by Red Phoenix
I am glad you have accepted my offer. And yes, your picture meets my high standards.
As I said before, from this point forward, you will address me as Master.
As for you, I have chosen the pet name sextoy. Normally, I go for names such as cumwhore, but you are far too pretty for such a base name. I trust you find it acceptable.
For your first week, I have given you four simple, yet effective, tasks. On Friday, you will call me to give me a full accounting.
Task #1
Replace your current lipstick with bright red. I want men to notice those pouty lips of yours.
Task #2
I will be calling you at 8:00 PM on Wednesday. It will give us both a chance to connect a voice to the name we see on the screen. For this phone call, I want you to wear a blindfold.
Task #3
Write my name on your thigh in permanent marker. Every time you look at yourself, I want you to be reminded of who owns you now.
Task #4
You are not allowed to wear panties the entire week.
I look forward to our conversation on Wednesday.
I’m literally trembling after reading his email. While the pet name is not the romantic name I hoped for, it’s far better than the other one. As far as the tasks themselves, they are simple but naughty at the same time.
I have never worn red lipstick, so that will be a big change. But the reason behind it is wicked and exciting. He wants men to look at my lips.
I am excited that I am going to get to hear his voice on Wednesday. Will it be low and dangerous like it is in my head when I read his emails?
In one email, Liege has reoriented my life. Now, all I can think about are the tasks before me and how I can accomplish them without getting caught.
It’s exhilarating!
I’m feeling nervous by the time Wednesday night rolls around. Luckily, my roommate has been invited to a movie and will be out for the entire night.
Five minutes before eight, I lay the phone out in front of me and tie on my blindfold. Sitting there in the dark, waiting for his phone call, makes the minutes stretch out. When the phone finally does ring, I jump and then fumble to find it.
“Hello, Master,” he corrects me. His voice makes him sound like a young man about my age. I assumed he was older.
“Hello, Master,” I quickly amend.
“I assume I’m talking to my sextoy.”
“You are, Master.”
“You have a seductive voice.”
I blush, feeling butterflies in my stomach on hearing his praise. “Thank you, Master.”
“How have you done with your tasks so far?”
“I’m wearing the red lipstick, your name is written on my thigh, and I’m not wearing panties, just as you asked.”
“How does it make you feel?”
“It makes me feel sexy.”
“Anything else?”
My heart is racing as I sit there talking to him, blindfolded. “I feel…owned.”
“Good,” he answers.
That simple word thrills me.
“We will keep phone calls short as I am far too busy, but I’m adding two more tasks tonight.”
“Yes, Master?”
“I want to see those red lips and my name on your thigh. Send pictures of both.”
“Yes, Master.”
Before hanging up, he asks, “Do you enjoy being my sextoy?”
I’m surprised that I truly am, and answer softly, “Yes, Master.”
I wait for my list of tasks each week, wondering what Liege has in store for me this time. It’s been months, and he always manages to surprise me with new challenges.
Some tasks have been fun and exciting, like masturbating while crying out Liege’s name as I come when my roommate is away.
He has also given me more challenging tasks, like buying a butt plug at a sex store and inserting it before bed so I can “train” my body while I sleep. I get wet contemplating what I’m training myself for.
Liege is really into orgasm denial, which means a lot of sleepless nights with me trying to deal with the unreleased sexual frustration his tasks create.
I have to admit, there was one task that scared me to death when I read it, but it turned out to be one of the most exciting. I was ordered to wear a short skirt without any panties. That was daring enough, but then I had to go out to a public place and take a picture of myself while I lifted my skirt up. It literally took hours before I had the nerve to take the picture. Oh man, it was a thrill!
Sometimes, he commands me not to wear my bra on a cold day and other days he orders me to wear dark panties under white clothing so people will notice. He likes to encourage men to have sexual thoughts about me. Even though I am always embarrassed whenever I complete those particular tasks, I must admit I’ve started to believe that my boyish body is actually sexy and desirable to men.
I owe that to Liege.
However, it’s not all happiness and rainbows. There are some tasks I really don’t care for, like when he orders me to put clothespins on my clit or nipples. That feels like a punishment to me, even though Liege says it isn’t. He tells me it turns him on, knowing I’m doing something solely for his pleasure.
But the hardest part is keeping to his strict schedule. If I’m ever late for a phone call or discussion session, no matter the reason, he punishes me. I hate being punished so much I’ve started getting up super early to do my class assignments in the morning, instead of at night, to avoid displeasing him.
Regardless, I’ve been so thoroughly preoccupied by my weekly tasks, that I no longer spend my days mourning Ethan’s death.
That’s real progress.
My secret online relationship with Liege makes me feel more alive and confident than I ever thought would be possible after Ethan.
So, when I mention to him that spring break is coming up and he tells me I should come visit, I jump at the chance.
I understand that visiting Liege is a risky thing to do, but I really don’t want to go home. There are too many memories attached to Ethan, and I can’t handle pretending everything’s okay with my parents. I know they will be watching me, just as they did when I visited them for Christmas. Worrying about every little thing I say or do—especially my dad.
