Taken by Blood

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Taken by Blood Page 17

by Tamara White

  I take a deep breath, not sure what to expect. When I open the door wide, I see a large yard filled with people I know. Chase is standing over by a barbeque, laughing at something Talon just said. Talon is grilling steaks by the looks of it, while he, Chase, and Britt all chat with large smiles. Britt is cradling her stomach and it takes me by surprise to see it rounded, an obvious sign of pregnancy. Unless she got morbidly fat, in which case she may kill me for telling her she doesn’t stay thin.

  Chase is resting his head on Britt’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her from behind, as he rests his hands over hers, which makes me all the more certain she’s pregnant, not fat.

  I look around, seeing Nik and Dev playing in the pool with Meron, with big grins on all their faces. And a moment later, I spot myself standing by the edge of the pool fence with Blaine, cooing over a baby in his arms. He kisses the infant’s forehead before handing it off to me. Then he presses a kiss to my lips and throws himself into the pool to join the other guys.

  Kellan joins my side in an instant and erects a wall of magic to stop the water from hitting the baby and me, and I smile up at him with love in my eyes.

  I watch the scene play out, all the while wondering how far in the future this is supposed to be.

  The scene just plays on, all of us together in one big happy family. After learning all I can from that scene, I close the door. Then I look to the third one, wondering whether it’s worth even opening it at this point. But I feel like I have to for some reason. “What decision does the last door represent?”

  “The last door is a little more complicated. This future might come about as a result of your choices, as well as Britt’s. Because your futures are so intertwined, whatever decisions you make affects her future and vice versa. This door shows what will happen if you both make all the wrong choices.”

  “Wait, you mean it will be worse than the first door?”

  He shrugs, giving me an ominous look. “You’ll just have to see for yourself.”

  I don’t hesitate, instead striding right up to the third door and pulling it open. The sight before me is something I never could have dreamed of. Britt and I are both dressed in black armor, fighting each other around the dead corpses of our men!

  I wield both of my swords while Britt carries a massive flaming blade. Her eyes aren’t their normal color, I notice, having turned to a violet hue that matches her father’s perfectly.

  I watch on in horror as the two of us continue to fight, and notice the bodies of the loved ones around us are decomposing as if time is passing us by quickly while we battle it out.

  Both Britt and I have been cut several times at this point. But we both heal quickly, only leaving blood behind. As I watch the scene unfold before my eyes, tears fall down my cheeks. Finally, I stumble away from the door and slam it shut with trembling fingers.

  What would lead to us fighting each other like that, with neither one of us caring about our men lying dead around us? Instead, both Britt and I just dismissed them with empty eyes, our sole focus seeming to be on destroying the other.

  “Do you see now? Why we have to go back?” Hunter presses, looking remorseful.

  I shake my head and wipe away my tears before glaring up at him. “Stop this. I get it. I’m ready to go back now.”

  Instantly, he lets the magic that has brought us here stop and I feel us rising, like the moment when you dive to the bottom of the pool and the air in you forces you to surface. My ears suddenly pop and I open my eyes, glad to be back in the in-between place.

  I turn to the men, Hunter having just re-joined them. “Promise me that none of you will push Britt. I’ll take you three with me when I go back, and I will tell her everything you’ve revealed to me. I’ll even restore her memories but... her husbands are important to her, whether you three accept that or not. And if I so much as think you guys are meddling in their relationship, I will fuck you up! Got it?”

  Chase, the violent looking one of the bunch, steps forward. To my surprise, his brown eyes soften. “We would never do anything to hurt her. We love her and just want to protect and cherish her. That being said, we have been out of the human world for so long that we may not always be so eloquent with our words. So please, be patient with us. We may slip up at times, but whatever we do or say is to protect the woman we love.”

  I let out a puff of air, trying not to warm up to him just because of his sweet words. But I can see now why Britt would have wanted him in the first place.

