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Misty Page 17

by M. Garnet

  Rad nodded. “We are ready to go.” She had forgotten how fast Vampires could move.

  There was a large stretch limo waiting in the drive and Rad put his hand on her neck as they went down the steps. The driver had the door open for her so she slid in, moving forward out of the way.

  The driver must have been mortal, as the men and Marco loaded suitcases in a normal way. Alex and Rad joined her. Marco handed in a large soft cashmere sweater for her. He went and sat up front in shotgun.

  When they got to the airport Alex and Rad put on dark sunglasses and they all waited in the limo until Marco came and opened the door. He led them straight through to the first class check in and around to the metal detectors. No problems as they were escorted to a first class lounge. They sat in a corner where everyone looked at them, but left them alone. They were not there long when it was time to board. It was one of the planes where first class went one way and business class and all others went the other direction. The first class was full but Rad seated her next to the window in the first seats with Marcos and Alex sitting behind them. Protection.

  She had only flown a couple of times and it had always been in the knee-tight confines of the general seats. She kicked off her shoes and slid her feet up in the seat. Rad reached across and pulled her seat belt tight. She looked at him—so he was always looking out for her.

  They changed planes in New York and settled down for the long overseas flight. There were not as many in first class and they were in the second seats with no one in the front seats. Alex and Marco were across from them. They were served a nice supper then they were given blankets and pillows before the lights were dimmed. They were given earphones for the movie that was provided.

  She got up and went to the bathroom. The harsh light in the bathroom woke her up as she washed her face and shook her hair. She shook her dress and removed the sweater knowing that she would put it back on once she returned to her seat.

  It was dark in the aisle with the movie playing overhead. When she got to her seat she went to step over Rad but he pulled her down on his lap facing him. She started to speak but he put his finger over her mouth and drew a blanket over them, then reached under her skirt. She gave a gasp as he pulled her skirt up and realized his erection was tall and erect, out in the open.

  She whispered. “What are you doing?”

  Within the dark of the blanket she could not see the crooked smile she knew was there, but he answered. “I am taking you into the mile high club, my sweet.” He shifted her hips, lifted her and she felt the top of his shaft, wet with his own moisture. He pulled her down and she groaned, grabbing a corner of the blanket and stuffed it into her mouth to cover her noise. He did what he did so well, taking her up and down that male shaft that her body accepted, squeezed wholly and completely until finally she felt the muscles convulse as she climaxed with him. She felt his body tighten and push liquid into her as his own climax shuddered his body.

  They both slid down in the seat, the blanket in her mouth wet and still covering both of them. They sat that way for a few minutes. He finally lifted her and set her over into her seat. He used the blanket to wipe her legs and his own lap. He straightened up his clothes, whispered to her that he needed to get a clean blanket, and got up.

  Alex looked over and in the light from the movie she saw his teeth as he grinned. “You guys sure know how to interrupt a movie.” He punched Marco in the ribs, who was staring at the movie as if nothing had happened. She was glad for the darkness to cover her blushing.

  The rest of the flight was pretty much uneventful, except for waking up and finding Rad’s hand down the neckline of her dress, wrapped around a breast. She pushed him away and went to the bathroom again. She returned for breakfast before the landing in London. A two hour layover and they were off to Rome, where they were met by another Limo and taken to a quiet but expensive looking hotel. They had an entire floor all their own with open windows and balconies with metal railings.

  She whispered to Rad as soon as they entered the lobby. “Rad, my alarm is going off. Vampires.”

  He smiled. “I would be worried if it did not go off. This is a hotel for Vampires. Don’t worry, we will only be here one day for the meeting with the Council.”

  She was actually grateful that he left her alone that night. She had some areas that needed to heal and sore muscles that needed to recover. She also wanted to talk to him about the future.

  It was late in the next afternoon before she saw anyone, and it was Marco. “Madame, I have a special outfit for you for the Council today.” He held up a garment bag and box that probably held shoes. “Radames suggest you wear your hair up today.”

  She stopped and looked at him. “Why?”

  He looked at her for a long moment. “I am not sure of my answers but to be truthful, it is a statement to show that you are not afraid of them.” He ducked his head and handed her a box then left. She opened the box to find it had makeup, brushes, combs, pins, clips, and hair spray. There was even a curling iron.

  The dress was white satin, long sleeved, cut low in front and lower in back. It was long enough to hit the floor and full enough to flow as she moved. She was grateful the shoes were practical pumps with a two-inch heel. She found out later that the beautiful marble flooring they would be walking on would make high heels a danger.

  She waited to put the dress on while she prepared her hair. She piled it up with lots of loose curls that hung over her eyes and ears and in random piles on top held in place with pins and hairspray. She put on eye makeup—not a lot, but she did outline her eyes and colored her eyelashes.

  Finally she slipped on the dress and looked at herself in a mirror. Well, it was not that bad. She could have wished that it was not cut so low in front and the back went to the waist, but other than that, it fit nice and felt good on and seemed to cover all the right places except the places Vampires would be interested in, like her neck.

