Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins)

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Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) Page 11

by Leo Mark

  ‘The being you evolved from is known on earth as Homo habilis. First we created the Homo erectus, using part of our DNA. Then we crossed Homo erectus with our race. From this cross arose what you know as Neanderthal Man. After several more crosses and some genetic modifications, we arrived at Homo sapiens, or the human race. Have you never wondered how Homo habilis evolved so quickly into Homo erectus? The missing link, the link between these races, which has been looked for and researched so deeply, is nothing more than a genetic modification which today human beings are capable of carrying out. And there’s more: what is today known as Homo sapiens sapiens was genetically modified a few hundred years ago, so today’s human being is much more highly evolved than the first Homo sapiens.’

  ‘Truly, now it all makes sense. But why don’t you reveal this, instead of letting us live a lie? In fact you just created us to use us as slaves.’

  ‘David, humanity isn’t ready for this information yet. If it became known, all belief in God would be extinguished and there would be chaos in the world. Our research shows us that a good part of humankind only keeps, let’s say, to the straight and narrow, for fear of breaking some divine law. If these people were convinced that creation didn’t happen as they imagine now and that God, in truth, is a being from another planet, we don’t know what might happen. That’s why we are making an effort to give man the necessary basis in knowledge, so that there won’t be chaos. It will be one of your missions to reveal the truth, and the moment is near. As far as slavery goes, I can tell you it was mainly in the mind, since the primitive humans worked from a spontaneous free will, as a tribute to us their creators. We never forced them to work and in exchange they received much knowledge - without which the human race would not have evolved till now.’

  ‘I understand. You passed for gods, for angels, all that time, deceiving us.’

  ‘David, in the old days humanity only obeyed and behaved reasonably well when the god gave orders. If we had let humankind do what it wanted to, without a God to intervene, it would have torn itself apart. Let me tell you a story. There was a time when humans no longer obeyed the gods. They did what they wanted, when they wanted. The result of this was the death of thousands of innocent people, disease, killing, war, hunger. Anu the king of Nibiru and his son Enlil were set on doing away with humanity. This was necessary another time too. Thousands of years ago, our planet Nibiru was very close to Earth. Nibiru’s magnetic field caused a massive interference in your planet and the poles were inverted. Huge icebergs began to melt and that is when what you know as the Flood took place. Mankind was going to be wiped out, but I was given orders to intervene. Not from Anu, our king, but from the beings who created us. They came to me and said that, since humanity had been created, it should be preserved. They are opposed to the extinction of races, however bad they may be. They prefer to work towards converting these races to the good. This way, with Enki’s help, the son of Anu, we were able to save part of humanity through the one you know today as Noah.’

  ‘You mean it wasn’t God who sent the flood? It would have happened one way or another?’

  ‘Right. It was inevitable. And thousands of years later, humanity returned to the way it was. This time the extinction would be deliberate, as Enlil, who was always opposed to the creation of the humans, wanted to destroy them with a lethal virus. Once again Enki intervened and saved them. But I’ll show you this story so that you understand it properly. We’ll go back in time to the moment when this decision was taken. And that’s where you come in - this way you’ll understand your purpose and your mission.’

  ‘But why me? I still haven’t understood what I’ve got to do with all this.’

  ‘David, you’d better sit down because I’m going to tell you something that could give you a shock. Take a deep breath. Now listen.’

  David sat down slowly, trying to imagine what Galzu was going to tell him.

  ‘You, David, are none other than a clone of Jesus Christ, the one who came to earth to save humanity from being destroyed. Your mission, as I have mentioned, is to prepare humanity for the return of Jesus. When this happens and you succeed in defeating Enlil, you and Jesus will govern the earth.’

  ‘What? I’m a clone of Jesus? How’s that possible? I can’t believe this!’ said David, getting up and walking back and forth, incredulous at what he had been told.