  “Alright.” I give him a nod before turning to Britt’s mom. “Melanie, I’ll see you next time. Although to be perfectly honest, I really hope there isn’t a next time. But somehow I don’t think I’ll be that lucky. I do hope Britt doesn’t decide to pay you a visit anytime soon though. Oh man, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes the next time she sees you.”

  Melanie grimaces at that.

  Suddenly, I start to feel something warm in my chest, like a flame flickering to life. “Uh, guys, I think I’m going back to my body now.”

  Hunter nods in understanding and hurries to grab hold of my hand. In turn, Chase takes hold of Hunter’s hand and Alistair grasps Chase’s.

  I still have questions about why they need me to help them get back, even though I know they tried to explain. Hunter made a reference to needing an Eternal Guardian, but then he also said that was what he was. So what makes me different? Why couldn’t they just help each other get out of this place? I guess I’ll have to figure all that out another day.

  Hunter clears his throat, seeming uncomfortable with what he’s about to say. “Ah, Emerald, just so you know... You’re only going to have about two hours before you need to lock yourself away, to uh, recharge.” Then he blushes and looks away.

  I really don’t want to think about the fact he probably just saw me go all horny monster in the future in an effort to recharge my magic. Nope, wiping that thought from my mind never to be seen or heard again.

  My chest grows hotter to the point it becomes painful, and I just hope to fucking God that they didn’t try to burn my body again.


  Mixed Ties


  Son of a bitch! Dying fucking hurts.

  I attempt to sit up while my ears ring painfully. My eyes are blurry and I struggle to focus on anything around me. That’s when I realize I’m once again in the world of the living. I blink a few times to clear my vision, then reach up to rub my ears furiously, trying to clear the ringing so I can hear again.

  All at once, my senses come flooding back to me, and I almost experience sensory overload from all the sounds and sights that abruptly assault me.

  Hunter, Chase, and Alistair stand on the opposite side of the room, backed into a corner as they fend off an attack from Nik, Dev, and Lincoln. Nearby, I see Blaine and Meron hovering protectively over Kellan and Torie, both of whom are splayed out on the floor, looking dazed.

  I roll out of the bed I’ve been placed on, trying to get to my feet to intervene in the fighting. My body however is weak and I end up almost face-planting onto the floor in the process due to my slow reflexes. Damn, curse dying for making me feel like some pathetic, drunk human.

  My body wobbles slightly as I stand up, but I push forward. I’m determined to stop these idiots from killing each other. Although upon a second glance, it doesn’t look like any of them are putting their full effort into the fight. They all seem to be holding back a little, which I’m thankful for.

  “Guys,” I mumble, my tongue feeling thick in my mouth as I try to get their attention. But my voice goes unheard amongst the grunts and sounds of fighting.

  Anger begins to well up inside me. Seriously? If I had woken up in enemy territory after dying and they left me unprotected like this I could be killed again, or worse, taken and used for my power. I’m sure that at least one of the Guardians would have said something when they appeared the same moment I came back. Which means either my guys and Britt’s husbands have simply ignored what
they had to say or didn’t give them a chance to speak. Either way, its frustrating me right now.

  No one is even watching over me. Sure, I don’t expect to be guarded when I’m alive. I can defend myself then. But when I’m dead and they know, or at least suspect I’ll come back, I would expect a little fucking protection until I can revive and take care of myself again.

  I pull on what little strength I have and summon pure magic into my hands with the intention of separating the guys. Then, I aim at the six men still fighting, and blast them apart.

  “That’s fucking enough!” I pant, furious that it took me using magic in order to separate them. “You’re all acting like immature children rather than the powerful beings you really are. Chase, Hunter, Alistair,” I snap, turning and fixing the three of them with a glare. “I only brought you back with me because I thought you would be above this kind of shit. But you haven’t been in this world for ten fucking minutes and you’ve already hurt people who are dear to Brittany,” I say pointedly, my gaze going to Torie and Kellan. They both get to their feet as I watch, but their stance seems shaky, an indication that they were indeed injured to some degree.

