To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2)

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To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2) Page 7

by Cashmire Hart

  Reed couldn't stop the smile that reached for his ears. He dropped his attention to Crixen's cock, the honeyed head peeking out from his fist. He glanced at Crixen, looking for permission only to realize that Crixen was giving him control. Reed knew it wasn't an easy thing for an alpha to do, and it made this feel all the more right.

  He urged Crixen onto his back, the alpha tracking his every move with heat. Reed kissed his way down his warrior's washboard abs and traced them with his tongue. They were so developed that he was convinced Crixen did a thousand sit-ups every morning. He followed the dark trail of hair to the alpha's waiting cock and took it in his hand. It was so hot and hard he was sure he'd find his palm branded. It twitched in his grip and a bead of pre-cum escaped.

  Looking up to Crixen, Reed studied his tight face. The muscles of his neck stood out and his jaw ticked as if he were grinding his molars.

  "It's me," Crixen said, his voice hoarse.

  "I know. That's why I want to do this." He took Crixen into his mouth, needing to show him just how serious he was. This was no longer about expressing gratitude or gaining favor, but the pure omega need to pleasure his alpha. His.

  Crixen groaned, the sound laced with shock. Sucking on the head, Reed pulled in his taste, finding that he liked it quite a bit. He took more of his alpha's prick, sheathing it until it hit the back of his throat. He peeked up through his lashes to find Crixen had thrown his head back, his Adam's apple bobbing. Satisfaction coursed through Reed as he sucked him off slow and deep. As he came up from a deep stroke, he flattened his tongue against the underside of Crixen's glans.

  "Fuck," Crixen rasped as he looked down.

  That was exactly what he'd wanted. Grinning to himself, he swallowed Crixen's cock and tightened his fist around the knot at the base. It was beginning to swell, letting him know that his alpha was close to climax.

  Crixen pushed his hand into Reed's hair, not to direct or control, but to caress. Not wanting him to cum yet, Reed kissed his way up the thick rod and played with the wrinkles in the way Crixen had tortured his nipples.

  "Fucking tease," he breathed out.

  "Does my alpha approve?" he purred and suckled on the tip. Crixen was leaking like a faucet.

  The warrior simply nodded. It wasn't long before Reed brought him to orgasm, his body tightening so that every muscle stood out and the sound that left his throat filled the barn. Reed tightened his grip around Crixen's knot and took everything he had to give. Seed filled his mouth and he instinctually swallowed. Crixen's cock pumped against the skin of his palm and it was fascinating.

  Crixen's eyes were shut tightly and his lip was curled up over his ivory fangs. Seeing him nearly wolf out filled something deep inside Reed. He was bringing his alpha pleasure and he was enjoying doing it. Crixen's knot didn't deflate, letting him know that he wasn't done climaxing.

  "Am I making up for my bad behavior, sir?" he asked, licking at the head.

  "It's a start," Crixen gritted out.

  His body shook and Reed suctioned his lips round the alpha's glans, ready for the next round. Crixen filled his mouth with a snarl and Reed juggled his warrior's balls with his free hand. The orgasm was so forceful that Crixen thrust his hips in need. A moment later, his knot released, and Reed took a much-needed deep breath.

  "It looks like my alpha has been sexually neglected. That's no good," he murmured.

  Crixen gnashed his fangs and pulled Reed up to him roughly. He claimed his mouth, licking at his honeyed lips. Reed couldn't help moaning into him and responded by running his tongue along his fangs.

  "You made me lose control," Crixen slurred and closed his eyes. He took several deep breaths. When he returned his attention to Reed, his fangs receded, and he looked more relaxed than Reed had ever seen him. "Good omega. That was... very good."

  A little smile ticked at Reed's lips. "I know."

  Crixen kissed his jaw and moved to take the lobe of his ear in his hot mouth. "Did you like that? Did you enjoy having my cock in your mouth? You swallowed every drop, didn't you?"

  Reed bit down on his lip. His own pleasure was rising, the tightness in his gut growing. He nodded, because he wasn't sure he could speak clearly. Crixen kissed him deeper, his commanding tongue urging Reed to follow. Before he knew it, he was on his back, the straw poking his naked body. Crixen showered him in kisses until he was nothing but a ball of nerves, every inch of his body lighting up.