  ‘David, I’m going to leave you alone now to think about all this. It’s a great deal of information in a very short time. Relax in this armchair and when you’re calmer, press this button and I’ll come back.’ Galzu pointed out a sort of button made of crystal.

  Galzu left the room so that David could think things over. The boy sat down in the armchair, facing the ship’s control panel, leaned his head back and began to think and to remember everything Galzu had said, shown and revealed.


  Galzu returned to the compartment where David was resting. He put his hand on the shoulder of the boy, who was sleeping in the armchair, making him wake up suddenly, frightened, with a start.

  ‘Easy, David, it was just a dream. Your brain is processing and organizing the information,’ said Galzu, gripping David by the shoulders.

  ‘I had a horrible nightmare. War, death, destruction.’

  ‘Yes, I know, I could catch your thoughts while you were asleep.’

  ‘You read thoughts?’

  ‘Yes, and I can communicate by telepathy and implant some dreams.’

  ‘Did you give me that nightmare?’

  ‘Partly, yes. I wanted to prepare you for what I’m going to show you now. Unfortunately we can’t travel in time for you to see what is necessary, for what I’m going to show you happened over a period of many centuries. It would be impractical for us to be hopping from one moment in time to another, so I’ve collected some images of the period you need to know. I’ll show you them and explain them.’

  ‘OK, I’m ready; I think I’ve had enough sleep. What are you going to show me?’

  ‘Today I’m going to show you how the myth of Satan the accuser originated. You’ll also learn what happened on earth some thousands of years ago, and then I’ll explain where you come into the story.’

  ‘Show me, then, Galzu. Now you’ve pricked my curiosity.’

  Galzu took a crystal and set it in a metal box in the ship’s control panel. Once this was done a three-dimensional hologram appeared and images began to be visible. Galzu began his explanation:

  About three thousand years before Christ, the world was divided into four regions. It was an era of wars and misunderstandings between the gods. They were very full of themselves, spoiled and used to having whatever they wanted whenever they wanted it. Their egos were bigger than they were. Even though almost all of them belonged to the same family, they spent their time in wars and domestic disputes to prove who had more power and more wisdom; and, naturally, they disputed territory and made the humans fight for them. They used humans as chess pieces and planet Earth as their chessboard. This was a very troubled time, some centuries after the great flood which almost

  destroyed humanity.

  At the center of the conflict were Inanna, granddaughter of Enlil, and Marduk, son of Enki. Inanna accused Marduk of being responsible for the death of her husband. Marduk in his turn wanted to be the supreme god of all the earth. He spent years stirring up the humans against the other gods and trying to convince them all to give him control of the earth. He was indignant because the gods had scorned his father Enki, Anu’s firstborn son, and declared Enlil the successor to the throne of Nibiru.

  Marduk, as Enki’s oldest son, claimed the right to govern the whole earth; but the council of gods decided to divide it into four regions. The second region, which included Egypt, was given to Marduk. He accepted reluctantly, as he had bigger pretensions. Though unsatisfied, Marduk went to Egypt and changed his name to Ra, becoming the great god of the Egyptians. Some time later, still angry at not having been granted power over the whole earth,
Marduk declared war on the other gods. He planned a campaign whose purpose was to take control of all the regions and so establish his supremacy. This would indeed have happened if it wasn’t for Enlil, Enki’s brother and Marduk’s uncle.

  The gods possessed weapons of mass destruction: for example, the hydrogen bomb, almost a thousand times more powerful than the atom bomb which destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At this time the divine clans were divided, Enlil’s clan opposing Enki’s. The brothers were still on speaking terms and were polite to each other, even though Enlil harbored some envy of Enki who was Anu’s firstborn son.

  The disputes got more and more bitter, and the Anunnakis’ egos were going to end up destroying humanity, which was not to blame for anything. In truth Enlil had always been opposed to the creation of the humans: since the beginning of the experiment with the clones he had criticized his brother. And Enlil envied Enki’s wisdom, as he himself lacked sufficient knowledge to create anything exceptional. His brother, on the other hand, was always studying the sciences and became a great scientist.