I can’t take that pressure.
Liege and I have had months of interaction online. I feel like I know him and can trust him.
After agreeing to an impromptu trip, I start pulling out all my clothes, wanting to pick the right outfits to impress him. Even though it’s only for a few days, I pack at least a week’s worth of clothes just so I have a nice variety.
My dad calls as I am stuffing my suitcase. I feel a twist in my gut, knowing he’s going to be disappointed I’m not coming home. “Hey, Dad, I’ve got some huge projects due right after spring break and have to spend my vacation working on them. There’s no point in coming home.” It’s only a white lie. I do have assignments I need to work on when I come back from my weekend visiting with Liege.
“But couldn’t you do the work here? We haven’t seen you since Christmas.”
“I’ll get distracted. Besides, summer vacation is just a few months away.”
“Your mother and I were really counting on seeing you, C.”
I know my dad is unhappy, but I can’t back out of seeing Liege now. “Give Mom a hug and know that I love you both.”
“Are you really okay, C?”
I smile into the phone. “I am, Dad. I really am.”
“Well…I’m glad to hear that. You’re all that matters to us.”
“Wish me luck on my projects,” I say, wanting to get off the phone before my guilt gets the best of me.
“Luck,” he says, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Love ya, Dad. Gotta go,” I tell him in a light voice.
I feel bad when I hang up, but not enough to change my plans. I�
�m finally getting to meet Liege in person! Although he’s seen pictures of me, I have never seen one of him, and I can’t wait to meet my mystery Dom.
I buy cheap airline tickets using my book money for next year and fly down right after my last class. Rather than meet me at the airport, Liege has instructed me to wear a summer dress without panties and wait for him at a fancy café he frequents.
I take a taxi and try to calm my nerves the whole ride there. I feel good meeting him in a public place since this is our first time.
It makes me feel safe.
Once there, I stand before the door of the café. I suddenly feel uneasy, but I push through it when a slight breeze plays with my short dress. Being panty-less, I push the door open and step inside to escape any unwanted exposure.
My poor little heart is racing as I look around and choose a table in the corner to sit.
I wait there nervously for several minutes, wondering where Liege might be. Finally, a guy of average height and build, wearing a faded T-shirt and ripped jeans, comes up to me and sits down. He has long, stringy brown hair and a goatee. This is not quite the picture of him I had in my head. I’ve always imagined Liege as a successful businessman because he’s said he’s too busy for long phone calls.
“Hi,” I say, unsure if I am supposed to call him Liege or Master in public.
He puts a finger to his lips, then slips his hand under the table. I let out a gasp when I feel his fingers between my legs.
I didn’t expect this, especially in a public place, but my body is turned on by his aggressive behavior. After all, this is the same man whose name I have been crying out for months whenever I come.
Just when I get all slippery and wet, he pulls his hand away and stares at me as he licks his finger, giving a grunt of satisfaction.
I am left speechless.
When he pulls out a blindfold from his pocket and secures it over my eyes, I’m totally mesmerized, thinking how romantic and sexy that is.
Liege takes my bag and purse from me and leads me out of the café to his car. We drive in silence because he has not given me permission to speak yet. But, rather than the silence between us being intimidating, I find it arousing and mysterious. I’m left wondering what else he has planned for me.
When he parks the car, he helps me out of it and we enter a building. I’m surprised when we climb what seems like an endless flight of stairs. At the top, he leads me down a hallway and we stop as he unlocks a door.
Once inside, Liege orders me to kneel.
I sink to the floor and wait, wondering about what’s going to happen next.
I hear his footsteps as he walks around me. “You’re skinnier than I expected, but I like it.”
Liege takes off the blindfold and I look around his place. The apartment walls have several holes in them, and there’s a spiderweb of cracks above me on the ceiling, letting me know this is a very old building.
“I wondered if you would actually come or chicken out before entering the café.”
My eyes widen. “You were watching me?”
“I was. And since you are an obedient submissive…” He pulls a leather collar from his pocket and places it around my neck. “…you’ve earned the right to wear my collar.”
I have wanted a collar, and even asked him about it once, but I am surprised that now that it’s around my neck, it feels strange—not like I expected.
“Now that you’re here, there is so much more I can teach you,” he states with the excitement of a young boy. “But, before we do anything, I want you to call your parents.”
“You don’t want them worrying about you.” He hands me my purse.
I think it’s kind of sweet that he wants me to call them.
I pull out my cell phone to make the call and my dad picks up. “You okay, C?”
“Yeah.” I look at Liege, who nods encouragingly. “Just overwhelmed by everything I have to get done for school.”
“Take it one step at a time and you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“You want me to go get your mother?”
“Sure, but tell her I have to keep it short. I just wanted to call before I dive back in.” I laugh, adding, “Who knows? The way it looks now, you probably won’t be hearing from me until summer.”