  The alpha pushed Reed's arms over his head and returned to his nipples. Reed arched into him and dug his fingers into the straw. Crixen played with the bud, rolling it and sucking it into his hot mouth until Reed was ready to beg him to stop.

  With a smirk, Crixen moved south. His eyes were on fire as he took Reed's dick into his mouth. The orgasm rose at a record pace and his body convulsed as he experienced the pleasure he'd always wanted.

  Chapter 16

  Crixen followed as Reed took his hand, their fingers entwining. He pulled him toward the barn exit and they passed into the world, linked. Deep down, he knew this was more than sex but was too afraid to face that truth. As a warrior, little scared him, but giving everything that he was to this omega was terrifying.

  It was dark, the crickets chirping away while lightning bugs flashed in the distance. It was hard to believe they'd spent all day in the barn, doing nothing but cuddling and exploring each other. It was as if nothing existed but them.

  Reed let go and smiled at him. It was a gesture of true happiness and it touched Crixen that he'd helped his omega get there. Mine? Absolutely.

  He watched intently as Reed crouched down, his body vibrating with the change. The shift was quick, suggesting he'd had much practice. His body became like clay as it reshaped itself and chestnut fur covered his form. The wolf shook side to side and perked his ears, looking at Crixen with blue eyes as bright as the moon.

  "Come," Crixen commanded and Reed obeyed, padding over to him. He flattened his ears and lowered his tail in submission. Crixen ran his hands all over Reed's wolf body, admiring the softness of his fur and the strength in his bones.

  Crixen stood up and summoned his own change. His vision temporarily blurred as his balance shifted. Reed was by his side in an instant, licking at him in welcoming. His thoughts turned simple, his wolf taking over, but he didn't forget that Reed inviting him to share in this moment wasn't a thing he gave away easily. He was honored to have been chosen to run with Reed.

  The omega dashed away and bounced around, his tail wagging, his eyes glowing with playfulness. Crixen indulged him. They nipped at each other, Reed not really trying to get one over on him. Seeing an opening, Crixen pounced and tackled Reed to the ground. The male instantly submitted, his natural omega urge made stronger by the shift. Crixen wrapped his maw around Reed's neck. It was nothing more than a mock bite, the wolf equivalent of "Ha-ha-I-got-you". He let go and licked at Reed, needing him to know that he was safe and wouldn't be hurt.

  Reed shot up and took off for the forest. Crixen was hot on his paws as Reed weaved through the trees and around bushes. He caught up to him and they ran side by side. Crixen pumped his legs harder and took the lead. He didn't run much with his warriors, his dedication to the job leaving him with little time to appreciate the simpler times. His omega followed, their breaths heating the cool night air. He took the male around the periphery of Sanctuary, his lungs stretching pleasurably.

  I'd forgotten what it is to be shifter. It was a higher thought, but completely true. Perhaps he'd never really known at all. The tragedy of his young life and his subsequent Ro'an training had stolen those earlier years when a shifter was meant to discover himself. He wondered if Reed had had that. He prayed he'd had some happiness in his life before he'd been taken by the wildblood pack.

  They ran for a long time, so long that time seemed to cease. They went deeper into the woods, Reed following him with interest. The sound and scent of trickling water drew them in. Passing through a thick bush, they emerged on the side of a bank of a stream, t
he water silver under the moonlight. Crixen navigated the moss-covered rocks and lowered his head to take a sip. Reed stuck next to him and they drank together, the cool, fresh water exactly what they needed after a hearty run.

  The snap of a twig from above drew Crixen's attention to the tree canopy. He spotted a big red hawk, the shifter's glowing yellow eyes tracking him. He was aware of how Loren had come to live at Sanctuary, the omega's hawk nature a curiosity among many. The hawks were rare and nearly extinct so looking upon him was a treat. Loren squawked at him in welcoming and flapped his wings.

  A moment later, Cullan emerged from the bushes, his cougar body slinking along the edge of the stream. In typical cat fashion, he rubbed his head along Crixen and bumped his body against him. It was a gesture of endearment, but also of respect.