  When Marduk declared war on the other gods, Enlil accused him of being responsible for all the quarrels between the gods. Privately, Enlil wanted to destroy Marduk and all humanity, which Enki and his nephew were protecting. Enlil wanted humanity to consist of a few human beings chosen by him, which he and his sons and grandsons would govern in the way they chose, with no outside interference. So Enlil decided to do away with mankind. The god would save only Ibruum, known now as Abraham, and his family, who would be obedient only to his clan. Enlil would destroy the followers of Marduk and Enki.

  Ibruum was a direct descendant of Noah, and so possessed the blood of the Anunnakis. To protect Ibruum and his family from the anger of the other gods, Enlil told them to flee to a distant land. This anger would come in the shape of seven thermonuclear bombs which would devastate life on earth. Enlil, with the consent of the Council of Nibiru and of his father Anu, and contrary to the wishes of his brother Enki, ordered bombs to be dropped on the principal cities of earth, today called Sodom and Gomorrah.

  Seven bombs, each with its own particular destructive powers, were dropped on seven cities of the planet. The ruin and the catastrophe were complete: as well as the humans, a large portion of the plants and animals of earth also perished. In the regions not directly affected by the weapons, people were killed by the radioactive dust which spread around the globe. Almost all humankind died. Only the city of Babylon survived the attacks, as the wind carrying the radioactive dust didn’t reach there. Ironically, Babylon was Marduk’s stronghold, where he was worshiped as the supreme god.

  Unfortunately for Enlil and his descendants, the attempt at annihilation of the humans by means of hydrogen bombs came to the notice of the council of the great Intergalactic Confederation. The council members were dismayed at the news, as life on earth should have been preserved, with the humans evolving under the protection of the Anunnakis; no one should destroy them, let alone without the consent of the Confederation. The Anunnakis were playing at being gods and the true gods weren’t happy about it. As punishment for their ill conduct, the leader of the Intergalactic Confederation council announced that those responsible for trying to destroy humanity would be imprisoned and isolated in another dimension for millennia. The punishment should serve as a warning to other civilizations not to try and define the destiny of a planet, however under-evolved it might be.

  Soldiers of the Confederation were sent to earth. Shortly before they arrived, the Anunnakis realized that something was approaching earth at high speed. At first they though it was an asteroid; soon afterwards, analyzing the body’s trajectory, they saw that it was a great spaceship. All the Anunnakis were concerned, now that they knew that a Confederation ship was approaching so soon after the explosion of the bombs. At once they contacted the council of Nibiru. The council warned them that now their fate, and Earth’s, were in the hands of the Confederation, and that there was nothing Nibiru could do. Enlil knew that basically they were coming because of him, and because of the weapons of destruction he had targeted on innocent beings. His sons and grandsons were distraught and wanted to flee to avoid being punished for what they had done. Enlil refused to leave the earth, wanting to stay and confront the Confederation and to explain why he had attacked the humans.

  Shortly afterwards a great ship, several thousands of yards in diameter, rounded in shape and with flattened ends, entered earth’s atmosphere. The ship was gigantic and resplendent. Almost all the equipment and armament of the Anunnakis was automatically neutralized. The Anunnakis, who till then had been playing at gods, were terrified. The Confederation ship was so huge that it could be seen from many parts of the planet. It was anchored several thousand yards above the ground, and smaller ships flew out of it, heading for the city where Enlil, his sons and grandsons, and also Enki were to be found. Enlil was astonished to see that the Confederation knew exactly where they were, and asked the others how that could be. All the Anunnakis, including Enki, who had been against the destruction that had been carried out, went out of the palace to greet the small ships. From inside them great shining beings came out. They were twice as tall as the Anunnakis, though their bodily structure was similar to the Anunnakis’ and the humans’; but they were of a greenish color, with shining blue tones in some parts of the body, and they did not wear any clothing. Through an instrument that translated into the language of the Anunnakis, one of the beings spoke:

  ‘We know that you, Enlil, were responsible for the destruction of the beings that inhabited this planet. What do you have to say in your defense?’

