Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set Page 3

by Ainsley Cole

  Most of what people knew of vampires was bullshit.

  Silver didn’t affect them, as Rhayden proved with the silver chain wrapped around his wrist. Garlic was just a bad smell and religious crosses did squat.

  But the one thing which did affect them was the sun.

  “What? Where are we going to stay? We are in the middle of no-where Rhayden. Unless you have a Hilton Hotel we can pull from your ass—”

  Rhayden barked with laughter, shaking his head. “No, not Hilton. But there is a safe-house about two miles down the dirt road.”

  She scrunched her eyebrows at him. “Dirt road? What dirt ro—”

  Rhayden spun the steering wheel hard, swinging the car sideways, the tires hitting the gravel of a concealed dirt road.

  “Ass!” Marley swore, hanging onto anything she could grab hold of. Rhayden chuckled and swerved again, turning the sharp, hairpin corner. Marley was thrown against him, her shoulder connecting with his and he chuckled again.

  “If you wanted to touch me Mars—all you had to do was ask.” He cooed, moving his gaze to her.

  “I will touch you. With my fist if you don't slow down!” Marley snapped, seeing the sweeping corner out the front of the windscreen. She closed her eyes as Rhayden lazily flicked the car's wheel, sending the vehicle drifting around the bend—sideways.

  “Oh, I do like it rough,” Rhayden murmured, reaching out, his hand slipping between her thighs.

  Marley wanted to let him continue. The rush of his touch. The car's movements. They made her heart hammer, but her head hurt. She couldn't give in to him.

  Opening her eyes, she slapped the back of his hand, making the vampire pull it away quickly.

  “Behave yourself Rhayden.” She spat, gritting her teeth.

  He spun the wheel again, sending the car into another lazy sweeping turn, “How can I? I have you to myself, miles from my brother and you are breathing like I’ve already fucked you.”

  A fresh bout of desire washed through her as he spoke, his voice saying things Absinthe would never have.

  Rhayden might have been the paler of the brothers, but he was the darker spirited one. Speaking nasty to her, igniting feelings she couldn't understand, feelings she was too worried of to express. She’d always tried to keep her distance from him, when she could.

  “I am worried that you will kill me before I can do what Absinthe wanted,” She said from behind gritted teeth—and it was the truth. She hated Rhayden's driving. He was reckless, crazy and she had heard of many of his accidents; writing off millions of dollars’ worth of vehicles.

  The latest one, Absinthe’s 8.5 million-dollar Bugatti Veyron.

  “Sure. Worry for his sanity. What about mine? I am stuck with a woman my brother owns, who drives me crazy and I can’t do a fucking thing about it.” Rhayden growled and Marley looked over to him.

  The way the car's lights lit up his face, sending shadows dancing across his features, he was breath-taking—just like his brother.

  Rhayden turned his head to the side so she couldn't see his face and she sighed, looking out the windscreen as a house loomed in the distance. The old mansion looked run down, as if someone hadn’t been near it in years.

  “We have to stay there?”

  “Yes. I have to check in with Absinthe in about ten minutes,” Rhayden said, pulling the car up in front of the house. “This is one of our older safe-houses. No internet access, but we will have cell reception.”

  “Oh yay!” Marley said, waiting for Rhayden to pull the car up. “Does it at least have hot water?”

  “Why? So you can wash the smell of my brother off you?” Rhayden’s tone was chilled; he turned his head to her, raising an eyebrow. “You smell of Absinthe and sex. Still nothing between you hey?”

  “It's complicated,” She replied, looking out the window, not wanting to hold his gaze any longer.

  “I bet,” he drawled, leaning down, pulling the lever by his seat. The trunk popped and before Marley could say anything else, Rhayden was out of the car. He picked up the guns, walking them to the door, dumping them on the doorstep, before turning and coming back for the others. He did the same thing again and again. Three trips in total, before turning to Marley. “You have the key Marlene.”

  The use of her full name made Marley shudder.

  She’d upset him.