  She went into the living room to find Alex and Rad dressed in black. Not just black, but black like Vampires. Black satin shirts with full long sleeves and wide collars and open to show their tan chests. Rad had his gold amulet showing and they both had large gold rings on the first finger on their left hand. They both had black tight pants and high leather boots. Each had a decorative knife that matched in a fancy sheath that was strapped to one leg.

  When she entered they both got up, nodded in approval and picked up long jackets that came over the knives when they put them on. The matching items had to be some type of statement also. They went down and got into the waiting limo.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They pulled up in front of a large modern building that surprised Misty. They got out and kept Misty between them. She could not help but crane her neck to admire the beautiful walls that went skyward and made the high rise almost a sculpture.

  Rad looked down at her. “Don’t let them intimidate you. Alex and I will handle this.”

  She looked at the beautiful entrance as they went through the double set of doors. She was aware of some type of carpet underfoot but they did not slow down as they went into the main lobby. She had an impression of something spectacular in the floor and walls. She even tried to look up at the chandelier above, but the two large men on each side of her moved with determination across the floor, their boots ringing loudly on the marble.

  She saw that there was a desk with guards and a beautiful receptionist at one side. Her men ignored everything and everyone as they approached a bank of elevators and went to one that had a man standing in front, holding the door open for them.

  They entered and the elevator started to rise. She looked around, noticing no buttons and no indication as to which floor they were going to, but she guessed they were going to the top floor. The car stopped and the doors opened. They went into a very expensive and large conference room. It was occupied with a great many people—no, not people, all Vampires, sitting behind the table at the other end. Behind the ones sitting were other
s standing, either by the chairs or back against the walls or in groups, all back on one end of the room.

  As she looked, she knew even without her Vampire alarm system that these people were special, all one-hundred percent Vampires. All were beautiful, tall, and perfect, each in their own way. But she was really uncomfortable as they all stared at her. She became aware that there was a loud silence in the room. She looked up at Rad as he took a step forward.

  “Chasim, are you speaking for the Council?” His deep velvet voice carried well in the conference room.

  She watched as a tall, handsome man stood and stepped forward. He approached Rad but looked past Rad’s imposing stance to stare at her.

  “We find we have an opening on the Council, so the elders must elect to fill the void.” His voice carried to everyone in the room.

  Rad took a step forward and the tall man stopped and looked up at him. “Strange, I did not receive an invitation. I also see a couple of others missing. I am sure this is just a mistake of a servant.”

  Chasim looked at Rad and at Alex. “We are not familiar with this one. Yet there is an aura of power about him that says we should have had some time or relations with him. Introduce us.”

  Alex stepped forward and Rad spoke without looking at Alex. “Allow me, this is a member of my blood family, pledged to me, Alexander Bider. He is my nomination for the open seat on the Council.”

  Chasim took a step back. He turned and looked at the others behind him. He slowly returned to his chair. A woman who was standing against the back wall came around and forward. She did not step too close but stood with an attitude. In a beautiful, almost singing voice she stated, “I know of Alexander—he was turned only four hundred years ago. We are aware that his blood is pure, so he started out with a lot of benefits, but what is this foolishness to propose that a youngster be on the Council?” She wore a flowing gown with long soft sleeves that fluttered as she moved her hands.

  Alex moved forward another step. “Hello, Gunhild. You are correct, you are centuries older than I am. But sometimes it is not age, but knowledge and power.” He held out his hand as if asking her for a dance.

  She hesitated, but Misty decided that the woman did not want to look like a coward in front of the others, so she stepped over to Alex with the grace of a ballerina and placed her hand in his outstretched one.

  At last Misty became aware that all eyes were off of her and on the two joined in the middle of the room. There was silence and she could not see anything happening. In fact, on some of the faces watching the two, she saw a slight amusement, as if watching an interesting show where they were pretty sure the outcome was already predicted. Evidently they had seen this demonstration before.

  There was that loud silence she had felt before. She realized it was because she was holding her breath—she believed that almost everyone else was doing the same. There was no movement between the two figures in the middle of the room and finally she saw some slight shifting of the people at the other end of the room.

  Someone was beginning to get a little antsy. Evidently the handholding did not usually take this long. The two did not move and there was no emotions showing on their faces as they stared into each other’s eyes. Then a couple of people actually moved, but she saw one of the seated Council members raise his hand to still everyone.

  Finally she saw Alex bring the woman’s hand up to his lips and he released her. She shuddered and took a step back, another and finally turned to look at the others. She did not say anything for a moment. Although her voice was not nearly as melodious as formerly, she did speak. “I second Rad’s nomination.”

  There was a definite gasp from some and Chasim rose from his seat but did not move forward. “So, this is what her blood can do. Alex, if you are a member of this Council, will you share her antigens?”

  Alex looked over at her and she finally saw his old grin. “It is not mine to share. You assigned an enforcer to protect her.”

  Chasim looked at Rad. “Radames, will you share?”

  Rad looked down at her and he had his cynical crooked smile in place, his pale eyes held a glint and she felt it was all right. “I am only an enforcer put in place to protect her rights.”