  ‘My lords, my acts were necessary. The creation of humanity was a mistake of my brother’s, with the consent of my father. Wars were fought over territorial disputes. Cleansing was necessary, and I did what I did only with the consent of the Council of my planet Nibiru.’

  ‘It is not your planet that decides who should live and who should die in this our universe, and you even less so.’

  ‘Lords, my intentions were of the best. I beg you to forgive me.’

  ‘What is done, is done. I have orders to take you to our planet: you and those who were your accomplices will be judged by the council of the Confederation. Your fate is in its hands. Now come with us. All those responsible must enter the ship,’ said one of the confederation soldiers, while the other three held weapons to be used in case there was any resistance.

  Then Enlil and some of his sons and grandsons, including Inanna, went up into the soldiers’ ship. Before they embarked Enlil said to Enki:

  ‘Brother, please request the Council of Nibiru to go before the Confederation and plead on our behalf. We will be judged and we could be put to death for this.’

  ‘Enlil, unfortunately there’s nothing I can do for you, and I don’t think our father can help either. Take responsibility for your acts and submit to the punishment they choose for you.’

  ‘Brother, you can’t just abandon me now. We are brothers and it’s your duty to protect me,’ said Enlil, as he was being taken to the entrance into the ship. ‘If you don’t help me I will take it as betrayal, and one day I shall have my revenge.’

  Enki, with tears in his eyes to see his brother in that plight, just watched, knowing that he should pay for what he had done. After all, no one should cause the death of many, especially not from entirely shameful motives. While the smaller ships were taking off to return to the mother ship, Enki went back to the palace. He waited until the communication equipment started working again, and then contacted his father.

  ‘Father, Enlil has been taken away by the Confederation soldiers. He will be judged for the destruction he caused on earth.’

  ‘Son, although the Council consented, we forgot that a life once created can never be destroyed. That is what our creators taught us. I think that our Council is also responsible for Enlil, but now there is nothing more we can do.’

  ‘Father, we can’t leave him alone at a time like this
. We must do something to help him.’

  ‘There is nothing we can do. Without doubt the Confederation knows that Enlil did what he did with our consent, and that he’d have done exactly the same without it. That’s why they’ve taken him to be judged. We can’t intervene – if we did we could make things worse. The Confederation members are very advanced beings, and they are opposed to the death of any creature. I am sure they won’t condemn your brother to death. He will be punished, but not executed. Now the earth is in your hands. It is your mission to protect it and to deliver knowledge so that humankind may evolve. This is our will and also the will of the Confederation. Control your son Marduk’s impulses and his ego. Show him what trouble these petty disputes get our race into. What sort of example are we giving to humankind, who love us unconditionally and model themselves on us? Show the humans the way. I’m counting on you, my oldest son. Soon I shall be on earth to see how it’s all progressing.’

  The great ship docked on the artificial planet which had been built to house the armies and the Council of the Intergalactic Confederation. The Anunnakis who were to be tried looked out from the ship open-mouthed at such technology and grandeur. Without much delay they were taken before the council, made up of twelve beings from twelve different races, who were very different one from the other. There were large, medium and small races. Through a translator the council made its declaration.

  ‘Enlil, son of Anu, destroyer of the human race and other earthly beings, what do you have to say in your defense?’ asked the leader of the council, sitting on a sort of floating armchair located in the middle of an oval formation.

  ‘Lords of the Council. During the voyage I have reflected on my actions. I did what I did with good intentions. I would like to ask forgiveness for the deaths I caused. Please do not take my immortality away from me. My sons and grandsons here present are also free of guilt. They acted solely in accordance with my instructions, or they would not have done what they did.’


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