  He had always called her Mars. He only ever called her Marlene in front of Absinthe, and every now and then, even he would slip up and call her Marley.

  Sighing, she opened the door and stepped out of the car, slamming it behind her.

  Pulling her jacket around her, she walked up to the door and pulled the key free from under her shirt, sliding it into the lock, “I would have thought you would have had a key?”

  “No. Absinthe revoked all keys when the Mated killings started.”

  “Except mine.” she whispered as the door clicked open.

  “Yep, his special human,” Rhayden retorted and he picked up the bags, kicking open the door.

  “Rhayden—” Marley couldn't let him stay angry with her. It was killing her inside to have him so cold. She needed to let him know she was torn between him and Absinthe. She wasn’t intentionally trying to make things difficult between them.

  “I have a call to make,” he retorted, dumping the bags. Turning, he walked towards one of the back rooms. Clearly their conversation was over.

  Marley sighed.

  It was going to be a long couple of days.


  The sound of Rhayden's voice floating through the abandoned mansion sent shivers down her spine. He was beautiful, his voice soft and smooth.

  Only about a half-octave higher than his brother's— but just as sexy, “I told you Abe. She's fine.”

  Marley grimaced.

  It looked like Absinthe trusted his brother around his human, when it should be the other way around. He shouldn't trust his human around his brother. She would love nothing better than to rip Rhayden’s clothes off and do naughty things to him—

  “Fine,” She heard the fall of footsteps and turned. Rhayden walked into the room, holding the phone out to her. His eyes betrayed what he really thought of Absinthe keeping such a tight rein on him. The copper twinge to them menacing in the dull lighting. “He wants to talk to you.”

  Taking the phone from his hand, she ignored the brush of his fingertips against hers.

  Holding the phone up to her ear, she watched as Rhayden crossed his arms over his chest. He leaned against the wall, watching her with those bright blue eyes. She turned away, clearing her throat, “Hello?”

  “Marlene, are you alright?”

  “Fine Absinthe. You?” she asked, trying to talk calmly to him. But with the knowledge Rhayden was watching her every move, it wasn’t easy.

  “The first Heads of the Federation have arrived. I have to play nice,” His voice was soft. “I would rather be playing with you—”

  “I'm sure you would, but I have a job to do remember? A ten million-dollar one,” Marley turned towards Rhayden. His eyes lifted, gaze slowly sliding up her body, fading to silver. She quickly turned around, lest she drop the phone and let him have her.

  “Is Rhayden behaving?”

  “Define behaving.” she asked, moving her gaze back towards the vampire. He had disappeared from the room.

  “Excuse me?”

  “He drives a little erot— I mean erratic.” Face heating hotly at the almost slip of the tongue she hoped he hadn’t caught it.

  The line went quiet and Marley's heart hammered at the thought Absinthe had picked up on her attraction to his little brother.

  “Well, tell him to slow down. You can't take out the killer if you’re dead. Please, be careful Marley. I will call tomorrow.” With that, the line went dead and Marley sighed with relief.

  What would happen if Abe knew of her attraction to Rhayden? Would he kill his brother, then his lover? Would she be able to run? Where would be safe from someone like Absinthe? His rea
ch was far and wide, he could get to her anywhere. Their past had already proven that.

  She didn’t know what the vampire Lord would do. He had a whole Coven to run. His lover and brother having an affair wouldn’t be seen in very bright light.

  “He's done for the night then?”

  Marley turned, the phone held to her chest.

  Rhayden was standing at the doorway, dressed in black silk pajama pants and nothing else. His strongly muscled torso outlined in the dull lighting.

  Heat rose to her cheeks, her gaze sliding from his body before he caught onto the lust she knew would be shining.

  Marley had never seen him like this, so vulnerable and all she wanted to do was curl up in his arms and let him do whatever he wanted to her, “Yes, he said he'd call tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I know,” He said, holding out his hand, she walked over and placed the cell in his palm. Rhayden took her wrist with his other, pulling her closer to him, his lips close to her face, his eyes searching. “What do you see in him Mars?”

