Scarlet Toys

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Scarlet Toys Page 17

by S. M. Shade

  We part ways again, and I head back to Scarlet. We have customers popping in all day to let us know they voted in our favor. By the time I leave, I’m in pretty high spirits.

  Wyatt isn’t home yet when I get there, so I take a moment to drag out my portable fire pit and set up some chairs. I let Mallory know about tonight’s little get together and she promises to spread the word.

  Wyatt shows up with some takeout food. “I figured you wouldn’t want to cook since people are coming.”

  “Damn, you’re too good to be true,” I mumble around a mouthful of noodles.

  “So ladylike,” he snorts, which earns him a quick view of my chewed up food.

  We expect to hear from the mayor by eight or nine o’clock, so when ten starts nearing, everyone is on edge. And I mean everyone. We have a huge group milling around the yard, waiting to celebrate or bemoan our fate with us.

  Clarence shows up with Jani right behind him, but I don’t recognize the car that parks behind her. Whoever it is sure isn’t hurting for money by the looks of his car. A man gets out and looks around, his face drawing up like he just smelled a pile of dog shit.

  Recognition sets in at the same moment I hear Wyatt curse. “Fuck. What’s my father doing here?”

  “Planning to dip himself in sanitizer, by the looks of it,” Jani says. “He stopped by the store and asked for you. Should I not have told him where you were?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “Well, you’ve drummed up quite a bit of excitement down here, haven’t you?” Adam says, grinning at his son.

  “We’re waiting on the results of the vote. There was a proposition to—”

  Adam waves his hand and chuckles. “I know all about it. Figured I’d come down here and see how it all works out.”

  His tone of voice pisses me off. Wyatt is his son. He should be rooting for him, not hoping he’ll fail.

  Wyatt’s tight-lipped smile betrays his anger, but he hides it well. “Dad, you remember Cassidy.”

  “Of course, nice to see you again.” He looks around, his gaze stopping for a second on one of the frat guys, Trey, who is attempting to ride a child’s bike through the yard. Attempting, because Trey has to be two hundred fifty pounds easy, and the alcohol content of his breath could probably burn down the tree he just slammed into.

  Adam’s eyebrow heads north as he regards Wyatt. “Is this where you’ve been staying?”

  Damn. Make it sound like he’s living in a garbage dump, why don’t you?

  Unfazed, Wyatt nods and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Yes, it’s Cassidy’s place. Everyone here is really nice, and you’re welcome to join us at the bonfire.”

  Before his father can reply, Wyatt’s phone rings, and I see the mayor’s number pop up. “Hey, quiet!” I yell. “This might be the call.”

  The night goes from cacophony to silence in a split second, and everyone gathers around Wyatt.

  He hits the button to put the phone on speaker, and grabs my hand. Holding the phone out where everyone can hear, he says, “Hello?”

  “Hello Mr. Lawson, this is Jessica. The ballots have been counted.”

  She pauses, and I squeeze his hand. So much rests on this moment. It’s not just my future job, but my friends’ as well.

  “I wanted to call and congratulate you. We hope you’ll continue to do business in Morganville for years to come.”

  The words have barely been spoken when everyone cheers, filling the autumn air with hoots and applause that can probably be heard across town. The phone gets jostled from Wyatt’s hand as I jump into his arms, and he hugs me so tight I can’t breathe.

  “We did it,” he says in my ear, before kissing me senseless.

  For the moment, I let all my worries over our future and how we’ll manage a relationship go and just let myself wallow in the elation along with the rest of the neighborhood.

  Wyatt sets me down and looks around him at the dancing, excited people. “I told you. The circle had your back. You’re one of us now.”

  “And proud to be.” He scoops up the phone and thanks the mayor before hanging up.

  I’d forgotten Adam was there until he reaches his hand out to shake Wyatt’s. “Well, son, I guess you’ll be taking over Cavenite Entertainment after all.”