I shift nervously as I wait for my mother to take the phone.
I can’t believe the first thing out of her mouth is, “Cleo, you should be home. I’m worried about you.”
“Why? I’m not the first college student to get buried in projects.”
“But you’re so fragile…”
Her words rile me up, and I immediately correct her. “I’m not fragile, Mom.”
“You’re right, sweetie.” She pauses for a moment. “The truth is you’re strong like your father.”
I appreciate that she’s trying. It means something after all we’ve been through. “Love you, Mom. So, don’t worry about me, ’k? You take care of you, and I’ll take care of me, and the three of us will meet up this summer.”
“But you’ll call us if you need anything?”
My dad picks the phone back up and echoes her offer, “Call us for anything, you hear me, C?”
“’K…” I answer, choking up a little. My dad really is the best.
Liege takes the phone and purse from me and places them in a drawer, sliding it shut. “Now, we can forget about your parents and concentrate on your training. Did you bring the cuffs?”
I nod, feeling a thrill of excitement as I get up from the floor to get them out of my suitcase.
When I look up, I see he’s got a camera and is setting it up to record. When he catches me staring, he explains, “I use it for instruction. After we do a scene together, I can look over it and point out areas to improve on.”
It makes sense, but I stare at the camera nervously, having never been recorded before. Once he is satisfied with the setup, he hits record and tells me to give him the leather cuffs.
I hand them to him, quivering with anticipation as he buckles a leather cuff around each of my wrists and puts my arms behind my back to clip them together.
He steps back and looks at me with a satisfied grin. “That will do fine. Now, go to the table and lie against it with your legs spread.”
I move over to the small kitchen table and bend over, resting my cheek against the flat surface. Liege walks over and lifts the skirt of my dress up, exposing my bare ass.
I bite my lip, wondering what he will do.
I hear him unbuckle his belt and slide it through the loops of his jeans. “Silence,” he commands.
But I let out a yelp when he slaps the belt hard against my ass.
“I said to keep silent, sextoy. There are consequences if you don’t obey.”
I turn to look back at him as he delivers another stroke. Tears fill my eyes. When I try to move, he rests his hand on my back. “Take your punishment like a good sub.”
“But what did I do wrong?” I whimper.
He hits me with the belt again before replying. “This entire time, you have failed to address me as Master.”
A cry escapes my lips when he strikes my tender ass again, the slapping sound of the leather against skin echoing in the small apartment.
“Every time you fail to be silent, I add another one.”
Knowing that, I clamp my mouth shut, tears streaming down my face as he whips me with the belt several more times.
Finally, the punishment stops, and I am left trembling and in shock from his unexpected correction. He pulls me up from the table and turns me around to face him.
“There’s no need for tears,” he chides. “You’ve been punished, and I forgive you.” Liege wipes away my remaining tears and smiles.
When I say nothing, he prods, “Now, what do you say…?”
In the barest of whispers, I answer, “Thank you, Master.”
He leans down and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. “That wasn’t so har
d, was it?”
I shake my head.
He grazes his finger over my bottom lip. “An obedient sub gets rewarded.” He smiles again as he leans in to kiss me more deeply.
Somehow, those kisses rekindle my desire for him, and I am reminded of the Liege I’ve come to know. I look up at him hopefully when he releases me from the embrace.
“Turn around so I can look at you,” he commands.
“Yes, Master.”
I turn slowly, feeling his gaze on me as he assesses every angle of my body. I’m pleased when he whistles his appreciation and says, “You are a sexy little thing…”
Liege opens his arms to me and I hesitantly move to him. He enfolds me in his embrace and kisses me again, his tongue claiming my mouth as he cups my sore ass in both hands.
It is a strange thing—this unsettling mixture of attraction and fear I have for him.
It doesn’t take long for me to realize that Liege has two personalities. Online, Liege has always been thoughtful and effective with his training. Most of his tasks only make me want to submit to him more.
But Liege, in person, seems immature and surprisingly inexperienced.
Rather than spending the day getting to know each other better and teaching me what he likes, Liege spends it trying out different household objects as BDSM tools. He calls them “pervertibles”. It almost feels as if I’m a new toy he’s experimenting with as he tests them out on me.
I don’t really care for most of his pervertibles, but it’s not all bad. There are a few things I enjoy very much, like the white tealights. Oh, when he drips the melting wax on my back, I shiver in pure delight. The feel of the warm wax dripping on bare skin is both ticklish and yummy, and I love it!
I also enjoy when he plays with ice cubes—trailing it over my skin and nipples, which feels deliciously cold, and then rubbing the melting ice on my clit before slipping it inside me. That alone gives me goosebumps. And then…when he slides his cock inside my cold pussy, we both experience a pleasant temperature shock. His shaft feels so red hot inside me, it’s unreal, and it makes each thrust feel amazing!
Late into the night, Liege finally gives me permission to sleep, but orders me to lie on the floor beside his bed so I can remember my place.