  Marley heated with the closeness of his body to hers. He was more muscular than Absinthe, showing his love of physical activity and fighting. “I-It's a business thing Rhayden.”

  She put her hand up, making him let go of her wrist, turning from him. Rhayden groaned and she felt her heart tear. She shouldn't lead him on, shouldn't make it so blatantly obvious her attraction to him, but she couldn't help it.

  He was the polar opposite to Abe and it was like a beacon to her. Why couldn't she just have both? It would make things a whole lot easier.

  “Didn't you say there was a shower?” she asked, turning her back to him.

  “Yeah, third door on the right,” Rhayden said, letting her walk away and she was grateful, she didn’t think she would have been able to say no, if he had tried much more.


  With hair washed, skin glowing, Marley pulled on the oversized shirt as she looked for her underwear. “Damn it!”

  She rummaged through the bag, trying to see where they had been hidden. She swore she had put them in here. There should be at least three pairs.

  “Looking for these?” Marley turned, seeing Rhayden standing at the door, one of her lacey thongs hanging off his finger, the grin on his face growing. “Would have thought you for granny-knicker kind of girl, with your attitude. These are sexy.”

  “Rhayden!” Marley crossed to the vampire, reaching out for them. He held them above his head, staring down at her. She didn't want to jump for them, it would make her shirt ride up. It was already bad enough it barely covered her behind. “Give them here.”

  “Kiss me first.”

  Marley looked up at him, face heating as her eyes went wide, “What!?”

  “You heard me. Show me there’s no chance for us,” Rhayden's eyes faded to silver, his lips parting seductively. “Kiss me.”

  “You’re crazy. I wouldn't do that to Absinthe. I care for him and you’re his brother. It’s wrong.” Marley said, turning. She would go without them if she had to. But she knew the heat and longing she had for this vampire was building and it would seep from her.

  A neon glow, screaming at him. He’d be able to smell it.

  “Maybe I am crazy,” His voice was soft, tortured. “But I must know if what I see in your eyes is wrong. I need to know.”

  Marley turned to him, she could do this; it was only a kiss, nothing more.

  She was sure she could steel herself against any emotional flare which might happen.

  One thing she had learned in the line of work she was in was to shut down her emotions. It had almost cost her, her life before. She could do it now.

  Staring at him, trying to figure if he was testing her loyalty, her eyebrows furrowed. Had Absinthe asked him to do this? Could she prove a kiss to this man’s lips meant nothing? “A kiss?”

  “A single kiss. Nothing more. Prove to me, you only care for Absinthe.”

  Pursing her lips together, she nodded curtly, “Oka—”

  Rhayden was on her in an instant.

  His mouth crushed against hers, tongue invading and Marley’s knees went weak. Her head spun, as he held her close, hands flat on her back, crushing her body to his.

  Moaning gently, Rhayden growled.

  She couldn't do it.

  Couldn't deny him.

  Marley had honestly thought she would be strong enough—but she wasn't.

  Her legs went out from underneath her.

  Rhayden gently laid her on the cold, hard floor, nuzzling his face to the side of her neck. Kissing her skin softly, sending her heart racing with need and longing. He whispered huskily in her ear, sending shivers down her spine, “Beautiful, mortal woman—”

  Rhayden's mouth travelled down her neck, over her chest, teasing her nipples through the shirt. They peaked painfully, rubbing on the rough fabric, lightning dancing across her skin.

  His mouth continued south. He lifted the hem of her shirt, kissing her stomach, his tongue flicking over the flesh just above her pubic hair.

  Rhayden moved, pushing her legs apart, flicking his tongue down and over her curled mound. The tip of his tongue brushed against her clit, making her squirm.

  Marley knew this was wrong, shouldn't be letting him touch her—but it felt so right.

  He was so much more of a drug to her than Absinthe was, igniting her deep, dark side.

  Absinthe was a gentleman, compared to this pale creature and she craved each and every touch of the immortal creature between her legs.