  Wyatt looks around and shakes his head. “No, Dad, I don’t think I will.”

  Ice runs down my spine at his words. What is he doing?

  Adam’s head tilts to the side, reminding me of a puzzled dog. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I think we know it’s not right for me. Vince should run the company when you’re ready to retire. I’ve found the place I belong.”

  That “I smell dog shit” expression returns to Adam’s face. “You can’t mean to live here.”

  “Maybe not in these apartments, but I plan to stay in town. I like it here.” He grins down at me. “The woman I love is here, and as you can see.” He gestures around the yard to everyone. “We have a lot of friends here.”

  Adam scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Your decision making skills haven’t improved one bit.”

  Wyatt shrugs. “But they are my decisions to make. You’re welcome to stay and celebrate with us.”

  His father stalks off, and I grab Wyatt’s arm and drag him inside my apartment. “Are you insane?” I hiss, trying not to be overheard from the yard. “You can’t give up your fortune!”

  Wyatt’s smile is calm. In fact, he looks completely content. “Relax, Cass, I’m only giving up the opportunity to run my father’s company. I’ve been groomed for it for so long I’ve never even considered whether it’s what I want to do. To be honest, going back to Indy to sit in an office all day with the goal of adding more money to our billions sounds like a nightmare. I don’t want to be like him.”


  His fingers stroke lightly down my cheek. “You made me think about what I really want, Cassidy. It’s not more money or success in business, or to walk in my father’s footsteps. I want to be around people who care about me, where I can relax and be myself.” He glances outside where loud laughter has broken out. “And watch the Outside Channel with you.”

  “’s so much money, Wyatt. I don’t want you to struggle like I have.”

  Laughing, he pulls me into his arms. “My trust paid off when I was twenty-four, and my investments have tripled it. I’m not dependent on my father or his business, but I do still own a stake in it, enough to be a board member.”

  He grins down at me. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not losing anything. I’m only gaining my freedom, and the life I want with you.”

  A lump forms in my throat, and he plants a soft kiss on my lips. “Don’t cry. I hate it when women cry.”

  “Then don’t say such sweet things,” I choke, wiping my eyes. “I love the hell out of you, Wyatt Lawson.”

  “I love the hell of out of you, Cassidy West.” He wipes a tear from my cheek.

  Jani taps on the door, making us both jump, and she shouts, “Hey, save the slap and tickle for later! We want to cut the cake!”

  After flipping her off, I look up into his smiling face. “Are you sure you’re up for this? You’ve only had a taste of the insanity of Violent Circle.”

  “Your friends and neighbors are great. I love the way you take care of each other. I’m happy to be a part of it.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” I laugh. Wyatt grabs my hand, and we go back outside. Samantha and Noble walk over, holding each end of a giant cake shaped like a—

  “Oh my god!” Mallory shrieks. “Is that a butt plug?”

  Yep. My neighbors made a butt plug cake to celebrate. If tonight doesn’t wrap up what my neighborhood is like in a neat little bow, nothing ever will.

  My neighbors are poor, and none of us would be considered sophisticated by any stretch of the imagination. They do dumb shit, break the law on a regular basis, argue in public, and I’ve seen way too many of t
hem naked, but look at them now.

  They’re thrilled for us when there’s really no benefit to them.

  They came together to help us save Scarlet Toys because we needed them, and that’s all they needed to know.

  Money, education, and high-class upbringing doesn’t instill the most important things a person needs in life; compassion, love, and a sense of community.

  Violent Circle has no shortage of riches there.


  One month later

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Wyatt tells me, before I disconnect his call.

  I was just getting out of a nice, hot bath when he called, insisting I get dressed and go with him somewhere. All he would say is he wants to show me something.

  With a sigh, I drag myself to my room and throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt. The last thing I want to do is go outside in the cold now that I’m warmed up, and with wet hair to boot. My hatred of the cold isn’t the only reason I’m grouchy.

