To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2)

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To Take and Hold(Omegaverse Shifter Romance) (shifter fever Book 2) Page 11

by Cashmire Hart

  Mag's orange eyes seemed to glow as he stood up, his nostrils flaring. "So it's done then? You're cock-whipped."

  "Is that even a thing?"

  Mags bunched his shoulders up, his leather coat creaking. He'd gone full blown goth this night, his eyes lined with black, his nose pierced with a silver ring. "Have you decided on your replacement?"

  "Dar is the obvious pick, but he's too much of an action-slut like me to sit in a chair all day. Wren has the patience and tenacity, but he likes kicking alpha ass in the dojo too much. Then there is Cullan, but he's currently occupied running Sanctuary and if you ask me, completely cock-whipped, as well."

  "Preach," Mags said, his eyes brightening with amusement. He ran a hand across his braids. "I've done some pondering since you put in for your resignation. In fact, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I have a solution to your conundrum."

  He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sucker. Crixen accepted the offering. He'd come to learn that it meant Mags was in a good mood when he shared his candy.

  "What's up?" Crixen inquired, wanting to get this over as quickly as possible so he could rejoin his mate.

  "This might take a while." Mags bit off a good chunk of the lollipop and crunched it between his teeth. "When you live as long as I have, time kind of becomes moot. You don't consider the future. This bane thing is my fault, but don't tell anyone I said that, or I will roast you."

  Frowning, Crixen scratched the back of his neck. "Why do you think that?"

  "Time ceases to move sometimes for me. I should have implemented up-to-date tactics for the Ro'an, evolved our technologies along with the vamps. Had I done this, many may have not died."

  Studying Mags carefully, Crixen smacked his lips. "Is this a serious-serious talk?"

  The alpha nodded. "The point I'm trying to make is that I'm not immortal and won't be around forever. There will come a time when I'm gone, and I don't know if you all will be prepared. So I'm taking steps to rectify that. From this point on, things are going to be run differently. No more super-secret stuff. I want my people know that we're looking out for them--that I am concerned with their wellbeing. Most importantly, we're going to implement a council to rule."

  Crixen simply gaped at the overload of information. Mags had always gotten off on terrifying the civilian masses. "Slow down, I have so many questions."

  "I don't have answers right now, only ideas," Mags said, steamrolling over him. "This four-man show isn't going to cut it anymore. Vandal will resume record keeping of births and matings, deaths and pack squabbles. I'll have him draft some rules and procedures which will be handed to the people."

  "He's going to love that," Crixen remarked with a chuckle.

  "He will have help. So will you or whoever takes over as High Guard." Mags withdrew a small scroll from his pocket and offered it to Crixen. "My mating gift to you. Your resignation is official with the crack of this seal. But before you take that road, consider my offer. If you stay on as High Guard, you will assume a more administrative role. Decisions will be made by a collective rather than yourself to avoid conflicts. You won't be alone in running the Ro'an anymore."

  Crixen accepted the scroll and ran his thumb over the seal gingerly. All he had to do was break it. But Mags had planted a seed. He would like to see the organization run by more than himself. There was so much that could be done to improve. Still, his mate came first now.

  "Don't," Reed said from the barn door. Because he was dressed, Crixen was able to reel in his urge to protect him. He knew Mags wouldn't hurt him, but the alpha exuded power. Reed approached and pecked Crixen on the lips. "You're a warrior. It's in your heart and your blood. I don't want you changing that for me."

  "Finally, a voice of reason," Mags said with a snicker.

  "If it weren't for you, I'd still be a prisoner. Think of all the others you could help," Reed murmured as he wiggled his way into Crixen's arms.

  "How can you say no to that?" Mags added.

  Crixen actually growled at the alpha who seemed totally amused by his action. Cupping his mate's cheek, Crixen ran his eyes all over the one he loved most. "I thought we might have a more quiet life. Away from killing and darkness."

  "What, are you going to take up knitting as a hobby? Do you really want to sit home all day doing nothing? I don't think you can. I don't want you to." Reed bit his lip and looked to Mags. "You gave him High Guard for a reason, right?"

  "Pure dedication to the cause and unparalleled skill," Mags said.

  "Are you two teaming up on me now?" Crixen grumbled.

  Reed kissed him again. "It's who you are. I'd feel terrible if I changed that about you."

  "You're a master manipulator," Crixen conceded with a sigh.

  "I know." He looked too damned pleased with himself.

  "Master manipulator?" Mags mumbled and bit off another piece of lollipop. "I can create a position for that."

  Looking to Mags, Crixen tossed the scroll back. "If I stay on, I want to restructure everything. We need departments headed by good, level-headed warriors. We need to set up branches in other countries."

  "Good idea," Mags said. "I'll butt heads with Vandal about drafting some plans."

  The Magistrate started walking for the trees.

  "Wait!" Reed called. When Mags set his fiery gaze on Reed, Crixen couldn't help putting himself in front of Reed. "I wanted to invite you to our ceremony."

  Mags slumped his shoulders as if he were bored. "When?"

  "Um..." Reed looked to Crixen.