  Reed whined as if he wanted in and Loren flew down to land on his back. He pecked at Reed gently. Reed had failed to make many friends here, but Crixen hoped that changed soon. From the way Reed licked at the hawk, it seemed it would. With the flap of his wings, Loren hopped on Cullan's back and the two mosied off together. Cullan trailed the edge of the water until they disappeared around a bend.

  Looking to Reed, Crixen watched as his omega returned to drinking, his pink tongue summoning memories of their time together. As Reed took his fill, Crixen found a comfortable spot on a large bolder and laid down. He was content to watch over the male, knowing Reed hadn't had many opportunities like these. But that was the great thing about Sanctuary. It was a place to heal and to be free. This time was as much about him as it were about Reed.

  His omega joined him and rested his head against Crixen, his eyes closing as he relaxed. This was what Crixen wanted. Reed had become so comfortable and trusted him enough to watch over him while he slept. Crixen held his head high, feeling as if he was fulfilling one of the most important roles in his life. It went past all the fighting and killing. It was such a simple thing, but no less important.

  As the night wound on and Reed slept, Crixen had never before felt so complete. His wounds were actually healing with no Band-aid required. Sleep grabbed him and he let it take him, his omega safe beside him.

  Chapter 17

  Reed woke up in the best way he could imagine. Warm and surrounded by Crixen, the alpha holding him close. The boulder under them wasn't the most comfortable, but he didn't care. He had his alpha's protection and the scent of spicy male in his nose. What more could he ask for?

  He stretched, throwing off the stiffness of sleep. Sometime during the night, they'd returned to their human bodies, though he couldn't remember when. The haze of simpler thought evaporated, and Reed smiled to himself. The birds were chirping up a storm and the sun was peeking through the trees. He guessed it was close to noon judging by its location.

  Crixen tightened his grip around him as if he were afraid Reed would leave. It was nice being wanted for comfort. He managed to wiggle away, drawing a little growl from the warrior.

  He slipped into a deep part of the stream, the water a bit chilly, but welcomed. As he washed the dirt and debris off of his body, the memories of last night became clearer. Running with Crixen had been a joy and a privilege. He was an alpha worth following. Dipping his head under the water, he let the weightlessness of being suspended take him to a deeper place. He'd survived Raze' cruelty. He'd made it out the other end intact.

  I have a life to look forward to. When his lungs started to burn from lack of air, he broke the surface to find Crixen standing in front of him, the water lapping at his hips.

  "Well, hello there," Reed said with a big smile.

  Crixen said nothing as he closed the distance between them. He pulled Reed into an embrace and sought his lips. He opened for his alpha, but the kiss was chaste.

  "We can't stay here," Crixen said as he slid his hands all over Reed's body. "I've been gone too long."

  Reed rested his head against the warrior's shoulder. "Can't we stay here forever and never go back?"

  Crixen kissed the top of his head. "I'm not abandoning you. I will be back, but I have an organization to run and business to take care of."

  "I know," he murmured, focusing on Crixen's warmth. He'd always been cold during his captivity, but it had been a chill of the heart and soul. Now, he was toasty inside and out and it was because of Crixen, the alpha he thought he had hated.

  "I won't be gone long. I couldn't if I tried. When I return, we will take a trip into town or something," he said, his words gentle and uplifting as if he were looking forward to spending time together. "And I got you something but haven't had a chance to give it to you yet."

  Reed looked to him with a smile. "What is it?"

  "It was supposed to be a surprise," he said.

  "Tell me," Reed begged, giving him puppy-dog eyes.

  The warrior rolled his eyes. "A Nook. It's like a cell phone, except you read books on it. I figured it would be easier than having hundreds of books lying around everywhere."

  Reed couldn't help grinning like the happiest omega in the world. "You better be careful. You keep doing things like that and I'm going to have to get back on my knees."

  Crixen arched a brow. "You'll be getting down on your knees anyway."

  Arousal zinged through him. His captivity had soured many things, and he was surprised by the absence of fear. But he knew Crixen would never force him to do anything. He licked his lips seductively, remembering what it was like to have Crixen's seed in his mouth.