  I’m anxious because I’m pretty sure what he wants to show me is a house. It’s not that I have an aversion to living together, he’s been staying with me for the last few months and we get along great, but the thought of moving terrifies me.

  I’ve always had to depend on myself and plan ahead to be able to survive. I’ve always saved money when I could, and I chose these apartments to live in because the rent is cheap enough that I can afford it alone.

  There’s a waiting list for Violent Circle, because despite its reputation as the slums, it is affordable, especially for students, single parents, and the elderly. If I move out, I can’t just move back in.

  I know it’s what Wyatt wants, and why shouldn’t he? He’s loaded and he shouldn’t have to live like a pauper because of me, but I have to look out for my own future. Wyatt is my boss, my job is already dependent upon him. It’s not that I think we’re going to split up or anything, but shit happens. If he meets someone else he’d rather be with, I can’t have my income and housing be controlled by him or I could be out of a job and homeless overnight.

  I don’t think he’d ever do something like that to me, but I can’t risk it. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided I just need six months or so. Six months to pay off the new car I just bought, and put enough in savings where I’ll feel safe leaving the circle.

  I trust him, but relationships fall apart all the time. I just hope he understands.

  I hear his horn honk and quickly throw my wet hair into a bun, shove a stocking hat over it, and throw on my winter coat. All the time I’m rehearsing in my head how to explain my worries to him without making him think I don’t trust him.

  He grins up at me when I open the passenger door, and I swear, no matter how long we’re together, that little smile, the one that shows his slightly crooked tooth, never fails to send a mass of butterflies through my stomach. I look forward to seeing it every time we’re apart.

  “It’s not that cold,” he laughs as I settle into the seat and point the heating vents my direction.

  “Are you kidding? I think I keyed your door with my nipples. Besides, my hair is wet.”

  “This won’t take long. I promise.”

  We’re just a few minutes outside of town when he turns into a long driveway. About halfway down it, a beautiful house comes into view. It’s everything I dream of having someday, a simple farmhouse with a wraparound porch and plenty of land surrounding it. It’s set back from the road, with plenty of privacy, but close enough to town not to feel isolated.

  My stomach knots, not just because I’m going to have to turn down his offer to move here with him, but because I’ll have to deprive myself of something I want so badly. The little devil and angel on my shoulder are screaming in my ears.

  Screw safety and stability! Look at this place!

  Don’t do it! Your apartment is better than a cardboard box if this backfires!

  Wyatt is buzzing with suppressed excitement as he parks and we get out. He grabs my hand and walks me around the side of the house. “Whose house is this?” I ask.

  “Ours,” he replies, smiling ear to ear.

  “Wyatt, I know we haven’t really talked about officially moving in together, but—”

  He stops in place, just in front of the attached garage. Hmm. The garage door is open, showing the empty space inside.

  “I’m not asking you to move in with me,” he says.

  What? He just said the house was ours.

  The garage door slowly descends and it takes me a second to process what I’m seeing. It looks like he has raided the stock room at Scarlet Toys because I recognize all those sex toys.

  The sex toys attached to the front of the garage door that spell out four words.

  Dildos, anal beads, vibrating eggs, and every other toy you can imagine display the words Will you marry me? in three feet tall letters.

  All the breath escapes my lungs and my head snaps around to look at him. “Wyatt,” I whisper. It’s all I can manage. There is not one tiny part of me that expected this.

  He’s down on one knee, a ring in his hand, gazing up at me with that little crooked smile I’ve never been able to resist.

  “You opened my eyes to what was missing in my life and showed me how much more there is to living than being number one. I thought I was happy, but I didn’t even understand what true happiness was until I found you. I love you, Cassidy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife?”

  Tears fill my eyes and I choke out the word, “Yes.” I don’t even hesitate. All the time I was worrying about the future, he was planning one with me.