  Chuckling, Mags penetrated the tree line and disappeared into the shadows. He called, "When you figure it out, let me know."

  Reed looked wide-eyed to Crixen. "That's the Magistrate, isn't it?"

  "Yeah. He's not as scary as he likes to make people think he is."

  Reed blinked at the trees for a long moment. Crixen refocused his mate's attention and pulled him into a deep claiming kiss. Reed barely responded, however, his gaze distant.

  "I know who I mated. A warrior that isn't scared of anything with a good heart," he murmured. "Don't change that."

  Before Crixen could respond Reed returned to the barn. Crixen watched as his omega plugged in a number on his phone and held it up to his ear. His eyes shimmered as the line clicked.

  "Dad?" Reed said and burst into tears.

  Chapter 24

  Reed's heart was pounding like a jack hammer. Ever since they'd gotten off the plane a few hours ago, Reed had accepted that this was happening. And as the familiar trees passed by and the lake shimmered in the sun like a million sapphires, his trepidation peaked. In a few short minutes, he was going to see his parents after ten years.

  Crixen reached across the console of the rental car and took his hand, his touch grounding him. Looking to his mate, he let himself fall into those steel gray eyes, his warrior's strength soaking into Reed like warm sunshine. He would have never been able to do this alone.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled the scents, still familiar after all these years.

  "It's beautiful," Crixen murmured. "Exactly like I saw in your mind."

  "It is," Reed said. Summer was coming to a close, and he was glad he'd found the courage to do this before the first snow came. "It's pretty in winter too, but I always loved summer. That first dip in the lake after months of cold is my favorite. And planting the year's first crops..."

  His alpha's grip tightened, and Reed focused on the good memories. He was glad his family's landline was still active. He'd decided to phone home on a whim. He was sure if they hadn't picked up, he wouldn't be here right now. He wanted to be strong and brave like Crixen.

  "Here," he rasped, pointing at the little road that would take him home.

  "It's going to be okay," Crixen said.

  Reed nodded, knowing his mate was right. His parents had cried over the phone after finding out that he was still alive. He'd never heard alpha-father cry before. Reed had teared up too, unable to explain where he'd been and why. Crixen
had taken the phone and explained everything to them, leaving out the details. After a few days of making plans, Crixen had flown out with him, gently leading him home.

  The trees abruptly cut off and a collective of cabins filled the area. Behind them, the lake sat blue and beautiful. Everything was exactly as he remembered. Crixen pulled the car up the rocky driveway. His family was there waiting for him, Dads holding each other, the pack surrounding them.

  This was it. There was no going back. I don't want to go back. Seeing his family made all the bad shit fly out the door. He didn't hesitate. He was out of the car before Crixen could kill the engine. He fell into his parents' arms, warmth surrounding him. They were smaller than he remember, or perhaps, he'd just grown up. For truth, he'd come a long way since his spoiled teenager days.

  "Jae," alpha-father said, his voice cracking. "My son."

  They held him so tightly that he couldn't breathe, but he wouldn't have it other way. Crixen had been right. All that mattered was that they were together again. In time, he'd explain everything to them and tell him about the last ten years, but for now, none of that mattered.

  Alpha-father cupped his cheeks. His hair was longer than Reed remembered, but his eyes were the same dark sapphire, like the lake and they shimmered with tears. "Welcome home," he rasped.

  The rest of the pack came to greet him, their familiar faces shining with love. Dads' beta, Baron stepped forward with an omega in his arms. "Welcome home, buddy. This is Alex."

  Reed pulled Alex into a hug, beyond happy that Baron had found his mate.

  "Jora!" Omega-father called. "Where is that boy?"

  "He takes after you," Alpha-father said, amused. "You were late for your own mating ceremony."

  "Hey," omega-father chastised. "You're the one that lost the ring you insisted on me wearing. We had to look everywhere. Do you remember where I found it?"

  As his parents bickered, Reed couldn't help smiling until his cheeks hurt. Everyone must have realized they had a spectator, because the pack looked to Crixen who was leaning against the rental, looking too cool in his fancy new clothes. Reed had personally picked them out.

  His mate cleared his throat and stepped forward. He saluted Reed's parents like a typical warrior. "Harlen and Koris of Fairweather, I am honored to meet you."

  Alpha-father stepped up to him, their heights and build equally matched. "Thank you, Ro'an, for bringing my son home."

  "About that, Dads..." Reed started. "There is something I didn't tell you over the phone."

  Everyone's attention shifted to him and he came to stand next to Crixen. His alpha wrapped an arm around his waist, silently declaring his ownership. "We're mated."

  Omega-father got stars in his eyes, but alpha-father simply frowned. After a moment, he shrugged and offered his hand to Crixen, who accepted. "I have no reservations about a Ro'an warrior mating my son."

  A cheer went up, and Reed hugged alpha-father again.

  "I'm here! I'm coming!" A pup of about six called as he raced toward them. He came to stand next to Alpha-father and looked at Reed with big blue eyes.

  Omega-father stepped forward and rustled the pup's hair. "Jora, this is your big brother that I told you about."