  At my words, all three of the Eternal Guardians drop their heads in shame.

  Then I turn to Nikoli with an icy glare. “And you…” He too drops his head, embarrassed by his actions. He goes to speak, but my body chooses that moment to give out on me, my knees buckling.

  Using his impressive speed, Nik bolts across the room, managing to catch me before I fall.

  I give him a tight-lipped smile. “You weren’t protecting me,” I admonish. “Anyone could have taken me and none of you would have noticed.”

  He frowns at me, his eyes showing his displeasure when he realizes I’m right. “I was a little preoccupied with the current threat in the room.”

  I frown, sighing softly. As annoyed as I am, I know that it must have been a shock to have an unknown person or three in the room. “I know. But those three are basically my bitches right now. They need me. I promise they’re not a threat.”

  Somebody scoffs at that, and Chase comes close enough that I see his cocky grin. “We don’t need you. You helped us get here, sure, but we can talk to Brittany now without you.”

  Nik helps me get to my feet and I return Chase’s expression with a smug smile of my own. “Oh really? Well then, hop to it. Go talk to the woman you’re all in love with and see if she believes any of your nonsense without me.”

  He looks at me, seeming a little confused. Alistair steps up to his side and places a hand on his shoulder in warning. “She’s right, brother. We need her more than we’ve ever needed anyone else. So please, for the love of all things holy, don’t piss her off!”

  At that, I smile brightly in his direction. “Good boy.” Then I turn and meet Chase’s eyes, my face going serious. “You need me in order to restore Britt’s memories. I’m sure even after they’re returned to her, she’ll be conflicted, and as her best friend, I’ll be the one she will come to for advice. You need me on your side right now. Don’t make me regret bringing you here.”

  Chase, Hunter, and Alistair must have heard the underlying threat in my words. Basically, if they fuck up, I will find a way to get rid of their asses. They don’t need to know I don’t really mean it. After all, even if she doesn’t remember everything, I know how much she longs for them.

  “Can someone please tell me what on earth is going on and what those three have to do with Brittany?” Blaine demands, sounding both angry and frustrated.

  Fuck! I forgot for a second that her husbands were still in the room. I practically just told them that these guys are gonna be a part of Britt’s life before I even had the chance to break the news to her. Damn, Britt may kill me for this.

  “Sorry.” I give Blaine a sympathetic smile. What I’m about to tell them is going to change everything. “Why don’t we all sit down so I can explain? Nik, do you mind helping me?” When he raises a brow in confusion, I clarify, “My legs are still a little shaky.”

  He knows I don’t like to be babied, but right now I have no choice but to rely on him and the others for help.

  Hunter, Alistair, and Chase obediently sit on the floor in front of me, but Meron just stands there, glaring at them. Then he turns to me, his eyes filled with anger. “They aren’t like us, Emerald. They may be supernatural, but I’ve never sensed anything like them. How do we know we can trust them?” Before I can respond, he shakes his head adamantly. “I want them gone.”

  Blaine also glares their way. “Maybe you should leave and come back another day. Or don’t,” he adds snidely.

  My gut tells me Blaine feels like these guys are a threat.

  Kellan and Torie chime in at this point, arguing over what’s best for Britt, and just who these guys are. Then my guys start talking, their words all coming out jumbled as they argue that it’s dangerous to have such powerful people in a room when they have no clue who they are, and with each second, their voices seem to grow louder, to the point it starts to give me a headache. I’m so tired of the attitude, the lack of proper communication that it’s frustrating me. How are her husbands going to work this out with Britt if none of them are open to the Guardians? Has she even told them anything about how she feels?

  My eyes meet Hunter’s and he lets out a heavy sigh. His gaze drops to the floor with a resigned expression before he gets to his feet as if to leave. That’s when I snap.

  “That’s enough!” All eyes swing to me, and everyone goes silent, clearly able to feel the anger radiating from me. I shake out of Nik’s arms and move over to Hunter, offering him a kind smile before I turn away, giving him, Alistair, and Chase my back. The ultimate show of trust.