  The vampire's cool tongue invaded her, and Marley's eyes flew wide, her back arching. He lapped at her, licking, sucking, biting gently. The slide of his fingers as they entered her, curling slightly upwards, until they dragged along her front wall had her moaning. Raking over her G-spot, the tightness of his fingers inside her making her mind fog. The pressure of his fingers, the constant flicking of his tongue, and nibbling of his teeth.

  Marley felt the tingle of her orgasm start and she reached down, gripping Rhayden's head to her as she felt the waves of pleasure wash over her.

  The vampire groaned as she contracted around his fingers and he removed them, pushing his tongue as far into her as he could.

  His hands went to her buttocks, lifting her hips, drinking her, savoring her. Marley felt another wave as her orgasm peaked again, sending her over the edge again.

  The slight sting of him biting the side of her thigh didn’t register highly with her and she moaned as he suckled the wound, drawing a small amount of blood. He sealed the bite, burying his head between her legs again.

  Biting softly, tongue flicking, rolling her over-excited clit between his teeth.

  After her third orgasm, Marley collapsed like a dead woman on the floor. Her head pounded, heart racing, eyes rolling in her head.

  Rhayden slid up her body, kissing as he went. She could feel the rock hardness of his erection against her thigh. The vampire’s mouth went to her ear, teeth nipping, sucking and he whispered huskily, “You’re a liar…”


  Marley walked around the oval driveway, sidestepping potholes and debris which littered the road. This place was abandoned, hadn’t seen a soul in what seemed a long time and the driveway showed it. Her arms were folded across her chest, her face set in a scowl.

  How could she have done it? How could she have let Rhayden do that to her? Lay there afterwards, as he continued to kiss her neck, touching her and not lash out at him?

  He had left her laying on the floor, like a discarded bag, as he had moved deeper into the house, the sun finally rising.

  Now, standing in the sunshine, Marley wanted to go and open all the curtains. Let the sun in to burn him to a crisp.

  But she couldn't get past the feeling of his mouth on her.

  “You idiot,” she growled to herself, shaking her head in anger. “Absinthe will kill him the moment he finds out what happened! Not to mention what he will do to your stupid ass!”

  Kicking a rock, she watched as it skippe
d along the gravel, coming up to her third rotation.

  Her anger was building to breaking point. She looked at the Alpha Romeo as she walked past. The sleek black lines, the darkly tinted windows, shining in the sunshine. Marley wondered what it would take, for her to get the keys and leave Rhayden here.

  What would Absinthe say if she left his little brother in the middle of the wilds and took off in his car? Would she tell him that his brother attacked her? Assaulted her? She knew he wouldn’t take it well and she knew she couldn’t lie. The vampire lord would find out.

  Marley groaned and turned her head, looking at the front of the house.

  The limestone blocks, the trellis with vines growing. It looked like it belonged in provincial France, not some swamp land in—where ever the hell they were.

  Turning fully back to the house, Marley made her way to the door. Pushing it open, she strode into the cool interior, walking the hallway. Poking her head into each room as she went, getting her bearings, she made a mental image of the layout.

  When she finally found the kitchen, she turned into it, walking to the fridge and opened it.

  Bags of blood.

  Nothing else lined the shelves and Marley groaned slamming the door.

  “Great,” She walked to the cupboards, opening each one. Nothing. Absolutely nothing and she felt her insides twist. “No food for humans.”

  Of course, there was no food for humans. This was a vampire safe-house, not somewhere humans were either allowed, or expected.

  Marley turned, where was her pack? She knew she had a protein bar in it, which would tie her over until they got to their destination and she could find some proper food.

  Walking back out of the room, she scoured every inch of the lower and upper floors of the house, looking for her pack. It wasn't anywhere to be seen and she had a feeling who had it, “Rhayden.”

  Walking to the little door under the stairs, she opened it, finding a small stairway leading down. Marley sighed, she hated confined spaces, but she was too hungry to think about it.

  Down the stairs she went, putting her hand on the cool wall, making sure she didn't slip. It was the last thing she needed, falling to her death, down a stairwell—trying to get to a damn protein bar.


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