  My mind races as he puts the ring on my finger, then lifts me up and kisses me senseless. It takes a second for the hoots and cheers to reach my ears through the chaos of joy and shock raiding my brain.

  When I’m back on my feet, I look up to see Jani, Noble, Clarence, and Martha ducking out of the garage and coming toward us.

  I’m swept up in hugs and congratulations from all of them.

  “You hooker!” I exclaim, hugging Jani. “You knew about this, didn’t you?”

  “Of course! And I expect to be your maid of honor. I don’t help glue vibrators to a door for just anyone, you know.”

  I study their artwork again. “Did you dot the I with a buttplug?”

  “That was Wyatt. He really seems to be into the butt toys. You should probably get a strap on.”

  My grin is devious when I turn to Wyatt and he shakes his head as I announce, “Oh, we already have one.”

  “That she has never used!” he insists. “My ass is padlocked, remember?”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I lay my cheek on his chest. “You have the key to my heart. I have the key to your ass. It’s fate.”

  “Not exactly a Hallmark card poem,” Martha quips.

  “He proposed with sex toys. You’re in the wrong place if you’re looking for classy,” Noble snorts.

  Clarence shakes his head. “The wedding should be interesting.”

  Wyatt wraps his arm around my waist. “Come on, let me show you the house.” When we get to the door, he adds, “The furniture was included, but we can sort through what we like and what we want to get rid of.”

  Warm air rushes over us as we walk into the foyer, the others right behind us. Wyatt shows me around, and the place is beautiful. I can’t wait to decorate it more to our taste and fill it with comfortable furniture.

  I’m surprised to find a fireplace in the master bedroom as well as the living room. “We can lie in bed by the fire,” I remark.

  Wyatt’s gaze settles on mine. “Do you like it?”

  Is he kidding? “I love it, every inch of it, but not nearly as much as I love you.”

  Jani’s laughter filters through from the living room where they’re gathered.

  An evil idea forms in my brain as I realize the timing is perfect. Grinning at Wyatt, I reach over and swing the bedroom door shut. I turn the lock and face Wyatt.

“Before we leave, there’s one thing I have to do.”

  “Cass.” He chuckles when I unfasten his jeans, but he doesn’t object when I shove them and his underwear to his feet. I mean, what guy ever objects to a blow job?

  He throws his head back when I wrap my lips around him and the way he stiffens tells me this won’t take long. I give him all I’ve got, right up until I know he’s on the edge of losing it. “My kinky girl,” he gasps. “I think you like the idea of being caught.”

  “Or maybe.” I stand up and take a step back away from him. “Payback is a bitch.”

  His mouth drops open and he takes a step toward me. “What?”

  “When you least expect it, remember?” I unlock the door and grin back at him. “It’s voice activated. Just tell it to come.” With a wink, I step out the door and close it behind me.

  Jani and Noble are snooping around the kitchen when I enter. “Where’s Wyatt?” Noble asks.

  “Pulling himself together,” I reply with a grin.

  Jani looks at me and her lips tilt up. She knows me. “What did you do?”

  “I told you about the time he made me think he drowned?”


  “And when he made me talk to his toaster?”

  “Oh my god. You finally got him back? What did you do?”

  Hopping up to sit on the counter, I shrug. “Nothing bad. I just gave him the penguin.”

  Jani bursts out laughing, especially when Noble asks, “What the hell is the penguin?”

  “When you blow a guy, but stop before he comes. He’ll try to chase you with his pants around his ankles.” Jani wipes her eyes. “Looks like a penguin.”

  I look up just in time to realize Wyatt is standing in the doorway, his arms crossed, fighting back a smile.

  “Truce?” I offer, sliding off the counter.

  He stalks over, making me walk backwards until I’m against the wall. His hot breath is in my ear. “You don’t want to tell them what else you were getting revenge for?” he murmurs, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

  The paddle. He’d better never tell them. “Don’t you dare.”

  Chuckling, he steps back. “You can get reacquainted when we get home.”


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