  I give the others a disapproving frown. “The lot of you are going to stop acting like bratty little children, or that’s exactly how I’ll start treating you. All I’m asking of you is to trust me on this. You don’t have to trust Hunter, Chase, or Alistair. Not yet at least, because I know you don’t know them. But you do know me, so please, trust me. But if you can’t do that, then get out.”

  “You don’t seriously mean you would choose them over us?” Kellan exclaims, clearly completely shocked by my display of anger toward them and my trust of these men, who are all but strangers.

  I sway a little and Hunter quickly reaches out to grab my hips, steadying me.

  “I don’t want to choose anyone. I want the people I care about to trust that I know what I’m doing. But if you seven keep acting like this, I will kick you out without a second thought. I’m tired and completely depleted of energy. While I was in that in-between place, I used a lot of mental magic, which has pushed me to the brink of exhaustion. So either sit the fuck down and listen, or get the hell out of here.”

  I take a moment to glare at each of them individually, daring them with my eyes to challenge me, because if they do, I may just rip their heads off. I am so fucking hungry and tired right now that I don’t even give a shit about hurting their feelings. I just want to get this over with.

  After resolving things with the guys, I’ll still have to tell Britt just how fucked up her life really is. Explain what her mother has done and restore her memories. But how can I do that to her? It will change everything and she’ll probably end up hating me for it. But now that I’ve seen what can happen in the future, I know I have no choice.

  I know it’s going to be hard on her husbands. To see their wife with other men and watch as the love they once had blossoms again, it’s going to be hell. Especially for Kellan who can actually feel it. And while I know that her husbands are destined to be mine, I hope that somehow, they can all make it work. Just because I’ve begun to feel for them and them for me, doesn’t mean I will step in the way if they are somehow able to make it work with Britt and the Guardians as well. Who knows, maybe once the Guardians reunite their bonds with Britt, it will no longer pain her to touch her husbands?

  My gaze finally lands on Blaine, and he stares at me with an ex
pression devoid of emotion. I can tell he’s looking for something in my eyes, something to give him an indication that what I have to say is important enough for him to stick around. I can see in his eyes that he’s conflicted and wants to come to me but yet he doesn’t. I’d imagine this is all a bit too much to handle. I know it’s still a little shocking for me with the things I’ve learned, and poor Blaine is still in the dark on a lot of what is going on.

  After a long moment, he relents, sighing loudly. “Alright, let’s listen to what Em has to say. But sweetie, if any of them makes even one wrong move, we won’t hesitate to wipe them out.”

  I smirk at him, feeling a small flutter in my heart at his use of an endearment. “I would expect nothing less.”

  Then I glance over my shoulder at Hunter. “You can let go now. I don’t want you to hurt from touching me.” He had remained quiet while his hands rested on my hips, but I knew it was hurting him, even before I saw the glint of pain in his eyes.

  “Linc, could you give me a hand, please?”

  He quickly rushes to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist just as Hunter lets go. Lincoln then starts to lead me away from Hunter, Alistair, and Chase. I glance back at Hunter, catching his grateful smile and the look of relief in his eyes. I also notice the redness of his hands before he stuffs them in his pockets to keep the others from seeing. But even without the physical evidence, I know Chase and Alistair are very aware of how much pain it caused Hunter just to help me remain standing.

  “Are you sure we should trust them?” Lincoln whispers in my ear, not that it makes much of a difference. I’m pretty sure everyone in this room could hear him anyway, what with their enhanced hearing and all.

  “I promise you that Hunter, Chase, and Alistair will not hurt me. If they did, they would have one pissed off Britt to deal with. And considering she’s already going to be angry enough when she learns the truth, they need to make sure I stay in one piece so I can prevent her from lashing out at them. Just because I capped her magic doesn’t mean she won’t try and castrate them. I know I would.”


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