  Chasim stood up and stepped forward again. Several of the others that were standing moved around to follow him, but they stayed back behind him, allowing him to be the leader in this confrontation.

  Rad did raise his arm in front of her. “You would not presume to touch her while she is in my protection, would you?”

  Chasim stopped and looked from Rad to her. Good, they had a respect for him. Maybe she would be safe after all.

  Chasim finally faced her, looking her in the eye, probably trying to influence her, but she did not feel anything. “Misty, you have proved to be the most amazing treasure that those of us of the night have found in five hundred years, perhaps in our entire existence. It is important to all of us that this discovery be preserved and studied. Would you share with us, would you donate a small amount of your blood to the Council so that it can safely be preserved?” He actually had a soft smile to go with that very convincing velvet voice. He held out his hand in the same way that Alex had.

  She took a deep breath and found her voice. “With all due respect to the Council, I am afraid I have to decline your request. I wish to limit my donations at this time.” She was careful not to move and not to look at Rad, but she felt it was important not to show fear. She held her head high, knowing she was exposing her neck in the low cut white gown.

  There was a long silence, then another man on one of the seats stood up. He looked at Chasim and he walked forward. “I agree with Radames. It is time for new young change on the Council. I welcome Alex. I accept the woman’s choice.”

  Two more Councilmen stood and agreed. So Chasim was faced with a three to one vote. He looked around and nodded, turning to Alex. “Welcome, Alexander Bider, take your seat.”

  Alex turned around and came over to Misty. Reaching down, he kissed her cheek, then walked over and sat down with the four men. The others that were standing stood back, just watching.

  Rad took several steps forward. “Chasim, you agreed with Vasa when she came after me. You owe me a talent.”

  Chasim stood up and laughed. “Radames, do not threaten me. You have become too important in your own mind. You do answer to us and you were on a mission. I am your senior by several centuries. Do not make this a matter of wills, because you will lose.”

  Rad took one more step forward. He then looked at Chasim. Chasim rose and they stared at each other for only a second, but eventually Chasim sank back into his chair. “I will not forget this, Radames. She has made you stronger, but what you just took from me will haunt you eventually. You may be the strongest for now, but it can’t last. I will remember.” He got up, moved around his chair and left the room by a door behind the chairs. No one followed him, although several people looked after him.

  Rad looked at the other four, nodded at Alex, and faced her. She turned as he placed his hand on her neck and they walked out. Servants with their heads bowed opened the doors quietly. The elevator was waiting and the walk across the lobby was as quick on leaving as it was on entering. The limo was waiting.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she watched the beautiful buildings of Rome glide by outside the tinted windows.

  “Where do you want to go?” Wow, he had his sexy velvet voice back.

  “I don’t know.” She looked over at him. “Are you rich?”

  He laughed. “Very. Does that matter?”

  “Well, where does a rich Vampire take a girl?” She raised an eyebrow.

  He leaned back and looked at her. “Well, if I was courting her I would take her to my villa in Cannes. If I was trying to just get into her pants I would take her to my apartment in Paris. If I felt that a little rough stuff might be in order I would take her to my Castle in northern Germany, but if I had told her I was going to take her blood and that I intended to
fuck her in ways she could not imagine until she screamed with pleasure, I would take her to my Chalet in Switzerland. “

  She looked at him for a long moment. “How do I get the attention of the driver?”

  He smiled and pushed a button and the window went down behind the driver. “His name is Antonio.”

  She also smiled. “Antonio, we need to go to the airport and get tickets to Switzerland.”


  She sat in front of the computer, or rather computers. Her enforcer had done nothing but spoil her. Anything she wanted, new technical hardware and software that came out was hers immediately. She was in her working clothes, which was a lose sweatshirt, jeans, and sandals. As usual she had one foot bare and up under her on the chair as she looked from monitor to monitor, chasing the information that was so elusive.

  One of the servants cleared his throat as they entered. “May we interrupt you Madame, you have a very important visitor.”

  She looked up, taking her eyes away from one of the monitors hanging from the ceiling, and looked at another. It showed a man standing in the entry foyer of the large home she and Rad stayed in most of the time. It was in New Orleans, and they had added this wing with a lot of environmental control to protect her hardware, cool and moisture free. She now did a lot of research for Rad and his crew, and for the Council when Alex requested it. It was Alex standing in the foyer of the main house right now.

  She smiled and told the servant to bring the Council Lord to her. No wonder the servant was almost shaking. He was in awe of an actual Council Lord in his presence. She watched the screen as the servant approached Alex and almost touched his knees as he bowed to ask the Council Lord to follow him.

  She turned back to the printouts she had and waited for her friend. As usual she felt the approach of a Vamp before he entered the room. She stood and welcomed Alex in a warm embrace.

  “So, sweet thing. You have found something that you do not want to share with my Council partners?” Alex had not changed much. He still was so handsome he could fill the cover of any magazine and his smile was still infectious. But now there was some deadly seriousness under the surface, a warning like seeing a beautiful weapon that you knew could either protect you or kill you. She was sorry to see the change.


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