  "Not now," the alpha growled and stepped out of the pool. His boner was evident, and Reed grinned victoriously. Crixen might be kind and the complete opposite of Raze, but he was still ruled by the need to fuck.

  With a sigh, Reed abandoned the stream. They walked back toward the barn hand in hand, enjoying the bright summer afternoon in silence. The forests of northern Illinois was much different from that of his childhood home. Crixen kept him close, his grip tight and Reed couldn't help seeking his protection. They broke into the clearing and Reed spotted a few shifters tending to the crop fields and fruit trees. It was a beautiful sunny day and they seemed happy to get some work done, their merry voices carrying.

  "I've been neglecting my duties," Reed said, speaking more to himself than Crixen.

  "You will be able to keep busy while I'm gone then."

  "It's your fault, you know," he teased as they entered the barn. Their stuff was still where they'd left it, clothes strewn everywhere.

  "A fact I won't deny," the warrior said simply and collected his jeans and shirt.

  They dressed and Reed watched as Crixen buckled his scimitars to his waist. He liked that his alpha was dangerous. It made him feel safer. If anyone from the wildblood pack had survived and came for him, he didn't doubt Crixen would cut them down a few sizes.

  "Come here," Crixen ordered. Reed obeyed and the warrior pulled him into a thorough kiss. "I'll be back soon."

  "Okay," he murmured as Crixen left.

  Alone, Reed looked around him, his gaze settling on the hay that had served as their bed. A smile forced its way onto his lips at the thought of what they'd done. He muttered rhymes as he made for the mansion, feeling like a million bucks. His wolf was happily slumbering away inside, the much-needed run blowing off a boat load of stress.

  He stopped by his room and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. He combed his hair and brushed his teeth then went back downstairs. As usual, Rex was in the kitchen, pouring over his notebook.

  "Hey," Reed greeted, feeling like socializing.

  "What do you think of chocolate with Kahlua buttercream?" Rex inquired.

  "Sounds good on paper, but I'll be happy to give it a shot," he said.

  "I'm trying to find that one thing that will stand out, you know? Like McDonalds is famous for their big Macs and the Cheesecake Factory has their cheesecakes. You have to have that thing."

  "I don't think it's going to matter. Everything you make is good."

  Rex's cheeks plumped as if he were bashful about his skills in
the kitchen. "I'll whip up the cupcakes tonight. Will you be around to try them?"

  "Where else would I be?"

  He was quiet for a moment. "I haven't seen you around much and Crixen has been M.I.A too. It's not easy to miss that coincidence."

  Heat rushed to Reed's cheeks. He didn't even know if he and Crixen were a thing or not. "I need to check on the cows. They're close to giving birth."

  Rex nodded, his attention on his notebook but Reed knew he hadn't missed the side-step. He left through the kitchen door to find Cullan and Loren sharing sandwiches and a jumbo-sized bag of chips. Loren spotted him and waved at him. He hadn't known Loren was a hawk until last night and he found himself curious about the omega.

  "Hey," Reed muttered.

  "Feel better?" Cullan inquired, stretching his arm across the back of the bench. The alpha had always seemed chill, but he looked lazy in this moment. A fluffy white cat was lounging in his lap, looking content.


  "A good run will do that to you," Loren said jubilantly. "Are you hungry? There is more than enough here."

  "I'm good. I was just on my way to check on the cows," he said. "The calves will be here soon, and Javi said the oldest had trouble with her last, so I want to make sure she is okay. You probably know that already."

  "It's great old Bess has another looking after her. This will probably be her last calf before we retire her. She was the first we acquired when we opened Sanctuary and it's been seven years now. She can expect to live out her years in peace."

  "Sounds like you know more about taking care of cows than me," he said, wishing he had more to contribute.

  "It's my job. I make sure we have everything we need--food, clothes and party supplies. Cullan takes care of security. Together we make the place run."

  "Speaking of such," Cullan said and looked to Reed. "Have you seen Crixen? I put in an order for supplies but haven't heard back."

  "Oh, um... he just left."

  "I'll call him now. My boots are ready to fall apart and Rex needs something called a piping bag. I've never known him to be into Scottish music."


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