  The boy looked to Reed with wide eyes and Reed gaped at him. Crixen gave him a little push and Reed kneeled in front of the pup. He had a brother? He never imagined... He'd always wanted a little brother. He motioned to the dragon figure in Jora's hands. "Do you like dragons?"

  Jora nodded.

  "Do you know the king of all dragons is Kazul? She's awesome."

  The pup frowned. "Can a girl be a king?"

  He leaned in and said slyly, "A dragon can be whatever they want."

  Jora smiled and Reed rushed to the rental where he dug in his luggage for his favorite book. He found it and returned to his little brother's side. He offered him the book. "This is all about dragons and Kazul and wizards."

  Smiling, Jora took the book, his eyes shining with interest. He offered Reed the dragon figure and he accepted. "Will you read it with me?"


  Jora took his hand and pulled. As Reed was guided by his little brother, he looked back to Crixen, who was smiling. It was in this moment that he realized things were going to be better than okay. With his mate and now his family by his side, he had only good things to look forward to.

  Crixen caught himself several times grinning ear to ear. He'd wanted to pull Reed aside and tell him that he'd told him so, but his omega was too busy reconnecting with the Fairweather pack and playing with Jora. The whole thing had gone down exactly as he knew it would. Love was unconditional and everlasting. It had persisted through the years Reed had been gone and rekindled even brighter than before.

  As the evening approached, a bonfire got started. Reed's parents had planned a feast complete with music. Everyone ate and chatted and had a good time. Crixen had gotten through Reed's parents' inspection with a breeze, the pair seemingly delighted with their son's choice of mate. After talking with the two briefly, Crixen had concluded Reed had inherited his sass from his omega-father. The shifter constantly heckled his alpha mate good-naturedly.

  As he sat off to the side and watched the activity, it was nice to be a part of such a simple, yet momentous celebration. He'd been deprived of this with his parents and the whole thing hit him deep to his core. Reed must have sensed his mood because he came over and kissed him chastely, his gaze shining with love and happiness.

  "Are you feeling out of place?" Reed inquired.

  "A bit. I'm content with watching you," he said honestly.

  "My parents like you and approve." Reed cuddled against him, resting his head over Crixen's heart. "I made sure to let them know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."

  "Nor would I," he said. When his mate frowned, he clarified, "If it weren't for you, I would have never known love and something more beyond my vengeance."

  Reed beamed brighter than the bonfire and kissed him deeply.

  "Ew! That's gross," Jora said.

  "What?" Reed teased. "You aren't used to smooching with Dads doing it all the time?"

  Jora shook his head and proceeded to stare at Crixen. "Are you really a warrior?"

  "He is. He has swords," Reed declared proudly.

  Casting Crixen a look of astonishment, Jora looked him up and down. "Have you slain a dragon?"

  "Dragons aren't--" Reed covered his mate's mouth before he could crush his little brother's imagination.

  "I'm sure he has slain many dragons, but not all of them are bad, remember?"

  "Like Kazul!" Jora exclaimed and ran off. "All hail, King Kazul!"

  Reed returned his attention to Crixen. "If we're going to have pups, you can't go around telling them the things they believe in aren't real. I would have been crushed if Dads did that to me."

  "I wasn't going to say dragons aren't real." It probably wasn't wise to plant that little seed, but it was likely Reed would discover certain things as their bond strengthened.

  "What do you mean?" Reed inquired.

  A sudden bout of laughter drew their attention as Jora chased a wolf with a dragon toy in his hand. He made roaring sounds and moved the figure in the air to simulate flight. Everyone laughed. No doubt, Jora was loved.

  "You've made this world safer for him," Reed said honestly as he watched his little brother play with the pack. The others had started to undress in preparation to wolf out. "With shifters like you, he won't go through what I did."

  Crixen held him close as they watched Jora play. His omega was right. How could he leave the Ro'an? He could do so much more. His vengeance shifted. He no longer experienced the urge to kill, but to protect those that could not. He silently vowed no one would ever hurt Jora or this pack as long as he drew breath.

  I've gained a family.

  As the Fairweather pack shifted to their wolf bodies, Crixen let go of his mate. He popped the first couple of buttons on the shirt Reed had chosen for him
. As he did, he threw his omega a playful look and Reed grinned, pulling his shirt over his head. When they were naked, they summoned their wolf forms.

  Reed sought his approval, licking at his snout. Crixen led the way and found the pack along the lake, running and playing with Jora. The boy was all smiles and giggles as he got muddy.

  A howl rose in the distance and Crixen recognized it as the call of an alpha pack-leader. Reed's alpha-father called to his family, the howl filling the world with his song. The others answered back, their voices joining to a crescendo. Even Reed answered, and Crixen's heart swelled with pride and love. His omega was so strong and resilient.

  Reed looked to him, his eyes bright with happiness. He pressed his body against Crixen and Crixen licked at his ear in approval.

  Crixen was pretty sure he'd gained more than a mate this night and as the song of life and love swirled about him, they left their pasts behind and faced the future head on, together.

  Now available from Cashmire Hart

  Shifter Fever:

  To Protect and Love

  About the Author

  Cashmire Hart enjoys writing about strong, dominant alphas and the sweet but sassy omegas that steal their hearts!

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