer. “Help with your wolves how?”

  Dillon grinned. “Scare the shit out of them. Most of them haven’t even scented dragon before.”

  He liked the way the man thought. “Interesting.”

  “In the meantime, mind if I take this pup home. He needs to be put to work. Seems he can’t have any free time. Or he gets his
ass in trouble.”

  Aris looked at the wolf trembling. “He can help work on the house we are building. It’ll keep him real busy. Zarin, my go to, is the one in charge.”

  “I’ll help.” Shiloh said.

  “I guess that can work, but still I need to get him back in one piece before my cousin has a conniption and comes running after him.”

  Aris nodded. He understood now more than ever that women could be a handful. Now that he lived with three and would be four as soon as Blane came back from the Witch’s Council. “Go ahead, take your wolf. He can come back tomorrow. We need him all day though. The sooner these houses get built the better.”

  “He’ll be there.” He ran a hand through his hair and then waved a hand at the three Nymphs staring at him. “They’ll let him on the land, right?”

  Aris glared at Celeste. “Yes, he’s welcome here as long as he doesn’t cause problems.”

  “I won’t,” Shiloh piped in. He lowered his eyes in respect.

  “Then he’ll be here bright and early, now let’s go show Libby that you’re still alive.”

  The magic fell from the air and Aris could breathe again. He’d have to learn how to do that. As an Alpha, he knew he should be more powerful that he was. It was time to take a play out of the wolf’s book and see what he was capable of.


  Aris felt lighter on the way back to the house. He wasn’t sure what it would be like living next door to wolves, but it seemed Dillon wanted to keep the peace. He didn’t seem the type to cause more problems. He could see the sternness in him. Apparently, wolves needed that. Hell, maybe dragons did too, but he had no clue.

  Just as he came in sight of the house, he realized being away from Soph and the twins was hard. But the glow appeared in front of him stopped him in his tracks. He knew now what and who it was.

  “Mom,” he said and sighed. He always loved seeing her, but he didn’t understand how it was even possible she was able to come to him.


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